1、第十三单元第25课:英语小说汉译The Date Father Didn t Keep (Excerpt)It happened in one of those picturesque Danish taverns that cater to tourists and where English is spoken. I was with my father on a business-and-pleasure trip, and in our leisure hours we were having a wonderful time.事情发生在丹麦的一家美丽如画的小旅馆里。这种旅馆备有酒食招
2、待游客,通用英语。 我和父亲这次旅行,既为了公事,也为了游乐,有空的时候玩得挺欢。It, s a pity your mother couldnt come, v said Father. It would be wonderful to show her around. ”父亲说:“可惜你妈不能来。要是能带她来逛逛,该多好。”He had visited Denmark when he was a young man. I asked him, “How long is it since you were here?”父亲年轻时到过丹麦。我问他,“你上次来是什么时候? ”“Oh, about
3、 30 years. I remember being in this very inn, by the way. ” He looked around, remembering. uThose were gracious days 一 He stopped suddenly, and I saw that his face was pale.“哦,大约30年前。我记得就在这家店里,说真的。”他一边环顾四周,一边回忆道: “那些日子真美好”突然他停住不说了,脸色煞白。I followed his eyes and looked across the room to a woman who wa
4、s setting a tray of drinks before some customers. She might have been pretty once, but now she was stout and her hair was untidy. Do you know her? ” I asked.我顺着他的目光,看到餐厅那边有个女人端着托盘正在给客人上酒。她从前可能很漂亮, 可现在发胖了,头发也不那么修整。我问父亲:“你认识她? ”“I did once, “ he said.“从前认识,”他说。The woman came to our table. Drinks?” she
5、 inquired.女人走到我们桌前。“喝点什么? ”她问道。“We 11 have beer, “ I said. She nodded and went away.我说:“要啤酒。”她点点头,走了。“How she has changed! Thank heaven she didn, t recognize me, “ muttered Father, mopping his face with a handkerchief. I knew her before I ever met your mother, “ he went on.父亲掏出手绢擦擦脸,低声说:“她真变了!谢天谢地她没
6、认出我来。我认识她在你的 妈妈以前。“I was a student, on a tour. She was a lovely young thing, very graceful. I fell madly in love with her, and she with me. ”当时我是学生,来旅游。她是个可爱的年轻姑娘,长相很美。我被她迷住了,她也迷上 了我。”“Does Mother know about her?” I blurted out, resentfully.我很不高兴地冲口问道:“妈晓得她的事吗? ”“Of course, “ Father said gently. He
7、looked at me a little anxiously. I felt embarrassed for him.父亲温和地说:“当然知道。”他略感不安地望着我。我替他难为情了。I said, “Dad, you don t have to”我说:“爸,你用不着”“Oh, yes, I want to tell you. I don t want you wondering about this. Her father objected to our romance. I was a foreigner. I had no prospects, and was dependent on
8、my father.“哦,不,我是要告诉你的,省得你乱猜。她父亲反对我们谈情说爱;我是外国人,没 什么前途,还要依靠父亲。When I wrote Father that I wanted to get married, he cut off my allowance. And I had to go home. But I met the girl once more, and told her I would return to America, borrow enough money to get married on, and come back for her in a few mo
9、nths. ” 我写信给父亲说要结婚,父亲就不再寄钱来了。我只好回家。但是我又跟她见了一面, 告诉她我要回美国去借钱来结婚,过几个月就来找她。”“We knew, “ he continued, “that her father might intercept a letter, so we agreed that I would simply mail her a slip of paper with a date on it, the time she was to meet me at a certain place, then we d married.“我们知道,”他接着说,“她父亲
10、可能会把信截下来,所以商量好只寄她一张纸条, 写个日期,让她去某处和我见面,然后结婚。Well, I went home, got the loan and sent her the date. She received the note. She wrote me: I 11 be there. But she wasn, t. Then I found that she had been married about two weeks before, to a local innkeeper. She hadn t waited.后来我回家去借到了钱,把日期寄给她。她收到了纸条,回信说,我
11、准去。但是她 并没有去。后来我才知道,她在两星期前嫁给当地的一个小客栈老板。她没等我。”Then my father said, “Thank God she didn t. I went home, met your mother, and we ve been completely happy. We often joke about that youthful love romance.”父亲又说:“谢谢上帝,她没有等我。我回家去,遇见了你妈,我们日子过得美美满满。 她常把我这段年轻时候的恋爱史当作笑谈。”The woman appeared with our beer.那个女人送来了啤
12、酒。“You are from America?she asked me.她问我:“你从美国来?”“Yes, I said.我说:“是的。”She beamed. A wonderful country, America. ”她笑道:“美国是好地方。”“Yes, a lot of your countrymen have gone there. Did you ever think of it?”“是的。那边也有不少丹麦人。你没想过去走走? ”“Not me. Not now, “ she said. I thought so one time, a long time ago. But I
13、stayed here. It s much better here. ”她说:“我不想。现在不想了。我想过一回来着,老早了。可我还是呆下了。这儿好多 了。”We drank our beer and left. Outside I said, Father, just how did you write that date on which she was to meet you?”我们喝完啤酒出来,我问父亲:“爸,你叫她去见你,那日期到底是怎么写的? ”He stopped, took out an envelope and wrote on it. Like this, “ he sai
14、d. u 12/11/73, which was, of course, December 11,1973.”他站住,拿出一个信封,在上面写了起来。他说:“这样写的,12/11/ 73,当然指1973年12月11日啦。”“No! I exclaimed. It isn t in Denmark or any European country. Over here they write the day first, then the month. So that date wouldn, t be December 11 but the 12th of November!v我叫道:“不对!在丹麦
15、,在欧洲国家,都不是这样写的。他们这儿是先写日子,再写 月份。所以那个日期不是12月11日,而是11月12日!”:汉语小说英译灰鸽(节选)1他的手已经触到了鸽子头部的柔软的茸毛,他只要一用劲就能把鹤子的脖颈扭断, 他渴望鸽子的血滴到自己的虎口上一一让它成为真正的肉!He managed to reach out and touch the soft feathers of the head. One more movement and he would break its neck, turn it into real meat. He could almost feel the pigeon
16、 s blood dropping onto his hand.2但是鸽子不慌不忙地飞走了。But the pigeon flapped leisurely away.3鸽子飞得不高,也不快,好像在贪恋着什么。It didn t fly very high or very fast. It seemed almost reluctant to leave.4强发眼睛红了。非吃你娘的不花钱的肉不可!Qiang Fa s eyes were red. Damn you! I 11 eat your meat no matter what!5只扬了几下翅膀,鸽子落到楼前马路正中。With a cou
17、ple of flaps, the pigeon landed right in the middle of the street in front of the high-rise.6嘎地一声,一辆上海牌小轿车刹了急闸。又咯地一声,一辆连挂式大型公共汽车紧 急刹车。强发向鸽子冲去,被车流挡住了。A Shanghai auto screeched to a halt. So did an articulated bus. Qiang Fa charged, but was stopped by the stream of traffic.7又一辆无轨电车停下了,许多自行车停下了。人们惊讶地看着
18、大模大样地阻碍着交 通的灰鸽。它站在公共汽车的水箱前,昂着头,歪着脖。A trolley car and a number of bicycles had stopped, too. Pedestrians looked in surprise at the proud pigeon disturbing the traffic. Now it perched on the water tank of the bus, tilting its neck and lifting its head high.8从公共汽车上下来两个年轻人轰鸽子,它不但没有听从劝告离去,反而变本加厉, 钻到公共汽车底
19、盘下面去了。Two young people got off the bus to shoo the pigeon away. It took no heed of them. Instead it ducked beneath the chassis.9所有围观的人都向公共汽车司机打手势:不要开车!不要轧着鸽子!The onlookers motioned to the driver not to grind up the bird by starting the engine.10小汽车门翻开了,一个中年干部和一个白发老者走了出来,他们走近公共汽车,俯 身寻找车下的淘气的灰鸽,并且急急地说
20、着什么。The door of the auto swung open. Out stepped a white-haired old man and a middle- aged cadre. They moved close to the bus, bending to look for the insolent bird underneath and cajoling anxiously.11公共汽车司机一跃而下,气急败坏地骂着灰鸽,像骂一个不遵守交通规那么的行人。The bus driver jumped down, boiling mad. He swore at the pigeo
21、n as if it were a road hog.12交通民警皱着眉大步走来,当弄清情况以后,这位在大街上有着无上威严和魄力的 指挥官却不知道该怎样指挥了。他急出了一头汗。A frowning traffic cop strode forward. His face broke into a sweat from frustration when he found out what was going onfor all his authority, he couldnt handle it.13好多人围观。咕咕咕、瞿瞿瞿、哧哧哧、【通喷喷,人们发出各种响声,吹口哨、跺 脚、扔石子和土块A crowd gathered to watch. They whistled, stamped, and uttered all manner of noises;coo-coo-coo一Chi-chi-chi一“ They tossed pebbles and small clods of dirt.14灰鸽硬是不肯出来。The pigeon refused to budge.15强发拨拉开两边的人和自行车。当他看准鸽子的位置以后,略一犹疑,便趴下,向 车底爬去。Qiang Fa pu
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