1、旗开得胜English for Graduates (Paper ANo. 20180110)I.Listening Comprehension (20%)Part One Directions:In this part you will hear 3 short talks. Each talk isfollowed by some questions. You will hearthe talk and questions only once. Listen carefully and answer each question by choosing onefrom the four ch
2、oices marked A, B, Cor D. Then mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.(15%)Talk 1Questions 1-5 are based onthe talk youhave just heard.I. A. It will be the same size as the US economy.B.It will be almost the same size as the US economy.C.It willbe twice the size of the USeconomy.D.It will be larger i
3、n size than the US In20202.B. In 2025 C.In 2027D. In 20503. A. China will be the first developing country with the worlds largest economy.B.China will reverse the trend of westernization as a result of economic developmentandglobalization.C.China will become the worlds dominant country with very dif
4、ferent civilizational rootsfrom the West. 旗开得胜D.BothAand C.4. A. He believes that it isgeneral truth.B.He warns that it isasign of hostility.C.He criticizes it as wishful thinking.D.He thinksthat it is anillusion. They use westernideasand terms.5.B.They overestimate their cultural influence.C.They d
5、ont speak the Chinese language.D.They ignore the power of civilization.Talk 2Questions 6-10 are based onthe talk youhave just heard.6. A. Achange of government.B.The map of deaths.C.Snow and Whiteheads continued efforts.D.BothBand C.7. A, Building the sewers in London.B.Responding immediately to the
6、 cholera outbreak in 1866.C.Providing bettermedicalcare tocity dwellers.居民D.Telling everybody to start boiling their water in 1866. 旗开得胜C.optimistic 乐观的8. A. critical 批评的 B. pessimistic 悲观的appreciative 赏识的D.9. A.People slowly realized that living in big citiesisunsustainableas the crowdedness made o
7、utbreaks of diseases like cholera unavoidable.B.People began to realize that keeping domesticated animals and bad living habitsincrease the change of cholera outbreaks.C.People nolonger think that it isahealthy thing to take drinking water from wellsandpumpsin crowded neighborhoods.D.People finally
8、realized that sustainable living ispossible in large metropolitancitieswith the help ofscience and improvedcity management.10.A. New York City will be only 10% of itssize.B.It hascreatedawhole new way of life.C.New York City will collapse in on itself like Rome.D. H has spread the influence of Chris
9、tianity.Talk 3Questions 11-15 are based onthe talk youhave just heard. My drawing willshowthemwhat Godlookslike.11.B.They will draw apicture of God. 旗开得胜C.I will teach them about Gods look.D.Their pictures will show what God looks like.B. 4I2. A. 5C. 6D. 1013. A. He was telling alie because he was n
10、aughty.B.He was saying something in place of乳香C.He was blaming 指责 Frank for his mistakeD.He was praising Frank for his performance14. A. They were born with artistic talents which were not used well.B.Educators should realize that being wrong meansbeing creative.C.They are frightened of making mista
11、kes and stigmatize mistakes.D.Kids are not afraid of beingwrong and are willing totry.15.A. Mistakes are the worst thing in the current national education system.B.The unpredictability of education isextraordinary.C.We are educating kidsout of theircreative capacity.D.It iseasier to to be born an ar
12、tist than to remain an artist as we grow up.Part TwoDirections:! this part, you will hear atalk twice and then write asummary of the talk.Your 旗开得胜summary should be around40 words. Please write your answer on Answer Sheet II. (5%)II. Vocabulary (25%)Directions: There are 25 incomplete sentences in t
13、his part. For each sentence there are fourchoices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Thenblacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with asingle line through the center.16. Still,that_of arobot meansAlphaGo lacks the human touch required tomanageemploye
14、es. Counsel patients or adequately write flowing newspaper features about itsowndominance over humans.D.detachment 分A.cement 水泥 B.virulent剧毒的 C.implement 工具,器械离,分开17. Of course, the fact that Trump Was the ultimate media showman with a_ ofcontroversial political phrases that demand attention and res
15、ponse was asalient factor inhis rise to power.C.repertoire全部节目A. rationale根据,基础理论 B. revenue 收益,财政收入ritual仪式D.18.But as Walmart moves into the digital space dominated by Amazon, Amazon is_onthe physical realm(领域) to win over more customers. encroaching 侵占B. obliterating抹杀 C. tarnishing使失去光泽D. facili
16、tating促进,使便利19.Hong Kong returned from British to Chinese rule in 1997 under a one country, two 旗开得胜systems arrangement that guarantees a high degree of_, including anindependent (独立的)judiciary(司法机构) and freedom of expression. autonomy自治,自主权B.antecedent在先的 C.variableD.orientation20.The summit(峰会,高层会
17、议,最高级的) website has posted_to victims(受害人) of bombings in Iraq and cyclonesin the Caribbean-but nothing on what internationalaid(帮助) agencies describe as the worlds most urgent (紧急的) humanitarian(人道主义的) crisis(危机).A. cassava木薯B.cognition认知 C.credence凭证,信任condolences同情,哀悼21.Nishikori, who underwent(经
18、历,承受) elbow(n.肘部,弯头,扶手,弯管 vt.用肘推挤)surgery(外科手术) and was sidelined(v.使靠边) for almost a year in 2009,chose_instead of surgery to treat his wrist(手腕)injury. Rehabilitation修复,康复B.approbation认可,赞许,批准C. distortion 扭曲,变形 D. depersonalization 去人性化,失性22.Asset managers have defined their mission as maximizing
19、 the market value of theirclients_,and in turn demand that firms maximize profits.B. portfolios投资组合A. profiles侧面,外形,轮廓C.paradigms范式 D.perceptions观念,认识,感知23.A TV show which depicted(dpkt zr奇怪的)lovestory 旗开得胜between anine-year-old boy and an 18-year-old woman has been pulled off air followingcriticism
20、(m批判) that it promoted child marriage and was_.C.regressive逆行的,退化的A. progressive进步的B.discursive离题的,离谱的D.impervious无动于衷的,不受影响的24. On the timeline, the industrial age has_suddenly and the digital age isblastingoff(爆破,发射) in new directions. fallenaway离开B. fraught with充满 C. fallen out 消失D. taken out 取出,
21、除去 非法的)crossingshave ticked but remain well below historic(历史的) levels.and the perception(认知,感知) of tougher(坚强的,严格的) lawenforcement(执行) appears to remain a _to would-be immigrants.D. deterrentA. dehumanization 非人性化B.dispensation分发,分配C. disposal 处置威慑力量;制止的,遏制的26.Global warming in the 21 century istak
22、en as the result of the stgreenhouse gas concentrations(浓度) that substantively(实质上) interrupt the normaloperation of nature. anthropogenic人为的B. ecological生态 C.meteorological气 象D.biological生物学的27.Top administration officials continue to claim the bill will more than pay for itselfby_a flood of econom
23、ic activity that expands the tax base. 旗开得胜B. unleashing释放A. confounding使困惑,使惊讶,混淆C. vanquishing征服,战胜D. harnessing 28.Rather than_disputes between buyers and sellers, the internet companyenabled forums and message boards, as well as the ability to rate users and leave reviews.C.mediating调解A.warranti
24、ng保证 B.remitting 免除,赦免D.participating参与29.The new museum, located along Kalella Avenue, features alargeglass and a10,000-square-foot that the withnatural light.D.facade外表,建筑物正面A. lime石灰B.azalea杜鹃花 C.skeleton骨骼,框架30.During hisas deputy(副的) secretary(秘书), he pushed for greaterdisclosure(披露) of prices
25、associated with medical services to help foster(抚养,培养)competition(竞争者,竞赛) and contain costs. tenure任期,占有期B.temerity鲁莽,冒失C.tableau (人构成的画面或场景,戏剧性场面)31.Land or buildingsmake particularly goodand hard to hide them from or banks.D.torso人体躯干,未完成的作品,躯干雕塑品because they tend to increase in value,C.collateral
26、抵押物A.bulk体积,大块,大量 B. cyclone 龙卷风向D.vector 矢量,航32.The RealReals experiment last December in New York revealed a particular_between on-line and off-line shopping, and a customer base ready and willing to 旗开得胜combine the two. synergy协同作用B.stereotype陈规陋习C.strategy策略D.subsidy补贴33.If the slowdown(减速) in n
27、ew development is_of adecline in luxury sales,then the strength of apartment sales may suggest asurge in the entry-level and mid-levelmarkets.D.symptomatic 症A. boundB.relevant C.informed了解情况的,见多识广的状的34.Wipe the apples clean, then chill them in an ice bath to bring the temperature downso the_heat doe
28、snt cook the apples.D.residual 剩余A.marginal边缘的B.empirical 经验主义的 C. confidential 机密的的,残渣35.Marble went on to say Americans enjoy multicultural(多元化) food but cautioned(警告,小心) that people also need to consider whether they are_to any diseasesbecause of their genetic(遗传的) makeup(补充,构造,体格).Predisposed使用预
29、先有倾向,使易于患病A.B. proposed(提出,被提议的,所推荐的)C. stipulated(v规定,约定;adj.合同规定的)D.divulged吐露,泄露36.What additional secrets the Russian hackers may have _ from multiple agencies, byturning the Kaspersky software into a sort for Sensitive information, is not yet publicly 旗开得胜known.B.gleaned 搜集,拾得A.bemused困惑的扰的,为患的
30、C. ameliorated改善 D.infested侵37.At least three of their six children have arare illnessthatmanifests(清单) itself around age four, causing mental _, loss of the use of their limbsand, later. death.B. retardation 阻滞,延迟A. incineration焚烧,火葬D.alleviation缓解,缓和C.Connotation内涵,含义38. Google isresisting alegal
31、request to disclose salary records in agender discrimination marking the technology latest efforts to prevent _of how muchit pays itsfemale employees.C. Scrutiny 仔 细 审 查A.ambiguity模棱两可,含糊 B. variability易变性D.allergy过敏,反感,厌恶39.To teach acomputer to learn takes _ reasoningthat is, using data from asmal
32、lnumberof instances to generate hypotheses and theories that apply to avery large numberof cases. inductive 归纳的,敏感的,诱导的B.deductive 推论的,演绎的C.conductive传导的D. iterative重复的,迭代的40.Building owners in commercial or zones also 旗开得胜can get city permission to convert apartment buildingsfor_occupancy and rent
33、themout for short stays.B. transient短暂的,临时的,瞬态,疏忽A. transparent透明的C.tangible n.有形资产;adj.确实的,真实的,实际的的;n.第三系,第三纪,第三级教士D. tertiary adj.第三的,第三期的,第三纪111. Reading Comprehension (20%)Directions: Read the following passages and choose the best answer to each question.Passage IEvidence-based Fitness Programs
34、There isanew methodology of practicing fitness called evidence-basedfitness.” It isthe conscientious,explicit and judicious(明智的)use of current best”evidence in making decisions about the care of membersand clients. Thisnew paradigm infitness isgaining traction as aresult of the current trend in medi
35、cine to use evidence-basedmethods. Basically, the practice of evidence-based fitness means integrating individualclinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research.In other words, take the best scientific evidence. apply it not to large groups. but toindiv
36、idual clients. Most fitness professionals depend on anecdotal information to establishexercise prescriptions for clients and members. Designing exercise prescriptions onantiquated formulas and the “one size fits all” ideology are fraught with error anddangerous not only for the healthy member, but e
37、specially for those atrisk.” With theincreasing number of at-risk individuals joining fitness centers. using the evidence-basedmethod should he ano-brainer (显而易见的结论) .Everyone isdifferent, so dispensing(分 旗开得胜配,施予)generalizedexercise advice to millionsof individualswill not produceoptimal佳的)results.
38、Whatsdriving the trend?Several factors are contributing to the use of evidence.based practice in the fitness industry.One isthat hospitals are experiencing adecline in net revenue due to changes in state andfederal regulations, and they are looking outside their traditional model of sick care forrei
39、mbursement(赔付) strategies. They are attempting to capitalize on what more than15,000 fitness centers across the U.S. already know:Fitness/Wellness isaprosperous industry. According to the annual report published by theMedical Fitness Association(MFA), there arc an estimated 875 hospital_associated f
40、itnesscenters currently in the United States and Canada. They have seen an average growth of 12percent annually since 1985. MFA predictions estimate more than 1,150 centers by 2010.Obviously, hospitals use the evidence-based model for patient care. and when they becomemore involved in the fitness in
41、dustry, they will incorporate this methodology into theoperation of their fitness facilities.Why evidence-based fitness?Improved quality of member care. One benefitofevidence-based fitness includesimproved quality of memberand client care. With asystematic and progressive approachbased on independen
42、t clinical research, an appropriate periodized prescription can beformulated, progressing the client on an individualized. safe and guided course of Improvedhealth.The promotion of critical thinking. Evidence-based practice requires that the professional 旗开得胜evaluate each client individually, review
43、 the literature and find the best methods toapproach fitness needs. It isno longer acceptable to use a cookie cutter(一成不变的 )approach to clients health and fitness. Through critical thinking and evaluations of theliterature, the professional isable to apply up-to-date and valid interventions.Third pa
44、rty reimbursement. One of the driving motives of the industry to incorporateevidence-based practice is third party reimbursement. Typically , health insurancecompanies will not reimburse for services unlessthey have proof the intervention was safeand effective in improving the health of their insure
45、d(保户). This requires appropriatedocumentation, which will be reviewed according to evidence-based practice.Building an evidence-based fitness programInitiating an evidence-based fitness program begins with the ability to collect data(memberinformation). Thisisvital for two reasons. First, collection
46、 of members health history anddemographical(人口统计学的 )information will allow staff to better create the exerciseexperience” through comparison to the population-based scientific data, and use criticalthinking to create the “perfect”exercise prescription. Second. collecting client data andstoring it ac
47、cording to specific groups, populations, disease risks. etc., allows that databaseto be queried (质疑) for any number of purposes,including case studies, variable specificresearch and outcomes management. For those critical thinkers.this translates into gold,relative to third party payers, test and au
48、tomatically upload the monitor with theappropriate values to calculate the appropriate raining zones.It isalso possible to monitorup to 30 individual heart rates within a of 100 yards on alaptop.Think of thepracticaluseincircuittraining-groupcycling andspecialpopulation 旗开得胜programming.Appropriate h
49、eart rates are identified.the workout isperformed and the dataisstored,Ah,the science of success!Equipment.On the strength side of the equation,computerized systems exists thatattach directly to new existing equipment(some isproprietary 私有的 and other work withany equipment),adding an “intelligent” d
50、imension to the workout experience.Artificialintelligence allows the system to learn the users programs,and coaches them individuallythrough their workout for better form,safety and confidence.It tracks their progress for thework-out and over time.On strength and equipment,a touch screen and/or key
51、displays the workoutfor the particular piece of equipment.The intuitive system coaches the client relative tospeed,form,heart rate etc.,and tracks the workout session.Behind the scenes,the exercisedata from each station istransmitted to acentral database,providing access to awealth ofinformation on
52、individual progress and aunique set of motivational tools.The system can beaccessed on the workout floor,staff station or on the web.It isimperative that the professionals and the organization implement evidence-basedfitness to ensure the health and prosperity of their members,and secure their succe
53、ss in theindustry.Fortunately,technology is keeping speed with the advances in healthcare and,inmay scenarios,driving them.41. According to the text,the fitness”_.A. dispenses generalized exercise advice to millionsof individuals.B. takes the best scientific evidence and applies it to individuals.C.
54、takes individual clinical expertise and applies it to 旗开得胜large groupsof people.D. depends on anecdotal information to establish exercise prescriptions for clients.42. All the following reasons drive the trend to use that_.A. hospitals are experiencing adecline in net revenue.B. evidence-based metho
55、ds become popular in medicineC. fitness isaprosperous industry nowD.more and more hospitalsare merged.43. Evidence-based fitness program requires that the professional _.A. use acookie cutter approach to health and fitnessB. formulate ageneralized prescription for clients.C.make and individualevalua
56、tionof eachclientD. apply up-to-date interventions44. The first step to build an evidence-based fitness program is_.A.tohave accesstomemberinformationB. to create exercise prescriptionsC. to negotiate with health insurance companiesD. to invite some fitness professional45. What helps people take far
57、ewell to the typical exercise program?A. state and federal government 旗开得胜B.TechnologyC. ReimbursementD. Medical Fitness Association46. Which should be given priority in selecting software?A. Language of the softwareB. Compatibility with other programsC.Innovative solutions and ease of useD. Link wi
58、th other software packages47. the most efficient and accurate way to physiologically test the client?A. Getting their appropriate thresholdsB. wearing a heart rate monitor duringworkoutsC. Conducting ametabolic restD. Automatically uploading the heart rate monitor48. Which of the following isnot all
59、owed by artificial intelligence regarding evidence-basedfitness programs?A. Coaching client individually through their workoutB. Tracking the workout sessionC. Transmitting exercise data to central database 旗开得胜D.Planning implementation and measuring theeffectivenessof the programs.49. An appropriat
60、ely established database isaccessible to _.A.PhysiciansB.Staff in fitness centersC.ResearchersD.All of the above50. the author attitude towards the evidence-based fitness programs?A.PositiveB. NegativeC. IndifferentD. DoubtfulPassage 2Over the past century southern black has evolved from a relativel
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