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1、Unit 1 Everyday Life,1. New words,Lesson3 - 1.averagevrid平均的;普通的;一般的 parativekmprtiv比较级的 plexionkmplekn肤色;面色 4.conclusion knklu:n结论;定论 5.hazelhezl淡褐色的 6. as a model 作为一个样子 7. come up with 想出来;提出来,Lesson 4 1. Beach bi:t 海滩;沙滩 2. Break breik短暂的休息 3.financiallyfannl经济上的;财政上地 4.lonelylunli孤独的;孤单的 5.Over

2、time vtam加班;超时 6.plentyplenti丰富;充足;众多;大量,7.rarelyrli难得;很少 8.soccer sk足球 9. finish school 放学;上完课 10. for example 例如,比如 11.go to bed 上床 12. had better 最好 13.help with 希望;有助于 14.play soccer 踢足球,15. take a 15-minute break 休息15分钟 16. take a lunch break 休息吃午饭;午休 17. take sb. To school 送某人上学 18.work overti

3、me 加班(工作,2. Our Goal,Describe People Comparative and superlative adjectives (形容词比较级与最高级) Interpret and write schedules,Describe people,He has short, black hair, brown eyes and a broad, friendly smile. He is wearing a dark suit and tie,Do you know him,Sample 1,外貌 Physical Appearance 在描写人时,通常会描写其外貌特征,

4、如:年龄,身材,体形,头发(长短,颜色,发型),脸型,肤色,眼睛,衣着,表情,情趣,爱好,个性等,但不必面面提到,一般要抓住某人比较明显的特征来描述.在描写人的外貌时,用一般现在时,头发(hair): straight 直的; curly 卷发的; Bald 秃头的; Long hair 长发; short hair 短发 Balck, brown, blond, red, gray, white hair,身高 (height) medium height 中等身材; average height 一般身材; below average 低于平均身高; tall 高的; short 矮的;

5、middle-sized 身高中等的; of medium height 中等身材; 1.78 meters 身高1.78米,脸型(face): round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的,五官: (1) 眼睛(eye): deep-set 深陷的; eyelashes 睫毛; eyebrows 眉毛, brown/blue/green/gray, hazel(褐色的) eye (2) 鼻子(nose): long 长的; straight 挺直的; big 大的; small 小的; flat 扁平的; hooked 钩状的,3) 嘴部(mouth): too

6、th 牙齿; even 整齐的; uneven 不整齐的; chin下巴,Weight Thin/slim (苗条的) Heavy 重的 average weight 中等体重,服饰(dress,scruffyskrfi: 邋遢的,smart sm:t潇洒的,fashionablefnbl 时髦的,elegantelint 优雅的,Lets begin our test,Hair style,Short hair,Long hair,straight hair,curly hair,bald,Hair color,Black hair,Brown hair,light brown,Dark b

7、rown,blond,Red hair,gray,White hair,Height,short,medium,Tall,Deep-set,He was born a hooked nose,Big nose,Hazel eye,heavy,Thin/slim,Your task: Write a sentence about a classmate.Then read it to the class and ask, Who is it,形容词副词比较级和最高级,TOM,ED,JILL,nice,nicer,nicest,Tom is nice. Ed is nicer than Tom.

8、Jill is the nicest of the three,8yuan/a kilo,10yuan/a kilo,20 yuan/a kilo,1,2,3,The third chicken is cheap. The second one is cheaper. The first one is the cheapest of all,比较级用法: 形容词比较级用于两者(人或事物)之间的比较,表示其中一个比另一个“更”或“较”,后面用连词than连接另一个所比较的人或事物。例如: 1.That ruler is longer than this one. 2.Mary is younge

9、r than me(I,二。形容词和副词的比较级和最高级构成:规则变化 1单音节词在词尾加-er比较级, 加-est最高级。 原级 比较级 最高级 bright brighter brightest young younger youngest long longer longest 2.以字母e 结尾的词只加-r或- st构成比较级和最高级,nice nicer nicest fine finer finest white whiter whitest 3.重读闭音节以一个辅音字母结尾的,应先双写辅音字母,再加-er 或-est. big bigger biggest 4.以辅音字母加-y

10、结尾的词,先把-y变为 I, 再加-er -est. easy easier easiest,5.部分双音节词和多音节词分别在原级前加more构成比较级和most构成最高级,eg. slowly-more slowly-most slowly; beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful,不规则变化: 个别形容词的比较级和最高级是不规则变化,需个别记忆。e.g. good (well) better bestbad (badly, ill) worse worstmany (much) more mostlittle less leastfar father

11、/further farthest/furthest,三.可以修饰比较级的词,much,a lot, far,的多a little,a bit,一点儿 even甚至,still仍然。例如, 1)Lesson One is much easier than Lesson Two. 第一课比第二课容易得多。 2)Tom looks even younger than before. 汤姆甚至比以前更年轻。 3)This train runs much faster than that one. 这辆火车比那辆跑地快。 4)She drives still more carefully than h

12、er husband. 她开车仍然比她丈夫还认真,四.“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”。 1.He is getting taller and taller.他变得越来越高了。 2.The flowers are more and more beautiful. 花儿越来越漂亮。 3.He does his homework more and more carefully. 他做作业越来越认真了。 “the+比较级,the+比较级”表示 “越,越”。 The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes youll make.你越认真,犯的错误越少,五

13、. 最高级用法:用于三者或三者以上的人或事物之间的比较,表示在一群人或事物中,其中一个“最”,表示这一意思时形容词要用最高级形式. 最高级前一般要用定冠词the,句中一般有一个表示比较范围的介词of或in短语,提示板: of后面一般接表示一群人或事物的代词或名词,in后面一般接表示每一单位或场所的名词。例如,1.She is the youngest of the three children 2.Of all the boys in our class Tom is the youngest. 我们班上所有的男生中,Tom年纪最小。 3.Tom is the tallest in his c

14、lass. Tom is the tallest of all the students. 汤姆是他们班上/所有学生当中最高的,副词的构成与用法和形容词相同 提醒: 1.句子中,副词最高级前的the 可省略也可以不省略,但形容词最高级前面的the 绝对不能去掉。 e.g. Who runs (the) fastest, Tom, Jim or Mike,2.“主语+be+ one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词+in/of 短语”表示: “是中最之一”。例如, Beijing is one of the largest cities in China.北京是中国最大城市之一,3.“特殊疑

15、问词+be + the+最高级+甲,乙,or丙?”用于三者以上的比较。例如, Which country is the largest,China,Japan or Canada? 哪一个国家最大,中国,日本还是加拿大? 4.“特殊疑问词+be +the+副词最高级+甲,乙,or丙?”用于三者以上的比较。例如, Which season do you like (the) best,spring,summer or autumn? 你最喜欢哪一个季节,春天,夏天还是秋天,5. 两者转换:“甲+be+形容词比较级+than+ any other+单数名词(+介词短语)”表示“甲比同一范围的任何一

16、个人/物都”,含义是“甲最”。例如, The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in China. =The Yangtze River is longer than any of the other rivers in China. =The Yangtze River is longer than the other rivers in China. =The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.长江是中国最长的河流,原级的用法 1. 修饰原级的词,very,quite,so,too

17、. 例如: 1). He is too tired to walk on. 他太累了以至于不能再继续走了。 2). My brother runs so fast that I cant follow him. 我弟弟跑得那么快以至于我跟不上他. 3).His handwriting is very good. 他的书法很好。 (一个人不作比较。,2.原级常用的句型结构: asas与。相同 (1)“甲+be+(倍数)+as+形容词原级+as+乙”表示“甲和乙程度相同”或“甲是乙的几倍” 1.Tom is as old as Kate. 2.Tom is twice as old as Kate. (2)甲+实意动词


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