核按钮高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The United Kingdom考点突破课件 新人教必修5_第1页
核按钮高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The United Kingdom考点突破课件 新人教必修5_第2页
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1、必修五Unit 2The United Kingdom1. 课前自测2. 课堂学案2021/8/8 星期日1词汇接龙 1. _(vt. 筹备;安排;整理)_(n. 布置;整理)2. _(vi. 组成;构成;在于)_(adj. 一致的;始终如一的)3. _n. 可能(性)_(adj. 可能的)_(adj. 不可能的)4. _(vt. 描述;形容;描绘)_(n. 描述;描写)_(adj. 描述性的)5. _(vt.&vi. 联合;团结)_(n. 结合;工会;联盟)_(adj. 联合的;一致的;团结的)6. _(adj. 粗糙的;粗暴的)_(adv. 粗略地;粗糙地)_n. 粗糙(度); 未加工7.

2、 _(v. 为提供设备)_(n. 家具;设备)_(adj. 带家具的;配备好装备的)课前自测 Key:1. arrange; arrangement2. consist; consistent3. possibility; possible; impossible4. describe; description; descriptive5. unite; union; united6. rough; roughly; roughness7. furnish; furniture; furnished2021/8/8 星期日2词汇接龙 8. _(adj. 方便的;合宜的)_n. 方便;便利的事物

3、(设施)_( n. 不便)9. _(vt.&vi. 使高兴;欣喜;感到高兴 n. 快乐;使人高兴的人或事)_(adj. 可喜的;令人愉快的)_(adj. 快乐的;欣喜的) Key:8. convenient; convenience; inconvenience 9. delight; delightful; delighted2021/8/8 星期日3词块互译1. 被划分成三大主要地区 be divided _ three main zones2. _ clarify the question3. 当人们提起英格兰 when people _ England4. 从联合王国分离出去建立自己的

4、政府 _ from the UK _ its own government5. 值得称赞的是 _6. _ attract my attention7. 觉得受到了冷落 feel _8. 取代女王的位置 _ of the Queen9. 考察建立一家新工厂的可能性 examine the possibility of _10. _ arrange their own weddingKey:1. into2. 弄清楚这个问题3. refer to4. break away; to form5. to ones credit6. 吸引我的注意7. left out8. take the place9

5、. constructing a new factory10. 安排他们自己的婚礼2021/8/8 星期日4句型补全 1. Now when people refer to England you _ as well. 现在只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士也包括在内。 (find宾语宾补)2. _ that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors. 遗憾的是这些建于19世纪的工业城市并不吸引游客。 (it作形式主语)3. You must keep your eyes _ i

6、f you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom _. 如果你想要使你的英国之旅不虚此行而又有意义,你就必须留心观察。 (keep/make宾语宾补) 4. _ St Pauls Cathedral _ after the terrible fire of London in 1666. It looked splendid when _! 接着参观的是圣保罗大教堂,它是公元1666年可怕的伦敦大火之后建造的。刚建成的时候,它看起来金碧辉煌! (there be句型变体;过去分词作后置定语;状语从句的省略)5. _ that the

7、 man who had developed communism _ have lived and died in London. 这似乎是一件怪事:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦去世。 (it作形式主语;should用法)Key:1. find Wales included2. It is a pity3. open; enjoyable and worthwhile4. There followed; built; first built5. It seemed strange; should 2021/8/8 星期日5课文回顾Key: 1. standing2. gu

8、arded3. on4. built5. poets6. What7. dividing8. the 9. have lived10. for Zhang Pingyus first delight was going to the Tower. This solid stone, square tower had remained _1_ (stand) for 1,000 years. Although the buildings had expanded around it, it remained part of a royal palace and prison combined.

9、To her surprise, she found the Queens jewels _2_ (guard) by soldiers who, _3_ special occasions, still wore the uniform of the time of Queen Elizabeth I.There followed St Pauls Cathedral _4_ (build) after the terrible fire. Westminster Abbey was also interesting with statues in memory of dead _5_ (p

10、oem) and writers._6_ interested her most was the longitude line. Its an imaginary line _7_ (divide) the eastern and western halves of the world. Pingyu had a photo taken standing on either side of _8_ line.The last day she visited Karl Marxs statue. It seemed strange that the man who had developed c

11、ommunism should _9_ (live) and died in London.The next day she was leaving London _10_ Windsor Castle. “Perhaps Ill see the Queen.” she wondered. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。2021/8/8 星期日6课堂学案1. convenience n. 方便;便利;便利设施/设备1. (2015陕西卷)If you are interested, please send an application email at

12、 your earliest convenience to Ms. Chen at . 如果你感兴趣的话,请尽早在方便时用电子邮件发送一份申请至陈女士的邮箱:chenlaoshi。2. England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的,为方便起见,它大致可以划分为三个地区。3. The building has all the modern conveniences. 这栋建筑装有各种现代化的便利设施。

13、2021/8/8 星期日7【构词】convenient adj. 方便的;近便的sth. is convenient to/for sb. 对某人来说方便it is convenient for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事方便【注意】(1)convenience指“方便,便利”时是不可数名词;指“便利的事物,便利的设施”时是可数名词。(2)convenient作表语时,主语一般是物或用it作形式主语,而不用人作主语。for convenience 为了方便起见for ones conveniencefor the convenience of sb. 为了某人的方便at ones

14、 convenience 在某人方便的时候at your earliest convenience 在您方便时请早日;得便请从速convenience food/store 方便食品/便利店【词块助记】2021/8/8 星期日8Nowadays, its very _ to get in touch with our families and friends by using mobile phones at our _. If our phones are stolen or missing, its _ for us in many respects. 现如今,我们在方便时可以利用手机很方

15、便地跟家人和朋友联系。如果手机被偷或不见了,在很多方面会造成不便。Key:convenient; convenience; inconvenient2021/8/8 星期日9【词块助记】2. accomplish vt. 完成;实现;达到;使圆满 1. Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well. 令人庆幸的是,当苏格兰的詹姆士国王成为英格兰和威尔士的国王时,这三个国家在无(军事)冲突的情况下实现了联合。2.

16、 She seems to accomplish nothing. 她似乎无任何建树。3. There is nothing that accomplishes a person more than learning. 没什么比知识更会使人充实。 accomplish nothing 一事无成accomplish ones promise 实现某人的诺言accomplish ones mission 完成某人的使命2021/8/8 星期日10【构词】accomplishment n. 实现;完成;成绩,成就accomplished adj. 完成的;有修养的;有学问的an accomplish

17、ed fact 既成事实1. (2014重庆卷改编) Sadly, biological facts prevent us ever accomplish such a thing without artificial aid.2. If you have somewhere youd go, something youd to accomplish, and someone youd become, took immediate action.Key:1. accomplish改为accomplishing2. 去掉to; took改为take2021/8/8 星期日11【词块助记】3. a

18、rrangevt. & vi. 整理;安排;筹备1. (2013福建卷)Parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success. 父母为子女安排一切,不遗余力地为他们的成功铺路。2. They have arranged for another man to take his place. 他们已安排另一个人去接替他的位置。3. I have arranged for the goods to be delivered. 我已经安排好送货了。arran

19、ge sth. with sb. 与某人商定某事arrange for sth. 安排某事arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排好某事arrange (for sb.) to do sth. 安排(某人)做某事make arrangements for 为做好安排2021/8/8 星期日121. Please arrange us an interview with the workers.2. (2014陕西卷改编)Tourists _ (arrange) by travel companies tend to stay at big foreign-owned hotels,

20、 _ (buy) few local products.Key:1. 在arrange后加for2. arranged; buying2021/8/8 星期日13【词块助记】4. delight nU快乐;高兴;喜悦 C令人快乐的事情 vt. 使高兴;使欣喜1. She was delighted at receiving so many letters and gifts. 她为收到如此多的信和礼物而感到高兴。2. (2014浙江卷)A clever potter fashioned a piggy jar in the shape of a pig, delighting children

21、 and adults.一位聪明的制陶商将陶罐制成了猪的形状,以此取悦儿童和成年人。with/in delight 高兴地;乐意地(much) to ones delightto ones (great) delight 使某人(大为)高兴的是take/have/find delight in(doing) sth. 以为乐delight sb.(with sth.) (以某物)取悦某人 delight the eyes 悦目be delighted at/by/with 因而高兴 to do sth. 很高兴做某事2021/8/8 星期日14【构词】delighted adj. 欣喜的;快乐

22、的 delightful adj. 令人愉快的1. What made the fans delighting was that the young player performed extremely well in the table tennis tournament. 2. (2014天津卷改编)Low is a kind-hearted lady with a positive attitude toward life because she takes a delight in helping others.Key:1. delighting改为delighted2. 去掉第三个a

23、2021/8/8 星期日155. consist of 由组成;构成 consist ofbe made up ofbe composed of 由组成consist in(lie in) 在于consist withbe consistent with 与相一致 1. (2014福建卷)Real riches consist of well-developed and hearty capacities to enjoy life. 真正的富有是拥有良好健全的能力去享受生活。2. Life mainly consists of happiness and sorrow while happi

24、ness and sorrow consist in struggle.Remember that your ideal life does not always consist with the reality. 生活主要是由快乐和悲伤组成的,而快乐和悲伤存在于拼搏之中。记住理想的生活并不总是和现实相一致。【头脑风暴】2021/8/8 星期日166. leave out 遗漏;省略;删去;未顾及;忽略 1. Leave her alone. She is in a mood now. 别惹她,她现在情绪不好。2. Lets leave the matter aside for a momen

25、t. 让我们暂时把这件事搁一会儿再说。3. Oh, dear! This is the third time youve left your umbrella behind on a bus. 噢,天哪!这已经是你第三次把雨伞忘在公共汽车上了。4. You left out the possibility that the train might be late. 你忽略了火车或许晚点的可能性。5. The boy feels left out because the other children dont play with him. 这男孩觉得受到了冷落,因为其他孩子都不和他玩。leave

26、 alone 不管;别惹;让独自待着;不打扰leave aside 搁置;不考虑leave behind 忘带;留下;丢弃;落后leave for 出发去某地leave off 停止做某事;戒掉【头脑风暴】2021/8/8 星期日17【微解析】7. There followed St Pauls Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666. 接着是圣保罗大教堂,它是公元1666年可怕的伦敦大火之后建造的。本句是there 放在句首引起的完全倒装句。表示静态的副词there, here和表示动态趋向的副词up, down,

27、in, out, away等位于句首时,谓语动词go, come, run, fly, rush, follow等不及物动词须置于主语前面,构成完全倒装句式。注意: 如果句子主语是代词,则谓语不能用倒装。【仿写】(2014湖北卷改编)The Public Square is an eye-catching sight of the city. _ many stone sculptures of famous historical figures. 大众广场是这个城市引人注目的景点,许多历史名人的石雕像矗立在那儿。 Key:1. There stand2021/8/8 星期日182. John

28、 opened the door. _ a girl he had never seen before. 约翰打开了门,一个他从来没见过的女孩站在那儿。【单句改错】3. Jim walked quietly to the little cat. Away it runs into the kitchen when he was about to catch it.Key:2. There stood3. runs改为ran2021/8/8 星期日198. It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have

29、 lived and died in London. 这似乎是一件怪事:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦去世。在it is strange (necessary, natural, important, a pity等) that这类句型里,that所引导的主语从句的谓语动词常用“should动词原形”来表示虚拟,其中should可省略。但此句中should表示一种惊讶的语气,译为“居然;竟然”,故不可省略。【微解析】【仿写】1. It seemed strange that the man _ his wife and his children. 他竟然抛弃了妻子和孩子,这

30、似乎有点奇怪。2. _ what all the majority of people care about is how they could be paid more.令人遗憾的是大多数人所在乎的仅仅就只是他们怎样才能赚到更多的钱。Key:1. should have deserted/abandoned2. Its a pity that2021/8/8 星期日20【单句改错】3. Personally, I dont like him at all, but its strange that he could be popular with the kids.Key:3. could改为should 2021/8/8 星期日21假如你是李华,最近英国某中学访学团将到你校交流学习中文。请你以学生代表的身份,用英语拟写一份发言稿。Hello, everyone. Welcome to our school. _ _. Now Id like to share with you some tips on Chinese learning. _, there still exist some efficient ways to learn Chinese. As for beginner


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