已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、a big shot a case in point a cat on hot bricks a Chinese puzzle a fraction of a friend in need a narrow escape a night bird a piece of cake a sore throat a stones throw a variety of a white lie access to acquaint with account for against ones will agree on agree with ahead of time/schedule air crash

2、 all ears all sorts of all the same all the year round And how! And so on决不除了a big shot a case in point a cat on hot bricks a Chinese puzzle a fraction of a friend in need a narrow escape a night bird a piece of cake a sore throat a stones throw a variety of a white lie access to acquaint with accou

3、nt for against ones will agree on agree with ahead of time/schedule air crash all ears all sorts of all the same all the year round And how! And so on决不除了吸引申请应用钟爱之物有的倾向赞同,事实上由于通常 跟往常一样 总体上 据我所知四级听力常见短语,习语与惯用表达法有影响的人;大人物;大亨 恰当的例子 热锅上的蚂蚁 深奥的难题 一小部分 患难之交 死里逃生,九死一生 过惯夜生活的人 容易的事,小事一桩 嗓子痛 一箭之遥,很近 各种各样的 善意

4、的谎言;无伤大雅的谎话 途径;使用的机会 熟悉,了解解释,是的原因 违背某人意愿 就 达成一致 同意(某人), (食物、气候等)适应 提前 空难 側耳聆听,全神贯注的听 各种各样的 仍然,照样,还是 一年到头 对,的确(口语中表示赞成)another cup of tea /another pair of shoes 另外一回事另当别论anything but apart from appeal to apply for apply to apple of ones eye apt to approve of as a matter of fact as a result (of) as a

5、rule as usualas a whole as far as I knowa series ofas luck would have it at a loss at a discount at ease at heart at least at no time at ones convenience at ones wits end at present at random at short notice at sixes and sevens at the interval at the scene at the tip of ones tongue at times aware of

6、一系列的碰巧不知所措 低于正常价格 放松,轻松 内心深处;实际上 至少 在任何时候都不,决不 在某人方便的时候 智穷计尽,没有办法 目前,现在 随意地一得到通知马上就 乱七八糟 在中间休息时间 在出事地点,在现场 话到嘴边,一时想不起 不时地,有时, 意识到过刊现刊有,过刊现刊有,back issue /current issue Bback up based on(upon) be available be around be bound for be bound to be far from be fed up with be fond of be free of be Greek to

7、me be no exception beat about the bush behind schedule beside the point支持 在的基础上 可提供丿_ _7、.:露面(车等)开往 肯定会 远不是,根本不是 讨厌,对厌倦喜欢免除,脱离 完全不懂,一窍不通 不例外 不直截了当,绕圈子 (车、飞机等)晚点 离题,不中肯between the devil and the deep blue sea beyond compare/ all praise bite off more than one can chew处境危险,进退两难绝佳,极好承担太多的工作而无法完成,好高骛远blac

8、k sheep害群之马;败家子book up订完了born with a silver spoon in ones mouth 出身富贵 break ones word毁约,说话不算数break downbreak ones wordbreak off break the ice bring up bury ones head in the sand by all means by and large by chance by leaps and bounds by means of by nature by no means by the way(车等)出故障食言,失信暂停工作打破僵局抚养

9、逃避现实;自欺欺人 当然,一定 总的说来,大体上 偶然,意外地 极快地,大幅度地 以的方式天性 一点也不,决不 顺便说一下call in call it a day call off call on can do with can not help (doing) care for catch on call in call it a day call off call on can do with can not help (doing) care for catch on catch ones breath catch sight of catch somebody red-handed

10、catch up with(be) caught in check in check out cheer up chilled to the bone clothes make the man cold shoulder come across come down with come straight to the point come true come up to come up with concentrate on concerned with contribute to找来,叫进来 结束,收工,(当日)工 取消访问,拜访 将就,能对付 禁不住 喜爱 变得流行,受欢迎 喘口气 注意到,

11、看见 当场捕获某人 追赶,赶上 陷入困境 办理(人住)登记手续 付账后离开 振作起来 冻僵了 人靠衣装 冷淡的对待 偶然碰见 病倒 开门见山 实现达到, 符合提出,想出 集中精力 关心,关注,与 有关 帮助,有助于;增强,促进cope with correspondence course count on crash into crocodile tears cross out应付,对付函授课程 依靠,指望 (车,船等)猛撞 假惺惺的,假慈悲划掉,删去cross the bridge when one comes to it 船到桥头自然直cry for the spilt milk cut

12、down cut in linecut short悔恨晚矣 削减,删节 插队突然打断Ddate back to day in and day out deal with decide on depend on devote to die away die out distinguish between dos and donts追溯到,始于每天,始终 论述,关于,处理 决定 依靠,依赖( 时间,精力,物资等)投入(声音等)逐渐消逝 消失,灭绝 区别,区分规则,允许的和不允许的do in Rome as the Romans do 入乡随俗do sb. good/harm do sb. a fa

13、vour do without down payment down to earth doze off draw near dress up drive sb mad drop by/in drop out due to对某人有好处坏处 帮忙;赏脸 将就,凑合 首期付款 实事求是 打瞌睡 接近,临近 穿盛装 使某人发疯 顺便访问 辍学,放弃由于Eeasy come, easy go eat ones words/hat end in end up engage in essential to来得容易去得快 承认说错了话,收回前言 以为结果结束参加,从事必不可少的,非常重要的every othe

14、r (week) except for express mail每隔一(周)除了快递Fface the music face with faculty member fair and square fall back on fall behind fall between two stools familiar with far from being desired fed up with feel like doing sth. few and far between figure out fill in/out fill the prescription find a bargain fi

15、nd fault with find out flat tyre flip a coin focus on fond of for the time being for sale for a change for a time for ages for fear of for free for good面对责备 面对,面临 全体教员,全体员工 公平的,光明正大的;重重地打在 求助于落后 犹豫不决以致两头落空 熟悉 远远不够,远不能令人满意 厌倦想要 很少,很稀疏 弄清楚,算出,想出 填写 按照药方配药 买到便宜货挑剔,抱怨 查明,弄清轮胎没气了 丢硬币决定 集中 喜欢 暂时 待售为了换换花样

16、暂时,一度 很久 害怕,担心 免费 永久地for good or for bad,for better or worse不管是好是坏,好也罢,坏也罢for ones good (benefit) 为了某人的利益(好处)free with money from bad to worse from time to time full of full of beans花钱大手大脚 每况愈下 时常充满 精力充沛Ggain weight get along with get around/round get on in years get out of bed on the wrong side get

17、 nowhere get off get a promotion get on like a house on fire get overget rid ofget somewhere get used to give sb. a cold shoulder give sb. a lift/ride give sb. a ring go against the grain go beyond go ahead go Dutch go for go from bad to worse good for nothing go on a diet go on strike go over go si

18、ghtseeing go with go to jail go upgain weight get along with get around/round get on in years get out of bed on the wrong side get nowhere get off get a promotion get on like a house on fire get overget rid ofget somewhere get used to give sb. a cold shoulder give sb. a lift/ride give sb. a ring go

19、against the grain go beyond go ahead go Dutch go for go from bad to worse good for nothing go on a diet go on strike go over go sightseeing go with go to jail go up交上 交出,移交 挂断(电话) 在有困难 和谈话 可以使用 金玉其外,徒有其表 与某人有个约会 对产生影响,震撼乐 紧张十分繁忙发烧增加体重 与相处 避开,逃避 上了年纪 一早起床就情绪不好毫无进展 下车,下马 提升,晋升 一见如故 (病,情绪等)恢复 消除,除掉,把摆脱

20、 取得进展 习惯于,适应待人冷淡,态度不友好 让某人搭车 给某人打电话 做违反情理或本性的事 超出,胜过 继续进行,同意作某事 各自负担自己的费用 参加某项活动 每况愈下,没用的人或食物节食 罢工 复习 观光 与相配 进监狱 上升,上涨hand inhand overhang uphave a hard/rough time doing sth have a word withhave access tohave all goods in the window have an appointment with sb. have an impact on have butterflies in

21、ones stomach have ones hands full have a fever/temperaturehave nothing (something, little ) to do with与没有(有,没有)关系have no idea 不知道have sth. in common have sth. done have the final say head for hear from hear oneself think heart and soul heavy traffic high time hit the ceiling hold the line /on hold o

22、n ones breathhave sth. in common have sth. done have the final say head for hear from hear oneself think heart and soul heavy traffic high time hit the ceiling hold the line /on hold on ones breathhold onto hold out for hold up hot potato紧紧抓住 坚持要 耽搁 棘手的问题ill at ease immediate boss手足无措,不自在顶头上司in a me

23、ssin a messin a sense in addition to in advance混乱,乱七八糟 从某种意义上讲 除了提前in apple-pie order 井井有条in at one ear and out at the other左耳入,右耳出in broad daylightin case in debt in details in exchange in general in a good/bad mood in harmony with in honor of in low spirits in memory of in no time in ones favour i

24、n part in particular in person光天化日之下 以防,以免 负债 详细地 作为交换 总之;总体上 心情好坏 与和睦相处 为庆祝/纪念 情绪低落为纪念 很快 对某人有利 部分地 尤其,特别 亲自in piecesin questionin seasonin spite ofin terms ofin piecesin questionin seasonin spite ofin terms ofin the darkin the long run(not)in the mood to do sth in the next to no timein theory in t

25、urn instead ofin vain interfere with (be) involved in It depends.It is sb s treat.jack of all trades join injump to a conclusion just as well justify in doing sthkeep an eye on know/learn the ropes keep body and soul together keep in touch with keep ones head keep sb. informed keep sth. in good orde

26、r keen on kill timekeeping up with the Joneseslast but not the least last ditch lay off lead to least of allleave. in the hands of破了,碎了考虑/讨论中的,出了问题的(蔬菜、水果等)当令尽管就而言,从角度看,谈到不知道, 蒙在鼓从长远来看 有(没有)心思做某事 马上,立刻从理论上依次,轮流没有,而不是徒劳,白费干涉,影响 卷入,参加看情况,视而定。由某人请客。J博而不精的人,万事通 参加,参与 贸然断定;过早下结论 无所谓,也好 有理由做某事K照看,注意,观察 了解

27、、掌握做事情的技能!生存下去与通信,保持联系保持镇静及时通知某人 使处于良好状态,使井井有条 喜好消磨时光老和别人攀比L虽居后但是不失其重要性 最后的防线解雇导致最不交给负责(照管)leave words with sb让某人转告,传口信lend a hand帮忙let alone更不用说let up(雨)慢下来,减弱live from hand to mouth收入勉强糊口look down on藐视,瞧不起look forward to期待look for a needle in a haystack 大海捞针look on.as把. 当作look on the bright side看到

28、事物光明的一面look out当心look through浏览look up查阅lose face丢脸,丢面子,有伤尊严lose heart失去信心lose ones head不知所措;过于激动lose ones mind失去理智;发疯lose ones temper发脾气lose track of失去线索,注意不到lose weight减轻体重(be) made up ofM 由. 组成make bricks with straw做不可能的事make a fuss大惊小怪make a difference影响make a living谋生make a reservation预定(旅馆房间、座

29、)make ends meet使收支相抵make head or tail of sth.弄懂,看懂make for前往make fun of取笑,嘲弄make sense有意义,讲得通make sure确保,弄清楚make up弥补,补充make up ones mind下决心mark(grade, score) the papers评卷,阅卷matters of concern关注的事情,问题meet at the same time as与. 的时间冲突meet ones need满足某人的需要milk the bull徒劳无功mind ones own business别管闲事mist

30、ake sb. for sb.把.误当作.more often than not多半,大概never fail to do从未做不到no waynone of one s business not at all nothing but nothing like not to mention now and then now thatno waynone of one s business not at all nothing but nothing like not to mention now and then now thatof ones own choice off the top o

31、f ones head office hour on the average of on account of on and off on behalf of on duty on earth on no account on purpose on sale on the average on the basis of on the bottom on the contrary on the phone on the rocks on the spot on the whole on vacation on weekdays one in a million one s cup of tea

32、once in a blue moon other than out of breathnip in the bud 防患于未然,消灭于萌芽期 no matter how不管如何,不管怎样no more than(nothing more than)只不过no wonder难怪决不 与某人无关,少管闲事 根本没有,一点也不只有不像,和不一样更别提 时而,不时,偶尔 既然O由自己选择毫无准备工作时间平均由于断断续续的代表值班,工作究竟决不故意降价出售 平均起来,平均算 在 基础上 在下面/底下相反正在打电话 遇到困难,失败当场总之,总的来说度假,休假在工作日 凤毛麟角,百里挑一 某人的喜好,兴趣

33、,口味 很难得,几乎不可能 而不是上气不接下气out of control失去控制out of date过时out of order出了毛病out of print(书)没有重印out of question没问题out of stock没货out of the question不可能out the cart before the horse本末倒置,主次颠倒owe to归功于owing to由于participate inP参加,参与pass on to交给,传给;传染pay a fine交罚款pay off还清债务;成功pickup拾起,拿起;(车等)中途搭人;领取play a role发

34、挥作用,扮演角色polish the apple奉承,讨好point out指出prepare sb to do sth使某人准备好prevent from防止prior to在之前protect from/against保护不受侵犯,使免遭proud of 为 骄傲,自豪,对 引以为荣pull ones punches谨慎从事,未尽全力pull over停在路边pull through痊愈,恢复健康;帮忙度过难关pull the string幕后操纵put an end to结束put it this (another) way这么说吧/换句话说put off推迟put out熄灭(灯,火)

35、put ones card on the table摊牌,毫不隐瞒put their heads together集思广益,群策群力put through to sb.接通某人的电话put up with容忍,忍受Rrack ones brain绞尽脑汁rain cats and dogs瓢泼大雨rain or shine不论下雨还是天晴raise ones eyebrows 使人感到惊讶、怀疑run across不期而遇,偶然发现read between the lines明白言外之意recover from regard as regardless of related to remind

36、 sb. of sth. resign ones post respond to responsible for result from result in ring a bell ring up rock the boat roll up ones sleeves room and board round the corner round the clock rule out run for run into从.中恢复过来看作,当作不管与相关使某人想起辞职有反应,有效果对负责任由于导致,结果是 听起来耳熟,使人仿佛记起某事 打电话兴风作浪,惹事生非 卷起袖子准备工作 食宿即将到来日日夜夜,不

37、分白天黑夜排除竞选偶然遇到rather than而不是run into a stone/brick wall 遭到拒绝,碰壁用光(交通)高峰时间run out of rush hoursafe and sound second thought send sb. to sleep serve as serve sb. right set asideset ones mind on sth.run out of rush hoursafe and sound second thought send sb. to sleep serve as serve sb. right set asideset

38、 ones mind on sth.settle down shake all over (. .oclock )sharp short ofshow ones cardshut up sleep like a log(top) slow down sold out安然无恙重新考虑 乏味,令人昏昏欲睡 作为,用作 活该,罪有应得;做得对 留出(时间,金钱)专门做某事 下决心 定居,安家;安定下来全身发抖点整缺表明态度闭嘴;静下来睡得很香减缓速度 卖完,售完so long as sooner or later so what speak of stand a chance stand in on

39、es way stand on ones own feet stand the test of the time stay up late stick to(be) supposed to speak highly of sb.sure thing只要 迟早 又有什么关系;有什么用呢 谈到,提到有可能 妨碍 自食其力 经得起时间的考验 熬夜坚持,按去做预计应该 高度评价某人 当然,没问题take advantage of take after take a leave take care of take charge of take for granted take great painsta

40、ke into consideration(account) take my word take off take ones place take ones time利用代替,(长相,行为)相像 请假,休假 照顾,照管 负责,看管 想当然地认为 煞费苦心考虑到相信我的话 起飞 接替某人 别急,慢慢来take over 接管 take place 发生,举行 take sth. seriously 认真看待 take the trouble doing sth 为做某事而费心 take turns 轮流take up 占据teach sb. a lesson 教训某人thanks to多亏了th

41、ink of think of as think over考虑,想到看作,当作 仔细考虑,想清楚think twice(before you leap) throw light on tired oftoo good to be true traffic jam turn down三思而行 提供知识,使人们了解 厌倦了好得令人难以置信交通堵塞把音量调小,拒绝under .circumstanceunder .circumstanceunder the obligation to do sth under the orders of under the weather up in the air

42、 up to date up to this point up to sb. up to the ears in work used to use upwalk of life walls have ears warm up wear a long face wear out well off when it comes to when Greek meets Greek white elephant Why not? with a grain of salt without fail wipe out wishful thinking with regard to work on work

43、outYou bet!You cant miss it.You said it!You can say that again.turn offturn onturn outturn overturn toturn upturn a blind eye turn a deaf ear关上(电器开关)打开(电器开关) 最后结果.(车、船等)翻倒向. 求助(建议,意见,安慰等) 出现,露面 视而不见充耳不闻,置之不理U在. 情况下有责任,义务做某事在. 的命令下身体不适由未定的最新的,现代的到此刻为止某人决定 极其忙碌 过去常常 用光W行业 隔墙有耳 加热;做准备活动,热身 拉长着脸,不高兴 耗尽,用光 有钱,富有 当说到,当涉及到两雄相遇 大而无用的东西,废物 为什么不? 好! 有保留的,不全信 无误,一定 除去,消灭;抵消如意算盘 关于 从事,致力于 得出,想出办法Y当然!你不会错过的 对,可不是 你说得对时间与数字在听之前,先默读一遍选项中的数字,以加强对录音中数字的敏感性。在听 录音时,及时记录听到的数字并注意相关信息。听完后再将记录下的数字进行计 皆算。在听到数字时赶紧跟着默念几遍,以加深印象。 “默念法”尤其对较长的数字 效果明显,如电话号码、门牌、日期和五位以上的基数词。


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