1、李碎娟Sunshine How to Design a lesson If teaching itself is a type of professional art, as teachers, you need to learn the art diligently before you can become artists.Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.How to design lessons know and apply som
2、e new teaching concepts under the guidance of the NEC.know how to analyze textbooks and use materials. know how to design lessons better. be more confident and skillful in planning lessons.Learning objectives: 1. New teaching concepts -behaviors-effects2) what new concepts to apply Ss-centred Teachi
3、ng Style1) why to apply new conceptsconcepts-methodsTBLA, Activity-Based ApproachLearning assessment, Co-operative Learning 区别观念比较点传统教学现代教学教学模式教学关注点教学方法教师角色教师作用教学评价学习方式以教师为中心以学生为中心教学内容教学过程注重讲授注重体验专家 控制者示范者指导者主宰主导书面考试多种形式评价个体学习多种方式,小组合作 2.What is Designing a lesson?All the preparation work for organi
4、zing a good classroom teaching. It is frame work for a lessonIf you imagine a lesson is like a journey, then the lesson plan is the map. It shows you where u start, where you finish and the route to take to get there.2.2. What to design/plan Task: Group work. Discuss and agree on 4 things that you s
5、hould prepare/make clear before writing down your teaching planning. Questionernote-providerClarifierSummarizer/reporter /note takerFour Roles1) 2)3)*4)Analyze the learning contextthink about the learners.Analyze the teaching context-think about the materials/define the objectives/main points/Predic
6、t difficultiesMake decisions ways or activities to teach mainpoints and difficulties, or rechange materialsPlan in detail think more deeply: what to say, Time, seat arrangement, media strategiesFour things*2.2.1 Analyse the learning context: a. How old are your children?b. How long have they learnt
7、English?c. How many children are there in the classd. How are they seated?e. What do they like?f. What do they like to do?*g. What relevant language have they learnt?ask yourself the following Qs:h. What do the Ss already know about the topici. How much are the Ss interested in the topic?2.2.2 Analy
8、se the teaching contextAsk yourself the following Qs:What is the unit about?( the previous, the next)b. What language points are being practiced?d. whats the situation? Is it connected to childrens life?e. What do children need to do in each activity?f. What skills are practiced in each activity?c.
9、How difficult is it for the students3.2 Three-dimension objective by the NEC(三维目标) Objective of language and ability (知识能力目标) objective of process and methods (过程与方法目标) objective of affect, culture and strategy (情感,文化,策略目标)Incorrect definition on objectives Case 1Teaching objectives:Knowledge object
10、ive: read and understand Ability objective: develop Ss .Emotional objective: get the Ss to have Case 2中小学英语教学与研究P 17.11/2006Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: enable the students to know the function of the modal verb. Ability aims: a).let the students know how to use modal verbs. b).to develop the stud
11、ents ability of exploring rules of grammar and grasping them at the same time.1.含糊其词,难以评价: develop students abilities in reading 2. 行为主体错位: 行为主体是学生而不是老师: develop students 3. 表现程度笼统模糊: Ss should learn and master Problems:Case 3 (第七届初中英语教学观摩研讨会)Teaching aims:To make students know about the animals in
12、danger.b. To practice listening,reading and speakingc. To learn how to get useful information from a dialogue. Case 4Teaching objectives:Language focus;To enlarge vocabularyTo understand the sotryAbility focus:To practice skimming and scanning skillsTo practice using tones to express different feeli
13、ngs Character building: To develop team spirit此目标设计关注了语言,能力和品格教育三个不同的层次但语言目标是指什么,能力目标又指什么?两者区别不是很清晰。扩大词汇量过于宏观,不具有可操作性和检测性。如何确定合理有效的教学目标?1.是从教师出发还是从学生出发?2. 从语言知识点出发还是从学生的能力发展出发?3.教学目标是否合理,可行,并具有课检测性?4. 教学目标是写出来应付差事的还是为自己的教学服务的。教学目标的设计在一定程度上反映处教师的课程意识,教学理念,教学方式以及学生观。如果教学目标是从教师出发的,教师必然是关注自身的教,而忽略学生的学。如
15、出发点,同时要在考虑语言知识与能力目标的同时,关注学生在学习策略方面和品格教育的发展目标。在表述知识和能力目标时要尽量选用行为动词,即能够观察到的表示行为和动作的词语:will be able to 1.The main task (outcome):The students will be able to write a letter to Ann and post it on the blog, where Ann will be able to read it.Language FocusThe students will be able to use the following wor
16、ds and pattern properly in given situations or their daily life:flat; caf; in the north/ south/ east / west of The students will be able to describe the different locations of the buildings in their school, which is a boarding school, and activities concerned.Sample: 3.Language Skills The students w
17、ill be able to find the places (in the jigsaw puzzle) according to the letter. 4.Learning StrategiesThe students will be able to guess and reason the presumption by the information collected from the reading of the letter. (认知策略)The students will be encouraged in groups to write back a letter about
18、their school scaffolded with patterns from the text. (情感策略) 5.AffectionThe students will be able to focus their attention on the classroom instruction and performance. 分析重点、难点及教学目标要对教学进行静态分析和动态分析。静态分析:动态分析:重点, 难点和教学目标难点和教学目标的确定除了依据课程标准和教材外,更主要依据所教班级学生的学科知识技能基础、认知特点、学习态度、接受能力和知识技能缺陷等诸多动态因素进行分析它的确定主要依
19、据课程标准和教材 Aims & objectivesSimilarities:Differences:Aims, Goals and Objectives AIMSGOALSOBJECTIVESIdealistic, long term, difficult to measureSpecific, short term, usually measurable(Paul Morris: The Hong Kong School Curriculum, 1996)The relationship can also be shown in this diagram: AimsGoalsObjecti
20、ves 共同点:都是教学要完成的任务和衡量教学质量的标准 不同点:由于教学目的带有方向性,具有普遍性和原则 性,抽象性。笼统性和最终的总体性等特点。 因此教师和学校领导就难以掌握其目的是否达 标,实现。 目标是教学进程的个别,局部,阶段性的性 质,是教学目的的具体化,是教学目的的某个 方面的,具体体现。E.g.小学英语的主要目的是 培养学生学习英语的兴趣。第三单元第一课时 的目标是 那个范围更大? 3.3 Main points and difficult pointscase. first name, last name3.4.Make decisions- /re-change mater
21、ials.SOARSOARsupplementomitadaptreplacesS-simplify方 法 删减法 (不符合学生实际的)扩充法(不足的)简化法 (过难的)调整法 (顺序不合理的) 替换法(不够好的,耗时的) 教材该如何处理?3.5. Make decisions- choose ways &activities /re-change materials.lead-in TPRchantsongChat:presentationObject, pic,drawing,Expression, Body language, ppt.Practice:Read, match, gues
22、s, pair work, game, role play.Acti-vities:Production:meaningful activities: interview,Group work, performance,guided chat4.Planning in detail A. to sequence the activitiesB. To arrange time for every activityC. to write teacher talkD. to prepare teaching aidsE. To arrange the seats4.1.ADifferent way
23、s to sequence the activities1. PPP- Presentation, practice, production 2. Listen, speak, read (write) 3. Settle and stir activities stirs settlesRole play competitionDoing playsgameschantChantcopyinglisteningTest (not too hard)Being read tointerviewwriting4.2. To arrange time for every activityA res
24、earcher advised that if a teacher times every activity while planning the lesson for one month, He or she would control the time very well in classroom teaching4.3. to prepare teaching aids/mediaObjects, visual aids, learning aids, Bb design, T, Ss, modern equipment如何设计教学媒体 英语教学的媒体包括实物、直观教具、学具,板书、师生
25、等。现代教学媒体包括电化教学设备以及多媒体教学设备等。 课堂教学中选用哪种媒体,要根据教学内容、教学实际及教学目标而具体确定,使用时必须充分考虑各媒体的自身特点,在具体运用时应注意以下几个问题: 多媒体1. 使用教学媒体要有明确的目的。2. 正确把握使用教学媒体的时机和 “度”。3. 媒体的选择要遵循低成本、高效能的原则。4.要充分利用现代教育媒体与传统媒体的特点组合教学,扬长避短,互为补充。问题1 课件代替板书(板书的作用?) 2 课件令人眼花缭乱应注意的问题:传统的秧田式 幻灯片 36讲台action zone4.4.To arrange the seats 讲台小组合作式马蹄式、圆形式
26、讲台 讲台马蹄式、圆形式4.5.C. to write “teacher talk”Good “teacher talk” is short and clear and to the point to use words Ss already know natural accurate:* accompanied by gestures*Transition sentenceZero-distancePronunciation, meaning effective: understand?yes/noBe brave,who can try?Dont be nervousIf u have Q
27、,ask me for help.Problems of classroom teacher talk(video ,discuss )a. T asks & answersb. T asks ,all Ss answer too many yes-no Qs, (understand?) too much help or hintsT says the first half of a sentence, and the Ss follow allow S to answer with one word interrupt S talking add up sth during Ss work
28、ing unnecessary words or ChineseBe too close or too far away from S5. How to increase STT: 5. Write a lesson plan A good standard lesson plan , both simple and detailed , should cover the following aspects:Teaching ( learning) contents/materials Teaching (learning) objectives teaching focus and anti
29、cipated difficulty Teaching aids teaching Procedures/ Teaching arrangement Assignment & Bb presentation3.4 Procedures:1、Warm-up / Revision/lead-in ()2、Presentation3、Practice pair work group work game riddle .4. Follow-up activities/production/extension5. Assignment & Bb presentation Learning by ones
30、 own teachingreflectionsWhat are the advantages and disadvantages?2. How are the objectives achieved and the key points are highlighted?4. Is there sth creative and what is it?5. If it is a failure, ask why and how to change it to bettter教学设计基本内容图示简介 教学对象分析 教学目标设计 教学内容分析 教什么、学什么 教学目标编制教学过程 教学内容、顺序设计
31、系统设计 教学策略设计 教学方式、方法设计 如何教、如何学 教学媒体组合设计 形成性评价设计 教得怎么样、 教学评价设计 学得怎么样 终结性评价设计计算好教学过程每一环节所需时间,(计算好每一环节的时间往往会导致教学步骤走过场,学生的操练不到位,不能真正落实教学目标。因为课堂存在不确定性和可变性,相同的教学目标可能在这个班级落实只需10分钟,而在另一个班级却需要15分钟。相同难度目标的落实在同一个班级在不同的时间落实所需要时间可能也不同,比如学生在下午上课总体就要比在上午下课接受能力弱。)因此,我们教案的设计一定要富有弹性,坚持上不封顶,下不保底的原则。教案的语言:教案一般应该用英语完成,其主要目的是让老师们将这个备课的过程也当作一个复习巩固英语专业水平的过程。教案的质量是保证教学质量的关键。一份好的教案应该有清晰而科学的教学目标,明确地教学重点、准确的教学困难预测,它的每一个为实现教学目标而设计教学
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