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语篇提能.完形填空Christmas is coming, Ginny and I turn on the Hallmark channel and _1_ Christmas movies. Its the time of year to _2_ our hearts and feel the love around us. we both have _3_ hearts and love a good cry.We paused the movie, as I yelled, “No, Callie! _4_ from the tree!”I adopted her a few months before Christmas. Ginny named her Callie, because she is a calico. A week after I rescued her, Ginny had said, “Mike, what about your _5_? Callie will get in it.” I thought about my _6_ ornaments. Many came from my childhood. Some were gifts from a dear friend and expensive. “Youre right, Gin. I _7_ thought about that. But Im sure it will be OK.”But it turned out that I was _8_!A few days before Christmas, Ginny and I took a trip to the storage shed, piled the boxes of _9_ and the tree into her daughters van and brought them home.As I put the tree together, Callie climbed the _10_. Each layer I added, she climbed higher. I grew _11_ and locked her in the bathroom until I was done.I spent the evening trying to _12_ her from the tree. She _13_ behind my shoes and waited for me to look away. As soon as I _14_ my head, she ran to the tree, pawed at the lower branches and ran away _15_ I could get to her.We found a water bottle. It became my _16_ of choice to use on the little tree hugger. I peered _17_ the branches and saw her looking back at me with a _18_ look that said, “Sorry, I cant help myself, daddy. Its even _19_ on the inside looking out.” A few drops of water from my trusty _20_ made her climb out and slink away to lick her wet fur.1A.see Blook Cwatch Dobserve2A.clean Blose Copen Dlock3A.cruel Bloyal Cfrightened Dsoft4A.Get away BPut away CTake away DBreak away5A.heart Btree Ccondition Bprevious Csimple Dworthless7A.ever Balways Calmost Dnever8A.wise Bwrong Cfoolish Dhopeless9A.ornaments(装饰品) BcandiesCprizes Dpresents10A.sticks Bbranches Cwalls Dpoles11A.interested Bimpatient Ccurious Dcareful12A.protect Bkeep Cpersuade Dhit13A.left Bsat Chid Dlay14A.touched BshookCused Dturned15A.once Buntil Cbefore Dwhile16A.weapon BawardCprofit Denemy17A.over BthroughCunder Dwithin18A.guilty BnaughtyCfrightened Dsurprised19A.cleverer Bthicker Cbigger Dprettier20A.pan Bbox Cbottle Dbathroom答案与解析:本文是记叙文。本文采用插叙的叙事方法,讲述作者收养的小猫和圣诞树的一些趣事。其中第三、四、五、六段是插叙。1解析:打开Hallmark频道看圣诞节电影,与movie连用时用watch,与film搭配时用see。答案:C2解析:圣诞节是我们每个人“敞开”(open)心扉感觉身边的人的爱的时候。答案:C3解析:根据下文“love a good cry”中的cry可推知我们都有一颗“脆弱”的(soft)心,都想痛痛快快地哭一场。答案:D4解析:根据情境和下文“Callie will gel in it”可推知它要到圣诞树上,所以作者把电影暂停叫着让它远离圣诞树。get away from意为“远离”;put away意为“将收起”; take away意为“将带走”; break away意为“逃脱;背叛”。答案:A5解析:根据第4空所在的句子和下文“she climbed higher.”可知本句中指的是Callie要爬到圣诞树上选择B项。答案:B6解析:根据下文“Many came from my childhood. Some were gifts from a dear friend and expensive.”可推知作者在回忆过去的珍贵的装饰品。precious意为“珍贵的”;previous意为“以前的”;simple意为“简单的”;worthless意为“一文不值的”。答案:A7解析:根据上文的Ginny的提醒“Callie will get in it”和“Youre right, Gin.”可推知作者“从没”(never)想过这一点。答案:D8解析:根据上文的“Im sure it will be OK.”和下文Callie爬上树的表现可推知作者当时的想法是“错误的”(wrong)。答案:B9解析:根据第6空所在的句子可推知本空指的是我和Ginny去储藏室把一盒子“装饰品”(ornaments)和圣诞树装进车里带回家。答案:A10解析:根据下文“she ran to the tree, pawed at the lower branches”可知Callie爬上“树枝”(branches)。答案:B11解析:根据下文“locked her in the bathroom until I was done.”可推知对于Callie不断向上爬我失去了耐性,把它关在浴室里直到那天我把事情做完。impatient意为“不耐心的”。答案:B12解析:我整个晚上都尽力阻止她上树,keep sb. from sth./doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”。答案:B13解析:根据情境可推知Callie藏在我的鞋后等着我往远处看。hide的过去式是hid。答案:C14解析:等我一“转头”(turn),Callie就很快地跑到树跟前爬到较低的树枝上。答案:D15解析:before引导时间状语从句。表示“还没来得及”。答案:C16解析:根据情境可推知我实在没办法,于是找了一个水瓶当做我的“武器”(weapon),本句也是作者一种幽默的表达。答案:A17解析:根据情境可知Callie已经很淘气地跑到圣诞树上,所以应该是作者“透过”(through)树枝看着Callie。答案:B18解析:根据下文的“Sorry, I cant help myself, daddy.”可推知作者联想Callie当时的心理活动,好像在向他道歉,用一种犯错误的眼神瞅着他说“我是情不自禁的呀”。答案:A19解析:“在树枝上望着窗外会更美丽的(prettier)”,本句是作者想象当时Callie在树枝上的想法。答案:D20解析:根据本段第一句话中的“a water bottle”可知我用瓶子里的水把Callie从树里浇出来。答案:C.阅读理解七选五(2014锦州高一检测)Toys provide more than just fun and games for kids. _1_ A good toy can develop childrens senses and encourage them to communicate with others.Toys for BabiesBabies want to learn about the world around them very much, and they have much to learn. _2_ Toys that make music are favorites of babies. Toys with different colors are attractive to babies. They also need objects such as blocks to help them build handeye coordination(协调). Giving your baby these toys will help him/her discover his/her senses._3_Toddlers(学步儿童) can play with more toys than they did when they were smaller. They might still enjoy some of the toys they played with as babies, and thats fine. The same blocks they played with a year or two ago can provide them with new and different educational opportunities as their knowledge expands. _4_Toys for Preschool ChildrenWhen children reach preschool age, its time to start learning about letters, numbers and language skills. There are lots of toys that encourage this type of learning, from simple alphabet puzzles to hightech electronic toys. These will introduce him/her to the things he/she will learn in school thus attracting them._5_ When you give your child educational toys and play with them with him/her, it gives him/her a chance to learn and have fun at the same time.AToys for ToddlersBChildren can learn a lot from playing.CFor babies toys should be used for both playing and learning.DMost toys provide at least some opportunity for children to learn.EBut they also need toys that are designed for kids of their age in mind.FLearning methods for children at different ages is of great importance.GEvery new shape, color, taste and sound is a learning experience for them.答案:15 DGAEB.短文改错(2014洛阳高一检测)I cant believe I have come here for 6 months already! I certainly owe you a apology for not write more often. I have been busy studying and try to absorb all the new thing here. I am still experiencing culture shock. There is so many here that is different from home. But you will soon experience it all yourself! I wi


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