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1、2021-2022年第二学期 2020级英语期末试卷(中专班、3+2班适用 满分:100分)系部: 填空题 *_班级: 填空题 *例如:2001班_您的姓名: 填空题 *_一、单项选择。(每小题2分,共90分)1. _ it is today! () 单选题 *A. What fine weather(正确答案)B. What a fine weatherC. How a fine weatherD. How fine a weather2. When shall we meet again next week? _ day is possible. Its no problem with m

2、e.() 单选题 *A.EitherB. NeitherC. EveryD. Any(正确答案)3. Robert has gone to _ city and hell be back in a week. () 单选题 *A. otherB. the otherC. another(正确答案)D. any other4. A latest magazine, please. Only one left. Would you like to have _? ( ) 单选题 *A.it(正确答案)B. oneC. thisD. that5. Why dont we take a little

3、break? Didnt we just have _ ? () 单选题 *A.itB .thatC. one(正确答案)D. this6. I wonder _ they finished so many different jobs in such a short time. () 单选题 *A. whyB. how(正确答案)C. whenD. where7. I dont know when he _. When he _ here, Ill call you in a minute. () 单选题 *A. will come; will arriveB. comes; arrives

4、C. will come; arrives(正确答案)D. comes; will arrive8. He turned _ the radio a little because his father was asleep. () 单选题 *A. onB. down(正确答案)C. upD. off9. Would you like some coffee?Yes, and please get me some milk. I prefer coffee _ milk. ( ) 单选题 *A.with(正确答案)B.toC.ofD.on10. They each _ a book. Each

5、of them _ from China. () 单选题 *A. has; areB. have; is(正确答案)C. are having; areD. is having; is11.Though its cloudy now, it _ get sunny later. () 单选题 *A. canB. may(正确答案)C. mustD. need12.It is in the library, you _ talk loudly. () 单选题 *A. may notB. cantC. needntD. mustnt(正确答案)13. If anyone wants to say

6、something in class, you _ put up your hands first. () 单选题 *A. mustB. mayC. should(正确答案)D. can14. The pen _ him ten yuan. () 单选题 *A. paidB. cost(正确答案)C. tookD. spent15.Could I use your dictionary? Yes, you _.() 单选题 *A.needB. couldC. can(正确答案)D. should16. Mary dances best in our school.I agree. Ill ne

7、ver forget _ her dance for the first time. () 单选题 *A.seeB.to seeC.seeing(正确答案)D.seen17. There are many people downstairs. What do you think _? () 单选题 *A.to happenB. happeningC. is happenedD. has happened(正确答案)18.I hear Sam has gone to Qingdao for his holiday.Oh, how nice! Do you know when he _? ( )单

8、选题 *A.left(正确答案)B. was leavingC. has leftD. had left19.David, look at the man in white over there. Can you tell me _?He is a doctor. ()单选题 *A.who is heB. who he isC. what does he doD. what he does(正确答案)20. I want to teach in Tibet(西藏) when I graduate from the college.Me too. Teachers _very much ther

9、e. () 单选题 *A.needB. are needingC. are needed(正确答案)D. is needed21. Tom, do you know if Frank _ to the shop with us this Sunday if it _?Sorry, I have no idea. ( ) 单选题 *A.will go, is going to be fineB. goes, is fineC.will go, is fine(正确答案)D. goes, will be fine22. I dont have to introduce him to you _ y

10、ou know the boy. () 单选题 *A. untilB. unlessC. since(正确答案)D. but23. This pair of shoes _ really small for me.Why not try another _. ( ) 单选题 *A.is, pair(正确答案)B. are, pairC. is, oneD. are, one24. If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow, _? () 单选题 *A. he will, tooB. he wont, either(正确答案)C. he does, tooD.

11、he doesnt, either25. I dont think we can finish all the work before Friday, _? () 单选题 *A. do IB. can we(正确答案)C. cant weD. dont we26. Do you know _?Im not sure. Maybe an artist. ( ) 单选题 *A.what the man with long hair is(正确答案)B.what is the man with long hairC.who the man with long hair isD. who is the

12、 man with long hair27. _? ()Things are going very well. 单选题 *A.How soon does it goB. How often does it goC.How far is it goD. How is everything going(正确答案)28. My parents never stop going on about(唠叨) how I should study hard_. () 单选题 *A. So my parents doB. Nor my parentsC. Nor do my parents(正确答案)D. N

13、either my parents do29. He never does his work _ Mary. () 单选题 *A. as careful asB. so careful asC. as carefully as(正确答案)D. carefully as30. _ music she is playing! () 单选题 *A. What nice(正确答案)B. How niceC. What a niceD. How nice a31. The nurse told the children the sun _ in the east. () 单选题 *A. rises(正确

14、答案)B. roseC. will riseD. has risen32. Are you sure you have to? Its been very late. I dont know _ I can do it if not now. () 单选题 *A.whereB. whyC. when(正确答案)D. how33. Can you lend me the book _ the other day? () 单选题 *A. that you talkedB. you talked about itC. which you talked toD. you talked about(正确

15、答案)34. Jims father got very angry _. () 单选题 *A. with that he had doneB. with what he had doneC. at what he had done(正确答案)D. at what had he done35. What are on show in the museum?Some photos _ by the children of Yushu, Qinghai. () 单选题 *A.have been takenB. were takenC. are takenD. taken(正确答案)36. The d

16、octor did what he could _ the dying man. () 单选题 *A. saveB. to save(正确答案)C. savedD. saving37. Who is singing in the next room?_ must be Maria. (A) 单选题 *A.It(正确答案)B. SheC. ThisD. That38. She was born _ the evening of August 8, 2008.() 单选题 *A. inB. on(正确答案)C. atD. with39.They preferred _ in bed rather

17、than _ horses. () 单选题 *A.to lie; to rideB.lying; ridingC.to lie; ride(正确答案)D.lying; ride40.Everyone except Tom and John _ seen the film.() 单选题 *A.isB.has(正确答案)C.areD.have41. She asked me _ I would do it or not. () 单选题 *A. ifB. whether(正确答案)C. asD. until42. Could you tell me_? She has a pain in her f

18、ace.( ) 单选题 *A.what is the matter with her(正确答案)B. whats wrong with himC.what the matter is with herD. what wrong is with him43. Do you have _ to tell me? () 单选题 *A. something importantB. important somethingC. anything important(正确答案)D. important anything44. In our country every boy and every girl _ the right(权利) to education. () 单选题 *A. has(正确答案)B. haveC. isD. are45. Nobody but Jane and Lily _ the secret. () 单选题 *A. knows(正确答案)B. knowC. have knowD. is known二、选出句中画线部分的同义词组。(每小题2分,共10分)46. Lucy didno better thanLily, because both of them didnt pas


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