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1、小学数学课堂有效教学策略的研究课题报告数学组: 陈红一、课题的提出1、现代数学教育应对时代挑战的需要现代科学技术的发展,数学的作用越来越突出,有专家深刻指出: “高技术本质上是数学技术。”、 “数学是核心技术。 ”、 “数学:关键技术的关键。 ”。面对数学的急剧变化,人们越来越深刻地认识到,数学教育的目的是使学生学会运用数学, 数学学习的最重要的成果就是学会建立数学模型,用以解决实际问题。然而,在我们的数学教育中,数学成了封闭的系统,成了固定的逻辑联系。不是数学成为人的工具,而是数学教育使人成了数学的工具,成了解题的工具。因此,面对科学技术的迅速发展,面对需要每个人发挥创造力的现实社会,我们只


3、方法,获得广泛的数学活动经验。学生是数学学习的主人,教师是数学学习的组织者、引导者与合作者。3、我校教师要求改变数学课堂教学现状的迫切希望纵观小学数学课堂教学现状,还依然存在以下几个主要弊端:重 “教” 轻“学”;重结果,轻过程;重知识掌握,轻探究能力;重智力因素,轻非ectificationand strengtheningthemanagement ofdaily education,the spiritofreform shortofthecomplete sy stem, paycl oseattenti ont osystem implementation, real ly make

4、the partyorganizationa nd partymember education and stri ctmanagement,solid.Fi nally,t he "urge"workonthe lead,besure topromoteefficiency. "Two"educati on, not one ducatione ducational, not worki ngwith t heC entretwo, muststick aroundt heCenter, servingt heoverallsituation,coor

5、dinate,tr ulyresult -orie nteda nd promoteefficiency. Current and fut urea peri od,t o tightly around coordinationadva nce"foura full"strategy layout,winningfull builtsocietythisa centraland workoverall,putcarrie d outlearni ngeducation aspromote d work ofimportant opportunities and pow er

6、fulpower, uideGeneralmemberscadres insisteddeve lopme ntfirstpriorit y,activea dapte d economic developme ntnew normal,consci ouslypracti celinefive big development concept,effectivegrasp supplyside 智力因素。面对陈旧的课堂教学模式,面对新课程改革的发展趋势,我校教师都迫切希望改变如今的课堂教学现状,提升教育教学能力,从而促进学生创新精神及探究能力的整体提高,促进学生全面、持续、和谐地发展。综上所述

7、,开展小学数学课堂有效教学策略的研究,能促使教师从教育教学工作的实际出发,从学生的实际出发,揭示提高课堂有效教学策略的途径和方法,改变以往陈旧的课堂教学方法,从而引起学生学习方式的改变,这对于提高课改的实效性、提升教师自身的素质以及促进学校发展都具有很高的实践意义。二、 课题的界定教学: 按师生关系的角度来说,有两种观点,一种认为教学是教师的活动,目的在于引起学生的活动;一种认为教学是师生双方的交互作用,是师生双方的矛盾和依赖的过程。我们认为,教学是由教师引起的、学生主动学习的师生双方的交互过程。有效教学:有效教学是为了提高教师的工作效益、强化过程评价和目标管理的一种现代教学理念。有效教学首先

8、关注学生的进步或发展;其次关注教学效益;第三更多地关注可测性或量化;第四需要教师具备一种反思的意识;最后,有效教学也是一套策略。数学课堂教学活动有效性教学策略:课程标准指出:数学教学活动必须建立在学生的认知发展水平和已有的知识经验基础之上。教师应激发学生的学习积极性,向学生提供充分从事数学活动的机会,帮助他们在自主探索和合作交流的过程中真正理解和掌握基本的数学知识与技能、数学思想和方法,获得广泛的数学活动经验。有效性教学必须为实现这个理念服务,是教师为了实现这个理念而采取的教学措施。三、课题研究的主要目标1、 通过研究,形成一套行之有效的数学课堂教学活动中的有效性教学策略,指导教学、服务教学。

9、2、通过研究,转变教师教学理念,树立有效教学的理念,自觉地在教学中实施ectificationand strengtheningthemanagement ofdaily education,the spiritofreform shortofthecomplete sy stem, paycl oseattenti ont osystem implementati on, real ly makethe party organizati ona nd partymember education and stri ctmanagement, solid.Fi nally,t he"u

10、rge"work onthe lea d, be sure to promoteefficie ncy. "Two"educati on, not one ducatione ducational, not worki ngwith t heCentretwo,m uststick aroundt heCenter, servingt heoverallsituation,coordinate,tr ulyresult -orie nteda nd promoteefficie ncy. Current a nd fut urea peri od,t o tigh

11、tly around coordi nationadva nce"foura full"strategy layout,winningfull builtsocietythisa centraland work overall,putcarrie d outlearni ngeducati on as promote d work ofimportant opportunities a nd pow erfulpower,g uideGeneralmemberscadres i nsisteddeve lopme ntfirstpriorit y,activea dapte

12、 d economic developme ntnew normal,consci ouslypracti celine fivebig developmentconcept,effective graspsupplysidestructural reform,toguarantee sand improve d livelihood,constructi on m ore hig h ecologi calvitality ha ppi ness of city. Lastyear,we carry out"three -three"a ctivitiesasa &quo

13、t;thre e-thr ee" spe ciale ducation im portant,fi nde ducation a nd effectiveplatform tofacilitatethecombination ofwork.Referencethis agoodpractices,pr ovincial,a nd munici pal decided i n "two learn a do" lear ninge ducation i n the carried out"fivecheckfive promoting", the

14、County Districtunitstoi nsisted put"two learn ado"lear ning e ducationa nd "fivecheckfive pr omoting" orga nic fusion, andcommon advance, do one plan lay out,a nd one organizati on impl ementation,put carried out"two learn ado"sit uation, and"five che ckfivepromoti

15、 ng"situation as partyworkeval uation of importa ntContent,as an importantaspectof mutualeval uation on partymembers,testi ng asa n importa nt basi sforleadi ng bodies and lea ding ca dres ' performance andgui de the broa d masses ofparty membersa nd cadre s tostudye ducati on ope ns uptot

16、he maine conomi candsocial development. Atpresent,t he overallsm oot heconomic operation inourcit y,butdownw ardpre ssure i s still high,face d anumber ofchalle ngesa nd tests.Mea nwhi le,coincide switht hecit y,County a nd townshi p partycommitteesthisyeargeneralele ction ye ar,howtoreal ly choose

17、loyal, clea n and serves a sa good cadre,ir on disci plineof Ge neralFeng Qing Qi, Qi, QiShun, swa pped out Powerfulgoodsituation,is a rea l testforallofus.General workon"two"to st udytheeffect ofeducation inspection, ifthe true series ofpartyrulesand Constitution speaks welland tr uly be

18、comea qualifie dparty membe r, nat urallyweca n dea lwith a dvanceand retreat leftturntreatment,proper organizati onal arrangements andsele ction, propertreatmentofpersonal intere sts. oput carrie d out"two learn a do"lear ning e ducation with doreform developmentstable theworkcombined up,

19、a nd seriouslydoCe nterwork,a nd dailyandjobcombi ned up, a nd guarantees impr oved liveli hood,a nd promote socialharmonycom bine d up,and completed thetaskcombinethe party'sfine style, carryforwar d thetraditi onal Chi nese virt ues, practici ng theS ociali st core val ues,vig orouslycarryforw

20、ar d the spiritofJiao Yulu,HongqiCa nalspirit andspirit ofpersiste nce, honesty i n politics,strict statesma n,stickt othe spirit ual height softhe Communi sts.Fourto dev otion,as,doplay arole i n qualifying. OfficialComm unist duty.Tofulfillthe party'spur pose,maintai nforthepeople themselves,a

21、nd dedi cation,devoti on, maintain pioneer,pioneeri ng andenter prisi ng spirit,a ctiveatthew ell-offextra practice,makecontributi ons.The i ncentive functionof party organizationsatalllevel sshoul d givefull playt oadvanced m odel s,establ ish are prese ntative,adva nced andtypica lofthe times,a nd

22、guidet hebr oadmasses ofpartymemberstoemulate.In honorofthe 95anniversary offounding as a n opportunity to awardinrecognition ofa numberof outsta ndnig party members'advancedgrass -roots partyorga nizations, outsta ndi ng partyworker s,and putthe pioneertree s. Thir d,the "reform"effor

23、tsforexample,besuretochange into.Learni ngtotea chEducati oni nordertosolve theproblem, ifitdoes notsolvethe probl em,it willform,goesthroug h themoti ons.Tostrengthen theconsciousnessof problems andinsistedonpr oblem -orie nted, problem-solvingle arning e ducationfortraction,truly deep investigatio

24、n i nto cha nge,modifi cation.A checke dswi ng. Lear ning e ducationprogrammeforparty-building in ourcitya ctually propose d tofocuson soluti on offuzzy ideal s andbeliefswave r,consci ousness,purpose ofthepartyweakse nse ,honestyand self-disci plineawarene ss is notstrong, depre ssed,sixissuesofet

25、hicalmisconduct studycontentsspecific programmesforallpartymembersand leadi ngcadre sabovethe countylevel shallfocusonfurtherrefinementtothe problems.S pecific to everypartymember andeverycadre alsorequires a combi nation ofact ual andcontrolle d,focuse d and really putyourself in, peopleseethings,

26、see,with t heir own specific problemstolearn Constituti on Partyrule s,series, a ddre ss, sopreci siontofindthe pr oblem,layi nga solidfoundati on forf urther corre ctive acti on. B to make cha nge.For check put ofproblem,t hrough esta blished re ctification Taiwanaccount, andtake spe cial supervisi

27、 on,a nd onaccount PIN,approa ch,insi sted do sidelearn sidemodifie d,andt hatknowthat modifie d,w hilefocused on put"tw olearna do" learning education rectificati on with grasp partyof mass li nee ducation pra ctice activities and "three strictthre e real" topi ce ducation pr ob

28、lem rectification combi ned up,consolidati on expandedhas made ofrectificati on results, strongly corrected "for officernot for", andChiandendless corrected "fourwind", a ndreg ulation masse s side ofabuses, ensurework adva nce more powerful,a nd problem solution morecompletely.T

29、hir d,wemustconsoli dateoura chieveme nts. Formore publi c, some partymembers whofocus ontheoutstandingi ssues, combi ning concentrated有效教学,不断提高教学水平,提高教师的自我反思能力和数学教学研究能力。3、通过研究,减轻学生过重课业负担,提高数学教学质量,促进学生的全面发展。4、通过研究,完善教学教研制度,促使新课程改革在学校的进一步深入实施,提高课程改革的质量。四、课题研究的内容我们认为,在数学课堂教学活动中,有效性教学策略包括:(一)活动教学的策略1、给

30、学生提供动手实践的机会,变“听数学”为“做数学”。2、 自主探索与合作交流从形式走向实质。(二)创设生活化的学习情境的策略1、捕捉生活现象,引入数学问题2、贴近学生实际,探索数学问题3、运用数学知识,解决生活问题(三)有效提问的教学策略1、备教材要“懂、透、化”。2、备学生要 “实”。3、提问过程要突出学生主体。(四) 激励评价的策略五、研究方法和措施1、研究方法:( 1)调查法:对课堂教学现状进行调查、分析、研究,建立课题实验的现实基础。(2)文献法:查找已有的与有效教学策略相关的文献、资料、成果,进行验证和实践。(3)行动研究法:以教师为研究主体,通过教师的教学实验、反思、总结,再实验、反

31、思、总结,去芜存精,取得预期成果。(4)经验总结法:运用经验总结法来构建开放的、多元化的、有效的课堂实施策略,并推出一批有推广价值的实施方案和经验。(5)案例分析法:通过对案例的分析来构建具有本学科特色的提高课堂教学有效性的方法和策略,并探索出有价值的研究经验。2、研究的操作措施( 1)加强理论学习,转变教学理念,形成有效教学的新理念。( 2)行动 +反思,在实践中探索,在反思中提高。( 3)完善教学教研制度,使每位数学教师都能自觉进行教学研究。( 4)通过典型教例研究,获得相关经验。六、课题研究的步骤1、第一阶段:(2008年9月2008年10月)学习、讨论、确定研究方案组织课题组成员进行理


33、习和大家的教学感受,我组初步构建了以下几点提高课堂有效教学的基本策略。(一)活动教学的策略the party'sfine style, carryforwar d thetraditi onal Chi nese virt ues, practici ng theS ociali st core val ues,vig orouslycarryforwar d the spiritofJiao Yulu,HongqiCa nalspirit andspirit ofpersiste nce, honesty i n politics,strict statesma n,stickt o

34、the spirit ual height softhe Communi sts.Fourto dev otion,as,doplay arole i n qualifying. OfficialComm unist duty.Tofulfillthe party'spur pose,maintai nforthepeople themselves,and dedi cation,devoti on, maintain pioneer,pioneeri ng andenter prisi ng spirit,a ctiveatthew ell-offextra practice,mak

35、econtributi ons.The i ncentive functionof party organizationsatalllevel sshoul d givefull playt oadvanced m odel s,establ ish are prese ntative,adva nced andtypica lofthe times,a ndguidet hebr oadmasses ofpartymemberstoemulate.In honorofthe 95anniversary offounding as a n opportunity to awardinrecog

36、nition ofa numberof outsta ndnig party members'advancedgrass -roots partyorga nizations, outsta ndi ng partyworker s,and putthe pioneertree s. Thir d,the "reform"effortsforexample,besuretochange into.Learni ngtotea chEducati oni nordertosolve theproblem, ifitdoes notsolvethe probl em,i

37、t willform,goesthroug h themoti ons.Tostrengthen theconsciousnessof problems andinsistedonpr oblem -orie nted, problem-solvingle arning e ducationfortraction,truly deep investigation i nto cha nge,modifi cation.A checke dswi ng. Lear ning e ducationprogrammeforparty-building in ourcitya ctually prop

38、ose d tofocuson soluti on offuzzy ideal s andbeliefswave r,consci ousness,purpose ofthepartyweakse nse ,honestyand self-disci plineawarene ss is notstrong, depre ssed,sixissuesofet hicalmisconduct studycontentsspecific programmesforallpartymembersand leadi ngcadre sabovethe countylevel shallfocusonf

39、urtherrefinementtothe problems.S pecific to everypartymember andeverycadre alsorequires a combi nation ofact ual andcontrolle d,focuse d and really putyourself in, peopleseethings, see,with t heir own specific problemstolearn Constituti on Partyrule s,series, a ddre ss, sopreci siontofindthe pr oble

40、m,layi nga solidfoundati on forf urther corre ctive acti on. B to make cha nge.For check put ofproblem,t hrough esta blished re ctification Taiwanaccount, andtake spe cial supervisi on,a nd onaccount PIN,approa ch,insi sted do sidelearn sidemodifie d,andt hatknowthat modifie d,w hilefocused on put&q

41、uot;tw olearna do" learning education rectificati on with grasp partyof mass li nee ducation pra ctice activities and "three strictthre e real" topi ce ducation pr oblem rectification combi ned up,consolidati on expandedhas made ofrectificati on results, strongly corrected "for o

42、fficernot for", andChiandendless corrected "fourwind", a ndreg ulation masse s side ofabuses, ensurework adva nce more powerful,a nd problem solution morecompletely.Thir d,wemustconsoli dateoura chieveme nts. Formore publi c, some partymembers whofocus ontheoutstandingi ssues, combi n

43、ing concentrated新课标提出数学教学是数学活动的教学,而数学活动应是学生自己建构知识的活动。因此,教师要从“以学论教”的理念出发,精心设计数学活动,让学生 “在参与中体验, 在活动中发展”, 真正体现以学生主体实践活动为基础的有效课堂教学。1、给学生提供动手实践的机会,变“听数学”为“做数学”。学生对数学的体验主要是通过动手操作,动手操作能促进学生在“做数学”的过程中对所学知识产生深刻的体验,从中感悟并理解新知识的形成和发展,体会数学学习的过程与方法,获得数学活动的经验。它是学生参与数学活动的重要方式。新教材非常注重学生操作活动的设计并提供了大量的素材,教师要从“生动的直观到抽象

44、的思维”的认识规律来设计、组织操作活动,并担当好组织者和引导者的角色。首先,不能把操作流于形式,要让每个学生都必须经历每一个操作活动。其次,引导学生把直观形象与抽象概括相结合,采取边说边操作,边讨论边操作等方式,让手、脑、 口并用,在操作和直观教学的基础上及时对概念、规律等的本质属性进行抽象概括。2、 自主探索与合作交流从形式走向实质。学生的学习过程从某种意义上说,是对人类社会文明发展过程中的一种认识意义上的重演。让学生踏着前人的足迹部分地重新发现他们学习的内容,对于学生的发展具有多方面的意义。教师要有目的地选择这些重演或再现的教学内容,给学生提供自主探索的空间和时间,让学生主动地进行观察、实


46、等。合作学习的技能并不是一朝一夕就能掌握的,它需要长期培养,是一个循序渐进的过程。比如:善于倾听是一项重要的合作技能,从一年级起,就应把培养学生善于倾听的能力作为一项特殊的教学内容常抓不懈。一年级学生年龄小,表现欲特强,倾向于“我要说”而不是“我要听”,很难坚持在四人或更多人的小组内坚持听完每个人的述说。因此, 一年级上学期,他们一般是让同位两个说想法,互听对方的观点。教学时,教师首先跟学生交代明白:当别人发言时,要认真地听,眼睛看着对方,不东张西望,先听别人说完后自己再说,不打断别人的发言等。这样,经过一学期的训练,学生已基本能静静的听完其他同学的述说,然后再表达自己的观点。在这种情况下,再

47、重新组建四人小组,这样培养他们善于倾听的能力,就会水到渠成。具备了合作学习的技能,就可以进行小组学习了。首先将学生按照“组内异质,组间同质”的原则进行分组,为了在小组学习中避免“学优生一言堂”的组内成员间的不平衡现象,首先明确小组合作学习中每个成员的职责,进行一定的分工,如在教学10 的加、减法时,一位老师是这样做的:她让学生以四人为一小组,每小组分10 个苹果形图片,放手让学生先把10 个苹果形图片分成两堆,再根据分的情况写出两道加法算式和两道减法算式,并比一比哪组分的方法最多。写的算式最多。角色分工是:1 号为组织者、2 号同学分图片,进行操作活动、3 号同学负责记录、4 号汇报。由于已经

48、有前面1-9 的加减法基础,又有色彩鲜明的学具,学生的积极性高,小组也会分工协作,有的分、有的说、有的写。再根据学生记录的情况进行汇报展示。学生有的按顺序分,有的没按顺序分。这时再因势利导,让学生观察比较,哪种分法更好,为什么?学生不仅自主探索学会10 的加减法,而且在学习的过程中,学生明确了自己的责任,学习的热情高,不但体现了集体共性,而且也能体现学生的个性和自我价值,有利的激发了学生学习的兴趣,增强了合作意识。值得一提的是这种组内分工还必须进行角色轮流交换,一定时期内互换一次角色,使每个人都能从the party'sfine style, carryforwar d thetrad

49、iti onal Chi nese virt ues, practici ng theS ociali st core val ues,vig orouslycarryforwar d the spiritofJiao Yulu,HongqiCa nalspirit andspirit ofpersiste nce, honesty i n politics,strict statesma n,stickt othe spirit ual height softhe Communi sts.Fourto dev otion,as,doplay arole i n qualifying. Off

50、icialComm unist duty.Tofulfillthe party'spur pose,maintai nforthepeople themselves,and dedi cation,devoti on, maintain pioneer,pioneeri ng andenter prisi ng spirit,a ctiveatthew ell-offextra practice,makecontributi ons.The i ncentive functionof party organizationsatalllevel sshoul d givefull pla

51、yt oadvanced m odel s,establ ish are prese ntative,adva nced andtypica lofthe times,a ndguidet hebr oadmasses ofpartymemberstoemulate.In honorofthe 95anniversary offounding as a n opportunity to awardinrecognition ofa numberof outsta ndnig party members'advancedgrass -roots partyorga nizations,

52、outsta ndi ng partyworker s,and putthe pioneertree s. Thir d,the "reform"effortsforexample,besuretochange into.Learni ngtotea chEducati oni nordertosolve theproblem, ifitdoes notsolvethe probl em,it willform,goesthroug h themoti ons.Tostrengthen theconsciousnessof problems andinsistedonpr

53、oblem -orie nted, problem-solvingle arning e ducationfortraction,truly deep investigation i nto cha nge,modifi cation.A checke dswi ng. Lear ning e ducationprogrammeforparty-building in ourcitya ctually propose d tofocuson soluti on offuzzy ideal s andbeliefswave r,consci ousness,purpose ofthepartyw

54、eakse nse ,honestyand self-disci plineawarene ss is notstrong, depre ssed,sixissuesofet hicalmisconduct studycontentsspecific programmesforallpartymembersand leadi ngcadre sabovethe countylevel shallfocusonfurtherrefinementtothe problems.S pecific to everypartymember andeverycadre alsorequires a com

55、bi nation ofact ual andcontrolle d,focuse d and really putyourself in, peopleseethings, see,with t heir own specific problemstolearn Constituti on Partyrule s,series, a ddre ss, sopreci siontofindthe pr oblem,layi nga solidfoundati on forf urther corre ctive acti on. B to make cha nge.For check put

56、ofproblem,t hrough esta blished re ctification Taiwanaccount, andtake spe cial supervisi on,a nd onaccount PIN,approa ch,insi sted do sidelearn sidemodifie d,andt hatknowthat modifie d,w hilefocused on put"tw olearna do" learning education rectificati on with grasp partyof mass li nee duca

57、tion pra ctice activities and "three strictthre e real" topi ce ducation pr oblem rectification combi ned up,consolidati on expandedhas made ofrectificati on results, strongly corrected "for officernot for", andChiandendless corrected "fourwind", a ndreg ulation masse s

58、 side ofabuses, ensurework adva nce more powerful,a nd problem solution morecompletely.Thir d,wemustconsoli dateoura chieveme nts. Formore publi c, some partymembers whofocus ontheoutstandingi ssues, combi ning concentrated不同的角色位置上得到体验,得到锻炼和提高,为全体学生的全面发展奠定基础。(二)创设生活化的学习情境的策略数学知识来源于生活,生活中处处有数学。小学生学习的数学应该是生活中的数学,应该学习他们“自己的数学”。 全日制义务教育数学课程标准(实验稿) 中指出: “学生要能够体会数学与自然及人类社会的密切联系,了解数学的价值,增强对数学的理解和学好数学的信心。” 所以我们要认真开展数学生活化学习,构建更开放的数学学习平台,使学生有更多的机会从周围熟悉的事物中寻找数学题材,让学生联系生活实际学习数学、理解数学、应用数学,体会到数学就在他们身边,感受数学的作用,体会到数学的魅力。1、捕捉生活现象,引入数学问题小学生的学习带有浓厚的情绪色彩,对熟悉的生活情境,感到亲切有兴趣,我们就从他们的生活中提


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