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1、Unit 3Under the sea coral 珊瑚珊瑚anemone fish 海葵鱼海葵鱼jellyfish 水母水母turtle 海龟海龟12345Shark鲨鱼鲨鱼shark 鲨鱼鲨鱼 strong sharp teeth(fierce)sea star(beautiful)Sea Star海星海星Dolphins 海豚海豚Dolphin 海豚海豚(smart)Turtle 海龟海龟gentleturtlesea horsesea horse 海马海马Angel fish天使鱼天使鱼Anemone fishparrotfish 鹦鹦鹉鱼鹉鱼clam 蛤蛤Coral 珊瑚珊瑚 jel

2、lyfish 水母水母White whale白鲸白鲸Killer whale虎鲸虎鲸Pre-readingRead the text in the page 19 and then complete the chart.type of the article : (文体文体)writer :job :place :time :Plot :(情节情节)anecdotean old man called Clancya whaleron the southeastern of Australiaat the beginning of the 20th centuryThe passage is m

3、ainly about _ parts. Main ideaOld Tom _the whaler from the sharkOld Tom _the whalers to hunt the whales.helpedprotected2baleenbaleenkillerkillerblow-holewhalers_whale _whales catch/killhelpThe whaler hunting at the beginning of 20th centurykiller whales虎鲸是一种大型虎鲸是一种大型齿鲸齿鲸,身长为,身长为810米,体重米,体重9吨左右,吨左右,背

4、呈黑色,腹为灰白色,有一个尖尖的背鳍,背鳍弯背呈黑色,腹为灰白色,有一个尖尖的背鳍,背鳍弯曲长达曲长达1米,嘴巴细长,牙齿锋利,性情凶猛,食肉米,嘴巴细长,牙齿锋利,性情凶猛,食肉动物,善于进攻猎物,是动物,善于进攻猎物,是企鹅企鹅、海豹海豹等动物的天敌。等动物的天敌。有时它们还袭击其它鲸类,甚至是大白鲨,可称得上有时它们还袭击其它鲸类,甚至是大白鲨,可称得上是海上霸王。是海上霸王。baleen whales须鲸科是须鲸亚目下最大的一个科,包含了两个属共须鲸科是须鲸亚目下最大的一个科,包含了两个属共计九种须鲸。其中包括目前世界上计九种须鲸。其中包括目前世界上体型体型最大的动物最大的动物蓝鲸,最


6、。胸骨较小,仅有1到到2对肋骨与胸骨相连接,对肋骨与胸骨相连接,胸廓不完全。没有胸廓不完全。没有锁骨锁骨。鳍肢一般具。鳍肢一般具4指。消化道中具有指。消化道中具有盲肠盲肠。主要以主要以磷虾磷虾等小型甲壳类动物为食,有的种类也吃小型群游性等小型甲壳类动物为食,有的种类也吃小型群游性鱼类,以及底栖的鱼类和贝类。全世界现生的种类一共是鱼类,以及底栖的鱼类和贝类。全世界现生的种类一共是15种,种,中国中国发现的有发现的有9种,像种,像蓝鲸蓝鲸、长须鲸长须鲸、大翅鲸大翅鲸、露脊鲸露脊鲸、灰鲸灰鲸等。等。与与海豚海豚一样都是哺乳类海洋生物。一样都是哺乳类海洋生物。 须鲸类动物的体形巨大,最小的须鲸类动物的

7、体形巨大,最小的种类体长也大于种类体长也大于6米。口中没有米。口中没有牙齿,只有在胚胎发育时可以看牙齿,只有在胚胎发育时可以看到退化的牙齿,但上颌左右两侧到退化的牙齿,但上颌左右两侧的的腭部腭部至咽部各生有至咽部各生有150400枚枚呈梳齿状排列的角质须。呈梳齿状排列的角质须。Scan the text, find out the correct name to each blank.1._ was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station.2._ ordered Clancy to go to the boat a

8、s there was a whale out there in the bay.3._ was swimming by the boat, showing the whalers the way.ClancyGeorge Old Tom4. _ told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale.5. _ was carried by the waves further and further away from the whales. 6. _ knew that Old Tom

9、 would protect James.JackJamesRed( ) He ran down to the shore and saw a huge animal in the water, which was Old Tom, the killer whale.( ) The killer whale guided the team to the hunt.( ) The killers ate the lips and tongue of the baleen whale. ( ) Clancy arrived at the whaling station.( ) He heard a

10、 loud noise coming from the bay as he was sorting out his accommodation.( ) The men went to the boat and headed out for a whale hunt.( ) Clancy and his men killed the baleen whale with the help of the killers.( ) The men returned for the baleen whale the next day. 3 5714628Skim the text, answer the

11、following questions.1.When did Clancy begin to believe that the killers would help the whalers catch the huge whales?2.How did the killers help the whalers catch the whale? After he witnessed it with his own eyes, many times.How the killers sent the message to the whales _ themselves out of the _ an

12、d then _ again. Another whalers _.How the Old Tom led the waySwimming _, showing the whalers _.Throwingwatercrashed downyelledby the boatthe wayHow did the killers helped the whalers kill the whaleWorking_. Throwing themselves _. Stopping it _How Old tome protected JamesNot let the shark _. Hold Jam

13、es _ and _ James _.as a teamon top of the whaless blow hole to stop it breathing.fleeing out to sea.nearuppulledBack into the boat 1.The text is mainly about _. A. the killer whales are easily trained B. the killer whales can help the whalers catch the huge whales C. the killer whales kill the whale

14、s for their food D. the killer whales drag the whales under the waterBcomprehending2. Old Tom throws itself out of the water and then crashes down in order to _. A.give the whalers the information about a whale B. tell the whalers it is hungry C. help the whalers catch the whale D. inform the whaler

15、s to run awayA3. _ killed the whale at last. A. Old Tom B. the killer whales C. the author D. the whalersD4. Why did the whalers start turning the boat around to go home after the whale died? _ A. Because they didnt need a dead whale B. Because they couldnt find the whales body C. Because they knew

16、that the dead whale wouldnt float up to the surface for around 24 hours. D. They had to do this because it was too late.C5. The killer whale protected James by _. A. fighting the shark B. killing the shark C. preventing the shark going closer D. dragging him backC5. The killer whale protected James

17、by _. A. fighting the shark B. killing the shark C. preventing the shark going closer D. dragging him backC6.We can infer from the story that_. A. The killer whales may be trained by the whalers.B. The killer whales want to help man catch the whales themselvesC. The killer whales need no training fo

18、r helping the whalersD. The killer whales want to eat the whales after killing themAAnswers to comprehending Part 11.Old Tom let the whalers know that there was a baleen whale nearby; he showed them the way to the whale.2. Dogs.3. Because they knew that, together with the whalers, they would soon ki

19、ll the baleen whale and get a good feed.4. Because he could see that some of the killers were throwing themselves on top of the whaless blow hole while others were preventing it from swimming out to sea.5. Because they knew the Killer Whales would leave the rest of the body to them.6. Because the bo

20、dy would not float to the surface until 24 hours later.7. Red felt good about the Killer Whales. He appreciated the working relationship that the whalers had with the Killer Whales.8. Old Tom prevented James from drowning. Old Tom wanted to help his human friends.虎鲸的食物多样,由小型结群鱼类、虎鲸的食物多样,由小型结群鱼类、鱿鱼鱿鱼


22、海象、海豹及白鲸,南极的虎鲸还会猎住在北极的虎鲸则会猎杀海象、海豹及白鲸,南极的虎鲸还会猎捕企鹅。虽然它的牙齿非常坚硬,但却不如鲨鱼的牙齿那么锋利,捕企鹅。虽然它的牙齿非常坚硬,但却不如鲨鱼的牙齿那么锋利,因此虎鲸主要用于摄取而不是咀嚼,而被它叼住的食物都是整个因此虎鲸主要用于摄取而不是咀嚼,而被它叼住的食物都是整个吞下的。吞下的。 它们似乎会选择性地咬食它们似乎会选择性地咬食须鲸须鲸的舌头。虎鲸也会偷的舌头。虎鲸也会偷吃延绳钓渔船上钩的鱼获,或吃食渔民丢弃的下杂鱼吃延绳钓渔船上钩的鱼获,或吃食渔民丢弃的下杂鱼等。各群似乎有自己偏好的食物种类,例如某些族群等。各群似乎有自己偏好的食物种类,例如某些族群主要以主要以鲑鱼鲑鱼、鲔鱼鲔鱼、或、或鲱鱼鲱鱼等鱼类为主要食物,某些等鱼类为主要食物,某些群则会巡视鳍脚类的登陆地寻找猎物,或跟随迁徙中群则会巡视鳍脚类的登陆地寻找猎物,或跟随迁徙中的鲸群,有如狼群追踪的鲸群,有如狼群追踪北美驯鹿北美驯鹿的情景。的情景。 有时虎鲸会采团体的方式打猎,它们利用从隆


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