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1、新桥中学初二英语教学案8A Unit 2 School LifeComic strip & Welcome to the unitTeaching aims:1. To listen for details and extract specific information .2. To use kno wledge prese nted in writte n text to infer gen eral meaning and con text .3. To grasp the Ian guage points4. To use adjectives to describe feel

2、i ngs and opinionsNew words:British lift post eraser fall vacatio nmath movie elevator soccerPhrases:have to work harderUseful senten ces:Why don 'dogs go to school?What sschool like?Main and difficult points:To use kno wledge prese nted in writte n text to infer gen eral meaning and con text .T

3、eaching aids:Recorder and computer【课前预习】英国和美国都是说英语的国家,但两个国家的教育体制有不同的地方,在一 些语言的表达法或单词的拼写上也不同。你能判断下列单词哪些是英式拼写(BE),哪些是美式拼写(AE)吗?meter metre color colourfavorite favourite film moviemath maths n eighbor n eighbour【教学过程】Task1 Comic stripStep1: Comics.1. Review.Comparative and superlative adjectives.T: Ca

4、n you tell me who is the tallest in our class?S:.T:So .is taller tha n the other stude nts in our class.T: Can you tell me who is the clevest in our class?S:.clever-cleverer-cleverest2. What' s our school like?3. Listen to the Eddie and Hobo;s dialogue and answer Qs:Why does Eddie think dogs don

5、 ' t go to school?What does Eddie thi nk school is like?4. Read together.5. Work in pairs and read the diaogue.6. Presentation.Step 2 Welcome.1. Lead-in.Show stude nts a map and ask them to find UK and the USA.T: In the UK and America, people speak English. But sometimes they use differe nt word

6、s to refer to the same thi ng.2. Presentation.Teach the stude nts the new words:BE=British En glishAE=America n En glishBEautu mniftfootballmathsrubberpostground floorsec on dary schoolAEfallelevatorsoccermatherasermailfirst floorHigh schoolFi nish Exercise A.3. Check together.【语言知识点】1. Why don '

7、;dogs go to school , Eddie ?为什么狗不上学?指点迷津:why don' t主语+V原形,为什么不做某事呢?向对方提建议”即时练习 Why don' t with me ?(为什么不和我一购物呢 )Why not +V 原形 + ? Why not go swimming = Why don ' t you go swimming即时练习 Whyat home ?(为什么不呆在家呢?)2. What is school like ?学校是什么样子的?be like像,look like 看起来像 sou nd like听起来像即时练习That

8、girlher mother.那个女孩像她妈妈3. But there are fewer advertisements. 但是广告较少。 few-fewer-fewest.示冃疋。 即时练习 来的。即时练习 little ; a littleFew作形容词,很少的;几乎没有,表示否定,修饰可数名词。a few有几个;一些,表I havefriends because I am new here . 我几乎没有朋友,因为我是新There areboys in the classroom. 教师里有几个男孩(a little sheep除外)修饰不可数名词;同样 little表示几乎没有,表否定

9、;a little意思是:少量的,少许的;表示肯定。即时练习There iswater /juice in the bottle .瓶里没有水、果汁即时练习I havemoney , I can buy some food.我有点钱,可以买些食物。【课堂练习】、根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词:1. Mis another way of saying film.2. What sthe differenee between BEnglish and American English?3. Acomes after summer.4. Do you like taking a(电梯)to go

10、 up and down in England?5. In England many young people like playing. American peoplecall it.(足球)二根据句意和所给单词填空1. Jill isn ' t as(tall) as Lucy.2. Do you think dogs are(smart) tha n people?3. Who is(lazy), Hobo or Eddie?4. There are too many(advertiseme nt) on TV.5. We n eed(little) money and(few)

11、 people to do the work.6. Can you tell me any differe nces betwee n(Brita in) En glish and (America)En glish?7. Of all the thin gs, the one on the left is(bad).8. I know they are tryi ng their(good) in this matter.9. You always ma ke so many mistakes. Don ' t be(care) next time.10. Why n ot(go)

12、to the playgrou nd?课后作一、根据句意和字母提示,在空格内写出单词的正确形式1. People in En gla nd speak BEn glish.2. British football is called sin America n.3. Acomes after summer.4. Do you enjoy your school( 生活)?5. There will be two( 电影)tomorrow.6. How about going to Canada for(假期)?7. There are more(广告)on the n ewspaper.8. W

13、e don ' t learn美式)English at school.9.1 have some(饼干)at home.10. There are two(比赛)on TV.二、择题:()1.away this dirty coat andme the clea n one.A Take, bring B Bring, take C Carry, take D Put, take()2. Sorry, I reallyyoufor me.A didn 'tknow,lookBC don 'tknow, were look ingD()3. Would you like

14、 juice or milk?A Yes, please. B No, please.()4. My fridge is, I havedon 'tk no w, lookdid n 'tk now, were look ing. I only n eed a bottle of water.C Neither D Bothto eat this week.A eno ugh full, food eno ughB full eno ugh, eno ugh foodC eno ugh full, eno ugh food D eno ugh food, full eno ug

15、h()5. He is too busyme.A work to help B worki ng helpi ng C to work to help D worki ng to help教学反思:8A Unit 2 School LifeReading 1Teaching aims:1. To know the school lives in British school and American school.2. To lear n to read and un dersta nd the article with differe nt ways of readi ng.3. To le

16、arn how to understand the writer ' opinion.Main and difficult points:1. Know the meanings of the new words: mixed, together, subject, myself, tasty, meal, guy(s), twice, softball, practice, buddy, senior, hero, close, article, admire2. Understand the meanings of the phrases: in Year 8=in Grade 8

17、, a mixed school, Home Economi cs, lear n how to do sth, do sth for on eself, cook healthy and tasty meals, bring in, a Readi ng Week, the end of sth, as well, take a bus, twice a week, spe nd time doing sth, lear n about, help sb with sth, each other, have a great time doing sth.3. Can use this sen

18、tence: What does the word hero'mean?It means some one you admire very much.Catch the main information about Lives in a British school and an American schoolTeaching aids:Recorder and computer 【课前预习】根据中文提示,与出下列央文单词,并练习朗读。混合的科目做针线活我自己甚至味道好的毕业生垒球练习/操练亲密的味道英雄/偶像文早钦佩家政课【教学过程】1 .听第一部分课文Life in a Briti

19、sh school的录音,回答下列问题。Who wrote the article? What activity does the school have every year?2. 阅读第一部分课文,做判断正误练习。(1) Joh n is in Year 9 at Woodla nd School, a mixed school. (2) Joh n likes Home Econo mics best of all.(3) He knew how to cook healthy and tasty meals beforecoming to this school.(4) The stu

20、de nts can read any books from the school library,but they can'bri ng in books from home.(5) They thi nk Read ing Week is too short because they wantto read more books.3. 听第二部分课文 Life in an American School,回答下列问题。Who wrote the sec ond article?Who else are men ti oned被提至 U )i n the article?4. 阅读第

21、二部分课文,回答下列问题。(1) What didm do in school last year?(2) How does Nancy go to school every day? What does she thi nk of it?(3) What do the stude nts do in the Buddy Club?(4) Why does Nancy say Julie is her hero?(5) What do America n stude nts do duri ng lun chtime?5 阅读整篇课文,完成课本第 26页C1和C2部分练6 合上课本,完成下列表

22、格。看看哪位同学记住的内容多。JohnNancyWhere is their school?What subject or activities do they have ?When do they have the activities?Why do they like the activities?【语言知识点】1. Lear ning foreig n Ian guages is fun.学外语是很有趣。fun :不可数名词表示 乐趣”作形容词用,表示 有乐趣的” have fun doing 做某事玩的很 开心。即时练习 Weat the party.我们在派对上玩的很开心。This

23、is agame. 这是个有趣的游戏。2. borrowfrom 意为 从借" 主语是借进来)lendto表示借东西给某人”(主语是借出去)即时练习May Iyour bookour school library? 我能从图书馆借书吗?Pleaseyour bookme.请把你的书借给我。3. near the end of 在 快结束时;end短语有。In the end;最后;at the end of在的尽头;by the end of .到结束时;4. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books.

24、 Seem 是不及物动词 似乎”(1)主语+ seem +( to be) +名词或形容词即时练习Toma very clever boy.汤姆似乎是个非常聪明的男孩。(2)主语 + seem + to do sthMr. Black doesn' tthe idea.格林先生似乎不太喜欢这个主意。5. He ofte n liste ns carefully to my problems and offers me help.他经常细心倾听我的问题并给我提供帮助。探究点:offer sb. Sth.= offer sth. to sb.给某人提供某物即时练习They often.(他

25、们给我们提供了很多食物)两种表达 They often。【课堂练习】、根据句意和字母提示,在空格内写出单词的正确形式1. Chinese and English are both important(语言).2. My brother(赢)the game last week.3. He can speak (英式)En glish.4. His schoolhot water every day.(提供)5. the summer holidays , he visited lots places of in terest.(在期间)6. You can ' t take 志)out

26、 of the reading-room.7. They are my real (英雄)in my heart.8. We have less ons(起)9. There are more(广告)on the n ewspaper.二.根据句意和所给单词填空1.1 study in a(mix) school n amed Nanjing High School.2. I brush my teeth(two) a day.3. Simon practises(play) basketball for an hour every day .4. He is our(good) teache

27、r in our school .5. I study in a school(call)Nanj ing High School.6. his father got up(early) tha n usual this morning.7. (take) a bus is much faster tha n walk ing,8. I want to read all my (classmate) books.9. My father is very good (cook), and he can cook (health) meals.课后作业】一、根据句意和所给单词填空1. Our sc

28、hool has a(read) Mon th.2. E nglish is one of the most importa nt(subject) of all.3. You should eatfood and it is good for your(health).4. Stude nts always have fun(talk) to each other.5. He spe nds a lot of time(practice) En glish every day.6. Driving to school is faster than(walk) to scholl.7. The

29、 food on the plate smells(bad).8. He can speak(法语)well.二、动词填空1. There(be) a softball game in three days, isn' t there?2. Our teacher always tells us(not make) much no ise in the classroom.3. If you(n ot be) careful, you will make the same mistake .4. On Sun day my mother ofte n teaches me how(co

30、ok) healthy meals.5. It rained heavily yesterday, so his father(drive) him to school.6. He is crazy about(play) football. He practises(play) football every day.7. They had fun(chat) with each other last Sun day.8. (keep) pets brings a lot of joy to old men.教学反思:8A Unit 2 School Life Reading 2Teachin

31、g aims:1. To grasp the words, phrases and Ian guage points of the two articles.2. To retell the lives in a British school and an American school.Main and difficult points:1. Some importa nt Ian guage poin ts.2. Retell the two articles completely.【课前预习】词组翻译1.校园生活2.世界各地的学校3.一所混合型的学校4.我最喜爱的科目5.如何烧饭缝补6.

32、烧健康美味的饭菜7.带入8.每堂课要结束时9.上驾驶课10.看报纸和杂志11.在(方面)帮助12.在玩得开心13.一个亲密的朋友14.也【教学过程】Step I. Warm-upTry to memorize the main idea of Joh n 'sand Nancy 'articles accord ing to the table.Who?Joh nNancyWhere?(Woodla nd School, n ear London)(Rocky Mou nta in High School, Denver)What?(Home Economics)(Readi

33、ng Week)(Softball.)(The buddy club 'Whe n?(Every year)(Twice a week.)(Every Mo nday)Why?(Because he likes lear ning to cook and sew.)(Because he can read anything he likes.)(Because she loves the game.)(Because she enjoys it a lot.)Step2 Lan guage points1. After dictati ng, correct the sentences

34、 with the whole class in class.2. while correct ing, expla in the Ian guage points to the stude nts.3. Get the stude nts to ask some difficult questi ons they met while doing homework. Step3 PracticeDo some more exercises to remember Ian guage poin ts.Step 4 Read the two parts by themselves.Step 5 R

35、etell Joh n 'life in a British school and Nancy ' life in an America n school.Step 6 Homework【语言知识点】1. Year8 (the Eighth Year) = Grade 8 (the Eighth Grade)2. mixed adj. a mixed schoolmix v. Oil and water will not mix.3. how to do things for myself(反身代词,我自己,独自做某事)疑问代词 who, what. which等和疑问副词 w

36、hen, where, how等加动词不定式,在句中作主 语、宾语、表语等成分.E.g. Where to go is a question.(作主语)The question is how to learn English well.( 作表语)I know where to find the boy.(作宾语)4. tasty adj. The food is tasty.tastelin k.v.The food tastes good. n. The food has a good taste.5. as well, also, too, either, as well asa. as

37、 well 副词短语,多用于口语,只用于句末.He is a teacher and a writer as well.b. also较正式,不用于句末,用语肯定句中.He also plays football.c. too 多用语口语,通常在句末,也可在句中.He is a worker, too.d. either用于否定句中,通常在句末.Yesterday I didn 'watch TV and I didn 'see the film, either.e. as well as用于肯定句中,意为 既又;不仅而且”起连接作用.He gave me clothes as

38、 well as food.6. have a great time talk ing to each otherhave a great/good time doing sth.=have fun doing sth.E.g. Mary had a god time dancing at the party. We have fun lear ning En glish.【课堂练习】一、填入所缺的单词使句子意思完整:1. Our school is a(混合的)school.2. I like English best. It 'my f .th3. We call the stud

39、ents in 12 grade s .4. She likes football and she(练习)every day.5. My mother can cook t food for us.6. In the library there are many books and(杂志).7. I have a buddy c_ Jane.8. It 'snot useful. You can throw it into the _d_.二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。6. My mother always cooks(taste) meals on Sun day.7. I t

40、hink swim ming is much(easy) tha n div ing.8. After class, we ofte n have a good time(talk) with our teacher.9. Sim on has(little) orange juice tha n Millie.10. I am old eno ugh to look after(I). Do n' t worry about me【课后作业】、缺词填空。I have a cousin called Tony. He is a student in a big school. He a

41、 works hard athis lessons, such as History, Geography, Computer Studies. He is g at Maths. Eis his favourite subject. He thinks that a f Ianguage is as useful as Chinese, but it' dfrom Chinese. A lot of English words are difficult to remember. He often takes his walkman with him, and spe nds a l

42、ot of time pliste ning and speak ing with it.He is very kind helpful. He often helps his classmates with their lessons after he finishes dhis homework. He is the b of all the stude nts in Science less on. His classmatesall admires(钦佩)him for his cleverness. In PE class he enjoys playing softball. He

43、 gets on well with other students. He always thinks most o others but thinks l ofhimself, so he really gives a good example to others.二、任务型阅读。Andy was born in China 17 years ago .In 2007, she went to the USA with her family. As a high school stude nt, she has found many differe nces betwee n Chin es

44、e and America ns:About money1) America ns like to spe nd more tha n they have, so many of them are alwaysin debt(欠债).But Chinese usually spend less than they have, so many of them always have money left in the bank. 2) The America n kids themselves make their own mon ey. Most Chin ese kids always as

45、k their parents for money. 3) Many American parents think there is no need to send their children to an expensive university. It' s different in China. Marty wbinieadoparenanything to send their childre n to expe nsive uni versities though their families are ' t rich eno ugh.About school Man

46、y American girls take part in sports, dancing and singing groups while many Chin ese girls take part in study groups.About friends Most American parents let their sons or daughters make friends by themselves. They n ever ask them about their friends while Chin ese pare nts usually enjoy knowing more

47、 about their children' s friends in many different ways, and usually stopothertafing outtoo late with friends .Differe nces betwee n Chin ese and America nsChin eseAmerica nMost Chinese spend 1moneytha n they make, so they usually have some in the bank.Many America ns usually 2moneyfrom banks be

48、cause they spend more than they have.Many Chinese parents usually do their 3to have their children study inexpe nsive uni versities.ManyAmericanparents think it '4to send their children to anexpe nsive uni versity.Chinese parents are usually 5inknowing more about their childre n'Most America

49、 n pare nts n ever care s6frie nds.what kind of friends theirchildre n make.Most Chinese kids get money from their 7.American kids usually make money by 8 .Many Chinese girls join in 9 groups.Many American girls exercise, dance and sing 10.教学反思:8A Unit 2 School LifeGrammarTeaching aims:Stude nts wil

50、l be able to1. use more than ,fewer than ,and less than to compare the amount of the thi ngs;2. use the most to compare the amount of three things and more, use the fewest and the least;3. lear n the forms of comparative and superlative adverbs4. use comparative and superlative adverbs correctly.Mai

51、n and difficult points:1. Sandy draws well. She draws better tha n any other stude nts in my class.2. David jumps high. He jumps higher tha n any other of my classmates.3. Amy swims fast. She swims faster than all my other classmates.4. Millie writes quickly. She writes more quickly tha n the other

52、stude nts in my class.Teaching aids:Recorder and Multi-media【课前预习】写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级2.healthy4.ge nerous6.few8.bad/ill/badly10.far1. slim3. pretty5. much/ma ny7. good/well9. little【教学过程】Step one: RevisionStep two: Lead-in1. Give the students some pictures and make some sentences with the pictures. Kitt

53、y has more CDs than Dan iel.Daniel has fewer CDs than Kitty. Millie hasflowersAmy.Amy hasflowersMillie.Sandy hasorange juiceSim on.Sim on hasorange juiceSan dy.2. more tha n fewer than less and the most the fewest ,the least 3. Do exercises on Page 23 and check the an swers.Step three: Comparative a

54、nd superlative adverbsGive the stude nts three pictures and try to make sentences with the pictures.Millie came third in the race. She ran fast.Sandy came sec ond in the race. She ran faster tha n Millie.Amy came first in the race. She ranStep four: Form comparative and superlative adverbs1. (见书本P24

55、 )2. Do exercises on P 24 and check the an swersStep five: Homework【知识点讲解】1、"more可数名词复数或不可数名词+than表示 比(数量)更多”“ fewer可数名词复数+than表示 比(数量)少”"less不可数名词+ than表示 比(数量)少”I studysubjectsNan cy.I joi nclubsJoh n.I havefree timeDa niel.2、 “ the most可数名词复数或不可数名词”表示"(数量)最多” “ the fewest可数名词复数或不可数

56、名词”表示"(数量)最少”“ the least不可数名词"表示"(数量)最少”Daniel studies the most subjects. John joins clubsDaniel has free time3、 比较两个事物的数量可用: moretha n ' , fewertha n ''lessthan比较两个以上事物的数量时可用:the most ' ,'the fiwesthe"least ';(1)Nancy 学习的科目比 John 多。Nancy studiessubjectsJohn.(2) Kitty 的果汁是最少的。Kitty hasjuice.(3)三班的学生在农场摘的苹


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