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1、毕业设计外文资料翻译学 院: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 外文出处:(外文) R George, P Samuel Foundational UML Behavioral Specification with JavaJ. Procedia Computer Science,2015, 46:941-948. 附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文; 2.外文原文 指导教师评语: 基本符合翻译要求。签名: 2015年10月14日1外文资料翻译译文UML与java基础行为规范1.介绍图形化建模语言在系统设计和文档的应用。一种广泛使用的通用的图形化建模语言是统一建模语言(UML)。此前,该

2、系统如法体和出入境的状态机的行为无法描述UML动态方面,和自然语言或现有的编程语言都是用来描述动态方面。使用这些方法的缺点是 1)自然语言是模糊的,早期的系统仿真和模型检查可能会影响模糊描述 2)编程语言通常是执行特定的。系统地建立现实行为,精确的动作语义已被纳入UML 2.0。UML可以让它在描述系统的动态方面更具表现力的可执行文件。模型是一个系统的抽象。由于建模和编程语言的抽象之间的差距,很难达到建模的一致性。由于这个空白,本代码不必知道模型中定义的概念。模型通过省略不必要的细节提供了一个抽象的系统。行动,算法和导航路径不能用UML图进行了详细的阐述。使用一些编程语言或文本表示的规则和约束



5、每个状态被认为是一个对象。状态图中的每一个状态都是一个类,并且所有的状态的转换和行为都被封装在它中。为了实现分层和并发状态,组成和代表团的概念可以被使用。阐述了如何将桥梁计算执行元建模和模型之间的鸿沟。一个新的框架,结合元模型和计算模型(MOC)以模块化的方式介绍。一个完整的、可执行的规范语言(DSL)的定义域的设置,以及如何给MOC可重复使用不同的特定领域的元模型,以及如何不同的系统可用于一个给定的模型占DSL. In ,Alf 语言是用来执行数据流分析模型。本文还介绍了精确的数据流信息可以通过绘制UML状态机发现Alf。3.Javajava是一个最流行和广泛使用的面向对象的语言。java是



8、行为建模。活动图是一种特殊形式的状态图和他们描述动作的程序流程。设计模式可用于从状态机生成java代码。国家代码的翻译过程中,每一个国家是阶级嵌入所有的转换和行为对象。并发状态也可以使用java组成代表团代表。java的特点使它能够指定所有构建UML直接或通过一组特征相结合。因此,java可以用来指定与UML模型元素相关的行为。4. Alf基础的UML动作语言(Alf)的开发是为了提供一个文本对UML建模元素的表示。Alf的具体语法可以映射到标准的基本子集的抽象语法可执行UML模型(称为基础的UML或fUML)。这个映射指定的执行语义,Alf和执行Alf文本的结果是确定的语义,它映射到fUML

9、模型。模型代表应用UML和执行行为的图形符号的使用Alf作为指定的UML元素执行行为的表面符号指定。这是Alf的首要目标。行为规范包括类的操作或状态机的过渡效应行为的方法。提供Alf的扩展符号可以用来表示结构建模元素。Alf的语法直接覆盖的子集的子集fUML UML和整个模型代表使用fUML子集可以指定Alf。Alf的设计是基于以下的指导原则:有Alf和C或java语法之间的密切的相似之处。UML的文本语法像名称限定双冒号也可用于Alf。这是可能的嵌入在图形化模型的Alf文本没有任何变化的模型。(例如,包括名称的特殊字符,使用任意名称的构造函数等)。容纳Alf在图形模型方便有用的 1)提供执行

10、语义在映射到fumlsubset和 2)在映射到其他非fumlmodels。参考元素的活动外,Alf使用的命名系统的UML命名空间提供。本地名称被提供给活动中的值的引用流。Alf使用隐式类型系统,它还使用静态类型检查的基础上至少在类型声明的结构模型元素。Alf有对象约束语言的表现力(OCL)在使用和操作序列的值。在扩展区域fUML这些序列表达式是完全可执行的;Alf也允许高度并行的计算简单和自然的规范。是一个行动的语言是Alf的首要目标,在fUML子集的界限,Alf还提供了具体的语法结构建模。5.对java和Alf的句法比较从词法成分、句法规范和语义规范等方面对语言进行了编程。词汇结构是一种编


12、词法结构,确定字符的序列是如何组合在一起形成令牌的。Alf的词法结构定义了一个Alf输入文本中的字符序列被划分成一组输入元素或令牌。这样的投入要素可分为空白、注释或标记。令牌再次被归类为文档注释、名称、保留字、文字、标点和运算符。java报表也有词汇结构组成的白色空间,注释和标记。标记可以是标识符、关键字、文字、分隔符或运算符。Alf语言的词法结构类似于java语言的词法结构,词法分析器检测到白色空间,注释和标记。在Alf和java的令牌是少数例外如文档注释几乎相似,名字(几乎类似于标识符)等。5.2数据类型Alf支持以下原始数据类型: Boolean, String, Integer,,自然

13、和位串。java语言也支持数据typesbyte,short, char, int, long, float, double, Boolean。所有的原始数据类型支持的Alf也由java编程语言支持。5.3类一个分类器,其实例被称为一个类。一类可以包含属性和操作。属性定义类的属性,并且它们可以有适当类型的值。类中的操作可以用调用表达式来调用同一个类的对象调用。属性和操作类似于java类的属性和方法。Alf支持java类和有语法来指定抽象和具体类。表1.抽象和具体在Alf和java类定义的实例。AlfJava抽象类与抽象操作abstract class Select public abstrac

14、t getValue(): Money; abstract class Point translate int x = 2, y = 3; void move (int dx, intdy) x += dx; y += dy; alert(); abstract void alert();具体类class product private qty: Count; public getQuantity(): Count return self.quantity; class productprivate intqty; public intgetQty ( )return qty;5.4声明语句没


16、。输入引脚的名称被认为是在语句序列中的指定源。输出引脚可以在语句序列中指定名称,它们为语句序列的末端提供相应的输出引脚的值。在语句序列中,其他可视模型元素(如有必要)的名称也可以被用作通常的。在java中,报表控件执行的顺序和没有价值。类似于Alf,他们被执行的效果。语句序列构成一个块。在java中,一个语句可以if- else语句,断言语句,while, do-while,for,break,continue,return,throw,switch,try-catch语句。在Alf的声明类似于java语法的语法。为了对比while和switch语法在表2的例子中对Alf对Java的非常相似地

17、进行了比较。在switch语句中,唯一的区别是在java的break语句的使用。表2 比较Alf和Java的while语句和switch语句类型声明AlfJavawhile语句while ( conditionExpression ) statementwhile (ConditionalExpression) Statement语句的例子While (file.hasNext() Record = file.readNxt();while (file.hasNext() record=readNxt(); switch语句switch ( Label ) “ case” exp”:” exp

18、 statement default : Default statements “”switch ( Label) case Exp : Exp statement break; default : Default statement break;切换语句的例子来检查日期的有效性switch (month) case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: if(day0 & day0 & day0 & day0 & day0 & day0 & day0 & day0 & day0 & day0 & day0 & day0 &

19、day0 & day0 & day0 & day0 & day=28) System.out.println(“Valid date”); break; default: System.out.println (Invalid date); break; 5.5 ExpressionsAn expression evaluates to a collection of values and is treated as behavioural unit. The side effects of evaluating an expression are changing the value of

20、an attribute of an object. Using an opaque expression, an Alf expression can be inserted into a UML model. To specify values in the UML model, an Alf expression may be used. Alf supports both conditional expression and assignment expression The Java language expression syntax, also supports both con

21、ditional expression and assignment expression. The formal specification of the execution semantics of an Alf expression are given by the mapping to UML activity graphs. Since Java and Alf supports conditional and assignment expressions, Alf expressions can be replaced with expressions in Java.Parsin

22、gParsing is the process of verifying the syntactic correctness of the input program or text. Parsing is a process that takes as input a stream of tokens, verifies the syntax and produces as output a parse tree or syntax tree. The syntax is usually defined using a grammar. A syntactic grammar whose d

23、efinition is based on extended Backus-Naur form (EBNF) is used to specify the Alf concrete syntax. The Alf concrete syntax defines how an abstract syntax tree is formed by grouping lexical tokens. This is done by grouping the tokens produced by the lexical analysis of an Alf text to construct an abs

24、tract syntax tree. A hierarchical parse tree is produced as the result of parsing. The parsing of an Alf input text is thus essentially the same as is done for the processing of any typical textual programming language. Usually a context free grammar is used to specify the syntax of programming lang

25、uages. The use of EBNF grammar provides context free parsing of Alf text. The atomic expressions from statements and the specified UML action associated with these expressions are identified by the parser 12. The specified unit is parsed into an abstract syntax representation in memory. There is no

26、pre-compilation of units and any unit imported should be recursively compiled. During parsing, violations of the abstract syntax constraints defined in the Alf specification are checked and reported. Static semantic analysis is performed to gather additional information for mapping to fUML whereas i

27、n the case of programming language, semantic analysis is performed for type checking and resolving names. The difference in the semantic analysis phase arises due to the difference in the output produced after compilation. In the case of Alf, it is mapped to fUML, whereas in Java, a set of class fil

28、es is produced.The final step in processing an Alf text is the mapping to a representation in terms of fUML abstract syntax. By performing a depth first traversal of the annotated abstract syntax tree with derived attributes from static semantic analysis, the fUML abstract syntax representation is b

29、uilt. The fUML reference implementation maps all parsed units to the in-memory representation. Unit mapping is executed at an execution environment created at a fUML locus14. In the case of Java, after the compilation is performed, a platform independent representation called bytecode is produced. B

30、yte codes are stored in a class file.A set of Java source files are compiled to a set of class files by the Java compiler. The lexical analyzer groups characters in the source file to form tokens. The tokens are then grouped by the parser to generate the abstract syntax tree. A symbol table with sym

31、bol definitions is created. Semantic analysis is performed after performing process annotations on the abstract syntax tree. It includes name resolution, type checking and constant folding. After performing data flow analysis of the annotated parse tree, inner classes, class literals etc. are remove

32、d and a class file for each class is generated5 . The compilation steps in both Alf and Java are almost similar except in the output produced by the compiler.ConclusionAlf is a textual representation of a modeling language for a subset of UML called foundational UML. It has been shown that Alfhas sy

33、ntax similar to Javaprogramming language. Java is a high level platform independent programming language. Executable behaviors within a UML model can be specified with Alf. The Alf code can be mapped to fUML models or high level language code after compilation whereas in Java, a set of class files c

34、ontaining a platform independent representation called byte code is produced which can be interpreted and executed. After parsing, an intermediate representation: fUML model or high level language code in the case of Alf and byte code in the case of Java is produced. Alf produces a layer of abstract

35、ion between the models and code. In this paper we have shown that since Alf resembles Java, in many of the constructs, the extra level of abstraction can be avoided using a high level programming language such as Java. Although using an action language to provide the behavioral specification helps i

36、n the generation of full code, extra effort is put in to produce the textual representation in Alf code and further map the models to fUML and then later execute the models. Alf syntax is similar to C, C+ or Java and the programmer has to learn another language, Alf to make the models executable. Ja

37、va is one of the most popular high programming languages and it has been demonstrated that many of the Alf constructs are similar to Java. The advantages of using Java to specify behaviors within the UML model arethat it eliminates an extra layer of abstraction and programmer is relived from the bur

38、den of learning another language Alf which is similar in many aspects to high level programming language.ReferencesObject Management Group (OMG): Unified Modeling Language: Superstructure, version 2.0 available at Yang, Mikai, Greg J. Michaelson, and Rob Pooley. Formal Action Semantics for a UML Act

39、ion Language. J. UCS 14.21 2008: 3608- 3624 Ciccozzi, Federico, Antonio Cicchetti, and Mikael Sjodin. Towards Translational Execution of Action Language for Foundational UML. In Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) 2013 39th EUROMICRO Conference: IEEE, 2013. p. 153-160. Mellor, S.J.

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41、 fUML and Alf, Tutorial for the OMG Executable UML Information Day 22 March 2011 Object Management Group Action Language for Foundational UML (Alf), Concrete Syntax for a UML Action Language, beta 1 version OMG Document Number.ptc/2010-10-05. 2010 Gonzalo Gnova, Carlos Ruiz Del Castillo, and Juan Llore


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