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1、跨文化交流权距离课件跨文化交流权距离课件Cultural Dimensions文化纬度理论文化跨度理论是跨文化理论中至今最具影响力的一个理论,由荷兰管理学者郝夫斯特(Hofstede)提出。通过对各国的IBM员工的调查研究,郝夫斯特发现有五大因素可以帮助我们区分民族文化对雇员的工作价值观和工作态度的影响。 Cultural Dimensions文化纬度理论文化跨度五大因素(5 cultural dimensions ) 权力距离指数(Power Distance Index缩写为PDI)个人主义指数(Individualism缩写为IDV)男性主义指数(Masculinity缩写为MAS)不确

2、定因素的规避指数(Uncertainty Avoidance Index缩 写为UAI)长期取向指数(Long-Term Orientation缩写为LTO) 五大因素(5 cultural dimensions ) 权跨文化交流权距离课件跨文化交流权距离课件跨文化交流权距离课件For references, you can go to the following website to check out more details and different scores of different countries./ (You can find the scores of your cou

3、ntry on his website.)For references, you can go to A.权力距离Power Distance Index Power Distance Index (Authority Dimension) A.权力距离Power Distance Index PoPower Distance Index (PDI) focuses on the degree of equality, or inequality, between people in the countrys society. A High Power Distance ranking ind

4、icates that inequalities of power and wealth have been allowed to grow within the society. These societies are more likely to follow a caste system that does not allow significant upward mobility of its citizens. A Low Power Distance ranking indicates the society de-emphasizes the differences betwee

5、n citizens power and wealth. In these societies equality and opportunity for everyone is stressed.Power Distance Index (PDI) focFormation and definition of PDI权力距离指数的来源和定义Status 现状Formation 形成、来源Definition 定义Please turn to our handouts 请同学们看材料Formation and definition of PDStatus现状:Inequality in soci

6、etyThere is inequality everywhere, in any society.Some people are stronger, smarter, wealthier, or more powerful than some other people.But Physical and intellectual capacities, power, wealth, and status may or may not go together.Status现状:Inequality in societyIn some countries, people try to resolv

7、e the inequality.In other countries, people feel it is a good thing, rather than a problem. In some countries, people try Formation of PDI PDI数据的收集和形成IBM员工,来自50多个国家对相同级别的,却来自不同国家的员工,测试了相同的问题,并用1、2、3、4、5来表示他们的答案。Formation of PDI PDI数据的收集和形成I例题 在你的经历中,你是否经常遇到这个事情:下属很害怕向他们的上级表达不同意见?(答案是1-5,1代表非常频繁,5代表非

8、常少) 例题这些问题都是由IBM公司的员工回答的,他们的这些答案代表了一个相对的不同,由于他们在公司里面的职位和公司文化是相似的,因此答案的不同很大程度上代表了他们所来自的不同的文化背景。Lets refer to Table 2.1 - page 27这些问题都是由IBM公司的员工回答的,他们的这些答案代表了一Definition定义Power Distance: the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country except and accept

9、that power is distributed unequally权利距离的定义: 一个社会中的人群对权力分配不平等这一事实的接受程度。Definition定义Power Distance: Handout reading:FamilySchoolworkplaceHandout reading:Power Distance US China |(40)|(80)|0 50 100Limited dependence of subordinates on bossesPreference for consultationReady to approach and contradict th

10、eir bossesEmotional distance is smallConsiderable dependence of subordinates on bossesPreference for dependence/rejecting it entirely Not likely to approach and contradict their bossesEmotional distance is largePower Distance US Power Distance in families US China |(40)|(80)|0 50 100Children are tre

11、ated as equals as soon as they are able to act.Children learn to be independent and have to do their own stuff when they are very young.A child is allowed to contradict his/her parents.They learn to say no very early.Children are expected and educated to be obedient to their parents.Independent beha

12、vior of child is not encouraged. Younger ones are always being taken care of by older ones and parents.Younger children are expected to yield to older ones. Authority continues to play a role in childrens life, even if they are adults. Power Distance in families Power Distance at school US China |(4

13、0)|(80)|0 50 100Teachers and students are treated as equals to each other. The educational process is student-centered.Teachers have no responsibility for the students study. The students are expected to find their own way of study.They can express disagreement in front of the teacher. Overt student

14、 feedback.Teachers are treated with respect, even outside school. “guru”The educational process is teacher-centered.Teachers planned an intellectual paths for the students to follow.Students speak up only when invited to.Covert student feedback.Power Distance at school Power Distance in the workplac

15、e US China |(40)|(80)|0 50 100Decentralization is popular.Subordinates expect to be consulted on decisions.An ideal boss is a resourceful democrat.Privileges and status symbols are frowned on.Power is centralized as much as possible in a few hands.Subordinates expect to be told what to do.An ideal b

16、oss is a good father. Privileges and status symbols are expected and popular.Power Distance in the workplacPower Distance IIThe origins of Power distance differencesPower Distance IIThe origins oFigure 5.2 Low and High Power Distance CulturesLow Power DistanceHigh Power DistanceGermanic EuropeAfrica

17、Scandinavian EuropeAsiaAnglo SaxonsEastern Europen AustraliaMediterranean Europen CanadaLatin American United KingdomMiddle Eastn United Statesn New ZealandScandinavian n.(北欧一地区,包括挪威、瑞典、丹麦、冰岛的)斯堪的纳维亚人语Handout page 43Figure 5.2 Low and High Power Quiz 5.1: Weather and CultureIn northern hemispheres w

18、ith harsher weather patterns and lower population density, would a societys major enemy be:A. other groups of peopleB. natureIn southern hemispheres with more moderate climates and higher population density, would a societys major enemy be:A. other groups of peopleB.nature Handout page 45Quiz 5.1: Weather and CultureIFigure 5.3 National Culture Vs. SubcultureCountrySubcultureNetherlands (low PDI)Banking (High PDI)Brazil (High PDI)Musicians (low PDI)Canada (Low PDI) Military (high PDI)China (high PDI)Website Designers (Low PDI)Figure 5.3 Natio


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