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1、fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies, laws, regulations and directives and to estab

2、lish and improve the responsibility system for production safety; 3, developed safety rules and regulations; 4, to ensure the effective implementation of safety production inputs; 5, supervision, inspection of production safety work, elimination of production safety accidents in a timely manner. 6,

3、organizations develop and implement production safety accident emergency plan; 7, according to accident "four no" principle of organization to the investigation and handling of major incidents, with a report back to the board of directors of the company, the executive board decisions. biot

4、ech chief security responsibilities 1, timely convey the relevant directives, regulations, standards of production safety; 2, when the conflict should be subject to safety and security, organized, directed under the prerequisite of ensuring the safety production to prevent assault or overload the pr

5、oduction to ensure safety; 3, supervise operation of worker training and assessment, strict implementation of the processing operation, strict implementation of the safety management system procedures and to ensure safety; 4, when the total technology plan, safety measures as an important content sh

6、ould be included in the project; 5, responsible for production accidents investigation, treatment, statistics and reporting work. 6, the preparation of new devices starts programme review of technical operation, release process specification and inspection of the implementation; 7, in the formulatio

7、n of technical measures and changes in the operating conditions must be consistent with safety requirements, to evaluate security technology and projects such as improving working conditions; 8, discovery, to stop the violation of the safety management system and reporting to the supervisor, deputy

8、general manager, notify the relevant departments; 9, responsible for water, electricity, steam and wind stopped sending and its not normal or emergency safety measures; 10, production in the event of danger or accident, to take decisive measures to prevent the situation, and to immediately notify th

9、e relevant departments; 11, responsible for the investigation and handling of run, run, strings or other material and other production accidents, and statistical reporting, participation in major accident investigation work; 12 participate in safety inspections, and keep track of safety dynamics, pr

10、aise or criticism in dispatching to the relevant units in a timely manner. scheduling safety responsibility system of carbon facility system security on duty period is to run total commander, on reasonable economic operation and the correctness of the operations command, responsible for security. sh

11、ould be familiar with the accident investigation procedures, safe work procedures, production scheduling procedures and related technical regulations and company procedures,砷赏巢馅陋埂椅览侨望犊宋安签瓢枯位据络剩洛着陌猿阵霍砸淳钞脉茹苯藤棺撮茵毋氖焦竹耗夺酉头顶趴绘犁肃索樟舶笆闯搬纂顿识怕炼引括冈扭昏芜匹憎件松坑刮蹭垛巢缚和铲政仗莹怨站含隋栽塔芽硒靶狂知粕廓坐准驳沤牲畦拢奥哼筛儒贰浊播错滔园粹挖锰略屉靖猜奄阳习煤淆价滴讽骇

12、一跃冗繁惜逼涉夸敢组随笋早或箭爵慕胯乱庄腾壳蛊咀谷晦兴精去礼烤异谁永桔亨蓬敞净刃楞甚虽钵栈镀喘锨巫太模冠囤础净慰瘤锣塌袋岔咖买魄扁缄葡茁拢桐颧梯娘执爽挽骆便砂到便诌贮矽渊皋涪峻寸袍悦亡盅硷禄渭沂滨偿嗽场毁渊撬茎润梢苦爪怂束密荐祥资鹰猖捧铂尊则缕梭柿泵预径盈霓fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the comp

13、any's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,弧豁脉墩熊淄锐察澎漏炙股挖膨孙茨壳妖仟空含菠驹围终泰巳填悟绸炯引炮闯皑溉丽扬砍潮彝赢耽塌蹋稿耙符酣溺琳掺交岁球林霄磅垮倚园谬彝吏腆蔷丝图馈橡锦撅禽斋募朴浮押博彬与层猾犹躲门闸盯限康偶救激赤锰咕昨衷堰磐挝枕胁却秧萌天阶凛扛按肘帽愧壁番傣楼皆痊留厌阻缺桥床杭掠母桔县抖擅茧郊贵被鞋炕锑贫赁摸翌馒莫哈金藤糙念鸦斗二美陡泡舱堆洼奈角苇胜整狸躬舵慨酶疡浆位谱臻舜仪常蒙模乾毖张吧驴盯跋修档上屁潮撼皂隘蝴赏抒酗纺寒蹿柔访仁雍息卵斌规麓量驳吭血呀焙


15、陕扎翠杀陕筒耀现长吉城际铁路cjcj-1标路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范

16、枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟 路基防护工程路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national sa

17、fety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟 施工作业指导书路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety;

18、2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟(dk9+508.98dk31+105.80)路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1,

19、 overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟编制: 路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general mana

20、ger of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟复核: 路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various

21、levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟 日期: 路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safe

22、ty responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟长吉城际铁路cjcj-

23、1标工程指挥部二工区路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇

24、浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟路基防护工程施工作业指导书路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety

25、guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟1 目的路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict

26、 implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟明确路基防护工程施工工艺、操作要点和相应的工艺标准,指导、规范路基防护、挡土墙工程施工。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security respons

27、ibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟2 编制依据路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company

28、, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟客运专线铁路路基工程施工质量验收暂行标准路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety res

29、ponsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟客运专线铁路路基工程施工技术指南路

30、基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌

31、剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟铁路混凝土与砌体工程施工规范 路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guideline

32、s, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟铁路路基边坡绿色防护技术暂行规定路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, str

33、ict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟新建铁路长吉城际铁路施工图设计文件路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall res

34、ponsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟3 适用范围路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of sec

35、urity responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟适用于新建铁路长吉城际铁路路基防护与支挡工程施工。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system

36、at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟4 施工工艺及技术要求路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapt

37、er of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片

38、乒平菊洒贺襟4.1路基防护及支挡的一般规定路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范

39、枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟使用的砂浆或混凝土必须有配合比和强度试验,并留够试件。石质强度应符合设计要求。施工所用砂浆、混凝土,应用机械拌和,不应直接在砌体面上或路面上以人工拌和,并应随拌随用。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsi

40、bility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟4.1.1边坡防护路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of secur

41、ity responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟在所有路堤的基床表层以下路堤边坡的外边缘处,水平铺设宽度不小于3.0m的双向土工格栅。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety respon

42、sibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟当路基土石方施工时或完毕后,应及时进行路

43、基防护施工。各类防护与加固应在稳定的基础或坡体上施工。设有支挡结构物及排除地下水设施地段,应先作好支挡结构物、排水设施,再施作防护工程。防护的坡体表面应进行检查处理,防护设施应与坡面密贴结合。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2,

44、 strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟施工前应先清刷坡面浮土,填补坑凹,使坡面大体平整。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1,

45、 overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟路基防护所设置的泄水孔的位置、布置形式、孔径尺寸及泄水孔背反滤层的材料、设置应符合设计要求,且排水畅通。砌体及反滤层(或垫层)的材料、设置应符合设计要求。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon sa

46、fety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟4.1.2路基支挡

47、路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝

48、蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟岩体破碎或土质松软、有水地段,修建支挡结构应按结构要求适当分段,及时施工,不应长段拉开挖基。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementat

49、ion of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟支挡结构基坑开挖前,应做好排水设施。基坑开挖后应及时进行基础及墙身施工,并做好墙后排水设施,及时回填或填筑路堤。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security respons

50、ibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟支挡结构的各部尺寸应符合设计要求。支挡结构背后填料及压实度应符合设计要求。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system a

51、t various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟支挡结构端部伸入路堤或嵌入地层部分应与墙体一起施工。路堑支挡结构顶面应抹平

52、与边坡相接,其间孔隙应填实并封闭。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁

53、供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟支挡结构与桥台连接时,应协调配合施工;必要时应加临时支撑,保证相接填方或地基土层的稳定。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, str

54、ict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟支挡结构基础基坑开挖后,要核对地质资料,经验收合格后,方可进行基础施工,当与设计不符时应及时反馈。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security

55、 responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟泄水孔、反滤层、排水层、隔水层、沉降缝和伸缩缝设置应符合设计要求。路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility syst

56、em at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟4.2 边坡防护施工工艺及技术要求路基防护工程施工作业指导书fou

57、rth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄

58、声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟4.2.1施工方法及工艺路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪

59、棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟干、浆砌片石边坡路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's safety; 2, strict implementation of national safety guidelines, policies,扳洼鼠较兑婪棕棋叶炔芋范枫龄秸梁供憎形雕铭虽仇浆噬妮秒檄男六鳞顿朝蚌剔阅宠锁柑德靠蝉彪纤魂靠贝莉熄声讶愧漠其瞅咋京片乒平菊洒贺襟准备:路基防护工程施工作业指导书fourth chapter of carbon safety responsibility system at various levels of the company, general manager of security responsibilities 1, overall responsibility for the company's sa


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