Unit 2 Reading 教案-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册_第1页
Unit 2 Reading 教案-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册_第2页




1、 课 题UNIT 2 Lets talk teensPeriod 2 Reading学 科英语班 级授课教师教 学目 标By the end of this section, students will be able to:identify and use some words and phrases, such as anxious, argument, back down;grasp the theme, outline and details of the article;infer the authors attitude towards parent-child tensions

2、and purpose of writing; grasp the rules of “forming abstract nouns” and list more abstract nouns formed with some suffixes;adopt a positive attitude and practical solutions to deal with real-life parent-child tensions;apply questions to introduce parents love for their children.教 学主 题本板块话题为“亲子矛盾冲突”,

3、语篇是一篇关于处于青春期的青少年与父母之间矛盾冲突的杂志文章,阐述了亲子关系紧张的主要起因和解决办法,旨在帮助学生理性认识身心发展的不平衡及由此带来的亲子矛盾冲突现象,学会如何平稳度过敏感的青春期。教 学重 点引导学生掌握并能够正确使用本单元话题词汇和短语;引导学生学习英语议论文的基本语篇结构和语言特征;引导学生推测作者对亲子关系的态度和写作意图;引导学生掌握抽象名词构成的规则。教 学难 点引导学生以积极、理性的态度面对青春期的个人身心变化,选择正确的方式应对亲子冲突;学习开篇设问的写作手法,仿写句子来表达对亲情的理解。教学内容与过程Lead-in与学生们讨论他们青春期所面临的压力、发生的变化

4、以及如何应对等问题,帮助学生快速进入本模块的学习。问题可参考: As teenagers, you may face different kinds of pressures. Where are they from? What physical and mental changes do you experience as you become a teenage? How do you deal with them?Step 1 Pre-readingPredicting & Thinking展示文章标题,引导学生预测文章内容,思考以问句为标题的好处。 What do you think

5、“strangers under the same roof” means? Why are family members called “strangers” by the author? What might be discussed in this article? What is the function of questioning in the title?Step 2 While-readingTask 1:Global reading指导快速阅读文章,找出文章中每一段的中心句,完成活动A1。 What is the topic sentence of each paragrap

6、h?Task 2:Detailed reading引导学生精读第一段,思考如下问题: Who are the targeted readers of this article? What does the sentence “You are not alone” mean? What are the two forms of common parent-child tensions?引导学生精读第二段,思考如下问题: What physical changes might teenagers worry about? How do these physical changes result i

7、n family tensions?3. 引导学生精读第三段,思考如下问题: What does “middle ground” mean? What does “that” in “that makes you feel unhappy” refer to? Why does author use “on the other hand”? What are the two kinds of uneasy mental needs that teenagers have?4. 引导学生精读第四段,思考如下问题: How can teenagers have a healthy discussi

8、on with their parents?Step 3 Post-reading1. 组织学生学习文章中出现的重点词汇并完成B1。2. 引导学生找出文章中的抽象名词,试着分析这些词的后缀。学习B2右边抽象名词的构成规则,并完成B2。引导学生完成Workbook部分活动A与活动B。引导学生关注文章中开篇设问的写作手法,完成B3。The magazine article uses a group of questions to introduce the topic of parent-child tensions. Read the first paragraph of the magazin

9、e article and introduce the topic of parents love for their children by asking questions.引导学生思考A3中的三个问题。 What is the authors attitude to parent-child tensions? Use information in the magazine article to support your idea. The magazine article suggests that teenagers want both independence and their parents love and support. Do you feel the same way or not? Give an example. What stresses do the parents of a teenager have to deal with? How do they influence the parent-child relationship?Step 4 Homework以下列表格作为指导,写一篇文章描述你和你父母的一次


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