



1、9.30 Peopleshabitsdependmoregrouptheybelongnanyotherfactors.whatextentdoyouagreeorB 决定支付能力 的AAB 决定了对科技的态度不一样 折中:other9.30 Peopleshabitsdependmoregrouptheybelongnanyotherfactors.whatextentdoyouagreeorB 决定支付能力 的AAB 决定了对科技的态度不一样 折中:otherB 决定了对不同产品或者服务的态度不同 C 决定收入B 决定支付能力 ABBB 决定支付能力 的Ahabits, sConsumer

2、s of different ages may have different habits because their B:会增加,高档品去展示自己,品Increase wealth, accumulate wealth, luxuries, branded products, show wealth, flaunt lly As people grow 词重复进行连接), they normally enjoy a higher(扣题)level salary and show a (前后一致erest in purchasing luxuries to show they are lly

3、B:会增加,高档品去展示自己,品Increase wealth, accumulate wealth, luxuries, branded products, show wealth, flaunt lly As people grow 词重复进行连接), they normally enjoy a higher(扣题)level salary and show a (前后一致erest in purchasing luxuries to show they are lly BPriceisreasonable,goodvalueforWhen they retire, they may no

4、t be able to earn as oney as before 扣题, payingattentiontothoseproductswhichrepresentgoodvalueformoney 前后一致2 连接词2 3 3 Consumers of different ages may have different habits because their differs. As people grow older, they normally enjoy a higher level of salary and show a erestinpurchasingluxuriestos

5、howtheyarelly sful.Whentheyretire,theynot be able to earn as oney as before, thereby paying attention to those products representgoodvalueformoney.B ACB段BB 决定了对新事物的态度不一样 ABrand-newproducts,innovativeproducts,Anotherreason among age groups(扣题attitudestowardsinnovativeproductsandnewhemarket(观点B段Follow

6、fashion,buythelateststyles,meansofYoung consumers(连接)tend to buy the latest styles and embrace he means payment,suchasdigitalpayment,astheyarekeentoshowtheyarecapableoffollowingBFastlearner,learnly,getfamiliarwith,learnMeanwhile, they are also fans of hi-tech and other brand-new products(不同)becauset

7、heycanlearnhowtousetechnology主体第二段中心句注意连接词2 3 观点要写出来 4 1扩展的句子:1 2 扣题 Another reason t there are among age groups in the attitudes innovativeproductsandnewhemarket.Youngconsumerstendtobuythelatestand embrace changes in the 主体第二段中心句注意连接词2 3 观点要写出来 4 1扩展的句子:1 2 扣题 Another reason t there are among age g

8、roups in the attitudes innovativeproductsandnewhemarket.Youngconsumerstendtobuythelatestand embrace changes in the means of payment, such as digital payment, as they are keen show they are capable of following fashion. Meanwhile, they are also fans of hi-tech otherbrand-newproductsbecausetheycanlear

9、nhowtousetechnologyattitudedistinctionsA 其他的个人差异 B 决定了对不同产品或者服务的态度不同 C 导致不同的B具体化(B:A 其他的个人差异alB 决定了对不同产品或者服务的态度不同 C ,alBCareabout,focuson,consider,takeo具体化(B:Gender,educationalbackground,levelsofeducation,On the other hand, some other factors may determine consumers perception of products , and lead

10、 to the in buying al such as educational levels and values can predict what consumers care about and consider when a purchase. Even buyers of the same age can favour different brands and place emphasis tributes 特征属性, such as functions, package, the impact on the environment and the educational value

11、. , a great many predictors 很of consumer behavior are, a great many predictors 很of consumer behavior are related to,group,alsooplay althoughsomeotherfactors,whichhavenorelevanceinaconsumersmaking 5.Some people t communication by using computers and phones will have side effects young5.Some people t

12、communication by using computers and phones will have side effects youngpeopleswritingandreadingskills.TowhatextentdoyouagreeorA A B 减少使用文字信息 C B 大家不注重用词和语法 C SpellA B 减少使用文字信息 C Reduce the text, Build a vocabulary, expand the vocabulary, improve the vocabulary impair abilityB:Stickers,emoji,easandf

13、eelings,exchangeinformation/conveyB:交流,即时聊天,人们很少会收到长的信息和句子,Voicemessages,instantaneouscommunication,longmessages,readnA B C 年轻人写作和阅读能力下降BBCInstanenouscommunication,tolerateInformallanguage,colloquialA B C 提高阅读和写作能力BCC1.In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across 1.In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range


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