1、预防医学导论预防医学导论 1998年鼠疫世界分布 1998年鼠疫世界分布100-250/per 100 000Distribution of Tuberculosis Worldwide(2000)结核病的全球分布(2000)100-250/per 100 000Distributio3% 丙型肝炎的全球分布(2000)Distribution of C Hepatitis Worldwide(2000)3% 丙型肝炎的全球分布(2000)Distributio研究传染病意义Study Importance 危害严重重治轻防,后果惨重死灰复燃新发传染病不断出现生物恐怖威胁存在Seriously
2、 burden of diseasesNeglect of prevention ,the consequences of heavyThe resurgence of relapseThe new emerging infectious diseases Threat of bioterrorism 研究传染病意义Study Importance 危害严重S新出现的传染病(emerging infections or emerging infectious diseases,EID)是指新确定的和先前未知的可引起局部或在世界范围内公共卫生问题的传染病。 - David Heymann 199
3、7“emerging infections ”refers to newly identified and previously unknown infectious diseases which cause public health problems,either locally or internationally。 新出现的传染病(emerging infections or新出现传染病特点 The characteristic of EID悄然出现 Silent beginning 全球化趋势 Globalization 动物人? Jump of infectious agent a
4、cross the species barrier from animal to human being新出现病原体通常具有较大毒力和/或传染性 More virulent and/or epidemic新出现传染病特点悄然出现 老鼠-鼠疫自然疫源性疾病(natural focal disease)Involved Are Limited To Those Who Eat Contaminated Food流行过程三个环节:传染源、传播途径和易感人群。To Determine The Time Of ImmunizationThe characteristic of EID2、社会因素(Soc
5、ial factors)多见于与疫水接触的人群宿主:在自然条件下被传染性病原体寄生的人或其他动物。在围产期病原体通过母体传给子代,也称垂直传播或母婴传播。地区性 Regional 西尼罗热100-250/per 100 000媒介昆虫和宿主动物的特异性栖息习性隐性感染 Subclinical infection没有外界因素参与下,传染源直接与易感者接触。重新出现的传染病(re-emerging infectious diseases)是指那些我们已经熟知的,且其传播水平已降低到不再成为公共卫生问题的感染又重新回复到具有流行程度传播状态的疾病。Re-emerging infectious dis
6、eases are infections that have been known about for some time but had fallen to such low levels that they were no longer considered a public health problem。They often reappear in epidemic proportions.老鼠-鼠疫重新出现的传染病(re-emerging EID产生的原因 The cause of EID人口数量及人的行为变化 The change of population and peoples
7、behavior技术进步和工业化时间的变化 Technological progress and industrialization经济发展和土地使用模式的变化 Economic development and land-use patterns change 国际旅游、商贸的发展以及人口流动的数量迅速增加 The development of International travel, and commerce, and population movement在世界范围内,从地区、国家到全球多个不同层次和水 平上,因投入大幅下降,而致应对传染病的公共卫生能力被削弱,以至破 Lack of h
8、ealth resources EID产生的原因 The cause of EID人口数 其他与EID产生相关的原因Other causes of EID全球气候持续变暖,导致热带、亚热带的范围不断扩大,直接影响了动植物生态系统,使生物群落、传播疾病的啮齿类动物及昆虫媒介的种属、分布区域和密度等发生改变 The global climate continues to warm生物恐怖主义的潜在威胁 Bioterrorism 其他与EID产生相关的原因全球气候持续变暖,导致热带、亚Major achievements of infectious diseases prevention and c
9、ontrol till 1970s Total morbidity decreased Total mortality decreased Fatality rate of the majority decreased Modes of Transmission changed Large scale epidemics decreased总的发病率降低总的死亡率降低大多数传染病病死率下降不同传播途径疾病构成改变大规模流行减少全球传染病主要防治成果Major achievements of infectio第一节 传染性疾病的预防与控制传染性疾病:是指由病原微生物感染机体后产生的,能够在人与人
10、、动物与动物或动物与人之间传播的疾病。第一节 传染性疾病的预防与控制传染性疾病:是指由病原微生物一、传染病发生与传播的生物学基础病原体:能够引起宿主致病的各类微生物,包括:细菌、病毒、立克次体、支原体、衣原体、螺旋体、真菌和寄生虫等。宿主:在自然条件下被传染性病原体寄生的人或其他动物。传染过程:病原体进入机体后,病原体与机体相互作用的过程,即传染发生、发展直至结束的整个过程。一、传染病发生与传播的生物学基础病原体:能够引起宿主致病的各二、传染病的流行过程(一)传染源 传染源是指体内有病原体生长、繁殖并且能排出病原体的人和动物。包括患者(cases)、病原携带者(carriers)和受感染的动物
11、(animals)。流行过程三个环节:传染源、传播途径和易感人群。二、传染病的流行过程(一)传染源流行过程三个环节:传染源、传1、患者 (cases) 体内存在大量病原体 In vivo existence massive pathogen 具有利于病原体排出的临床症状 Clinical symptoms are advantageous for the pathogen discharges 1、患者 (cases) 潜伏期(Incubation period) 自病原体侵入机体到最早临床症状出现这一段时间The time interval between invasion by an in
12、fectious agent and appearance of the first signor symptom of the disease in question 潜伏期(Incubation period) 潜伏期的意义Significance of Incubation Period判断患者受感染时间 To Determine The Infected Time 追踪传染源 Tracing Sources Of Infection查明传播途径 To Identified The Route Of Transmission 确定接触者的留验、检疫和医学观察期限 To Determine
13、 The Quarantine And Medical Observation Period 潜伏期的意义判断患者受感染时间 潜伏期的意义 Significance of Incubation Period确定免疫接种时间 To Determine The Time Of Immunization 评价预防措施效果 Evaluation Of Effectiveness Of Preventive Measures 潜伏期长短还可影响流行特征 Can Affect The Epidemic Characteristics潜伏期的意义确定免疫接种时间2、病原携带者(carrier):是指没有任何
14、临床症状而携带病原体者。A person or animal that harbors a specific infectious agent in the absence of discernible clinical disease and serves as a potential source of infection 2、病原携带者(carrier):是指没有任何临床症状而携带停止供应该食物后,爆发即可平息病例分布与供水范围一致生物恐怖主义的潜在威胁人群作为一个整体对传染病的易感程度。Killing, burning or deepdecreased预防性消毒 Preventive
15、disinfectionThe Incubation Period Is ShorterThe global climate continues to warmDistribution of C Hepatitis Worldwide(2000)人群作为一个整体对传染病的易感程度。The change of population and peoples behavior新出现的传染病(emerging infections or emerging infectious diseases,EID)是指新确定的和先前未知的可引起局部或在世界范围内公共卫生问题的传染病。Modes of Infect
16、ious Disease Transmission技术进步和工业化时间的变化直接接触 Direct contactTo Determine The Infected Time3、受感染的动物(infectious animal):人类的某些传染病是由动物传播所致。 自然疫源性疾病(natural focal disease) 病原体在自然界中的动物间传播,在一定条件下可以传给人所致的疾病。具有严格的地方性特点。 鹦鹉热、鼠疫、莱姆病、登革热 流行性出血热、 西尼罗热停止供应该食物后,爆发即可平息3、受感染的动物(infect人畜共患疾病:在脊椎动物和人之间自然传播的疾病和感染,即人和脊椎动物由
17、共同的病原体引起的并在流行病学上有关联的疾病。 Transmission of infectious agent from animal to human called ZOONOSES Transmission of infectious ag 牛-疯牛病 老鼠-鼠疫 牛-疯牛病 老鼠-病原体从传染源排出后,侵入新的易感宿主前,在外环境中所经历的全部过程。(二)传播途径 Route of TransmissionThe whole process that the pathogens experienced in the outer environment when they passed
18、from an infected individual or group to a previously uninfected individual or group. 病原体从传染源排出后,侵入新的易感宿主前,在外环境中所经历的传染病之传播方式Air-borne transmissionWater-borne transmissionFood-borne transmission Contact-transmitted diseasesVector-borne diseasesSoil-transmitted diseasesNosocomial infectionVertical tran
19、smission 经空气传播 经水传播 经食物传播 接触传播 媒介节肢动物传播 经土壤传播 医源性传播 围产期传播多途径传播Modes of Infectious Disease Transmission传染病之传播方式Air-borne transmission1、空气传播传染病(Air-borne diseases)传播途径易实现,易爆发流行 Transmission easy to comply, easy to outbreak冬春季高发 Mostly occurs in winter and spring 少年儿童多见 Mostly occurs in Children未免疫预防人群
20、周期性升高 A cycle period in non-immunity population 受居住条件和人口密度的影响 Overcrowded live conditions and high population density 1、空气传播传染病(Air-borne diseases)2-1、饮用水污染(Drinking Water Pollution) 病例分布与供水范围一致 Distribution Of Cases Consistent With The Water Supply Coverage除哺乳婴儿外,其余人群均可发病 Except To Lactated Infants
21、, All Population Can Be 2-1、饮用水污染(Drinking Water Pollu2-1、饮用水污染(Drinking Water Pollution) 如经常被污染,可表现为慢性流行经过 If Often Contaminated, Can Be Expressed As Chronic Epidemic 如一次性严重污染,可出现爆发流行 A Serious Pollution Can Cause An Outbreak 水源停用或净化后,爆发或流行可平息 Stop Drink Or Purified Water, Can Quell The Outbreak Or
22、 Epidemic 2-1、饮用水污染(Drinking Water Pollu2-2、疫水接触 (Exposure to infected water)疫水接触史 History of exposure to infected water地区、季节与职业上的差别 There are regional, seasonal and occupational characteristics 多见于与疫水接触的人群 More common in people who contact with infected water大量易感人群与疫水接触可爆发 A large number of suscept
23、ible who contact with infected water easy occur outbreaks 对疫水采取措施可控制发生 Taken against measures can be controlled 2-2、疫水接触 (Exposure to infected人们接触血吸虫疫水人们接触血吸虫疫水3、经食物传播(Food-borne Diseases)吃污染食物者发病,不食者不发病 Involved Are Limited To Those Who Eat Contaminated Food 一次性大量污染,可形成爆发 A Large Number Of Contamin
24、ation, The Outbreak Can Be Occur 停止供应该食物后,爆发即可平息 To Stop Supplying The Contaminated Food , The Outbreak Can Be Stop潜伏期较短 The Incubation Period Is Shorter 3、经食物传播(Food-borne Diseases) 1988年上海市甲型肝炎爆发和毛蚶 上海市1988年13月急性肝炎发病动态 4、经接触传播Contact-transmitted diseases方式直接接触 Direct contact 没有外界因素参与下,传染源直接与易感者接触。
25、间接接触 Indirect contact 易感者接触了被传染源的排出物或分泌物污染的用品所造成的传播。 4、经接触传播授课用_预防医学导论课件5、经媒介节肢动物传播 (Vector-borne diseases)特征地区性 Regional 西尼罗热职业性 Occupational 森林脑炎季节性 Seasonal 疟疾 青壮年多发 More Young adults 地方性斑疹伤寒5、经媒介节肢动物传播 (Vector-borne dise 蚊子传播西尼罗热 蚊子传播西6、医源性传播(Nosocomial infection) 医疗、预防工作中,由于未严格地执行规章制度和操作规程而造成的传
26、播。Nosocomial infections (pronounced, nos-uh-KOH-mee-uhl), are infections which are a result of treatment in a hospital or a healthcare service unit. 6、医源性传播(Nosocomial infection)N7、围产期传播(Vertical transmisssion)定义 在围产期病原体通过母体传给子代,也称垂直传播或母婴传播。方式经胎盘传播 By placenta 上行性感染 By genital分娩时传播 By labour 7、围产期传播
27、(Vertical transmisssion人群作为一个整体对传染病的易感程度。The susceptibility degree of population, as a whole, to infectious diseases(三)人群易感性 Herd Susceptibility人群作为一个整体对传染病的易感程度。(三)人群易感性 H1.影响人群易感性升高的主要因素 (The Increase Factors) 新生儿增加 Increased Neonatal 易感人口迁入 Susceptible Population Move In 免疫人口免疫力自然消退 Mmuno-populat
28、ion Immunity To Natural Healing 免疫人口死亡 Immuno-population Has Been Dead 1.影响人群易感性升高的主要因素 2.影响人群易感性降低的主要因素 (Reduction Factor)计划免疫 EPI 传染病流行 Epidemics隐性感染 Subclinical infection2.影响人群易感性降低的主要因素 (Reduction Fa疫源地:传染源及其排出的病原体向四周播散所能波及的范围。(四)疫源地 Infectious focus The range that the sources of infection sprea
29、d pathogens around can reach to under certain conditions. 疫源地:传染源及其排出的病原体向四周播(四)疫源地 In 1.形成疫源地的条件 (the formation conditions) 传染源存在 The source of infection exists 病原体能够继续传播 Pathogens can continue to spread 1.形成疫源地的条件 2.疫源地消灭的条件 (eliminate conditions) 传染源被移走或消除了携带状态 The source of infection has been re
30、moved or eliminate the carrier state进行了终末消毒 Carried out terminal disinfection经过最长潜伏期,易感者中没有新的感染发生 After the longest incubation period, no new infections occur among susceptible 2.疫源地消灭的条件三、传染病流行的影响因素The factors that affect the epidemic process 1、自然因素(Natural factors) 气候 (Climate)地理因素 (Geography)媒介昆虫
31、和宿主动物的特异性栖息习性 (Vector insects and host)三、传染病流行的影响因素The factors that 2、社会因素(Social factors) 全球旅游业的急剧发展 The rapid development of global travel环境污染和破坏造成生态恶化 Ecological deterioration caused by environmental pollution and destruction 2、社会因素(Social factors) 2、社会因素(Social factors) 抗生素和杀虫剂的滥用 The abuse of antibiotics and pesticides 城市化和人口爆炸 Urbanization and population explosion战争、
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