【详细版】七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas教案 unit 5_第1页
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【详细版】七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas教案 unit 5_第5页
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1、Lets Save the Elephants By Zhang Guojao Class 3B Junior 1Teaching aims:Aims of knowledge:Students can understand and master the contents of this passage.Students can master the new words and expressions of this passage:elephants,first flaga,symbolof good luck,walk for a long time,get los,in great da

2、nger,cut down,save,things made of ivoryStudents can use skimming, scanning and other skills to grasp the mian ides od teh article and analyze the reading details.Aims of ability:Students can express their ideas and attitudes about protecting animals.Students can master some reading abilities such as

3、: intensive reading and fast reading.Aims of emotion:Students can aware that animals are in great danger and suffering from physical and psychological torture.Students can know that why and how we should protect animals.Topic: Lets Save the ElephantsType of lesson: Reading and SpeakingTeaching conte

4、nts: The contents of this passage, smart, nature/nurture.Difficult points: How to lead students to find out the topic sentences.How to lead students to catch the ways of protecting animals from the video.How to lead students to make a handwritten poster according to this passage.Teaching key points:

5、 Make students aware that the animals are in great danger and we should save them.Teaching methods: Situational teaching method; Total physical responseTeaching period: 40 minutesTeaching aids: multimedia, some pieces of paper, a boxTeaching procedures:Step 1: Greeting& Drawing strawsStep 2: Lead-in

6、Watch a video and solve these two questions: 1.What can you see? 2. What can they do in this video?Step 3: Fast readingLet students read the whole passage and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph.Let students give a key word to conclude every topic sentence.Step 4: Intensive readingPara. O

7、ne: Let students read this paragraph and answer four questions. Q1: Where are the students from? Q2: What do they want to do? Q3: Whats on the first flag of Thailand? Q4: Whats the meaning of “This” in the last sentence?Para. Two: Let students read this paragraph and underline what elephants can do.

8、Play soccer or musicPlay soccer or musicsmartRemember places with water and foodsmartRemember places with water and foodWalk for a long time and never get lostDraw very wellWalk for a long time and never get lostDraw very wellNever forgetNever forgetPara. Three: Watch a video and answer “ Why are el

9、ephants in great danger”?Let students read paragraph three and underline the other reasons.ReasonsFacts(because)Results(so)Step 5: After-readingLet students discuss and give a title.Discuss Can elephants do such things when they were born? What can they do when they were born? How can they do such t

10、hings? Are they happy when they are forced to do such things?The ways to protect elephants. Watch a video, take notes and tell classmates the ways.howwhypicturesActivity: make a handwritten poster in a group.howwhypicturessloganslogancontentscontentsStep 6: HomeworkTell people around you to protect

11、animals.Reflection:课堂指令不清楚。 在Fast reading 让同学们用一个词来总结整个段落以及从视频过渡到第三段时的指令不清楚, 导致同学们觉得比较懵。在post reading 中手抄报的展示上处理不当。 平常很少强调台风和小组合作展示的标准 没有用多媒体投影,学生的字小,后面的学生还不清楚。口误: ten minutes 说成ten seconds没有纠音: 学生说“elephant have”时,我没有纠正。教学设计过程 教学设计过程 Lets Save the Elephants步骤Procedures教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动

12、模式和时间 IP&TimePre-readingStep 1Drawing strawsGreeting抽签提高学生兴趣。IW/CW2Step 2Lead in:Watch a video about elephants.视频引入提高学生兴趣。帮助学生建立新旧知识联系。CW1While-readingStep 3 Fast reading:Read the whole passage quickly to find out the topic sentence of each paragraph and give the key words.培养学生归纳总结的能力。帮助学生建立文章整体框架以便

13、学生更好理解文章主要内容。IW/GW5Step 4 Detailed readingPara. 1: reading again and answer questions.Para. 2: reading again and finish a mind map.Para. 3: reading again and answer two questions about elephants dangerous situation and the solutions. 以问题形式检测学生是否读懂文章内容。思维导图建立有利于学生全方位和系统的描述分析大象聪明之处。通过现象让学生分析其本质原因有助于培养

14、学生善于思考的能力。Para.1&2:IW/PW8Para.3: GW10Post-readingStep 5Discussion:“Why can elephants do such things in para. two?” “ Are they happy or not?”Make a handwritten poster. Discussion: 帮助孩子深入理解大象的“ability”不是它们天生所具有的而是人类强加给它们的。Making a poster:以小组合作形式展开活动有利于培养学生的合作意识。制作手抄报既培养了学生动手能力也让他们学会将所学知识整合到一起的能力。GW10S

15、tep 6 Homework:Tell people around you how important to protect animals.将本课所学运用到实际生活中,呼吁身边的人保护动物。文本材料Hello. We are students from Thailand, and we want to save/seiv/ the elephants/elifnts/. The elephant is one of Thailands symbols/simblz/. Our first flag/flg/ had a white elephant on it. This is a symb

16、ol of good luck/lk/.Elephants are smart animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very well. People say that “an elephant never forgets.” Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places with food and water. This helps them to live.But elephants are in great danger/deind/. People cut down trees so elephants are


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