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1、初二英语上学期末试听力部分(共 20 分)一 听话,选择与对话内容相符的图片,代表图片的字母填在相应的序号后。六幅图选 五幅。每段对话你将听两遍(共 ,每小题 )A B C D ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二 听话,根据对话内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的写 T,错误的写 F每段对话你 将听三遍。(共 5 分每小题 分( )6. Michael in ( )7. Mary at ( )8. girl tomorrow.( )9. is play tennis Friday.( )10. his the 三 听文,选择最佳选项。这段短文你将三遍。(共 5 分每小题 )( )11. Wha

2、t did She wanted _. make B. clean floor ( )12. What did she C. The bread. C. The clock. ( )13. How was in the morning? It It ( )14. What A B. Some ( ) How did Luisas mother feel? Surprised. B. Tired. Angry.C. It smelled good.C. Some fruit.四 听文,根据短文内容,完成下面表格请填写关键信息)。这段短文你将听三遍(共 ,每小题 1 分Last On way ro

3、omIn the Mr. and went to the 16. _ and they got 17. 18. someone in the thought 19. _ were talking.Mr. White he forgot to turn off the _ this morning.基础知识运用(共 分)五 单填空(共 分,每小题 分第1页共9页从下列各句所给的 A、CD 四选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )21. is Mozart? She Him( )22. Mom, _ I Yes, can. But you have to finish B. could C

4、. will ( )23. milk need? need cup. How much long C. How often D. How many( )24. Beckham. He _ B. C. in to( )25. Let _ fruit salad for lunch.OK, go make do get( )26. 9 a school trip. They very _. B. clever C. happy( )27. What did do last We park. take B. takes C. ( )28. What you want to for I visit v

5、isit visiting( )29. Eliza won the first _ beautiful piano a B. C. the D. 不( )30. All the theaters the Screen City in our good a D. the ( 31. held a yard sale. because the was bad. B. any ( )32. I have toothache. Maybe you see a B. C. driver D. pilot( )33. It is _ than yesterday. I on my B. warm C. c

6、older D. ( )34. How you do your _ is so loud? I turn it off. B. when C. for where( )35. There arent enough snacks for the Did you buy _? I didnt. bought everything they in little most六 完填空(共 分,每小题 分阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从 小题所给的 AB、 四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。第2页共9页(A)New Year Resolution ResultsWe over e-mails from our

7、 readers about their New Years Resolutions. Many readers going work 36 in school this To be lots of readers play 37 and some readers said are to eat girls said exercise more . parents are going to 40 the subjects children at They want to better their lady found a job foreign . She is going to in nex

8、t year.( )36. A. harder ( )37. A. music guitar the games( )38. A. he ( )39. A. out B. fun C. fit D. up( )40. A. study B. watch D. ( )41. A. with C. in D. ( )42. A. B. doctor C. worker teacher(B a 42-year- lady. She always said she had one of the worlds best 43 . She worked for Service at (自由女神雕像 New

9、 York City. “ 44 come here all world, ”Maria “Helping about Liberty really 45 . like took a boat 46 to Liberty Island, the statue 47 . Then she visitors see the exhibits museum. The the statue. In the museum, Maria often with 49 they climbed to statue crown. (冠. “s to talk with all these ” “Besides,

10、 it my 154 steps on the crown. ”( )43. A. places C. museums( )44. A. Learners D. ( )45. A. boring B. interesting C. special ( )46. A. run hike C. ride ( )47. A. B. stayed ( )48. A. B. inside ( )49. A. B. until C. for though( )50. A. plans B. C. helps does七 阅理解(共 分,每小题 分阅读下面三篇短文据短文内容第 小题所给的 四选项中, 选择最

11、佳选项。第3页共9页AMothers Day an important s a day children their mothers how much love them. On Mother Day, children give flowers to mothe rs. This happy. Green in a small street. She a flower People lived were poor. children t have money buy flowers. Mrs. Green helped them. The children worked for Mrs. T

12、hey cleaned the in store. Then Mrs. them some flowers to take home their mothers. The mothers had nice Mother Day. Both the mothers happy.( ) On s Day, children give _ to their mothers. flowers D. ( )52. Green in a _ street. big C. clean D. dark( )53. worked one _ for Mrs. hour C. D. ( )54. in store

13、. B. carC. watered flowers D. B plays the in “The Little Angel(天使) Theater. Want go?When:Where:Tickets:Call:“The Angel” today, SundayThe Landers 311 E. St. for people 18; $ 6 for kids younger sold 30 Also: Art teacher Jan Myers first and second grade students at Shady Dell and Watkins schools than a

14、ngels, which are exhibited in the Theater.55. you play? At 2:30 on At on Saturday.C. At on 第4页共9页 56. If parents take should _ for B. $22 D. $2457. following is true? Simon will a song in You can call to the C. will play 100 angels theater.D. Students works will be in theater.CA (小配件 translates (译)

15、bark (狗叫)into people language and plans to sell the gadget in pet stores and gift shops summer. Takara (有限公司)says about dog been sold since it was sale late come to America in August. The States home about 67 more than the number in Japan.Regarded of the coolest (明of magazine, the gadget into feelin

16、gs. It can tell whether the is sad, disappointed “ know that love their dogs so much, so think t hey will mind spending $ 120 on ”the marketing in America.One thing that certain for animal will keep on a dogs world since Takara has plans a gadget for “ too changeable, ” the manager 58. This tells us

17、 that _. gadget is very expensive a C. American tell will the in America59. “They are too changeable. ” too changeable. ” B. Dogs C. Stores People60. can the people talk dogs there more dogs in America in C. Japanese people t like will gadget for in the 61. sale of its proud B. satisfied with C. sur

18、e of D. 八 任型阅读(共 4 分每小题 分第5页共9页阅读下面短文,根据你读到的信息完成表格。Learning a new language isnt of us, speaking it is the hardest part! are ()to help you comfortable speaking English.Tip 1 you study, do is learning. If you aloud, you mouth and your will with both and (发音)Tip 2 as You be making sounds in English. Al

19、l over the in English! will comfortable thinking in English. what you and read it aloud Tip 3 a “study buddy. Get with her study Speak English as you whenever other.Helping yourself talk in EnglishTipsWhat WhyIf 62. _, you mouth you with and pronunciation. what is learning. to yourself 63. _ possibl

20、e. 64. _ thinking in down saying it aloud again. astudy Get with him or once and 综合语言运用(共 分)九 词(共 6 分每空 分请选择方框中的词语填空。只填写字母。 had B. C. E. excited visited off Nick and I very nice (1 (_ for a park. (3)_, met (4) Yao Ming. After () movie about in future. We very (_.十 根表格内所提供的信息,完成下面介比尔盖茨的短文。(共 分每空 分)Bo

21、rnPlace birthAt the age of was old In 1973 In 1999HobbiesBill in 1955the U.S.A.start work a program and sell it for dollars Harvard Universitybegin his (司)write a reading and playing golf第6页共9页Bill Gates born in (1 in the U.S.A. At ()_ of 13, he _ 17 years he worked out (_ for dollars. In 1973, he (

22、_ to University. (6 his company. 1999, he (_ on computer. He reading8_ playing golf.十一 书表达 分)寒假即将来临参考下面几幅图写一篇短文谈谈你的寒假计划少括三幅图的内 容,可以适当发挥。短文题目已给出。(词数 80) Winter 【试题案】听力部分:听力材料及答案(共 20 分一、听对话,选择与对话内容相对应的图片表片的字母填在相应的序号后。每段对 话你将听两遍。(共 分,每小题 1 分) M: How you get every W: I take train. ()2. W: Let fruit sal

23、ad.M: OK. How many do we need?W: ( M: Susan, W: It fantastic. I went aquarium. (B4. W: Look at the twin brothers! Who Tom and Who Tim?M: taller than Tim. (A) W: you when grow up?M: Hmmm. Im going to a computer programmer. (E二 听话,根据对话内容,判断下列句子误。正确的写 T,错误的写 F。本部分每段对话你将听三遍(共 5 分每小题 分) M: Who you W: M:

24、When he born?W: in () M: Mary! was W: It OK. But I 第7页共9页M: Why that?W: Well, I had a lot of homework to do. () W: Dad, could I movies tonight?M: I guess so. But t stay out W: Could I until eleven?M: you can You test tomorrow, () W: can you with me?M: Uh, When?W: Today.M: no, sorry. can have to to d

25、octor.W: How about M: Sorry, tomorrow I playing soccer. about Friday?W: OK. ()10. W: Mike, clean your room out the M: Sorry,Mom. I my homework first.W: Could you take out trash now? I really need help, is in an hour.M: I that. (T三 请短文,选择最佳答案,这段短文你听三遍。(共 分,每小题 1 分 make breakfast for her family. She p

26、lanned found the bread and tomatoes she would need. didn anyone. got up early to work. and and on the bread. the family got up the next morning, good. There were sandwiches on table. “Where come from? ”asked the food had made.11. A 12. B C B 15. A四 听文,根据短文内容,完成下面表格请填写关键信息)这段短文你将听三遍。(共 ,每小题 1 分Last W

27、hite his wife farm. home front into It was very dark, so Mr. White lights. On the way “ I can someone in bedroom. quietly outside room.“ youre right, “ are two in They talking! ” he out, “ there? ”But nobody Mr. White opened the quickly on the light. The room then saw something and laughed. radio was still “ dear! ” “I turn off the ”16. farm 17. late 1


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