读人教七年级上册Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag话题复习_第1页
读人教七年级上册Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag话题复习_第2页
读人教七年级上册Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag话题复习_第3页




1、学科英语教师陈丽荟话题物品所属与位置班级英语-6班时间2023.12.7地点319流程 具体内容 教学分析教材分析按照七上教材单元知识的编排,将Uint3 (Is this your pencil?)/ Unit 4 (Wheres my schoolbag?)/Unit5 (Do you have a soccer ball?)三个单元各自话题融合梳理为一个总话题“ The belongings and locations of objects”, 创设话题情境,通过听,说,看图,读等方式,提升学生的综合语用能力。学情分析学生整体基础较弱,两级分化严重,部分同学(约班级总人数的30%)的词汇

2、量不足以表达自己的思想。教法学法教师以任务型活动为主,学生以个人、结对、四人小组活动为主,师生共同完成本课学习任务和目标。教学目标知识技能目标在本课结束后,学生能口头和书面运用以下词汇与短语:mine, yours, his, hers, pencil, pencil box, schoolbag, book, eraser, notebook, dictionary, bag, baseball, computer game, ID card, watch, ring, mine, yours, his, hers, room, table, bed, sofa, chair, desk,

3、radio, clock, tape, tape player, model plane, on, under, where, their, sports, tennis ball, ping-pong, soccer, volleyball, basketball, TV, interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing, easy, do, does, have, has, go, get, play, like, love, let, sound, we, us, them,thank you for., ask. for., a set of

4、, come on, watch TV.等,以及以前学过的相关句型:Is this your pencil? Yes/No, .mine/yours. Are these/those? Yes, .hers/his. /No, hers/his.Where is /are. in/on/under.? Its / Theyre.Jenny has . Its/Theyre in/on/at .最后小组以商讨汇报的形式完成房间物品整理工作,并在全班展示。思维目标学生学会小组分工合作,能对涉及的语言知识进行辨别、分类、选择、归纳、创造。情感目标学生通过本课的学习,渐渐形成讲卫生爱整洁的良好日常生活

5、习惯。重难点重 点Is this/that.? Wheres.? Do you have a/an.?Are these/those? Wherere.? Does she/he have.?难 点物主代词(尤其名词性物主代词)与第三人称单数在上下文语境中的正取用法。 教学活动组织安排Step1:(3 minutes)教师活动:Teacher orally greets the students and ask the questions:1.Do you have a pencil box?2.Whats in your pencil box? 3.Is this/ that your.?学

6、生活动:All the students can individually take out the things from their pencil box and present their right answers, and then ask each other one by one.设计意图:Lead in the topic about objects in unit3 and lay the groundwork for the following step.Step2:(3 minutes)教师活动:Teacher presents some pictures and ask

7、 the students the question: Are these/those Toms/ Alans .?学生活动:All the students answer the questions together, and then practise the 设计意图:Review the learned words and patterns in Unit3 in pairs and set the stage for the following step.Step3:(2 minutes)教师活动:Teacher shows the photos of Jack and his de

8、sks on the PPT, and orally ask students to guess the answers to the following questions: 1. Which is Jacks desk?” 2. Why do you think so? 3. What is Jacks problem?学生活动:Students find some information from the pictures and guess the answers individually.设计意图:Train students abilities of predicting and

9、reading pictures and lay the groundwork for the following step.Step4:(3 minutes)教师活动:Teacher shows the picture of Jacks mom on PPT and asks students to predict the conversation between Jack and his mom , listen to the conversation, and check whether the answer is the same as their guessing .Why is J

10、ack talking on the phone with his mom?What does Jack need for his school?学生活动: Students listen to the conversation ,predict and choose the right answers, and check the answer in pairs. 设计意图:Train students the ability of prediction and getting the main idea by listening.Step 5 ( 1minute)教师活动: Teacher

11、 requires students to put all the things in Step6 into three groups.学生活动: Students orally classify all the things into three groups: classroom things, bedroom things and sports things .设计意图:Train students the ability of classification.Step 6 ( 2 minutes)教师活动: Teacher asks students to listen to the c

12、onversation again, and match the things with the locations.学生活动: Students listen to the conversation again and match the things Jack needs with the locations, and then present the answers in pairs. A: Where is /are. in/on/under.?B: Its / Theyre.设计意图:Train students the ability of getting detailed inf

13、ormation by listening to the conversation,and review the learned sentence patterns in Unit4.Step 7: ( 1 minute)教师活动:Teacher asks students to observe a picture of Jenny, Jacks sister, and guess some information about her.学生活动:Students look at the picture carefully and try to predict some information

14、about Jenny. 设计意图:Train students the ability of reading and predicting the picture.Step 8: ( 6 minutes)教师活动:Teacher shows five questions about Jenny in a chart on one PPT, and ask students to read the passage about Jennys room, and underline the key words and sentences. After that, teacher requires

15、students to complete the five questions in the chart which is also on their handouts.学生活动: Students read the passage, underline the key words and sentences for each question, and change them into the right answer to each question. After that, students check their answers in groups and share their an

16、swers with the whole class in the following ways. Jenny has . Its/Theyre .设计意图: Get students be able to find the key words by focusing on the detailed information and use the right forms of the words in the context.Step 9: (2 minutes)教师活动Teacher tells students that keeping the things tidy and clean

17、is a good living habit, and orally asks students the following question: What can a good living habit help you?学生活动: Students discuss the question in groups and answer the questions individually.设计意图:Help students to realize the importance of a good living habit, inspire students background knowledg

18、e about good living habits and set the stage for the following step.Step 10: ( 5 minutes)教师活动:Teacher give students the pictures of a room and some things from unit3 ,unit4 and unit5, and ask students to layout them in a proper way.学生活动: Discuss how to arrange their own room in their own group.设计意图: Make students use the words and expressions they have learned above.Step 11: ( 6


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