



1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神经典句子1. we were having a meeting when he broke in.我们正在开会,这时他闯了进来;2. i was about to go to bed when there was a knock on the door.我刚要去睡觉,这时有人敲门;3. i had just got home when it began to rain.我刚到家天就下起雨来;4. to our great surprise、 we got twice as many people toattend the meeting a

2、s we expected.使我们特别诧异的为,参与会议的人数为我们预想中的人数的两倍;5. the road is four times longer than that one.这条路比那条路长四倍;6. our school is three times the size of that in the past.我们学校为过去的三倍大7. go straight ahead and you'll see the post office.始终往前走,你就会观察邮局;8. listen carefully or you'll miss something important.

3、仔细听,否就你会漏掉一些重要内容;9. one more hour and i will finish it.再给我一个小时,我就能做完了10. they love having lots of friends; so do i.他们宠爱交许多伴侣,我也为如此;11. he said he would come to see me the next day and so he did. 他说其次天要来看我,他的确来了;12. it won't do them any good、 but it won't do them any harm either.这对他们没好处,但也没什么

4、害处;13. he hasn't been abroad. neither have i.他没有出过国,我也没有;14 mary likes playing the piano、 but she can't play it well.玛丽宠爱弹钢琴,但为她弹得不好; so it is with/it's the same with her brother.她的哥哥也为这样;15. as soon as she arrives、 i'll tell her.她一到,我就告知她;16. i left immediately the clock struck 5.钟刚

5、敲了五下我就离开了;17. the moment i heard the voice、 i knew my father was coming.我一听到那个声音,就知道父亲来了;18. no sooner hardly had he arrived home than when he was asked to start on another journey.他一到家就被要求再次动身;19. on/upon arriving at the airport、 the film star was warmly welcomed.一到机场, 这位影星就受到热闹欢迎;20. on their arri

6、val at the village、 they found themselves surrounded by the enemy.一到达村庄,他们就发觉被敌人包围了;21. although i had much difficulty in raising money、 i didn't lose heart.尽管我筹集资金遇到了困难,但我没失去信心;22. while i agree with you、 i don't believe your way is best.尽管我同意你的看法,但我不认为你的方法为最好的;23. much as he likes the bike

7、、 he doesn't want to buy it.尽管他很宠爱那辆自行车,但不想买它;24. in spite of/despite many difficulties、 we managed to finish the project on time.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神尽管困难许多,但我们仍为设法按时完成了这项工程25. it took him three hours to draw the horse.他画马用了三个小时;26. she spent two hours in finishing her homework.她做作业

8、用了两个小时;27. the girl paid the old man 200 yuan for the bike.这个女孩子付给那位老人200 元用来买自行车;28. how much did the work cost you.这件艺术品花了你多少钱?29. tom is likely to win the match this afternoon.汤姆今日下午可能会赢得竞赛;30. it is very likely that he will not agree.他很可能不会同意;31. will it be possible for someone to meet me at the

9、 gate at 9 : 30 am.上午九点半有人要在大门口见我,这有可能吗?32. it is highly probable that he will take over his father's business.他极可能继承他父亲的事业;33. it is that tom often breaks the school rules that makes his teacher unsatisfied with him.为汤姆常常违反学校规定才让他的老师对他不中意的;34. was it yesterday that you met your teacher in the s

10、treet.你为昨天在大街上碰见你老师的吗?35. why was it that you didn't come to the meeting yesterday.到底为为什么你昨天没有来开会?36. what he does does do good to you.他所做的事的确对你有好处;37. you'll have to wait until they call your name.你得始终等到他们叫你的名字;38. i didn't know the truth until i had read your letter.直到我读了你的信,我才知道真相;39.

11、 it was not until he took off his dark glasses that i recognized him.直到他摘掉墨镜我才认出他来;40. not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pullution was.直到河中全部的鱼都死光了,村民们才意识到污染为多么地严峻;41. the meeting held yesterday was of great importance.昨天召开的会议很重要;42. the question to b

12、e discussed at tomorrow's meeting is a very important one.明天在会议上将要争论的问题特别重要;43. the houses being built are for the teachers.正在建的那些房子为为老师们建的;44. it is easy for him to swim across the river.游过这条河对他来说轻而易举;45. it is no use asking me what i don't know.问些我不知道的问题为无济于事的;46. it is wellknown that chin

13、a has the largest population in the world.众所周知,在世界上中国人口最多;47. it is a pity that you didn't watch the opening ceremony of the shenzhen universiade.你没有观看深圳大运会开幕式真为遗憾48. he found it not easy to learn a foreign language well.他发觉学好一门外语为不简单的;49. we think it no good reading in bed.我们认为躺在床上读书没有好处;精品学习资料

14、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神50. he wanted to make it clear that he didn't want to waste any time on the topic with me.他想向我说明他不想再在那个题目上铺张时间;51. it is three years since the war broke out.自战争爆发以来有三年了;52. it will be half a year before i come back.仍得再过半年我才能回来;53. it was midnight when i got back home y

15、esterday.我昨天回到家时,已经为午夜了;54. it was at midnight that i got back home yesterday.我昨天为午夜回到家的;55. i won't have you do such things.我不答应你干这样的事;56. it was very cold and they had the fire burning all night long.天很冷,他们让火整夜都着着;57. i won't_have you speaking to your parents like that.我不能容忍你跟你父母那样讲话;58. t

16、om had his leg broken while playing football.汤姆踢足球时摔断了腿;59. everything has changed so much that i can scarcely recognize the place.一切都变化如此之大,我几乎认不出这个地方了;60. it is such a fine day today that we all want to go out for a walk.今日天气这么好,我们都想出去散漫步;61. so sudden was the attack that the enemy had no time to

17、escape.这次突击特别突然以至于敌人没有时间逃跑;62.a lot of my friends eat sweets every day but i would rather eat a nice piece of fruit.我的许多伴侣每天都宠爱吃甜点,但为我更宠爱吃点水果;63. i would rather watch tv at home than go to the cinema.我宁愿在家看电视,也不愿去看电影;64. i would rather you didn't smoke in the office.我期望你不在办公室里抽烟;65. i'd rath

18、er you hadn't told him the news that day.我真期望你那天没有把消息告知他;66. even today、 most americans prefer coffee to tea.甚至在今日,大部分美国人宠爱咖啡尤胜于茶;67. i would prefer_playing outdoors to_watching television.我宁愿在外面玩而不愿看电视;68. many people living in cities would actually prefer_to_live in the country.许多生活在城市的人实际上更情愿

19、生活在乡下;69. he prefers_to_risk taking the weightloss pills rather_than_do exercise.他宁肯吃减肥药也不情愿锤炼;70. i'd_prefer_it_if you didn't smoke in public.我期望你不要在公众场合吸烟;71. the child slept with the light burning.那孩子亮着灯睡觉;72. they stayed inside with the door locked.他们待在里面,门锁着;73. with nothing to_do、_they

20、 went out for a walk.因无事可做,他们便出去漫步了;74. they can't move into their new flat、 with it being_painted.由于新公寓正在粉刷,他们不能搬进去;75. as is known to everybody、 the moon travels round the earth once every month.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神 the moon travels round the earth once every month、 as/which is kn

21、own to everybody.众所周知,月亮每月绕地球转一次;76. it is known to us that li na won the grand slam in the 2021 french open.我们知道李娜在20xx 年法网中获得了大满贯;77. what is known to us is that only by working hard can we be admitted into key universities.我们知道只有努力学习才能被重点高校录用;78. he was given a warning. this is because he was lat

22、e for school again.他受到了警告这为由于他上学又迟到了;79 he was caught in the rain. that is why he caught a cold.他被雨淋了,那就为他感冒的缘由;80. the reason why they failed is that they didn't get fully prepared for the experiment.他们失败的缘由为由于他们没有为这个试验做好充分的预备;81. only when he returned did_we_find out the truth.只为当他回来时我们才查明白真相;

23、82. not only will help be given to people to find jobs、 but_also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it. 不仅要给那些找工作的人供应帮忙,而且也要给那些需要帮忙的人供应医疗保健服务;83. not only the students but_also the teacher is_required to attend the meeting.既要求同学也要求他们的老师参与这个会议;84. tom is unhappy. he seems_to_have_

24、been_criticized by the teacher just now.汤姆很不兴奋,他似乎刚才被老师批判了;85. standing there in the house、 it_seemed_that he had never been away.站在房子里,感觉他似乎从没离开过86. it is said that mr. green has arrived in beijing.据说格林先生已经到北京了;87. allen is said to be designing a new computer programme recently、but i dont know when

25、 he will finish it.据说艾伦最近正在设计一种新的电脑程序,但我不知道他何时会完成;88. it's about time we got the kitchen repainted.该为重新油漆一遍厨房的时候了;89. he couldn't get the car to_start and went by bus.他因无法发动车子,所以坐公共汽车去;90. she worked all afternoon on the car but never got itrunning.她一下午都在修车,但仍为没把它弄好;91. just think of all tho

26、se people getting_killed out there.想想在那里被屠杀的那些人们吧;92. this_is_the_first_time that i have_come to the city.这为我第一次来这个城市;93. the_first_time i saw him , i thought him to be honest.我第一次见到他时就认为他为诚恳的;94. it's_high_time_that we stopped treating him like a child.我们不该再把他当小孩看待了;95. i'm having some trou

27、ble_with this new software.这个软件我用起来有点困难;96. i never have any trouble_getting to sleep.我从来不会失眠;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神97. our teachers are taking great trouble_to_educate that troublesome boy.我们的老师不辞辛苦地训练那个爱惹事的孩子;98. we believe that our freedom is_worth_fighting_for.我们认为为自由而战为值得的;99. our revolutionary martyrs 烈士 are_


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