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1、一、单题1Is this A. parents B. kitchen C. study 答: 2That is father.A. Mikes B. Mike答: 3This is my uncle.A. 这是我的爸爸。B. 位是我的叔叔。答: 4选出不同类的单词()A. spoon try fork答: 5What you like for lunch?A. do would答: 6What like for dinner?A. 晚你要做什么?B. 餐你想吃什么?答: 7How _ Five A. old B. much 答: 8当你想说:我使用叉子。时你应该: A. I use the f

2、ork. B. Pass the chopsticks.答: 二、填题 判断面每组单词画线部分音是否相同,相同用 _ A.duck (T) 表,不相同用 表。_ A.cut cute_ A.sofa _ A.bed _ A.table _ A.excuse pupil答:;T;10出与单词对应的图片light _ picture _wall _classroom _computer _A. B. 答:;11出不同类的单词,把号写在括号里。 _ A. long B. short C. shirt _ long hair B. quiet C. short hair _ friends B. st

3、rong C. thin _ she B. he C. its答:;B;12断下列每组单词T)(同类。_ A.breakfast great _ A.chopsticks bowl_ A.ready Cwhat_ vegetable _ A.rice Cchicken答:;F;13出每组中不同类的单_ _ A.computer cousin sister_ A.uncle nurse driver_ A.farmer doctor people _ A.apple brother 答:;A;14_this your bike?答:15They_in door.答:16下列图片与对应的英表达匹配

4、。_ A. aunt_ B. baby brother_ C. _ D. football player_ chicken答: ;A;三、选填空看图,在空格处选择适当的词填入,使文章完整 door floor blackboard picture window wall computerteachers desk desk chairThis is our new classroom. Its big and only one computer our classroom, its on the _. The on the _. The picture near the _. There is

5、 a schoolbag the _. The football is under the _.答: teachers ;18词填空tall friend strong friendlyI have a Chinese _. His name is Zhang Peng. He is _. He has _ bag. He is very _, because(因为)he often helps He likes sports, so is very _. I very much.答: friend;brown; ;strong19 () classroom?答: 20词进括号,看图填横。A.

6、 B. nice C. D. brother in() have a (_). Hes in the b_.() (_) your In the k_.() in the s_?() dog is (_) the l_.()Wow, your b_ is (_).答: ();bathroom();kitchen();();living room() ;21词填空,补全句子。farmer nurse job aunt He()_ is a doctor.() _?() this your _?() have no _.() a _? Yes, is works farm.答: ()()()()(

7、)22图片,从方框中选出适的单词 chicken nurse friendly shoes baby () that _? Hes my brother.()This is my friend, Tom. He is _.() would you like? Id like some _.() are my _, Mum? Look! They are the bed.() her job? She a _.答: ()()()()shoes()23词填空,将所给单词入合适的句子,注意书写规范。 strong chopsticks Chinese bowl bathroom() is my _

8、teacher.() Peng is and _.() to the _ Take a shower.() I have _ of rice, please?() use _ for noodles.答: ()Chinese()()bathroom()()24据图片和句意,选择适的单词填空,注意书写要规范 farmer keys rice window home chicken() morning. Welcome to _.() grandfather is a _.()Wow! The _ is so big.() Whats in your pencil-box? Open it and

9、 Oh, a pen, four _ and two rulers.() What you like for dinner? Id _ _.答: ()()()()();四、情交际25下列句子选择相应的语。 like spoon? _ Yes, please yourself! _ B. , use this you like for dinner? _ Thank you. like beef? _ D. Id like some chicken rice. for dinner?_ Noodles vegetables.答: ;26下列句子选择合适的语。Dinner is ready._ A

10、. Its the kitchen.Id like vegetables, please._ B. Id like bread. would you like for dinner?_ C. Here you are. is dog?_ Thanks.答: D;方框中出正确的一项A. like soup?B. Dinner is ready. yourself. Id like some vegetables.E. What would you like?()妈做好饭后会说_()去饭店饭,服务员会问_()想告诉人吃饭不要拘束,你会说_()想吃米和蔬菜,应该说_()想问别是否要汤,应该说_答:

11、()()()()()五、阅理解28读短文,判断对错,的“正确,的写错误。Hello, is 10 years old. from the But I in Beijing now. like China. can speak 讲点 Chinese. friends at are very friendly. lunch(午 at school. can use chopsticks. I like Chinese 食物. My favourite(最爱) food is Beijing Roast 北烤).() is an English boy.() can not Chinese.() f

12、riends very friendly.() lunch home.() Toast Duck a Chinese 答: ()误()误()确()误()确29读短文,判断下列句与短文内容是否相符Hello! is Amy. I an American I am a student. am short thin. I yellow curly ( 弯的 hair. I two big small mouth. I quiet. friends. Mike good friend. Chen Jie is good friend, too. She is Chinese girl.() is Am

13、y.() have a big mouth.() am a teacher.() and Amy friends.() Jie is an American too.答: ()确()误()误()确()误30读理解Mike: hunger. Whats for dinner? Wait What would you like?Mike: Id like noodles, some beef, some fish and soup. What would you like for dinner, Amy? Id like fish and vegetables, please. What would you like, dear?Dad: Id like some noodles and fish. Everythings ready. Thank you, Mike: Great!Dad: Thanks.()Mom: What like?Mike:


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