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论计算机中的哲学西方早有一种说法:电子计算机是搞哲学的人发明的;中国也有一种说法:电子计算机的发明与中国传统的阴阳八卦说相联系。 但是, 无论是西方还是中国,对上述说法都没有具体的考据和探究,只是说说而已。于是,西方史学界认定的电子计算机发明者仍是“科技人员” ,中国思想界在把电子计算机发明与“老祖宗”挂钩时亦底气不足。事实是,电子计算机的发明的确与哲学传统和哲学思维方法有着深刻的联系,问题是要搞清楚这种联系是什么层面上、 什么性质和意义的。 以机器或器具来进行计算已不是一天两天的事了,从算盘到计算尺,从手摇计算机到大型机械式计算机,甚至当年纳粹德国的“不可破译的”密码机,都可以纳入这一范畴。如果仅就物理性状而言,电子计算机不过是以电子而不是机械方式实现的机器计算而已,从而与上述机器或器具计算具有连续性。但是,电子计算机相对于上述机器或器具计算又具有断裂性(质变、飞跃),它具有软件所 决定的开放性它的计算方式和能力不象后者那样是给定、 固化的。 这就是说,电子计算机是依其软件而具有自身特殊性;正因为有了软件(程序)与电子的光 速运动在某种物理平台中的结合,电子计算机才得以产生。 也只有从软件的角度出发,我们才能找到解开哲学与电子计算机的关系的钥匙,它就是支撑计算机计算的数字基础以0和1构成的二进位制以及向十进位 制的还原。我们通常所说的数字技术、数码技术,说白了就是指的这种二进位制 的计算机运行和还原方式的各种技术实现, 只不过因为 “电脑人” 只会从 digital (数字的) “硬译”而使一种很简单的事情变得令人摸不着头脑。 二进位制初现于人类早期,它满足人类原始、粗犷的物物交换行为,即所有 交换物都合并成一个计算单位来进行,如作为“单位1”的十只羊与作为另一个 “单位1”的三头牛发生交换;以及所有复合交换行为都分解成作为一个计算单 位的简单交换来进行,如十只羊与三头牛发生交换,结清一次,再有一袋果子与 一张羊皮发生交换,再结清一次,等等。显然,这种满足人类原始、粗犷交换行 为的二进位制具有明确的“是”和“否”“肯定”或“否定”的含义,成交就是 、 “是”“肯定” 、 ,也就是“1” ,不成交就是“否”“否定” 、 ,也就是“0” 。但同样 显然的是,这种原始交换意义上的二进位制是无法用于进一步的计算活动的,随 着人类思维进化和社会化的发展,它必然被十进位制所取代。马克思和恩格斯就 曾高度赞扬“0”这个“位值”的确立从而十进位制的确立对于人类思维进化和 社会化的重要意义。 但是到了人类发明电子计算机的时代, 如果以简单的十进位制来与以光速进 行的电子运动相匹配,那就既没有必要,又平添麻烦了,因为电子计算机既需要 简单化地识别输入的程序,又具备将它们重新快速还原成十进位制理解的能力 (如前所述,单纯的二进位制实际上是不具备“计算性”的,所以必须进行十进 位制的还原工作) 。这个时侯,仅仅具有“是”或“否”含义的“0”或“1” ,也 就是二进位制,就重新在“否定之否定”的阶段上“复活”了。事实上,电子计 算机是借助二进位制的形式,而以矩阵图形的方式完成十进位制的计算内容。例 如,如果以3 x 3 = 9 构成一个矩阵图形,如果其中9个点都是0(在光盘上就表 现为都是黑点完全不透光) ,则它在十进位制还原上就表示为0;如果其中2个点是1,7个点是0(在光盘上就表现为2个透光点,7个不透光的黑点) ,则它在 十进位制还原上就表示为2,如此类推。二进位制不是在被十进位制否定的意义 上,而是在包容十进位制的意义上重新登堂入室,充分表现了其“否定之否定” 的性状。而由此我们也可看到,通常所说电子计算机是二进位制,是错误的,至 少是不全面的;二进位制只是形式的东西,是实现十进位制之内容的形式。 将二进位制理解为实现十进位制之内容的形式, 并且将这种实现形式理解为 一种矩阵图形,就立即直观地看到了它与中国传统的阴阳八卦说的联系。阴阳八 卦的阴阳互动也是一种“是”与“否”“肯定”与“否定”的相互运动,而且也 、 是以各种矩阵式的图形来表达的;从阴与阳的不同组合得出的八卦,解释着(或 “衍生出” )世间万物,而电子计算机以0和1构成的“虚拟世界” ,至少也在“复 制”着人类生活的千姿百态,二者之间果真有一种相通的“底气” 。从这个意义 上说,人们把电子计算机的发明与中国传统的阴阳八卦说相联系,或者再具体点 说与阴阳八卦说的哲学思维方式、技巧相联系,并非附会。 同样地,以二进位制式的“是”与“否”“肯定”与“否定”的相互运动来 、 理解或诠释全部人类生活,也可以在西方哲学传统中找到共通之处。众所周知, 西方哲学的基本范畴是“to be”或“not to be” ,也就是“存在”和“非存在” 、 “有”和“无”“存在”和“非存在”“有”和“无”的相互运动,就构成了(或 ; 、 解释了)千变万化的世界,至于康德把这个世界本体解释为“物自体” 、黑格尔 解释为“绝对精神” 、毕达哥拉斯解释为“数”等等,那只是看问题的角度和思 维抽象度的差异而已。从这个意义上同样可以说,人们把电子计算机的发明与西 方哲学传统相联系,认为它是一种哲学思维的产物,也是成立的。 当然,哲学与某项科学发明发生关系,主要是潜移默化的、 “非线性”的; 如果硬要找到某项发明与“学习了”某某条文的“线性”关系,那就是“文革” 中庸俗不堪的“工农兵学哲学”了。在历史上,许多大科学家本身就是哲学家, 如笛卡尔、 莱布尼茨、 康德、 牛顿、 爱因斯坦等等。 很难说他们的科学成果是 “科 学的脑袋”使然,还是“哲学的脑袋”造就。但可以肯定的是,哲学使他们与众 不同,哲学帮助他们成为大家。今天我们探讨哲学与电子计算机发明的关系,所 要重视和强调的正是这一点。事物是普遍联系的。计算机技术与通讯技术结合形成计算机网络,计算机网 络与数据库系统“联姻”产生分布式数据库系统等,不仅能证明事物之间联系的 普遍性,更说明运用“普遍联系”的观点分析和解决问题的可行性和必要性。 事物是变化发展的,要求我们用发展的眼光看待事物。截至目前,根据电 子计算机采用的基本元器件的演变,可以将计算机的发展分为4代:第一代 (19461957),电子管计算机,运行机器语言、汇编语言程序:第二代(1958 1964),晶体管计算机,出现高级语言程序;第三代(1965-1971),中小规模集 成电路计算机, 出现操作系统、 结构化和模块化程序设计; 第四代(1972年至今), 大规模和超大规模集成电路计算机,软件方面出现数据库、知识库等。 符合认识的规律。从电子计算机诞生的艰难而漫长的历程可以看出,计算工 具是随着生产的发展和社会的进步从无到有、从简单到复杂、从低级到高级不断 发展的,是人们为满足一定的需要,突破人体器官功能的局限性,借助各种实践 手段不断实践积累的结果。 意识的能动作用。意识是物质的产物,意识对物质具有能动的反作用,在尊重客观规律的基础上, 充分的发挥主观能动性, 改造客观世界。 计算机是模拟 “人 脑和意识”的开始,计算机能够模拟人脑的部分功能,代替人的部分脑力劳动, 甚至某些功能比人脑还强。 电脑产生于对人脑功能的模拟,人工智能出现于对人类意识进行模拟,电脑 作为人类智力的物化和人脑的延伸,能增强人的能力,但是与具有目的性、能动 性、适应性和创造性的人脑相比,当前电脑对人脑和人类意识的模拟就只能算是 初级阶段,它只能在程序的控制下被动、无意识、机械地运行,由此电脑对人的 模拟还仅仅是一个开始,不断提高计算机对人的模拟程度具有广阔前景。比如目 前人们正在研究使计算机具有类似人的听觉、视觉、触觉等,这给人们指明了计 算机的发展方向和目标, 但是也要明确电脑只能够模拟人的某些自然属性而难以 模拟人的社会属性,但事物的发展有其自身的规律,在尊重客观规律的基础上, 电脑不可能具有真正意义上的思维,更不可能取代人脑。 计算机在发展中量变和质变及其相互转化。 从晶体管计算机到中小规模集成 电路计算机, 即计算机构成元器件从单个元件到将多个元件集成到单一的半导体 芯片上的集成电路,使得计算机变得更小,功耗更低,速度更快,是计算机技术 由于电子技术发展的“量的积累”而引起的一次“质的飞跃”。又由于集成电路 规模不断扩大的“量的变化”,在更小的芯片上容纳更多数量的元件,使得计算 机的体积和价格不断下降,而功能和可靠性却不断增强,导致计算机技术再一次 飞跃,出现微硝电子计算机等超大规模集成电路计算机,于是计算机应用逐渐渗 透到社会各领域。而且直到如今,制造计算机的集成电路的发展方向仍然是在不 断扩大规模。 计算机技术在“矛盾运动”中前行。计算机系统分为硬件系统和软件系统。它们 是一个相互依存、相互渗透、相互转化的不可分割的有机整体。没有配备任何软 件的“裸机”几乎不能完成任何任务,而没有硬件对软件的物质支持,软件根本 无法运行,只有硬件和软件协同工作才能解决实际问题。同时,计算机硬件系统 与软件系统之间又具有相互排斥的属性。 计算机硬件系统与软件系统发展速度并 非完全“同步”,时而硬件短期超越软件发展的速度,时而软件短期超越硬件发 展的速度,在这种短期的速度不平衡的过程中,一方受另一方的制约,促进另一 方的发展。由此可见,计算机硬件系统与软件系统既相互依赖又相互促进,双方 “在矛盾的运动中”,促使计算机系统不断发展。 以科学的辩证唯物主义把握计算机的产生和本质,及其发展过程,进而深刻地把握计算机基本概念、方法和技术,加强我们自身理论思维能力。discuss on the computer in philosophythere is a saying in the west, the electronic computer is the invention of doing philosophy. china also has a saying: the invention of the computer and the traditional chinese yin and yang said linked. however, whether western or chinese, the above argument has no specific textual research and inquiry, just say. then, western historians that the computer invention is still brainpower, chinese thought field in the electronic computer invention and ancestor when the hook is also lack of confidence. in fact , the invention of the computer is traditional philosophy and philosophical thinking way has a profound connection, the problem is to make clear this kind of connection is what level, what the nature and significance of it.a machine or apparatus to carry out the calculation is not a day for two days, from the abacus to calculate the ruler, from hand computer to large mechanical computer, even the nazi german unbreakable cipher machine, can be included in this category. if only the physical characteristics, electronic computer but is electronic rather than mechanical way of machine computation only, and thus the machine or apparatus for calculation of continuity. however, the electronic computer calculated relative to the machine or apparatus with fracture ( qualitative leap, ), it is determined by the open software - the way it is calculated and the ability not to like the way is given, curing. that is to say, the electronic computer is in accordance with their software has its own particularity; because of the software ( program ) and electronic light speed in a physical platform combination, electronic computer came into being.only from the software point of view, we can find the relationship between philosophy and computer unlock key, it is to support digital computer calculates the foundation -0and 1 consisting of binary and decimal reduction to. we usually say of digital technology, digital technology, it means that the binary computer operation and reducing methods of the various technology, but because the computer can only from the digital ( digital) hard translation and makes a very simple things people feel at a loss.binary system early in human early, it satisfies human primitive barter, rough behavior, i.e. all exchange are combined into a computing unit to undertake, such as unit1 ten sheep and as another unit1 three oxen exchange occurs; and a composite switching behavior are broken into as a unit of account of the simple exchange of, such as ten sheep and three cattle exchange occurs, node a, and a bag of fruit and a clothing exchange occurs, then settle time, etc. obviously, this meet human primitive, rough exchange for binary system with a clear yes and no to positive or negative meaning, clinch a deal is, is, sure, or1, no deal is not, negation, that is0. but also obviously, this original exchange sense of the binary system is not used for further calculation of activity, with the evolution of human thinking and the development of society, it must be replaced by the decimal system. marx and engels had high praise for0 of the value of the establishment to the decimal system established for the human mind evolutionary and social significance.but the human invention computer era, if simple decimal system to travel at the speed of the electronic sports match, it is not necessary, and add trouble, because the computer needs to simply recognize the input program, and have put them to quickly reduced to the decimal system understanding capacity ( as mentioned earlier, the simple binary system is actually does not have the calculation, must therefore carry decimal system restore work ). this time, only with yes or no meaning0 or1, is a binary system, to the negation of negation stage resurrection. in fact, the electronic computer is using binary form, and in a matrix pattern is accomplished by means of the decimal system calculation content. for example, if 3x 3= 9forms a matrix graph, if one of the 9points is 0( in the disc on the show are black - completely opaque), it is in the decimal system restore is expressed as0; if one of the 2points are 1,7 points0( on cd it is2light,7opaque spots ), it is in the decimal system restore is expressed as2, and so on. the binary system is not in the decimal system the negative significance, but contain decimal sense to tap, fully embodies the negation of negation traits. and we also can see, commonly referred to as the electronic computer is binary, are wrong, at least it is not comprehensive; binary system only the form, is the realization of the decimal system the contents of the form.the binary system understanding to achieve the decimal system the contents of the form, and this form as a kind of matrix graphics, immediately intuitive to see it with the traditional chinese yin and yang said linkage. the yin and yang of the eight hexagrams yin-yang interaction is a kind of yes and no positive and negative mutual movement, but also, with various matrix graphics to express; from the yin and yang of different combinations of the eight diagrams, explain ( or derived ) everything in the world electronic computers, and in 0 and1. virtual world, at least in the copy of human life in different poses and with different expressions, between the two really have a power. say from this meaning, the people to the invention of the computer and the traditional chinese yin and yang said connection, or more specifically with the yin and yang said philosophy mode of thinking, skills linked, not connected.similarly, in binary format. yes and no positive and negative mutual movement, understanding or interpretation of all human life, can also be found in the common tradition of western philosophy. as everyone knows, the western philosophy basic category is to be or not to be, or being and non existence, have and without of existence and non existence have and without mutual movement, form ( or;, explanation a ) a thousand changeable world, as kant put the world body interpreted as thing-in-itself, hagel explained as absolute spirit, the explanation for the number and so on, its perspective and thinking abstract degree difference. from this sense, the same can be said, people regard the invention of the computer and the western tradition of fang zhexue connection, think it is a kind of philosophical thinking product, is established.of course, some philosophical and scientific invention relationship, mainly influence character by environment, nonlinear; if we find an invention and learned certain provisions linear relationship, that is the cultural revolution vulgar workers and peasants military philosophy . in the history, many great scientists philosophers such as descartes, itself, leibniz, kant, newton, einstein and so on. difficult to say to their scientific achievements is science s head due to, or philosophy of mind to create. but to be sure, philosophy and make them different, to help them become philosophy. today we discuss philosophy and computer invention relations, which should take seriously and emphasize is this point.the things are generally connected. computer technology and communication technology are combined to form the computer network, computer network and database system of marriage to produce a distributed database system, can not only show the links between things generally, more with universal contact point of view to analyze and solve problems the feasibility and necessity of.things are changing, requires us to develop view of things. as of now, according to the computer using the basic components of the evolution, the development of computer can be divided into 4 generations: the first generation (1946 1957), the electronic tube computer, running machine language, assembly language program: the second generation (19581964), the transistor computer, emergence of advanced language program; the third generation (1965 -1971), small and medium scale integrated circuit computer operating system, appear, structured and modular program design; the fourth generation (since 1972), large-scale and ultra large scale integrated circuit computer, software, database, knowledge base.with the awareness of the law. from the electronic computer was difficult and lengthy process can be seen, computational tools is along with the development of production and the progress of society from scratch, from simple to complex, from elementary to advanced development, people to meet certain requirements, breakthrough the limitation of the function of human organs, with the help of various practical means of ceaseless practice accumulation results.awareness of the dynamic role. consciousness is the material product, awareness of the material has active reaction, in the basis of respecting objective law, give full play to the subjective initiative, transforming the objective world. computer simulation is human brain and consciousness , a computer can simulate the human part function, instead of part of ones mental labor, and even some function than the human brain.computer produced in the human brain functional simulation, artificial intelligence appears to human consciousness to simulate human intelligence, computer as the materialization and an extension of the human brain, can enhance peoples ability, but with the objective, dynamic, adaptive and creative brain compared to before, when the computer on the brain and human consciousness simulation is only the primary stage, it can only be under the control of the program of passive, unconscious, mechanical operation, the computer of simulation are just a start, and constantly improve the computer of simulation degree has broad prospects. for example, now people are studied so that the computer is similar to the human auditory, visual, tactile, this gives people pointed out the computer development direction and goal, but also to clear the computer can only simulate some natural attribute and difficult to simulate humans social attribute, but the development of things have their own laws, on the basis of respecting objective law, computer may not have a real sense of thinking, cant replace the human brain.the computer in the development of quantitative change and qualitative change and transformation. from transistor computers to small scale integrated circuit is composed of computer, computer components from individual components to a plurality of elements are integrated into a single semiconductor chip integrated circuit, making the computer have become smaller, faster, lower power consumption, is the computer technology because of the development of electronic technology accumulation and cause a qualitative leap. because the integrated circuit continues to expand the scale of variation, in a smaller chip accommodate more number of components, makes the computing machine volume and prices continued to decline, and the function and reliability is incre
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