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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载avisittozhoukoudiancaves说课稿book 8 unit5good evening、 ladies and gentlemen.today i mvery honoredto have an opportunity to sharemy teaching ideas. the content of my lesson is the reading passage of senior english book8 unit5 meetingyour ancestor.smy representation is made up o

2、f five part:s analysis of the teachingmaterial、analysisofthestudents、 teaching methods、 teaching procedures and blackboard design.part 1analysis of the teaching material:this is the reading part of this unit、 and it plays a very important role. the passagetells the peking man and how peking man live

3、d their life. all the materialsare related to the archaeological evidence and knowledge. it can improve studentsinterest to grasp the words. it also provides a chance for students to enlarge their vocabulary about the archaeology andpeking man . at the same time、 weshould get the students to underst

4、and some difficult words and phrases to comprehend the text better.teaching aims:1) knowledge aim: to review the verb tenses and master the useful words and phrases、such as archaeology、 tentative、 accuracy、 excavate、 interrupt、 assume、 regardless、 sharpen、 cut up、 scrape、 ample、 primitive、 preserve、

5、 bead、 botany、 botanical、 analysis、 specific、seashell、 specifically.2) ability aim: to expand the students vocabula.rylet the students learn new wordsabout the archaeology andpeking man . enable the ss to tell the differences between modern people and peking man and learn how peking man lived their

6、life.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载3) moral aim: enable the students to realize the developmentand the difficultiesof human beings.teaching difficult points:1) the usage of some key words and the verb tenses .2) to recognize and understand vocabulary about the archaeology anpdeking man.part 2analys

7、is of the students:1. the ss have known something about the archaeology anpdeking manthrough the internet and other ways.2. they are lack of vocabulary.3. they donotften use english to express themselves and communicate with others.4. some ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of ma

8、king mistakes.part 3my teaching theories、 methods and aidsbefore dealing with this lesson、i dllo my best to carry out the following theories: ma ke the ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as direc;tor combine the language structures with the language functions; let the studen

9、ts receive some moral education while they are learning the english language.teaching method:in order to realize the teaching process properly and efficiently、 i ll let the ss to get a better understanding of the lesson. i have designed the followingmethods to train their abilityofreading. according

10、to the modern social communication teaching theories、iadoptthesituationallanguage teachingmethodandtask-based language teaching method in my teaching.teaching aids:1. a projector 投影仪2. a tape recorder3. multimedia4. the blackboardpart 4teaching proceduresin order to achieve the teaching aims mention

11、ed above、 i decide to choose guided reading and task-based teaching as the main teaching approach. with the teaching methods、 i can guide students to use effective reading strategies to comprehend the text、 solve problems and complete different tasks. the teaching procedures include sixsteps. they r

12、elead-in、reading、post-reading、vocabularylearning、practice、andhomework.step1leading-in1) ask the ss to identify the picture in the pre-reading part. skullcap头盖骨 2) ask ss to assume what peking man might have done and used thousands of years ago.3) then by showing the table following to show whether t

13、heir assumptions are right or wrong. modern peoplepeking manaccuracy精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载places of livingmodernarchitecture、 whichishuge、likeboxeswithflatcavesvery accurate精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载roofs、 sharp corners and glass wallsfurniturebeautiful furniture with lo

14、ts ofornaments 装 饰 mostly made of wood or other special materialsentertainmentwatchingtv、surfingtheinternet and travelingfooda good variety of cooked food、 which tastes deliciousclothingclothes made form special material、 such as cotton and woodnatural furniture made of stone or woodenjoythenatureor

15、 family get-together naturalfood、such as nuts and fruitsclothesmadeform animal skinsaccurateinaccurate accurate accurate精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载step 2reading1. play the tape once、 and ask the ss what they have learned about zhoukoudian caves.2. skimming what is the text about. and three stages of the

16、 archaeologist s part of the dialogan archeologist is showing a group of students from england around the zhoukoudian caves and telling them something about the caves.3. scanning ask them to write down the three ways in which the life of early people differs from modern ones. ask them to work in pai

17、rs and discuss the questions. homes: peking man lived in zhoukoudian caves of rocks and trees.tools: they used needle that was made of bone 、 sharpened stone tools and scraper made by stones.dress: they wore clothes from animal skins and they also wore necklace made from seashells oranimal teeth.4.

18、careful reading.step3post-readingask ss to fill in the chart on the life and habits of peking man on page 37 and compare it with the list they made in the pre-reading. what differences are there. and then to clarifyssd ifficultpoints in the text.step4vocabulary learningin order to help ss to guess t

19、he meaning of certain unknown words and understand the passage exactly. this step can enable students to understand the given material better、 make the students grasp the useful phrases、 the verb tenses and sentences pattern formaking suggestions and read the dialogue fluently.1) encourage them to f

20、inish exercises 1、2and3 on page39 individually and then check the answers with the whole class.2) encourage students toguess the meanings ofthe wordsby studyingthe different parts of the text. if they can tle、 t them refer to the dictionary andcheck for mispronunciation.step5practicethis step gives

21、the students 5-8 minutes to make a similar dialogue using the verb tenses、 the phrase and sentences learned in this passage and everyday life experience according to the given situation show it on the screen using a multi-media computer.the purpose is to get the students to revise the verb tenses 、

22、grasp the words and thesentence patterns and tries to use them freely. in this way、 the students will be very active in practicing their spoken english1) ask students to make sentences with the verb tenses and phrases that we havelearned.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载2) encourage students to say something about themselves with the new words.3) practice to get the students to master what they. ve learntstep6homework purpose of my design: i think homework is so important that the students s


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