



1、文明礼仪伴我成长回顾灿烂历史长河,泱泱中华缔造了享誉千年的“礼仪之邦”。“为人子,方少时,亲师友,习礼仪”,三字经中的这句话告诉我们: 做子女的,年少时就应当学会尊敬师长、关爱同学,学习人与人之间 交往的礼节。孔子云:“不学礼,无以立。”这句话告诉我们,你假设是不懂礼仪, 便无法在社会上立足。由此可见,几千多年前的人们,是多么重视礼 仪教化呀!在一个国家中个人是主体,对于个人来说什么最重要呢?我想首 先应该是具备文明素质,只有当每一个人都具备了文明素质,那么这 个国家的整体素质才能提高。曾看到这样一那么报道,说的是新加坡, 新加坡是一个通用英语的国家,这个国家的公共场所的各种标语大多 是用英语

2、书写。但其中的一些文明礼貌的标语,如“不准随地吐痰”、 “禁止吸烟”、“不准进入草坪”等却用中文书写。为什么呢?人家回 答:“因为有这些不文明行为的大多数是中国大陆的游客。”为此,到 新加坡考察的一位中学校长语重心长地说:“不文明行为也是国耻! 那些习惯的陋习,图的只是一时之快,丢的,却是自己的人格和国家 的尊严。有句老话说:“少假设成天性,习惯成自然。”只有注重平时的 礼仪,从小培养,才能形成良好习惯,得到别人的尊重。所以让我们 从小做起,从现在做起!以上的事例也说明,文明其实是由点滴细节构成的,它存在于我 们每一天的学习、生活和工作当中,每个人的仪容仪表和行为习惯都 是它最具体的表现。但是

3、反思我们的所作所为,文明离我们还有一段 距离。在我们身边,在一局部同学身上,还存在着一些不文明的行为。 例如,在我们的校园内、楼梯上、教室里、还时常能见到与我们美丽 的校园极不和谐的纸屑、食品袋等垃圾;在厕所里,有的同学还没有 养成良好的卫生习惯,给保洁阿姨带来了麻烦;有的同学在教学楼走 廊上追逐打闹,走路推推操揉习以为常;有的同学午饭后胡乱堆放餐 盘,甚至将剩饭剩菜倒在地上;还有局部同学没有做到看见老师要主 动问好。人的文明修养并不是与生俱来的,而是靠后天不断完善的。文明 是一种认识,是一种观念,更是一种文化。同学们,你们现在正处于 人生中最关键的成长时期,在这个时期的所作所为,将潜移默化的

4、影 响你们自身的成长,影响你们将来的开展。文明礼仪是我们学习、生 活的根基,是我们健康成长的臂膀,让我们相互帮助,相互催促,从 学生日常行为规范做起:着装得体、不求时尚;说话文明、举止大方; 保护公物、保护环境;尊重师长、学会关爱;遵守交通、讲究卫生等 等。我们既是校园文明的创造者,又是校园文明的受益者。文明的举 止,文明的行为,加上恬静、幽雅、舒适的环境,浓郁的文化气氛, 会启迪莘莘学子去不断探索求知。好的文明礼仪习惯,影响着我们的 学习,我们的生活,甚至将来的一生都将受用不尽,那我们何乐而不 为呢?只有具有深厚的底蕴、幽雅的谈吐、得体的举止,才能称得上 真正有内涵的美。同学们,让我们一起努

5、力,学做文明人,学做社会人,清洁环境,文 明校园,从我做起,从点滴做起,让文明礼仪之花在校园处处盛开, 让文明礼仪伴我们成长!Civility accompanies me to growDear teachers, dear students:Good morning, everyone!The topic of my speech today is Hcivilized manners with my growth11.Review of our brilliant history, China created the famous nland of courtesy “in one th

6、ousand. nA famous sentence from the “three character classic tells us: people should learn to respect teachers, love students, and learn manners in their childhood.Confucius said: Hlf you do not understand manners, you cannot be accepted by the society. So it can be seen that people paid great atten

7、tion to manners education thousands of years ago!What is the most important thing for a man in a country? I think it should be the first to have the quality of civilization. Only when each of us has the quality of civilization, the country can improve the overall quality. I have seen such a report,

8、saying that Singapore is a common English speaking country. The countrys public places are mostly written slogans in English. But some of the polite slogans, such as MNo Spitting11, Mno smoking, not allowed to enter the lawn11, are written in Chinese. I asked why? They replied: MBecause the uncivili

9、zed behavior of the majority of tourists are from mainland China. Therefore, a high school principal visited Singapore said: HUncivilized behave is also a national humiliation! . If you neglect bad habits, you will lose the respect of others and even the dignity of your country. An old saying says:

10、Habit is a second nature.11 Only pay attention to form good habits can get the respect of others. So let us start from childhood, from now on!The above examples show that civilization is actually made up of details, it exists in our life and work every day. Each person, s appearance and behavior is

11、the most specific performance. But reflecting on what we do, civilization is still a distance away from us. There are still some uncivilized behavior in some of the students. For example, in our campus, on the stairs, in the classroom, we still can often see some garbage which is not matching with o

12、ur beautiful campus; in the toilet, some students haven t improved their health habits and brought trouble to the janitor; some students are used to chasing in the hallways and pushing each other when walking; some students do not say hello to the teachers initiatively; some students randomly piled

13、up their plates after lunch and even emptied their leftovers to the ground.Human civilization is not innate, but acquired by the continuous improvement. Civilization is a kind of understanding, a concept and also a kind of culture. Dear students, you are now in the most critical period of growth. In

14、 this period of time, your behavior will affect your growth and future development. Civilized manners is the base of our study and life, let us help each other to conduct the middle school students1 daily behavior standards: dressing appropriately; speaking politely; protecting the environment; resp

15、ecting teachers; obeying the traffic rules; paying attention to health habits; etc.We are not only the creators but also the beneficiaries of campus civilization. Civilized manners and civilized behavior, coupled with quiet, elegant and comfortable environment, rich cultural atmosphere, w川 continue to inspire students to explore. Good manners and civilized habits will affect our learning, our lives, and even the future life .So why not do it well?Dear stude


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