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1、How to Write a DissertationIn English How to Write a DissertationIntroductory remarks1.1Thesis, dissertation, paper1.2Summary and evaluation of information1.3The process of writing a dissertation1.4Chapter 1Defining the DissertationSummary1.5Exercises1.6Introductory remarks1.1Thesis,1.1 Introductory

2、 remarksHow to write a dissertation in English This chapter deals with some basic ideas concerning the writing of a dissertation, which is submitted to your university as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA) or the degree of Master of Arts (MA). In the co

3、urse of your studies at the university, you will be required to write different types of papers. For example, at the end of an academic semester or term, you may be asked to write a term paper, a library paper, a review article, or a book review in order to demonstrate that you have learned the nece

4、ssary skills of a general academic ability in the subject taught during the semester. The purpose of this chapter is to distinguish between a number of terms and to discuss the difference between a summary of information and an academic evaluation of said piece of information. The process of writing

5、 a dissertation will also be briefly discussed, with the purpose of identifying the various steps involved. Introductory remarksHow to1.2 Thesis, dissertation, paperHow to write a dissertation in English Many students and young researchers are often confused with terms such as t

6、hesis, dissertation, paper, article, and essay because they can all be translated into lun wen (论文) in Chinese. In this book, the word dissertation is used to refer to “a long essay that you do as part of a degree or other qualification” (Cobuild English-Chinese Dictionary, p. 540) that you are stud

7、ying for that is, a BA or an MA. The term thesis, by contrast, is used to refer to “a long piece of writing, based on your own ideas and research that you do as part of a university degree, especially a PhD” (Cobuild English-Chinese Dictionary, p. 2034). Thus, if the essay is a part of a BA or MA de

8、gree, we call it a dissertation; if it is a part of a PhD degree we call it a thesis (note that thesis has another meaning in a different context, which you will come across in Section 6.2 in Chapter 6). On the other hand, if you write an essay for a certain course during your university studies, we

9、 call it a paper. As a result, you have different terms for different pieces of writing that you do1. Thesis, dissertation, pape1.2 Thesis, dissertation, paperHow to write a dissertation in EnglishDuring your university studies: a BA dissertation, an MA dissertation, a PhD thesis,

10、 a term paper. Note that these three terms, i.e. dissertation, thesis, paper are all called lun wen (学士论文,硕士论文,博士论文,学期论文) in Chinese. The other terms, i.e. essay, article, which are general terms, can also be used to mean lun wen in Chinese. The distinction between thesis and dissertation made here

11、is in line with the British educational tradition. It must be pointed out that in the United States of America, the use of these two terms is the other way round, i.e. thesis is used to mean a BA lun wen (学士论文) or MA lun wen (硕士论文) and dissertation to mean a PhD lun wen (博士论文). You may prefer the Am

12、erican way of using these two terms; however, you should be consistent so that you are not confusing yourself or others. If we follow the distinctions made here, then He is writing a thesis. is to be understood as “他正在写博士论文” while He is writing a dissertation. as “他正在写本科论文” or “他正1.

13、.2 Thesis, dissertation, pape1.2 Thesis, dissertation, paperHow to write a dissertation in English在写硕士论文”. On the other hand, He is writing a paper. can be generally understood as “他正在写论文”, and this is not to be interpreted as “他正在写博士论文” or “他正在写硕士论文” or “他正在写本科论文”. Although we make the distinction

14、between a thesis and a dissertation on the one hand and thesis/dissertation and paper on the other hand, it must be emphasized that in terms of the macrostructures and the ways of doing research they have many things in common, and the process of writing a research paper is more or less the same as

15、that of writing a dissertation or a thesis. The major difference between them lies at the level of originality. If something you write is a term paper, the teacher will expect little or no originality on your part. By contrast, if you are writing a PhD thesis, you will be expected to have original i

16、deas and/or original research methodology. Thesis, dissertation, pape1.3 Summary and evaluation of informationHow to write a dissertation in English As a piece of academic writing, a term paper or a research article can aim at summarizing other peoples studies in the field and p

17、resenting the ideas or arguments put forward by other scholars. By contrast, a dissertation or a thesis requires more than an acknowledgement of existing studies; it must involve a critical evaluation of research information and this is where the originality of the study lies. If your main task is t

18、o summarize existing studies in the field, you are simply expected to present to the reader what you have read, how much you have understood, and the way you have organized all the information that you have reviewed. You are not expected to critically evaluate these previous studies. However, if you

19、 are expected to evaluate the research information, you must show your ability not just in understanding the information but also in commenting on other peoples work in a scholarly way. You have to consider not just the what factor but also the how and why factors, in which case1.

20、 Summary and evaluation of 1.3 Summary and evaluation of informationHow to write a dissertation in Englishyour research will often involve comparison and/or contrast. Generally speaking, presenting a summary of information is easier than writing an evaluation of research information, and the latter

21、usually includes the former, but not the other way round. Here is an example. A book review can be a summary of information or both asummary of information and an evaluation of the book. If you just inform the reader what has been presented in the book, it is merely a summary; by contrast, if you no

22、t only summarize what has been written but also evaluate the authors ideas by saying why certain points can or cannot be accepted, then you are evaluating the work as well. In most cases, a dissertation involves both summarizing and evaluating other peoples studies in the field. This is part of the

23、work that is called literature review (see Chapter 5). Only when we know what has been done by others can we find a way to make our work original and interesting. Summary and evaluation of 1.4 The process of writing a dissertationHow to write a dissertation in English Writing a

24、dissertation is going through a process of doing research. There are a number of important steps in this process which can be divided into three groups: (1) prewriting, (2) writing, and (3) editing and completion.In the prewriting group, we can have the following steps: Managing your time Locating y

25、our interest Selecting a topic Familiarizing yourself with the research background Discovering existing studies and ideas Reading the relevant literature Taking notes Discovering questions and problems1. The process of writing a d1.4 The process of writing a dissertationHow to wri

26、te a dissertation in English Focusing on your research Preparing a preliminary bibliography Formulating the thesis statement Asking the research question Identifying the appropriate research method Looking for theoretical support Collecting data Doing experiments and statistical analysis Conducting

27、interviews and surveys1. The process of writing a d1.4 The process of writing a dissertationHow to write a dissertation in EnglishIn the writing group, we can have the following steps: Identifying the macrostructure of the dissertation Knowing how to write the abstract Discovering

28、 major elements of the dissertation Organizing ideas Learning how to quote, summarize and paraphrase Classifying types of outline Creating the final plan Developing the first draft Revising the first draft Learning how to avoid plagiarism1. The process of writing a d1.4 The proces

29、s of writing a dissertationHow to write a dissertation in EnglishAnd finally in editing and completion we have: Formatting the final draft Checking the details Avoiding silly mistakes Preparing the final documentation notes Preparing the references and the appendix These steps will be discussed in d

30、etail in Chapters 4 to 13. The last chapter in this book, i.e. Chapter 14, is concerned with the submission of your dissertation and the evaluation of your work, which is also part of the whole process of writing a dissertation. After you go through the research process once, it will be much easier

31、to go through it a second time and gradually you will become more familiar with the overall procedure. As1. The process of writing a d1.4 The process of writing a dissertationHow to write a dissertation in Englisha university student, you are taught the steps involved in this dema

32、nding process as it is typically expected from people who have received tertiary education with a university degree. During your university life you are likely to experience both the hardship and the pleasure of doing academic research. Although the essential steps in the research process illustrate

33、d in this book may seem rather straightforward and easy, this is not necessarily the case. Generally speaking, the research process always requires a kind of yo-yo approach, which is defined by Sorenson (2005: 7) as follows:Rather than completing one step of the research/writingprocess and moving ne

34、atly onto the next step, you will findthat you confront problems that cause you either to go back toa previous step or to think ahead to the next step. The process of writing a d1.4 The process of writing a dissertationHow to write a dissertation in English Suppose that you have

35、 gone through a number of steps but then realize that you need to elaborate more on a previous step or previous steps. In this case you are recommended to retrace your steps and consider how to improve your previous efforts. You may want to rethink certain points, to read more on the subject or rere

36、ad certain things that you have read before, and/or to rewrite certain sections or paragraphs, until you are happy with what you have done. All this will involve going backward and forward similar to the movement of a yo-yo, and this process continues until you have finalized your dissertation.1.11.

37、 The process of writing a d1.5 SummaryHow to write a dissertation in English In this chapter we have defined the terms dissertation, thesis and paper and differentiated between a summary of information, which is comparatively easier to prepare, and an evaluation of research informati

38、on (the latter typically including a summary component). We have also described some important steps in the process of writing a dissertation. We are not suggesting here that the research process is direct and straightforward; rather, we need to adopt a kind of yo-yo approach, as proposed by Sorenso

39、n (2005: 7). SummaryHow to write a dissThe following paragraphs are taken from a BA dissertation. Read them through and decide whether the purpose of each paragraph is a summary of information or an evaluation of research information.1.6 ExercisesHow to write a dissertation in E

40、nglish The origin of discourse analysis can be traced back to fifty-five years ago, when the structural linguist Zellig Harris coined the term discourse analysis in 1952 (see Huang 1988: 5). In the past fifty years or so, many scholars have made great contributions in this field and advanced a numbe

41、r of new approaches to discourse analysis. And some approaches are now quite popular in the research community. Schiffrin (1994) summarizes six major approaches: speech act theory, interactional sociolinguistics, following paragraphs are t1.6 ExercisesHow to write a dissertati

42、on in Englishethnography of communication, pragmatics, conversation analysis and variation analysis. As is pointed out by Zhang and Huang (2002), by absorbing the research outcome of many other disciplines such as linguistics, semiotics, psychology, anthropology, sociology and literature, discourse

43、analysis has gradually developed into a specialized field focusing on the research of language use in communication. Since the 1980s, Hallidays Systemic Functional approach to language has received important and valuable attention. Eggins describes the SFL approach as a “functional-semantic approach

44、 to language which explores both how people use language in different contexts and how language is structured for use as a semiotic system” (Eggins 2004: 20-21). For Halliday, language consists of a set of systems, each of which provides the1. ExercisesHow to write a di1.6 Exercis

45、esHow to write a dissertation in Englishspeaker/writer with choices of expressing meanings, and grammar is a resource which is most naturally modelled as a network of interdependent choices in meaning (Hasan and Martin 1989: 1-17). Thus the goal of Functional Discourse Analysis is to reveal the two

46、sets of underlying choices of a speaker/writer: choices of meanings and choices of the wordings to express the meanings (Thompson 1996, 2000: 8). That is to say, when we are doing Functional Discourse Analysis, we are not only concerned with what messages a speaker/writer wants to convey, but also t

47、hrough what kind of linguistic organization that the messages are conveyed, so that we are always aware of how language is being used to realize meaning (Butt et al. 1995: 15). This functional approach has a number of advantages over other existing approaches, which will be discussed in Section 2.4

48、later in this book. ExercisesHow to write a diIf you think that the majority of the sentences summarize information in previous studies, try to identify those that are used to evaluate research information.1.6 ExercisesHow to write a dissertation in English2Why do we say that su

49、mmarizing information in previous studies is easier than evaluating research information?3Keys1. you think that the majoritySuggested Answers to the ExercisesHow to write a dissertation in English1. 1. & 2. The majority of the sentences in the paragraphs are concern

50、ed with summarizing information in previous studies. However, there are examples which evaluate research information in previous studies. The underlined sentences and expressions are used for evaluation. The origin of discourse analysis can be traced back to fifty-five years ago, when the structural

51、 linguist Zellig Harris coined the term discourse analysis in 1952 (see Huang 1988: 5). In the past fifty years or so, many scholars have made great contributions in this field and advanced a number of new approaches to discourse analysis. And some approaches are now quite popular in the research co

52、mmunity. Schiffrin (1994) summarizes six major approaches: speech act theory, interactional sociolinguistics, ethnographySuggested Answers to the ExercSuggested Answers to the ExercisesHow to write a dissertation in English1. communication, pragmatics, conversation analysis and var

53、iation analysis. As is pointed out by Zhang and Huang (2002), by absorbing the research outcome of many other disciplines such as linguistics, semiotics, psychology, anthropology, sociology and literature, discourse analysis has gradually developed into a specialized field focusing on the research of language use in communication. Since the 1980s, Hallidays Systemic Functional approach to language


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