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1、第 1、2 课时英文字母及首字母大写规则一、 读字母,写出所缺的字母。_B C D_ F G H_ J K _M _O P Q_ S T U V_ X Y Za b_ d_ _ g h i _ _ l m n o p_ _ s t u _ w x_ z二、 找出元音字母,写在括号内。1.FEBD()2.ALHJF()3.JKMIN()4. f g u n l ()5. o p q r s ()三、判断下列各组字母的大小写,一致的写“”,不一致的写 “×”。1.Bb ()2.Hn ()3.Wm ()4.Tt ()5. Ij ()6.Qp ()7.Fe ()8.Bd ()9.Ra ()1

2、0.Gj ()四、连线,将相对应的大小写字母进行连线。NmUfMhEdWyBbHwDuYnFe五、严格按照四线三格、书写体和字母表顺序默写字母。六、按大写规则将下列句子重新抄写。 (注意该大写的字母一定要大写)1. tony is an american( 美国的 ) boy. he is fourteenyears old. he likes football. his englishteacher is miss li. she is very nice. tony and his parents live in jiangxing ( 江西 )now. (人名: tony )_2. ye

3、llow river (黄河 ) is the famous river inchina (中国), there are a lot of fish. my mothersays: ” i love it”._3. mr. yang says: ” i often take my boy to the park. (人名: yang)”_4. betty is my good friend. she is from china. she is a lovely girl. she likes Sunday (星期天 )verymuch. she often goes to the park w

4、ith me. do you like her? (人名: betty)_5. good morning, my name is rose. i m 12i. m a student. i m in class 5 grade 7. this isann . she is my friend. she is an american girl.(人名: rose, ann )_6. my name is jack. i am from beijing ( 北京 ). i m 12 years old.my english teacher is mr wang. this is bob. he i

5、s from london(伦敦) .(人名: jack, wang, bob )_第 3、4 课时Unit 1 Topic 1 Welcome to China一 .单项选择。()1. Welcome to Beijing! _A. Welcome to Beijing, too.B. Thanks.C. Fine, thanks.D. Yes, I am.()2. _ Fine, thank you.A. How do you do?B. Nice to meet you.C. Are you Mr. Wang?D. How are you?( )3.当别人帮助了你 , 你应该说 “ _。

6、”A. OK.B. Nice to meet you.C. Thank you.D. Yes.二 .情景交际。从栏中找出栏各句的应答语。()1. Goodbye.A. Thank you.()2. Here you are.B. Bye.()3. How do you do?C. No, I mnot.()4. Are you Alice?D. How do you do?()5. Hello!E. Hello!三 .根据图片内容,从方框中给图片选出合适的句子。1.2.3.A. Nice to see you.B. How are you?C. Here you are.D. Good mor

7、ning.E. Goodbye!4.5.四 .翻译下列句子1. Good morning. .2.Welcome to China! .3. How do you do?.4. Good afternoon.5. Nice to meet you . .6. How are you?.7. Here you are.8. Goodbye. .五 .连词成句。请将下列单词组成完整的句子,句末标点已给出。11. are, you, Here_.12. you, Are, Maria_?13. How, do, do, you_?14. Nice, see, to, you_.15. teacher

8、, is, This, my_.六 .看图完成对话。根据图片内容补全对话。1. _, class( 同学们 ).Good morning, Miss Gao.2. Nice to see you._, too.3. Are you Lin Tao?_, _.4. How are you?_, _.5. Goodbye._.第 5、6 课时人称代词主格和 Be :am, is, are一用 am. is. are 填空。1. I _ from Australia.2. She _ a student.3.Jane and Tom _ my friends.4.I _ an English tea

9、cher now.5.My name_Li Dong. I_ twelve.6. I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not.7. The girl_ Jack's sister.8. The dog _ tall and fat.9. She _ at home.10.That _ my red skirt.11. I _ Linda.12. This _ not Wang Fang's pencil.13. We _ friends.14. She _ a teacher.15. I _ a girl.16.He _ inClass 4, Gra

10、de1.17.What _ your name?18.It_ a car.19.Helen_ a student.20.This _my book.21.You _ a doctor.22. They _ cars.23.That_her dog.24. _ you fine?25. I _ Mr. Chen.26. _ he your father?27. - _ they from Japan? - Yes, they _.28. You _ a teacher and she _ a student29. Where _ Jack from?30. I _ fine. Thanks31.

11、 - Who _ this? - This _ Wang Kang.32. - _ you a student?- Yes, I _.33. - Where _ Beijing? - It_ in China.34. - _ Yukio a Japanese? - Yes, he _ .35. They_ from Canada.二 .写出下列词适当形式:1.I am ( 缩略形式 ) _2.is ( 复数 )_3.we are (缩略形式) _4.he is( 缩略形式 ) _5.it is ( 缩略形式 ) _6.they are ( 缩略形式 ) _7.she's( 完整形式 )

12、 _8.you are ( 缩略形式 ) _三写出八个人称代词(主格)第一人称:第二人称:第三人称:四单词测试:写出下列单词的中文意思。(不准看书!)good g ?d adj.morningm?:n? n.elcomewelk?m interj.China?a?n? n.think ?k v.the USAthe UKnicena ?sadj.meet mi : tv.too tu :adv.thanks ?ks interj.&n.Mr.Miss m ?s n.Ms. m ?z n.see si : v.this e ?spron. &det.my ma ? det.tea

13、cherti: ? n.howha ? adv.afternoon ,:ft? nu:n n.goodbye ,g ?d ba? interj.finefa ?n adj.and ? nd conj.OK ? ke? adj.excuse mewhat w ?t prin.your j ?: ne ?m n.please pli : z interj.where we ? advfrom fr ?m prep.Canadak? n?d? n.America ? mer?k? n.Japan ?p? n n.ngland?gl?nd n.they e e? pron.who h

14、u : pron.Cubakju:b? n.he hi : pronshe ?i: pron.look l ?k v.telephonetel?f?n n.numbern?mb? n.( NO. )it ?t pron.第 7、8 课时一般疑问句和否定句(be: am, is, are )句型转换。1. I am a teacher.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:2. They are new students.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:3. He is a good boy at home.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:4. Lily and Lucy ar

15、e sisters.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:5. Bob( 男子名 ) is in Class One.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:6. She is form Jinan.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:7.I am a good student at school.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:8.They are in the room.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:9.His father( 他的爸爸 ) is a teacher.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:10. They are pigs.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定

16、回答:否定回答:11. She is a singer.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:12. It is a brown bird.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:13.We are friends.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:14. The dog is black.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:15.Jane( 女子名 ) is a Chinese.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定回答:否定回答:第 9、10 课时Unit 1 Topic 2 Where are you from?一 .单项选择。()1. Where _ they from? They re

17、 fromJapan.A. isB. amC. areD. /()2. _ your name?My name is Kate.A. What sB. WhoC. HowD. Hos()3. _, are you Mr. Wang?Yes, I am.A. FineB. PleaseC. Excuse meD. OK()4. _ are they?They are Maria and Jane.A. WhoB. WhatC. WhereD. How()5. Mary _ from Cuba.A. /B. amC. areD. is二 . 从栏中找出栏各句的应答语。()1. Where are

18、you from?()2. What s her name?()3. Is she Jane?()4. Are they from Beijing?()5. What s your telephone number?A. No. They re from Fuzhou.B. It s (010)82-67919.C. I m from Cuba.D. Yes, she is.E. Her name is Diana.三 . 根据句意及首字母提示填词。1. W_ are you from? I m from Shanghai.2. What s y_ name?My name is David.

19、3. Are you f_ Fuzhou? No, e aren t.4. What s your telephone n_? It s (010)8659-7981.5. E_ me, are you Frank?Yes, I am.四 .看图填空。根据图片内容补全对话。1. _ is he?He _ Xiao Ming.2. _ are they from? They are from _.五翻译下列短文。Hi! My name is Zhou Mei. I m your teacher. I m from Beijing. This is Mike. He from America. H

20、e syour teacher, too. This is Li Lei. He sfrom Guangzhou.He s ne (新来的 ).六将国旗与其所属国家连线。1. America2. Canada3. China4. Japan5. England七 .连词成句。请将下列单词组成完整的句子, 注意字母大小写。1.name, my, Ma Lin, is_2.from, are, where, they_3.number, my, telephone, is, (010)8629-7688_4.am, I, Mark, not_5. Guilin, is, from, he_第 11

21、、 12 课时简单句的句子结构一、标出下列句子的主语、谓语、宾语或主语、系动词、表语。1.I am astudent.2.Heteaches English.3.Theflowerisbeautiful.4.TomandMaryare doctors.5. Students study.6. They like animals.7. She is cute.8. Mymotherisateacher.9. We are happy.10. I have two sisters.11. That sounds good.12. Hissisterisagoodgirl.二.判断下列是否是一个完整

22、的句子,是的写T,不是的写F。()1. The teacher in the classroom.()2. Sing songs and dance happily.()3. They swim very well.)4. It is sunny.)5. Play football on the playground.)6. This is our school.)7. The library on the second floor.)8. He at home.)9. We read books at home.)10. He helps the old man.)11. Lily look

23、s at.)12. The dinner is ready.三改错:把下列句子错误的地方划线,并改正在后面的括号里。1.Who is Knows the boy?()2.You are study Chinese.()3.He from Canada.()4.We are thank you.()5.He good boy.()6.Eat an apple.()7.Tom is meets his friend.()8.I am are a student.()9.He is play football.()10. You is from China.()第 13、14 课时名词(单、复数)一

24、、写出下列名词的复数形式1.orange_ 2.class_5.box_6.shelf _7.bed_ 8.country_9.family_ 10.toy_13.pen_ 14.desk_15.apple_ 16.knife_17.book_ 18.ruler_19.car_ 20.egg_二、用所给名词的正确形式填空:1. They are three_(chair).2. These_ (pen) are red.3. I have a _ (friend)4.These are new(bus ).5.Those are my(box ) .6.They are in the same

25、 school, but they are in different(class ).7.We are good( friend ).8.( that )are apples.9.( this )are some oranges.10. She is thirteen(year )old.11. I have two_ (knife)12. There are many _ here. (box)13. There are many _ on the road. (bus)14. Eight _ are drawing on the wall. (boy)15. The _ are playi

26、ng football now. (child)16. Please take two _ for me. (photo)17. I like the red _.(tomato)18. Would you please clean your _ now? (tooth)19. Do you want some _? (milk)20 There are ten _in our school. (woman teacher)三、单项选择()1. The _ in our yard are very beautiful.A. clothB. waterC. flowers)2. A cat ha

27、s four _ , doesn't it?(A. footsB. feetC. feets)3. There are three _ and five _ in the room.A. American, Japanese B Americans, Japanese C. American, Japanese)4. Can you see nine _ in the picture?A. fishB. bookC. horse)5. The _ has two_.A. boy; watchB. boy; watchesC. boys; watch)6.I saw many _ in

28、the street.A. peoplesB.peopleC.people s)7. They come from different(不同的)_A. countryB. countriesC. a countryD. countrys)8. How many _ do you see in the picture?A. tomatosB. tomatoesC. tomatoD. the tomato)9. They are_.A . man teachersB. men teachersC. men teacherD. man teacher四、选择正确的词形1 How many (radi

29、oes, radios) can you see?2 There are 36 (boys, boies) in my class.3 Look at those (sheeps, sheep).4 I don t ant (a, an) old cup.5 Give me that (box, boxes), please.五、将以下单复数句进行转换1This is a knife._2That is a tomato._3That child is very good._4These are mice._5Those are children._第 15 、16 课时Unit 1 Topi

30、c 3 How old are you?一 . 单项选择。()1. _ is Mary ? She is five.A. WhoB. WhatC. WhereD. How old()2.)3.)4.What are these?_ are desks.A. ThisB. ThoseWhat is this?_an egg.A. ItB. ItsC. They reWhat class are you in?C. TheyD. ItD. This I m _.A. in class 3, grade 7B. in Class 3, Grade 7C. class 3, grade 7D. Cla

31、ss 3, Grade 7()5. Are those books? Yes, _.A. they areB. they arentC. those areD. those aren t()6. What s this _nglish? It s an egg.A. theB. toC. inD. /()7. Is that an orange? _. It s an apple.A. YesB. NoC. It isD. It isnt()8. What s _ over there( 在那边 )? It s a bus.A. theseB. thoseC. thisD. that()9.

32、_ do you spell your name?T-I-N-A, Tina.A. WhatB. HowC. CanD. Where()10. My mom is _ teacher. She s _nglish teacher.A. a; anB. a; aC. an; aD. an; an二翻译下列短文Hello! My name is Joy. I m a girl. I m eleven. I m in Class ight, Grade Seven. This is myfriend, Joan. She is twelve. She is in a high school. She

33、 is in Class Seven, Grade Eight.My English teacher is Miss White, but her English teacher is Miss Green. Look!Who s that?Oh, she s my mom. She s a Chinese(语文 ) teacher.三 . 情景交际。从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。A: Hello, Jane.1B: I m fine, thanks. And you?A:2Oh, hat s that?B: It s a car.A: 3B: Yes, it is.A: How

34、 do you spell“ orange ”?B: 4A: Thank you.B: 5A. Let me help you.B. I m fine, too.C. You re elcome.D. What sthat in English?E. O-R-A-N-G-E, orange.F. Is that an orange car?G. How are you?1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._四 .看图写话。根据图示,写出与内容相符的句子,句末标点已给出。1. he, in?2. these, your?3. her, 6378-2646.4. that, appleA:?B:.

35、第 17、18 课时一般现在时动词三单形式一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。1) watch _2) have _3) cook_4) go _5) fly _6) make _7) swim_8) draw_9)ride_10) play_11) meet_12) know_13 )guess_14) look_一请用have 或 has 填空。1I _a nice picture.2He _a good friend.3They _ some kites.4We _ some flowers.5She _ a duck.6My father _a new bike.7Her mother

36、 _a vase.8Our teacher _an English book.9Our teachers _ a basketball.10Their parents _some story books.11Nancy _ many skirts.12David _ some jackets.13My friends _ a football.三 在正确的答案上打:1. She (like / likes) to play football.2. He (like / likes) drinking milk.3. I (like / likes) to watch TV.4. We (lik

37、e / likes) to play badminton.5. They (like / likes) to sing songs.6. She (read / reads) books every day.7. He (play / plays) computer games every day.8. It (listen / listens) to the radio every day.9. Linda (draw / draws) pictures every day.10. Jane and Linda (play / plays) football every day.四请用动词的适当形式填空。1. You_(have) a big nose.2. She_(like) apples.3. Those girls_(be) my sister.4. That girl_(call)me every Sunday.5. It _(have) big ears.6. He_ TV every evening. (watch)7. We always _ to school on foot. (go)8. Tom and Jim _ football after school. (


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