1、Modelling of an Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch: first stepAndr P.1, Clain S. 4, Dudeck M. 3, Izrar B.2, Rochette D1, Touzani R3, Vacher D.11. LAEPT, Clermont University, France2. ICARE, Orlans University, France3. Institut Jean Le Rond dAlembert, University of Paris 6 , France4. LM, Clermont Unive
2、rsity, , FranceModelling of an Inductively CoComposition in molar fractionMars97% CO2; 3% N2Titan97%N2; 2% CH4; 1% Ar Composition in molar fractionICP Torch:atmospheric pressureLow flow of gazAssumptionsThermal equlibrium Chemical equilibriumOptical Thin plasmaSimple Case!ICP Torch:Simple Case!Compo
3、sitionSpectral lines, Spectroscopy measurementsTransport CoefficientsModellingThermodynamicPropertiesRadiative loss termInteraction PotentialsCompositionSpectral lines, TraCompositionSpectral lines, Spectroscopy measurementsTransport CoefficientsModellingThermodynamicPropertiesRadiative loss termInt
4、eraction PotentialsCompositionSpectral lines, TraChemical and Thermal equilibrium: Gibbs Free Energy minimisationDalton LawElectrical NeutralityChemical species: MarsMonatomic species (11): C, C-, C+, C+, N, N+, N+, O, O-, O+, O+Diatomic species (18): C2, C2-, C2+, CN, CN-, CN+, CO, CO-, CO+, N2, N2
5、-, N2+, NO, NO-, NO+, O2, O2-, O2+Poly_atomic species (23):C2N, C2N2, C2O, C3, C3O2, C4, C4N2, C5, CNN, CNO, CO2, CO2-, N2O, N2O3, N2O4, N2O5, N2O+, N3, NCN, NO2, NO2-, NO3, O3 e-, solid phase: graphiteTitan:Monatomic species (13): Ar, Ar+, Ar+, C, C-, C+, C+, H, H+, H-, N, N+, N+, Diatomic Species
6、(18) : C2, C2-, C2+, CN, CN-, CN+, CO, CO-, CO+, N2, N2-, N2+, NO, NO-, NO+, O2, O2-, O2+ Poly_atomic species (26 ): C2H, C2H2, C2H4, C2N, C2N2, C3, C4, C4N2, C5, CH2, CH3, CH4, CHN, CNN, H2N, H2N2, H3N, H4N2, N3, NCN, H3+, NH4+, C2H3, C2H5, C2H6, HCCNe-, solid phase: graphiteChemical and Thermal eq
7、uilibriTo calculate in gas phase, we consider the temperature range 3000; 15000MarsTitanTo calculate in gas phase, we MarsTitanMarsTitanCompositionSpectral lines, Spectroscopy measurementsTransport CoefficientsModellingThermodynamicPropertiesRadiative loss termInteraction PotentialsCompositionSpectr
8、al lines, Tra*Intensities calculation (Boltzmann distribution)MarsLine CI 2582.9 10-10 mMarsLine CI 2582.9 10-10 mCompositionSpectral lines, Spectroscopy measurementsTransport CoefficientsModellingThermodynamicPropertiesRadiative loss termInteraction PotentialsCompositionSpectral lines, TraThermodyn
9、amic properties Massic density: Internal energy: eThermodynamic properties MaCompositionSpectral lines, Spectroscopy measurementsTransport CoefficientsModellingThermodynamicPropertiesRadiative loss termInteraction PotentialsCompositionSpectral lines, TraPotential interactionsCharged-Charged: Shielde
10、d with Debye length Coulombian potential Neutral-Neutral:Lennard Jones Potential (evalaute and combining rules)Charged-Neutral:Dipole and charge transferElectrons-neutral: Bibliography and estimationsPotential interactionsTransport coefficients : Chapman-Enskog methodElectrical conductivity : third
11、orderViscosity coefficient : fourth orderTotal thermal conductivity k :summation of four termstranslational thermal conductivity due to the electrons,translational thermal conductivity due to the heavy species particles,internal thermal conductivity,chemical reaction thermal conductivity. Transport
12、coefficients : ChapmModelling-of-an-Inductively-Coupled-Plasma-Torch-first-step-电感耦合等离子体炬的第一步建模课件Axisymmetry LTE model for inductive plasma torches LTE flow field equations U: conservative variable vector Fr(U), Fz(U): convective fluxes Gr(U), Gz(U): diffusive fluxes S(U): source termEquation of sta
13、te of the plasma considered:with : internal energy defined by:Viscous termsConductive heat fluxesLorentz forceJoule heatingRadiative loss term PRadPhysical model: assumptions- Classical torch geometry axisymmetric geometry- Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) conditions for the plasma- Unsteady st
14、ate, laminar, swirling plasma flow (tangential component)- Optically thin plasma- Negligible viscous work and displacement currentAxisymmetry LTE model for induMHD induction equations B: magnetic induction H: magnetic field E: electric field J and J0: current density and source current density : mag
15、netic permeability : electric conductivityEquations formulated in terms of electric field ENumerical methodHydrodynamics (three steps)To obtain an approximation of the solution U on each cell, we use a fractional step technique coupling the finite volume method and the finite element method: First s
16、tep: To compute the convective fluxes , we use a finite volume scheme with multislope MUSCL reconstruction where the fluxes are calculated using a HLLC scheme. Second step: We use a Runge Kutta method to integrate the source terms. Third step: We use a finite element method to evaluate the diffusive
17、 contribution.ElectromagneticTo solve the partial differential equation, we use a standard finite element method with a standard triangulation of the domain and the use of a piecewise linear approximation.Using the cylindrical coordinates (r,z) and assuming -invariance we obtain:MHD induction equations B: magBasic datacompositionIntensity calculationThermodynamic propertiesFirst estimation o
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