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1、一、单题1 2 分 Carry your_.A. ruler B. crayon C. bag2 2 分 当与朋友相见时,你会先说_A. Hello. B. Bye.3 2 分 are A. Im Xiaoling Im C. five. 4 2 分 Show _ yellow.A. I me5 2 分 当邀请别人画画时,你会说_A. OK. Lets paint. C. Great! 6 2 分 Show me yourA. ear B. C. hand 7 2 分 铅盒A. pencil crayon C. pen 8 2 分 书A. book B. ruler C. pen 9 2 分

2、Sit down.A. 起。B. 坐下。10 2 分 _one, please.A. C. This 二、填题11 5 分 选相应的答语_Hello! A. Bye._Whats your name? Hi!_Lets play. Me too!_I have pencil. _Goodbye. E. Leo.12 8 分 给列数字排排。 nine six three eight five fourone 13 1 分 M: Mum, I hungry. some_? are.14 4 分 选对应的图片A. B. C. () some milk._() some bread._() some

3、juice._() some rice._15 5 分 写字母表中缺字母的大小写形式。Aa Cc _ _ Gg Hh _ Ll Oo _ Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv _ Yy Zz16 1 分 判图片与句子(T)否F)符,并写出正确单词。This is my _ 4 分 出下列字母的小写形式。J Y RL_ _ _ _18 1 分 判图片与句子(T)否F)符,并写出正确单词。This is my mouth. _ 19 1 分 like some_20 3 分 单归类。A. ruler blue C. eye red E. pencil face G. yellow bagI. J. cra

4、yon K. ear white ()体部位_()色_()具_三、选词填空21 1 分 _ (Touch Open) your mouth.22 5 分 根图示,用方中的单词完成句子。 A. B. nine C. egg D. pencil E.monkey() _ years old.() have a _.() an _.() a _.() an _.23 2 分 This is _(a/an) _(hat/girl).24 1 分 This is (hand/pencil.25 1 分 This is (foot/pen)26 1 分 ) This is my ()四、情景交际 5 分

5、找对应的语Thank you!_ Hi! morning!_ Nice meet you! Hello!_ C. Good morning! Nice meet you!_ D. Youre welcome. you?_ E. fine, thank you!28 5 分 从框中选出下各句的最佳应答语。A. OK!B. Me too. morning! Goodbye!E. Nice meet you.()Good _()Nice meet you, too.() paint!_() like white._()29 5 分 为列句子选出应的答语。Hello!_ Bye.Whats your

6、name?_ Hi!Lets play._ Me too!I have a pencil._ D. OK!Goodbye._ Im 30 5 分 选相对应的答。Whats your ?_ A. you. bye!_ Me too.I have a pencil._ C. names Jie. Nice meet you!_ D. Ok.Colour brown._ E. meet ,too! 31 4 分 选合适的答语Have some juice._ Me too.Can water,please?_ B. Youre Id like milk._ are. Thank you._ Than

7、k you. 五、阅读理解32 5 分 根短文内容,相应的小动物涂上或标注上颜色。Look, this zoo. The pig is white.The yellow. cat is brown.The is orange. The is How about the bird? green.And elephant is black.I zoo.33 5 分 看,圈出横线 Sarah 得的生日礼物或数量。Hello, Im Sarah. Today birthday. I have gifts. Look! I _(four/five) ducks and _ (six/seven) dog

8、s. Theyre cute. have nine books and one _(bag/pencil box). I _(two/three) erasers and _(ten/two) crayons. Im so 34 5 分 按给的价目表出每人各需多少钱。Zoom:Hello, can and juice?John: rice, fish, and an , Chen Jie: like some milk, bread and 2 eggs. Can I have some milk and a cake?Sarah: I fish, rice and water?Zoom: ¥

9、_ John: ¥_ Chen Jie: ¥_ ¥_ Sarah: _35 10 分 阅对,判断下列句子的正误。Tom: Hi, Lily. Lets go the zoo.Lily: Great! go!Tom: at elephant. Its big.Lily: Yes. at panda. Its cute.Tom: I the panda.Lily: Me too. Look, whats that?Tom: Its bear. Its on log.Lily: cool!() and go to school together.() panda is () like the pan

10、da very much.() bear brown.() bear on the log.36 10 分 读文 选出正确的答案。Hello, Im Mike. I have a ruler, a book, a pen and a pencil. Hello! Sarah. a ruler and a book, too. And I have a crayon and eraser. Hello, I am John. I have a and a pencil box. Hi, Zoom. I have a bag pencil too. Hi, Im Wu Yifan. I have

11、a pen, a pencil pencil box.() has a ruler, pen, a pencil A.a bookB.a pencil boxC.a bag() has book, a ruler, an eraser A.a crayonB.a pencil boxC.a bag() has bag and A.a crayonB.a pencil boxC.a pen()Zoom has pencil and _A.a penB.a pencilC.a bag() Yifan has a pencil a pen A.a crayonB.a pencilC.a bag【参考答案】2016-2017 年度第考试试卷 考答案科模测试一单题1 2 A3 4 5 B6 7 A8 A9 B10 C二填题11 B;12 two;six;seven;nine13 eggs14 ()()()()15 ;Xx16 j;18 F l


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