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1、高级茶艺师、茶艺技师常用英语Dialogue one 会话(一)Good evening,sir. How many?先生,晚上好!几位?Two两位。Follow me,Please请跟我来Could I have a tablenext to window?我要个靠窗的位子。Yes,could you mindtaking seat here?请您这边坐好吗?Very good,thank you.很好,谢谢!You re welcome.不客气。New Words 生词follow .vt. 接着,跟着table .n.桌子,餐桌next .adj.下次的,同,邻接的,隔壁的window

2、.n.窗,窗口welcome .adj. 受欢迎的Dialogue one 会话(二)Good afternoon,sir.May I help you?先生,下午好!能为您效劳吗?We need a room for four ,please.我们要一个四人的包厢Do you have a reservation,sir?请问先生您有预定吗?I m afraid,we don t.没有。Sorry sir,we don t have vacant rooms at the moment. 很抱歉先生,现在没有空包厢了。How about the seats here.by the windo

3、w?这个靠窗的座位这样?Ok.Very well!行!New Words 生词need .n.需要,必要reservation .n.保留,预定afraid .adj.害怕,恐怕vacant.adj.空的,空着的Dialogue one 会话(三)How much?多少钱?The total is two hundred yuan.一共 200 元。Do you accept credit cards?你们接受信用卡吗?I m sorry,we only accept cash.对不起,我们只收现金。Ok,here is the money .行,给您钱。Thanks,there is you

4、r receipt.谢谢!给您发票。Thank you.谢谢!you re welcome,please come again.谢谢!欢迎您再次光临。New Words 生词total .adj. 总的,全体的two hundred yuan 200 元receipt .n.收到,收据again .adv.再,又一次The classifications of tea 茶叶分类Usually China tea classified into six categories.中国茶通常可分为六大类。They are Green tea,Black tea,Oolong tea ,Yellow t

5、ea ,White tea and Dark black tea.它们事绿茶,红茶,乌龙茶,黄茶,白茶和黑茶。Green tea is the most abundant and most numerous in kinds of tea in china.绿茶事中国茶类中产量最大,品种最多的茶类。The main species of Black tea are Black gongfu,Black broken tea and Black tea xiaozhong.红茶可分为功夫红茶,红碎茶和小种红茶。The famous Oolong teas in china are Dahongp

6、ao,Tie-guanyin,Huangjinggui,Fenghuang_suixian,Dongdin-oolong,etc.中国著名的乌龙茶有:大红袍,特观音,红金桂,凤凰水仙,冻顶乌龙等。New Words 生词Usually.adv.常常,通常classify .vi. 分类,归类category .n.种类,范畴abundant.adj.丰富的,盛产的kind.n. 类,属,种类famous.adj.著名的Green tea 绿茶Green tea is non_fermented tea.绿茶属不发酵茶。Green ten can be classified as roasted

7、 green tea ,baked green tea,solar-dried green tea and steamed green tea.绿茶课分为:炒青绿茶,烘青绿茶,晒青绿茶和蒸青绿茶。Green tea is mainly produced in the lower reach of Yangtse River.绿茶主要产在长江种下流域一带。Zhejiang province is one of main production areas of green tea.浙江省是绿茶的主产地之一。Xihu Longjing(Dragon Well tea ) is the famous

8、and traditional green tea.西湖龙井是传统的名优绿茶。The appearance of high-quality green tea has green color,delicate aroma,mellow taste,and beautiful shape.优质绿茶的品质特点是以色绿,香高,味甘,形美而著称的。The high-quality green tea contains the most quantity of vitamins,catechin and protein in all kinds of tea.优质绿茶是各茶类中维生素,茶多酚,及蛋白质等

9、含量最多的茶。New Words 生词non_fermented.adj. 不发酵roasted green tea炒青绿茶solar-dried green tea 晒青绿茶traditional.adj.传统的delicate.adj.娇嫩的,有风味的aroma.n.香气,香味mellow.adj . 芳醇的mellow taste醇厚的(茶味)shape .n.样子,形状high-quality .adj. 高质量,高档contain.vt.包括,包含vitamin.n.维生素,维他命catechin.n.茶多酚protein.n.蛋白质Black tea 红茶Black tea is

10、fermented tea.红茶属全发酵茶。Black tea can be used as basic layer of rose tea.红茶可作玫瑰花茶的茶胚。The high-quality Black tea is characterized as bright and lustrous color,freshand strong taste.优质红茶的品质特点是:汤色浓艳,滋味鲜爽,刺激性强。The main characteristic of Black tea is strong and brisk tasting.红茶的主要特点:滋味浓,强,鲜,爽。5.The most po

11、pular Black tea are the Anhui_qihong ,Yuannan-Dianhong, Fujing_ Black teaxiaozhong,Zhejing_jiuquhonfmei,etc.5.常见的红茶有,安徽祁红,云南滇红,福建的小种红茶和浙江的九曲红梅等。6. The Black tea is good for stomach.红茶可暖胃。New Words 生词ferment .vi. 发酵fermented tea 发酵茶rose.n. 蔷薇花,玫瑰花character .n. 性格,特性lustrous.adj.有光彩的fresh.adj.新鲜的,爽快的f

12、lavor.n. 味,风味characteristic .adj. 本性的,独特的,特有的popular.adj.常见的,流行的stomach.n. 胃Oolong tea 乌龙茶Oolong tea is semi- fermented tea.乌龙茶属半发酵茶。Oolong tea is produced in Fujiang ,Taiwan and Guangdong Provinces.乌龙茶产于福建,台湾和广东。According to the genus of tea ,processing method and the quality of tea , Oolong tea ca

13、n be classified into Shuxian(narcissus),FonghungDancong(Phoenix Select),Tie_guanying,Huang_jingui,Baozhong and so on.乌龙茶根据茶树品种,加工方式和品质特征可分为:水仙,凤凰蛋枞,特观音,黄金桂和包种等。Each kind of the (Oolong)tea has its own unique flavor.每个品种的乌龙茶都有其独特的茶韵。Oolong tea is described as “ green leaf with red border ”。乌龙茶有“绿叶镶红边

14、”之称。Top five of Wuyi yancha tea(Oolong tea) mean that Dahongpao, Tieluohan,Baijiguan,Shuijingui and Bantianyao .武夷岩茶五大名丛(乌龙茶)指的是:大红袍,铁罗汉,白鸡冠,水金龟,半天妖。New Words 生词semi- fermented tea 半发酵茶according to 根据,依照3.cess5.method6.describe.n. (生物分类)属,种类.n.方法,制作法.n.方法,方式.vt.描述,记述green leaf 绿叶bor

15、der.vi. 镶边 scented tea 花茶Scented tea is reprocessed tea.花茶属再加工茶。Scented tea is produced only in China by scenting primary tea with fragrant flowers in a closed wooden box.花茶为中国特产,是将花坯用花香酿制而成。Baked green tea can be used as primary scented tea.烘青绿茶可作花茶茶坯。4.Baked green tea is mainly selected for primar

16、y scented tea and Jasmine tea is one df the most popular flower_scented tea.酿制花茶的茶坯以烘青绿茶为主,茉莉花茶事最受人们欢迎的花茶之一。.Jasmine tea has both the taste of tea and the aroma of flower.茉莉花茶既有茶的滋味,又有茉莉花的花香。.Different flowers are used make different scented tea. Besides jasmine tea,there are magnolia tea,pomelo tea

17、,chulan tea,daidai_flower tea,orchid tea,osmanthus tea,etc.不同的鲜花可制成不同的花茶。除茉莉花之外,还有玉兰花茶,柚子花茶,珠兰花茶,玳玳花茶,米兰花茶,桂花茶等。. According to the nature of primary tea,scented tea can be classified into scented green tea,scented black tea,scented oolong tea.根据茶坯的不同,花茶可分成绿茶类花茶,红茶类花茶,乌龙茶类花茶。New Words 生词1.scent .n.香气

18、,香味2.Scented tea花茶.reprocess .vt. 再加工,再处理.primary.adj.最初的,原色的.primary tea 茶坯,毛坯.fragrant.adj.芬芳的,芳香的.nature.n.自然,本性.jasmine.n.茉莉,素馨.magnolia.n.木兰花.pomelo.n.柚子花.chulan.n.珠兰花.orchid .n. 米兰花13.osmanthus .n.桂花Pu_er tea 普洱茶Pu_er tea is one knd of dark black tea.普洱茶事黑茶的一种。Sun_dried green tea can br used a

19、s material of Pu_er tea.晒青绿茶可作为普洱茶原料。Pu_er tea has two specifications of bulk and compressed.普洱茶有散装普洱和紧压普洱两种规格。Pu_er tea is mainly produced in Xishuang banna,the south part of Yunnan province.普洱茶主要产于云南省南部的西双版纳,一个少数民族地区。The leaf of high_level Pu_er tea is plump and strong while tender leaves have whi

20、te floss.高级普洱茶条索肥壮,细嫩者多白毫。The liquor of Pu_er is wery rich,and can endure repeated infusion without losing much of its original strength and emitting strong flavor.普洱茶的茶汤十分浓厚,耐冲泡,滋味特浓而醇。Drinking Pu_er tea on long run is good for digestion and decreasing blood pressure.长期饮用普洱茶有消食和降血压的功效。New Words 生词d

21、ark black tea 黑茶compress .vt.紧压,浓缩specification .n.规格floss .n.毫,丝线状物an ethnic region 少数民族地区function .n.作用,功能plump .adj.丰满的,肥厚的strong .adj.强烈的thick .adj.浓厚(茶汤)strength .n.浓度(茶的滋味)digestion .n.消化blood pressure 血压Yellow tea and White tea 黄茶和白茶White tea is slightly_fermented tea,a special local product

22、in China.白茶事微发酵茶,为中国特产。White tea is produced in Zhenghe,JianyangandFuding,the counties of Fujian Provinces.白茶产于福建省的政和,建阳和福鼎县。The character of Yinzhen_Balhao s leaves are straight like needlese alinkde wsihlviet r.银针白毫的特点事挺直如针,色白如银。Junshan_Yinzhen is yellow tea,is produced in Dongting mountain of Hun

23、an province.君山银针属黄茶,产地在湖南洞庭山。After infusion,all the tea buds of Junsan-Yinzhen stand straightly,and look like bamboo shoots comimg up of the ground,It is enjoyable.冲泡后的君山银针茶芽竖立,如群笋出土,很有观赏性。The main purpose of drinking Baihao-Yinzhen and Junshan-Yinzhen is to enjoy the sightof tea buds,so It s better

24、 to use glass cup.品饮白毫银针,君山银针重在观赏。因此,适合用玻璃杯冲泡。New Words 生词slightly_fermented.adj.微发酵county .n.(英)郡,(美)县special local product 本地特产straight.adj.直的,笔直的bamboo .n.竹purpose .n.目的,用意,用途enjoy the sight of 观赏Tea art one 茶艺(一)Making a cup of good taste tea needs good tea,good water,good fire and suitable tea

25、sets,this is the perfect combination of four elements.泡好一杯茶,要做到茶好,水好,火好,器好,这叫“四合其美”We should use big fire to make water boil quickly.烧水要做到活火快煎。The water that has been boiling for a long time is not good for making tea.久沸老水不宜泡茶。A cup of good taste tea requires the skills of making.好茶还需巧冲泡。The unconta

26、minated natural mountain spring is the best water for tea.泡茶用的水,以天然无污染的山泉水为上。Generally speaking,green tea can be drawn for two or three times.绿茶一般可冲泡23 次。Before making tea,we should make cups warm and clean.泡茶时,首先要温杯洁具。New Words 生词1.suitable .adj.合适的2.element.n.元素3.Indispensable .adj.必不可少的,必需的4.boil

27、.vt. 沸腾,煮沸5.skill .n.技能,技艺6.uncontaminated.adj.无污染的7.draw.v.(茶)冲开,冲泡8.spring.n.泉水Tea art one 茶艺(二)Usually,we use 50 milliliter of water for 1gram of tea.通常 1G 茶用 50ML 的开水冲泡。Water at about 85 degree centigrade is good for green tea.绿茶一般用大约85的开水冲泡为宜。Before sipping the tea,it s better fooyr uthset oa r

28、eonmj a,and then to taste the liquor.品茶时,先闻茶香,后品滋味。Tomake tender green tea,it s better not to cover the cups.冲泡细嫩绿茶时,不用杯盖为宜。Usually,it takes two or three minytes to make a cup of green tea.一杯绿茶的冲泡时间一般需23 分钟。While we make green tea,if the water is too hot,the infusion will turn to stewed taste quickl

29、y ,冲泡绿茶时,如果使用开水的温度过高,很快会出现熟汤味。Soaking the tea-leaves with a little boiling water at about 85 degree centigrade is good for unfolding leaves and soaking out juice of thetea.在大约85的一杯开水中浸泡有利于茶叶的舒展和茶汁的浸出。New Words 生词. milliliter .n.毫升.gram.n.克.degree.n.度,度数4.centigrade.adj. 摄氏的5.aroma6.liquor7.tender8.c

30、over9.infusion10.stew.n. 香味,芳香.n.(茶)汤.adj.嫩的。细嫩的.vt.遮盖。.N.盖子,封面.n.浸渍,茶汤。炮制(的茶,汤等).n.闷,熟味11.boiling water 开水12.soak13.unfold.vt.浸,泡,使浸泡.vt. 展开,舒展Tea art one 茶艺(三 )1. To make scented tea,it s betrer to con-ecrutph.e tea 冲泡花茶最好使用杯盖。Scented tea is usually prepared in a cup with lid in order to keep its

31、aroma.冲泡花茶使用盖碗,可保茶汤香味。To make scented tea ,it is better to use the water at about 95 degree centigrade.冲泡花茶用95左右的开水为宜。Scented teas are characterized by the teas flavor as well as strong aroma of fiower. 花茶的特征事既有茶的醇味又有花的浓香。Drinking scented tea is mainly to enjoy the fragrant and flavor. 品饮花茶,主要事品赏香气和

32、滋味。High-quality scented tea always keeos the lasting aroma and aweet mellow taste.花茶以花香鲜灵持久,茶味醇厚回甘为上品。New Words 生词1.lid.n.盖子n order to 为了 , 起见.enduring .adj.持久的,永久的.sweet mellow 甘醇(茶汤滋味)Tea art one 茶艺 (四 )The main tools for making Oolong tea consist of zisha teapot(or porcelain coverbowl cup),sip-cu

33、ps,kettle and tea tray.冲泡乌龙茶的茶具主要有紫砂茶壶(或瓷盖碗杯),品茗杯,烧水壶和茶盘。We need to add cups for smelling fragrant and even-handed infusion to make oolong tea in Taiwan style.冲泡台湾乌龙茶还要增用闻香杯和公道杯。Oolong tea must be maked by using boiling water.乌龙茶必须要用沸水冲泡。Pouring infusion into sip- cups one and making a round trip is called“ Guanyuinspect thecity ”.把茶汤来回分别斟入各个品茗杯中,称作“关公巡城”The last infusion in he tespot to drop into each sip-cups bit by bit,is called “ Hanxin musters troops ”.跋扈中最后残留的茶汤分别滴入品茗杯中,称作“韩信点兵”The procedures of making oolong tea are the following:make tea set ready,warm up the sip-cups


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