



1、四川省达州市花池中学高二英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first_.A. intention B. attempt C. purpose D. desire 参考答案:B2. .The power is so harmful that once_, nothing can be done to stop it,so the researchers plan to damage it

2、.A.uses B.having used C.using D.used参考答案:D略3. He had just finished cutting grass his mother asked him to walk the dog. A. afterB, whileC. whenD, since参考答案:C4. The man didnt admit _ anything at the store, when he was questioned by the police.A. to steal B. having stolen C. to have stolen D. having be

3、en stolen参考答案:B5. It was on the farm _he spent his childhood _he learned how to grow vegetables.A. where, that B. which, when C. that, that D. that, which参考答案:A6. He was running hard to catch up with the rest of the his team when he fell over his own feet. When he struggled up, he felt his left ankl

4、e _, and found his left hand _ and his nose _. A. spraining; swelling; bleeding B. sprained; swollen; bled C. spraining; swelling; bled D. sprained; swollen; bleeding 参考答案:A7. The girl _to figure out the boys attitude towards her but without success.Amanaged Bsucceeded Cattempted Dpredicted参考答案:C8.

5、When his wife returned from abroad, Kevin _ his paintings at the art museum in his hometown. A. was exhibiting B. exhibited C. would exhibit D. had been exhibiting 参考答案:A9. I think everyone has a role to play in making the planet a better place.Yes, indeed. _.A. Im with you on that B. That couldnt b

6、e better C. You have got something D. Ill do my best参考答案:A略10. You hate Lee, dont you? _ I just think hes a bit annoying, thats all.A. Indeed. B. Not exactly. C. Of course. D. Why not?参考答案:B略11. I went along thinking of nothing _, only looking at things around me.A. in harmony B. in particular C. in

7、 doubt D. in brief参考答案:B12. Most parents are not _ the danger of their babies eating jelly, which causes most unfortunate incidents to happen.A. well aware to B. very aware of C. aware that D. well aware of 参考答案:D略13. As these goods are of different styles, the prices _ 100 yuan to 9 yuan. A. vary B

8、. come from C. range from D. differ 参考答案:C略14. _you were coming today, Id have met you at the railway station.A. Have I known B. Had I known C. I have known D. I had known参考答案:B15. He answered the door, and there_ with long hair he had never seen before.A. a slim girl did stand B. a slim girl stood

9、C. did a slim girl stand D. stood a slim girl参考答案:D16. - Some more wine? - Thank you. _. I have to drive home. A. With pleasure B. That would be nice C. Id rather not C. Just what I needed.参考答案:C17. Away_ before I could say a single word .A. the children ran B. did the children run C. ran the childr

10、en D. had the children run参考答案:C18. The teacher came to the classroom and demanded what had happened. A. to be told B. being told C. telling him D. his students to tell him参考答案:A略二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换改正下列短文。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出

11、修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。I was really exciting when my dad told me that a British girl was coming to our house for several day. I thought she would be a typically western girl with blond hair and blue eyes. But when I step out of my room, I was surprised to find a Chinese

12、girl smiling sweetly at me and greeting me with poor Chinese. She told me that she born in England and couldnt speak much Chinese. We got along well and I showed her many wonderful things in Chinese culture. She was very happy and kept being asking questions. Time passed very quickly that before we

13、knew them, it was time that she leave. And I saw her off at the airport.参考答案:I was really excitingwhen my dad told me that a British girl was coming to our house excitedfor several day. I thought she would be a typicallywestern girl with blond hair and days typicalblue eyes. But when I step out of m

14、y room, I was surprised to find a Chinese girl smiling steppedsweetly at me and greeting me with poor Chinese. She told me that sheborn in wasin England and couldnt speak much Chinese. We got along well and I showed her many wonderful things in Chinese culture. She was very happy and kept being aski

15、ng questions. Time passed very去掉 soquickly that before we knew them, it was time that she leave. And I saw her off at the it leftairport.考查形容词。表示人的感受用ed变化来的形容词,ing变化来的形容词表示物的特征。根据语境,此处表示“我是很激动的”。故将exciting改为excited。考查名词。day“天”是可数名词,由several修饰用复数。故将day改为days。考查形容词。句意:我原本认为她是典型的西方女孩。修饰名词用形容词。故将typical

16、ly改为typical。考查动词的时态。根据下文“was surprised”可推断,用一般过去时。故将step改为stepped。考查介词。句意:当我走出房间,我惊奇地发现一个中国女孩甜美地朝我微笑,用蹩脚的汉语欢迎我。语言前用介词in。故将with改为in。考查动词。句意:她告诉我她出生在英国,不太会说汉语。be born“出生于”是常用表达,主语是第三人称,根据语境用过去时。故she后加was。考查非谓语动词。句意:她很快乐总是问问题。keep doing sth.“不断地做某事”,ask与逻辑主语she是主动关系,用动名词的主动式。故去掉doing前的being。考查副词。句意:时间过

17、得飞快以至于不知不觉中就到了她离开的时候了。sothat“如此以至于”是固定句型。故将very改为so。考查代词。句意:时间过得飞快以至于不知不觉中就到了她离开的时候了。根据语境可知,it指代上文提到的time,是不可数名词,故将them改为it。考查动词的时态。“It is/was+time+that”是固定句型,从句使用虚拟语气,谓语动词用一般过去时。故将leave改为left。【名师点睛】形容词和副词的混用一直是改错题的常考点之一。要做好此类试题就要全面了解形容词和副词,尤其是用法区别。形容词通常作表语,定语,补语,也可作状语(通常是描述主语的某种状态或特征时才有此用法),修饰名词;副词

18、通常作状语,可用来修饰动词、形容词、副词,还可修饰整个句子。掌握这一用法区别之后做起改错题来就没有问题了。比如第3题就是考查这点,应该用形容词修饰名词作定语,故将typically改为typical。三、 阅读理解20. A thief entered the bedroom of the 30th President of the United States, who met him and helped him escape punishment The event happened in the early morning hours in one of the first days w

19、hen Calvin Coolidge(卡尔文.柯立芝) came into power, late in August, 1923He and his family were living in the same third-floor suite (套房) at the Willard Hotel in Washington that they had occupied several years beforeThe former Presidents wife was still living in the White House Coolidge awoke to see a stra

20、nger go through his clothes, remove a wallet and a watch chain Coolidge spoke, “I wish you wouldnt take that” The thief, gaining his voice, said, “Why?” “I dont mean the watch and chain, only the charm (表坠)Take it near the window and read what is impressed on its back, “ the President said The thief

21、 read, “Presented to Calvin Coolidge” “Are you President Coolidge ? “ he asked The President answered, “Yes, and the House of Representatives (众议院) gave me that watch charmIm fond of itIt would do you no goodYou want moneyLets talk this over” Holding up the wallet, the young man said in a low voice,

22、 “Ill take this and leave everything else” Coolidge, knowing there was 80 in it, persuaded the young man to sit down and talkHe told the President he and his college roommate had overspent(超支) during their holiday and did not have enough money to pay their hotel bill Coolidge added up the roommate a

23、nd two rail tickets back to the collegeThen he counted out 32 said it was a loan (借款) He then told the young man, “There is a guard in the corridor(走廊)” The young man nodded and left through the same window as he had entered56What caused the thief to meet the President? AHe knew the President had lots of money BHe knew the President lived in the suite CHe wanted to be a rich businessman DHe wanted to stea


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