甘肃省白银市强湾中学八年级英语上册 Lesson 35 What's Your Advice导学案(无答案) 冀教版_第1页
甘肃省白银市强湾中学八年级英语上册 Lesson 35 What's Your Advice导学案(无答案) 冀教版_第2页
甘肃省白银市强湾中学八年级英语上册 Lesson 35 What's Your Advice导学案(无答案) 冀教版_第3页




Lesson 35 Whats Your Advice 教师活动 (环节、措施) 学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流)二、试着将下列短语英汉互译。 1.too many noodles _ 2.improve your English_ 3.这一次_ 4.look inside_ 5.使得我疲倦_ 6.许多水果和蔬菜_ 7.需要干某事_ 8.玩耍,玩耍_ 9.选择一个号码_ 10.do ones homework_三、考考你的阅读记忆能力。请仔细阅读课本P44 的课文,然后回答下列问题。1.What game are Jenny and Danny playing? _2.What number does Jenny choose? _3.Who is good at this game? _4.Can Danny spell the word “green”? _5.Does Jenny get good advice at last? _合作研讨1. an advice diamond advice “劝告;建议” 不可数名词a piece of advice two pieces of advice some advicetake ones advice 接受忠告/建议课题Lesson 35课时1课时课型新授学习目标Learning aim(学习目标):Help the students learn to give people advice.流程重难点1. 掌握词汇及短语:advice, choose, spell, reply, as, nobody, be nice to2. 识别词汇及短语:diamond, advice, advice diamond, opposite, too many / much, Fast is the opposite of slow.教师活动 (环节、措施)学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流) 复习导学预习导学:1, Try to rememder the new words as quickly as possible(尽快记住新单词)(A级)2, Read ,recite and copy the new words in this lesson(方法导引:按音标正确读,背单词抄 写时汉语只需抄一遍,然后默写单词)(A级) 课前小测 (B级) 试一试身手吧!Business before pleasure.先务正业,后娱乐。一、你能用英语译出下列数字吗?1. 78_ 2. 39_ 3. 46_ 4. 19_ 5. 53_ 6. 8_7. 85_ 8.12_ 9. 100_ 教师活动 (环节、措施) 学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流) 教师活动 (环节、措施) 学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流)2. choose chose chosen spell spelled/spelt spelled/spelt3. reply 及物动词直接跟that引导的宾语从句不及物动词 reply to + 名词或代词 4. as 连词conj. 引导时间状语从句 “当时;一边一边”5. Fast is the opposite of slow.opposite n. 对面 adj. 相反的,对应的课堂练习高效提升You cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear.粗瓷碗雕不出细花来。一、考考你的记忆力,根据句意及首字母补全在本课中出现的单词。1.Mr White gives us some good a _.2.Can you s_ your name,please?3.Please give us a r_ quickly.4.I dont know which book to c_.5.D_ is a kind of valuable stone.6.There is n_ in the classroom.7.Easy is the o_ of difficult.8.You need to eat a lot of v_.二、慧眼识珠,单项填空。1.He gives me _ advice. A. a B. any C. many D. some2.Sometimes I eat _ meat. A. too much B. much too c. too many d. many too3._ woman is your English teacher? A. What B. Where C. Which D. Whats4._ some bananas and _ orange on the table. A. There is; a B. There is;an C. There are;a D. There are;an5.Look, here _ Li Yings father and mother. A. is B. are C. be D. am6.-Is Mr Li your English teacher? -_. A. Yes,she is B. No,she isnt C. Yes,he is D. No,he is 7._ a bird. _ name is Polly. A. Its;Its B. Its;Its C. Its;Its D. Its;Its8.We are _ sisters and brothers. A. like B. likes C. look d. looks9.Zhou Nan likes her cat _. A. a lot of B. lots of C. a lot D. much10.You should work hard _ your maths. A. to improve B. improve C. improving D. improved3、 看看你的应变能力,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Sometimes my brother _ (walk) to school.2.My cousin often_ (do) her homework in the evening.3.There are white _ (sheep).4.Jim and Lucy _ (be) in the same class.5.Toms family _ (be) all at home.6.This isnt _ (I) pencil-box.


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