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1、 PAGE PAGE 13武昌区 2020-2021学年度第一学期期末学业水平测试七年级英语试卷祝考试顺利考生注意:8120120全部答案必须在答题卡上完成,答在其它位置上无效。185第一部分听力部分一、听力测试(共三节)第一节(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)5ABC 三个选项 中选出最佳选项。5A.A.He likes salad.have basketballB. No he isnt.B have computer.C.C.Yes, he does.That sounds fun.3. A.Lucy.B. My father.C.A bookcase4. A.Thanks

2、You, too.B. Very good.C.Good morning5. A.On Monday.B. At schoolC.its relaxing.第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)15ABC56. A.ping-pongballB.ping-pongbatC.basketball7. A.hatB.jacketC.sweater8. A.scienceB.ChineseC.music9. A.orangesB.breadC.pears10. A.248-3011B.248-3301C.248-0311第三节(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)5ABC10W

3、ho likes salad?Tom.B. JackC. GinaWhen is Lucys birthday?July 1st.Where is the girl?In the classroom.July .B. At homeC. July 21st.C. At a party.How many activities does Tony have in his school?34.5.What festival are they talking about?Tree Planting Childrens Teachers day.第四节(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)听

4、下面 3 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话或独白前,你都有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5 钟:听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,完成 1618 三个小题Who is the man in the photo?Peters Peters Peters brotherWhat does he have for breakfastMilk, eggs and Milk, eggs and a Milk, eggs and an appleWhat does he like for l

5、unch?Chicken.Fish.Meat.听下面一段对话,完成 1921 小题How old is the mans daughter?Sixteen.Seven.Six.What color does the mans daughter like?red.BlueWhiteHow much does the man need topyA. $22.B. $23C. $24听下面一段读白,完成 22-25四个小题Jane writes the letter to.Her Her Her classmate.How many classes does Jane have day?Three.

6、Four.Seven.Whats Janes favorite subject?Chinese.math.English.Which of the following about Jane is TRUE? Jane is good at Chinese.Jane gets a birthday gift from her parents.Janes birthday party is on Friday afternoon.第二部分 笔试部分二、选择填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)How many syllables are there in ndTwo.B. Thre

7、e.C. FourThe letter o in the word is pronouncedfromB. modelC. 28. Im Gina. Nice to meet you.D. FiveD. comeHow do you do?C. My name is Bob. Is thatmodel How are you?D. What are you? Yes, its. My sister sent it to me.A. yours; myB. your; mineC. your; meD. yours; mineMy father usually havewalk in my ne

8、ighborhood aftersupper.a; aB. an; theC. the; /D. a; / Mom, can I have some? OK. It is on the table.orangesB. hamburgerC. eggsD. milk Does your uncle like apples?. But like apples very much.Yes, she does.C. Yes, he does. daughters.No. she doesntD. No, he doesnt.My grandmom hasdaughter. My mon is thei

9、rdaughter.five; thirdB. fifth; threeC. five; threeD. fifth: thirdWhat do you think of this Its so. I want to see itinterestingB. boringC. difficultD. relaxed Dale, I want to buy some food, can youmy bag for me? OK, Dad.seeB. watchC. look Do you have dressesdancingD. meet Yes. And we have very beauti

10、ful onesvery good prices.A. in; forB. for; atC. at; inD. on; with Why dont you like this green jacket? That isnt the right. The green jacket is too big for me.priceB. colorC. sizeD. styleThis kind of sweater looksand sellsat Mr. Cool s Clothes Store.nice; wellB. well; wellC. nice; goodD. good; nice

11、Come on, Eric. We are late. Yes. Sotaking taxi.why notB. what aboutC. letsD. why dont you When someone calls, pleasehis number. will call him back. OK.ask forB. look forC. think aboutD. think of10110B 栏中选出与A 栏相搭配的答语。ABWho are they?Where are their keys?How much are these socks?When is her birthday?Th

12、eyre on the table.Theyre two dollars.Theyre my grandparents.History.Whats her favorite subject?E. Its in August. Can I help Can I help you?How much are they?Do you like these ones?The red ones look nice.But dont like the color.Here are your shoes and thanks forA: Good morning! 46B: Yes, please. I wa

13、nt a pair of A:47B: No, I want a pair of shoes for sportsA: What about this pair? They are light and they are fit for sports. B: This pair looks A: What color do you like B: Brown or black.A: Here are the brown B: OK.49A: 65 dollars.B: Ill take them and here is the A:50四、完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分

14、)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。There is a poor man on a small farm. He has an orange tree in his garden. On the tree there are man One day he finds one of his oranges a football. Nobody sees an orange like this one. When t king52about the orange from a farmer, he wants to have a look. Th

15、e poor man takes the orange to hking is 53when he sees it. He gives the poor man a lot o5mont.Then the king asks, Why is the orange so big? The man answers, in front of thetree. The king says, Thats funny. Doeshe e stories? Im sure you areoo.When a rich man hears of it, he says to himself. Its ly or

16、eKing give so much moneyfor it? Ill take my gold cup to the King. Im sur5e9 hemlolregimvoeney. When the king 60the gold cup, he says to the rich man, What a beautiful cup! Ill show you somnice.nice. Please take this great ornge.51.A.newB.bigC.niceD.good52.A.knowsB.thinksC.asksD.talks53.A.happyB.sorr

17、yC.tiredD.old5.A.withB.forC.atD.about55.A.drawB.listenC.writeyD.tell56.A.againB.tooC.alsoD.well57.A.farmerB.writerC.doctorD.nurse58.A.HowB.WhereC.WhyD.what59.A.youB.herC.usD.me60.A.leavesB.buysC.givesD.gets五、阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面三篇材料,从所给的ABCD 四个选项中,选出最佳选项ANo. 23 MiddleSchoolaskforhelporg

18、ethelpon We theyputsome information on it.The exercise book is.in the libraryB. in the classroomC. in the computer roomWho lost their things?Nancy, Alan and Alice.C. Jason, Alice and Nancy.D. in Class 703B. Alan, Alice and Jason.D. Jason, Nancy and Alan.If you find a schoolbag, you can call. A. 567-

19、8765B. 6549901C. In Alices pencil box, you can see.D. 688-330a key white watch blackpen an IDcardA. B. C.D. Which of the following is TRUE?Alice is in Class 708.C. You can ask Mr. Smith for the Nancys watch is white.D. Jason lost his schoolbag in the library.BIm Jeanie, a 15-year-old girl. My family

20、 and I are living in America. Look, this is our new home! swimming pool at the back of the house. We plan to go swimming in the pool in summer. It must be very go to school with my brother on the school bus every day. I take six classes every day. I take PE, math and English. I like PE, and maths is

21、 easy for me. But my English is not good enough. The teachers are me, and I have some new friends. We always play ball games together after school. There are many club school, such as Soccer Club and Music Club. My brother, Jiayi, joins the Basketball Club. He practices after school. like the CratCu

22、 In the club, we make many useful things and help people in nurs The old people there are very happy to see us.When the final exam comes, I go to the school library with friends. There are many students studyin final exams. My friends and I give each other gifts after the exam. We buy lots of things

23、 for Christmas home, mom, Jiayi and e(the Christmas tree Dad puts lights house.How many subjects does Jeanie have at school?SixB. Five.C. FourWhat club does Jiayi join at school?Basketball Club. B. Soccer Club.C. Music Club.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?Jeanie goes to schoo

24、l by bus.Jeanie learns English better than maths.D. Three.D. Craft Club.C. Jeanie goes to the classroom to study for the final exams.D. Jeanie getswell with all her classmates.Who makes the Christmas tree beautiful?Jeanies mom and dad.B. Jeanie and his brother.C. Jeanies dad and her teachers.D. Jean

25、ies teachers.What do you know about Jeanie from the passage?Jiayi and Jeanie go to different schools.Jeanie goes to the nursing homes every day.Its so difficult for Jeanie to study in AmericaThere are at people in her mily.CDo you wash your face and hands? Billys mother asks him. Yes, he says.He sho

26、ws his mother his hands.They are filthy, she says. And your face is covered in dirt.She pulls him into the bathroom. Now wash your face and hands, she He does as she tells him, but he hates doing it.Are you afraid of soap and water? his mother asks him.No. Im not afraid of them, he says I just dont

27、like them. I hate washing.”When he leaves the house, he is clean. By the time he gets to school he is dirty again.Look at you! his teacher shouts, Your face is filthy. If your hands are dirty, too, youll be in your hands.Billy knows his hands are dirty. He shows it to the teacher.one and rit on his

28、to trousers. Then heThats not a clean hand, Billy, she says. Its the dirtiest hand inilu.Im going to Billy looks around the class. Its not the dirtiest hand in class. he says.All right, Billy, the teacher says. If you can show me a dirtier hand, I wont punish With a smile, Billy quickly shows her hi

29、s other hand.How does Billy feel about washing his face and hands?He hates it.C. He is afraid of soap and water.Why is Billys teacher angry with Because he is late for school.He doesnt mind.D. He is too busy to do itB. Because he doesnt finish his homework.C. Because he doesnt show her his hand D. B

30、ecause his hands and face are very dirty.The underlined word punish means “” in Chinese.放弃B.惩罚C.帮助D.改变How does Billy know his hand is not the dirtiest in his class?He can see the dirtiest hand.B. The dirtiest hand is his other one.C. The teacher has very dirty The best title for the story isBilly An

31、d MomC. Dirty HandsD. The other children have dirtier hands.B. An Angry TeacherD. Wash Your HanddinnersodinnersoforneedonlybecauseWhat do youfor your party?Please come and havewith us.I like MondayI have P. E. and history.Every day, we have sportsabout one hour at school.Iwatch sports on TV, but I d

32、ont play them.七、阅读理解填词(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。A car needs gas to run and your body needs food to It your body grow strong if you take care of what you eat.There are usuall8fgroups of food in our everyday life. The diary group has food like milk andThe other three groups are m 84 and fish group, the fruit and vegetables group, and the bread and rice meal should have at least one kind o8fooal four main groups. With all these food, you will have enou ene


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