1、 附件1:外文翻译译文战略财务管理在中小企业 刘钟胜2010年2月该篇文章来源于jel分类代码:g11号; g23号 摘要:随着社会经济的发展和科学技术的进步,中国的企业在一个充满机会和危险的阶段。介绍了安全管理的含义和意义战略财务管理中存在的问题,阐述了财务策略进行小中型企业一起,最后提出了一些对策和原因。关键词:中小企业的战略财务管理、问题、对策 一个企业的不确定性的金融环境其财务活动充满风险。除了机会,有许多的危险从时间,以时间,其财务管理。因此,它已经成为了成功的关键一个企业的财务管理是否能跟踪的趋势变化什么是有用的吸收。应当拒绝接受什么是有害的。战略管理思想是非常重要的在企业的财务管
2、理,因为我们必须努力去分析和把握一般环境和发展一个企业的发展趋势,从而提高适应能力、可变性和适用性的金融中心管理不确定环境。目前,中小企业在100年通过了工商登记、以企业总数的90%。因此,其战略财务管理是特别重要的,这也是本论文的主题。 1 简介战略性的财务管理是财务管理理论,根据该融资应该的在最适当的方式进行,采集到的资本必须利用和管理的最有效的方式虽然企业和决策和利润分配应该最合理。根据其内涵,总结三个主要内容的战略财务管理,包括融资策略,投资战略和利润分配决策策略。 详情如下:融资策略高度发达的现代企业具有的销售急剧增长。当面对这样一种局势,企业倾向于有很大的要求从股票和应收账款是资本
3、的提升。更大的为销售增长的张力,但更大的资本要求。因此,在融资策略都具有十分重要的意义战略管理财务。融资策略的功能在于明确的指导方针融资、铺设融资目标下,建立整体规模、融资渠道和方法,安排战略资本结构优化方案,从各方面对此作了相应的对策,以达到融资目标,最后预测和收集的大量资金的企业的需要。投资策略为核心的战略财务管理,这种策略决定一个企业只能分配它的首都资源合理而有效的方法。投资策略包括确认投资固定资产的方向、公司规模和资本规模、投资选择相关的外部扩张或我国中小企业战略财务管理的问题目前,一些常见的问题包括:2.1 缺乏科学规范的财务策略不少企业在追求只有一个大的规模,或购买大量的土地而忽略
4、资产结构配置,或没有合理安排其资本。他们没有财务策略,不要去提到实施。至于其他的影响,分析了其战略财务管理是很大的影响由于他们的科学和不规则的策略,并具有以下特点:第一,他们的战略企业财务目标的总体离开他们的财务策略;第二,被认为相当于金融计划,因此忽视的综合性金融策略;第三,金融方案不是根据他们的企业的长期目标,因此有很大的随机性。2.2 忽视战略环境分析,并有不合理的战略性的财务目标战略环境分析既是财务策略的基础和保障实施。它包括出资的角色战略性的财务预算执行预算中所起的作用主要对战略性的财务执行两个方面。首先,它进一步阐明指定的战略财务观念,被理解,而所有的人员进行。预算可以帮助分战略目
5、标企业的每一个部分,甚至每一位员工。另外,当执行某项任务联合所有部分一个所有的雇员将有更好的合作与交流,与对方。第二,预算还提供了一个标准,一个企业的日常操作和性能。与定量金融在预算目标确定、实际实现与预算,以揭示它们之间的目标和现实,采取有效的对策。现在,大多数中小企业在中国没有系统、完整的预算制度由销售预算、生产成本预算,一般间接成本预算,损失和费用预算及现金预算等等。即使一些有这样的系统,其缺乏小心预算行,严格执行预算的作用以及财务策略的实施。2.4 企业的财务管理中存在的问题现在,一些问题,中小企业的财务管理也制约了建立和他们的财务策略的实施。存在的主要问题的建议如下。过时的想法,不清
6、楚职责分工和混乱的管理。企业不知道”的企业管理应以财务管理为基础,并应在财务管理中心资本管理;企业家和财务人员的缺乏科学的、先进的财务观念包括时间值、风险价值,边际成本、机会成本和认识不足有关经济管理的理论和方法导致职责分工不明,混乱的管理,无能的监控、虚假会计信息等。 大量财务计算,包括简化会计程序,保持重开帐户除了授权,采用不规则检查性质和现金,没有定期检查他们的银行存款、债权债务导致他们的账实不符和物品或资金,有前途的奖金和盲目逃税发放奖金在纳税。融资困难,主要体现在渠道和规模不足融资渠道无序融资的命令。目前,大多数中小企业面临极大的困难,获得短期贷款,更不用说长远的问题。81%的企业没
8、转。第四,太多的注意力被放在钱而不是性质,造成严重浪费的资产。事实上,不少小中小企业缺乏有效的管理是他们的原料、半成品、固定资产等等, 资产浪费结果是相当严重的。 3 中小型的中国企业产生这些问题的原因在战略财务管理3.1 僵硬的管理模式、管理理念落后、管理者的质量较差目前,大多数中小企业特别是那些私立学校的高度统一使用所有权的文件管理权利,投资者是经理,他的权力不能只局限于任何情况。没有职责分工明确和严格的规定,这些管理者不体现成一个有效的财务管理公司管理体系,更不用说财务策略对于企业的一个重要组成部分总体策略,从而减轻其意义和功能。这些管理者不相信战略但是很好运气,而血脉不系统,解决关键的
9、手续,但是,管理,技术和市场。特别是那些企业开创市场商机,不宜环境是主要侵犯者。此外,管理者的质量差也是一个重要的失败原因的财务策略。众所周知,大多数经营者在中小型中国企业综合素质差、不足的管理经验和效率较低,因为他们没有经历过的任何系统学习管理理论与特殊的专业培训。因此,他们不能够有合理的预测、决策、预算、控制,分析和评价相结合自身特点和市场,金融环境的分析放下适用、可行的融资策略、投资以及利润分配或完全实现财政预算的重要性,所以实施有效控制以服务他们的总体目标企业的发展战略以一种更好的方式。3.2 缺乏自主融资多元化渠道系统多变的市场、经营风险较大,所以财务指标造成大量的债务和高融资成本,
10、因此导致企业的较低的信用。此外,他们的信用也受到他们的选操作过程、非财务报告,以及信息不对称,从而使实现融资困难的目标。体系的角度,这些企业投融资体制缺乏应有的独立和多样化严重地制约其融资渠道策略。首先,没有全国性的机构或优惠的政策协助中小型企业的管理,导致它们的融资形势不利。第二,由于这些企业的私人性质,一些银行贷款的刚性要求设置由于一些传统观念行政交叉干扰。第三,没有足够的金融机构贷款担保机构和特别为中小企业服务。第四,大多数中小企业没有直接融资的权利而不能发行股票或债券。主板市场是不可进入的,二板市场一个是危险的。3.3 投入不足、缺乏可行性研究能力中小企业注册资本遭受不足,有限的经营资
11、本,于是穷人投资的能力。关注短期目标收回投资,他们不得不依靠简单再生产来代替扩张的一个。此外,无任何特殊机构市场分析、投资活动的人根据他们的观念,因此失明。这些决策者通常不能有一个总体的把握市场经济的特点、原则或继续合理的经济利益与他们的正常工作资本市场。他们可怜的能力也反映在短缺的一些可行性研究他们的收缩和扩展战略,如何选择融资渠道及结构,如何建立一个新的投资方向等等。所有这些极大地影响的制定和实施企业战略的财务目标。3.4 不完整的我国中小企业对策见上述问题,在当前中小型中国企业的主要原因是他们的正确的理财目标,并建立了牢固的战略意义一个企业的财务目标不仅是它的努力的方向,但有效的标准衡量
13、。此外,一些现代管理理念,必须制定相关等风险,时间价值、现金流量、知识效益与人才的价值。4.2 采用预算控制,保证财务策略的有效实施预算管理是保障和关键财务目标转换成特定的行动计划和实施。首先,各式各样的财政预算,包括销售、生产成本、一般间接费用、资本费用、损失及现金,要编制一个科学、合理的基于财务策略和财务预测。编制预算时,应根据销售预测过程可能在未来销售销售期,然后编预算和一般间接费用的生产成本,创造损失后,根据有关销售预算预算和成本预算以及现金预算按照预算资本费用和损失。其次,预算指标可以瓦解列入每个部门或个人,他们的责任感和热情可以鼓舞,澄清的责任和义务。第三,预算应遵循严格的财务策略
14、的实施也不例外。最后,一些调整应该是根据战略环境的变化和新要求的发展战略。4.3 创造良好的战略环境,强调环境分析为中小企业的战略环境不仅影响其融资但坚固和实施他们的财政策略。因此,它是很重要的营造良好的战略环境和强调环境的分析。尽管是一个系列的国家政策鼓励、引导和扶持发展中小企业在华的外部和建立财务危机预警系统有效地控制财务风险融危机预警系统是一个非常重要的手段去控制财务风险,实现战略财务目标为中小企业。通过收集一些信息在相关的产业政策和市场竞争,设置,观察一些敏感性指标和用人预警模型,这样的系统会为企业提供信号来帮助他们采取有效的干预措施,以避免金融危机。关键是要解决预警指标和限制在建立预
15、警系统。这些指标预先警报的主要涉及现金,流动比率、债务、操作、信用、营业额、投资、成本、收益和环境等等。主要有两个模式:函数和多元模式。企业应该建立自己的预警系统,根据其不同模式的现实。 5 结论综上所述,多种因素与企业的外部条件和内部条件时,要充分考虑他们建立自己的财务策略。由于他们的不同特点,中小企业必须建立自己的财务管理策略与其模仿的大型企业。 附件2:外文原文strategic financial management in small and medium-sizedenterprises zongsheng liufebruary 2010该篇文章来源于jel numbers: g
16、12, d21, l21abstract: along with the development of social economy and the progress of science and technology, chinese enterprises are being in a stage filled with opportunities and dangers. this paper introduces the connotation and significance of strategic financial management, elaborates the prob
17、lems in the financial strategies conducted by small and medium-sized enterprises together with the causes and proposes some countermeasures finally.keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises, strategic financial management, problems, countermeasures the uncertainty of an enterprises financial envi
18、ronment fills its financial activities with risks. in addition to opportunities, quite a lot of dangers arise from time to time in its financial management. therefore, it has become thkey to the success of an enterprises financial management whether it can keep track of the trends of changes and abs
19、orbe what is useful while rejecting what is harmful. strategic management ideas are significant in enterprises financial management since we must make efforts to analyze and grasp the general environment and development tendency of an enterprise and therefore to improve the adaptability, changeabili
20、ty and applicability of financial management to uncertain environment. currently, over 10,000,000 small and medium-sized enterprises have passed the industrial and commercial registration, taking up 90% of the total enterprises in china. accordingly, their strategic financial management is of partic
21、ular importance, which is also the topic of this paper. 1 introductionstrategic financial management refers to financial management theories according to which financing should be conducted in the most proper way, the collected capital should be utilized and managed in the most effective way in ente
22、rprises and decisions on the reinvestment and distribution of profits should be made most reasonably. according to its connotation, we can sum up the three main contents of strategic financial management, including financing strategy, investment strategy and profit-distribution strategy. detailsare
23、as follows:financing strategyhighly developed modern enterprises are characterized by sharp growth in sales. when faced up with such a situation, enterprises tend to have great demands for capital since stocks and receivables are increased as well. the greater the tension of sales growth is, the gre
24、ater capital demands will be. therefore, financing strategy is of significance in strategic financial management. the functions of financing strategy lie in clarifying the guidelines for financing, laying down financing objectives, establishing the overall scale, channels and methods of financing, a
25、rranging strategic schemes of capital structure optimization, laying down relevant countermeasures in order to achieve the financing objectives, and finally predicting and collecting the amount of capital the enterprise needs.investment strategyas the core of strategic financial management, this str
26、ategy determines whether an enterprise can allocate its capital and resources in a reasonable and effective way or not. investment strategy involves the confirmation of the investment direction of fixed assets, corporate scale and capital scale, the investment choices related to external expansion o
27、r internal expansion, the reform of old products or the development of new ones, independent or joint operation, investment with self-capital or with loans and decisions on the percentage between fixed assets and current assets, investment strategies with risks and those during inflation.profit-dist
28、ribution strategythis strategy, including the management of capital gains and the establishment of stock bonus distribution, mainly deals with the proportion an enterprise puts aside in a long run for reproduction on an expanded scale, improvement of employees welfare and their living standards. pro
29、fit-distribution strategy is intended to satisfy the demands for equity capital in the development and improvement of enterprises core competitiveness based on relevant investment strategy and financing strategy. meanwhile, when carrying out this strategy, enterprises are expected to establish talen
30、t-oriented distribution policies by exploring effective methods to apply those important elements such as knowledge,technique, patent and management to the profit-distribution course.2 problems in strategic financial management of small and medium-sized enterprises in chinacurrently, some common pro
31、blems include:2.1 lacking in scientific and standardized financial strategiesquite a few enterprises are pursuing only a large scale, or purchasing a large amount of land while neglecting asset structure allocation, or having no reasonable arrangement for its capital. they have no financial strategi
32、es at all, not to mention their implementation. as for some others, the effect of their strategic financial management is greatly affected due to their unscientific and irregular strategies, which are characterized by the following features: first, their strategic financial aims depart from their en
33、terprises overall ones; second, financial strategies are regarded equal to financial plans, hence neglecting the comprehensiveness of financial strategies; third, financial strategies are not made based on their enterprises long-term goals and therefore have great randomness.2.2 neglecting strategic
34、 environment analysis and having unreasonable strategic financial goalsstrategic environment analysis is both the foundation of financial strategies and the guarantee for its implementation. it includes internal and external environment analysis with the former being the internal foundation and impl
35、ementation basis for the establishment of financial strategies. at present, quite a lot of small and medium enterprises havent realized the importance of strategic environment for the establishment and implementation of financial strategies and accordingly failed to have proper analysis on their str
36、ategic financial environment especially its internal environment. as a result, their unpractical and unreasonable strategies have restricted the effective implementation of their financial strategies.2.3 lessening the role of budgeting in strategic financial implementationbudgeting mainly exerts its
37、 role in strategic financial implementation in two aspects. first, it further clarifies and specifies strategic financial ideas so as to be understood and conducted by all the staff. budgeting can help to divide strategic goals into every sectionof an enterprise and even every employee. in addition,
38、 when implementing a task jointly, all sections an all employees will have better cooperation and communication with each other. second, budgeting also provides a standard for an enterprises daily operation and performance. with a quantitative financial goal set in budget, the actual implementation
39、can be compared with the budget to reveal the disparity between the goal and the reality and take effective countermeasures. now, most small and medium enterprises in china have no systematic and complete budget system made up of sales budget, production cost budget, general indirect cost budget, lo
40、ss and expense budge and cash budget and so on. even if some have such a system, its shortage of careful budgeting and strict implementation also lessens the role of budgeting as well as the implementation of financial strategies.2.4 problems in enterprises financial managementnow, some problems in
41、small and medium enterprises financial management have also restricted the establishment and implementation of their financial strategies. some main problems are as follows.obsolete ideas, unclear duty division and disordered management. enterprises have no idea of “corporatemanagement should be bas
42、ed on financial management and financial management should center on capital management; entrepreneurs and financial staffs lack of scientific and advanced financial ideas including time value, risk value, marginal cost, opportunity cost and insufficient knowledge about financial management theories
43、 and methods have resulted in unclear duty division, disordered management, ineffective monitor, false accounting information and so on.extensive financial calculation, including simplifying accounting procedures at will, keeping additional accounts in addition to the authorized one, adopting irregu
44、lar check of properties and cash, having no regular check of their bank deposits, claims and debts which cause their accounts inconsistent with items or funds, blindly promising bonuses and evading taxes by distributing bonuses before paying taxes.difficult financing, mainly manifested in insufficie
45、nt channels and scales of financing channels as well as disordered financing orders. currently, most small and medium enterprises are faced with great difficulty in gaining short-term loans, not tomention long-term ones. 81% of all enterprises have no enough current funds for their operation. the lo
46、nger the periods of loans are, the less money they can really utilize from their loans. as is shown in a survey, 60.5% enterprises have no access to long-term loans, among those who can really get such loans, 16% enterprises demands are fully fulfilled, 52.7% are partially fulfilled, 31.2% are not f
47、ulfilled. (huang, 2008)poor financial control. first, loose cash management tends to cause inactive or insufficient capital. for some enterprises, the more cash, the better. therefore, a large sum of cash is not allocated to operation, failing to exert its role; for some others, their cash is oversp
48、ent on real properties, hence failing to tackle some emergent uses. second, slow turnover of accounts receivable causes great difficulty in recovering capital or even bad debts. third, the control over stock is poor. many enterprises have a stock over twice its turnover, leading to failures in capit
49、al turnover. fourth, too much emphasis is put on money instead of properties, causing serious waste of assets. actually, quite a few small and medium enterprises are lacking in effective management of their raw materials, semi-manufactured goods, fixed assets and so on, as a result of which asset wa
50、stes are quite serious.3 causes of the problems in strategic financial management of small and medium-sized chinese enterprises3.1 rigid management pattern, laggard management idea and managers poor qualityat present, most small and medium enterprises especially those private ones employ highly unif
51、ication of ownership and management rights in which the investor is the manager whose power can not be restricted in any case. having no clear division of duties and strict regulations, these managers dont embody financial management into an effective corporate management system, not to mention rega
52、rding financial strategies as a significant part of the enterprises overall strategies, hence lessening their significance and function. these managers dont believe in strategy but good luck, not system but ties of blood, not procedures but tackling key points, not management but technology and mark
53、et. especially for those enterprises venturing out of niches, unfavorable environmentis the chief offender.in addition, managers poor quality is also an important cause for the failure of financial strategies. it is well known that most managers in small and medium chinese enterprises have poor comp
54、rehensive quality, insufficient management experiences and low efficiency because they havent gone through any systematic learning of management theories and special professional training. therefore, they are not able to have reasonable predictions, decisions, budgets, control, analysis and evaluati
55、on based on their own characteristics and the market, to have analysis on financial environment and lay down applicable and feasible strategies for financing, investment as well as profit distribution or to fully realize the importance of financial budgeting and therefore to have effective control o
56、ver its implementation in order to serve the overall goals of their enterprises development strategies in a better way.3.2 lacking independent financing system with diversified channelswith changeable market, operation risks are greater, so are financial ones caused by a large amount of debt and hig
57、h financing cost, hence resulting in enterprises low credit. besides, their credit is also affected by their non-transparent operation process, non-standardized financial reports as well as asymmetrical information, hence leading to the difficulty in achieving financing goals.seen from the perspecti
58、ve of financing system, these enterprises lack of independent financing system with diversified channels has greatly restricted their financing strategies. first, there is no national institution or preferential policies to assist small and medium enterprises with their management, causing their unf
59、avorable financing situation. second, due to these enterprises private nature, some banks set rigid requirements for loans because of some traditional ideas and administrative interferences. third, there are no enough financial agencies and loan guarantee institutions specially serving for small and medium enterprises. fourth, most small
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