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1、全册教学课件 所有音频文件均已用附件的形式插入在幻灯片中,可以直接点击播放 新人教PEP版 四年级下册英语第一页,共一百七十页。Unit OneMy schoolPart A Lets learn Lets do Lets talk Look, ask and answer Lets spellPart B Lets learn Look, ask and answer Lets talk Read and write Lets sing第二页,共一百七十页。second floorfirst floorteachers officelibraryLets learn第三页,共一百七十页。我是

2、书法家!第四页,共一百七十页。teachers officelibraryWheres the library?Its on the first floor.第五页,共一百七十页。Go to the library.Read a book.Go to the teachers office.Say hello.Go to the playground.Play football.Go to the garden.Water the flowers.Lets do第六页,共一百七十页。Lets talkA:Excuse me. Wheres the teachers office?B:Its o

3、n the second floor.A:OK.Thanks.A:Hi. Is this the teachers office?C:No, it isnt. The teachers office is next to the library.A:Hi, Miss White! Heres my homework.D:Thank you, Mike.A:Bye, Miss White.第七页,共一百七十页。句型学习 询问具体位置“Wheres ?” 本课时我们学习的是事物的场所,尤其是学校里的各种场所,比如图书馆,教师办公室。询问这些场所的位置时,我们可以用下面的句型:Where is+场所

4、?(在哪里?)where is可以缩写为wheres,后面的名词可以是单个人,也可以是单个事物。例如:Wheres the book? Its on the desk.Wheres Mike? Hes in the classroom.第八页,共一百七十页。Look, ask and answerLibraryClassroom3Classroom1Classroom2Teachers officeWheres the library?Its on the second floor.Is it next to Classroom 3?Yes, it is.第九页,共一百七十页。LibraryC

5、lassroom3Classroom1Classroom2Teachers office句型练习看图对话Wheres the?Its on thefloor.Is it next to?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.第十页,共一百七十页。Lets spellwater tiger sister computer dinner/ 发音要领:字母er在单词中常发短元音/ / 。发音时嘴唇微微张开,舌放平,舌中部微微抬起,口腔自然放松发声。第十一页,共一百七十页。Lets learncomputer roomart roommusic roomplayground第十二页,共一百

6、七十页。词汇练习computer roomart roommusic roomplayground第十三页,共一百七十页。computer roomart roommusic roomplaygroundThis is my school.Cool! Do you have a music room?Yes, we do. Its on the first floor. 你能用其他的词汇进行对话吗?第十四页,共一百七十页。Look, ask and answerMusicroomLibraryArt roomComputerroomTeachers officegymDo you have a

7、 computer room?Yes, we do. Its on The first floor.第十五页,共一百七十页。Lets talkA:Welcome to our school! This is my classroom.B:Its so big! How many students are there in your class?A:Forty-five students.B:Is that the computer room?A:No, it isnt. Its the teachers office.B:Do you have a library?A:Yes, we do.

8、Its on the second floor. This way, please.第十六页,共一百七十页。句型学习 询问对方是否拥有某物 当你想知道对方是否拥有某物时,可以用下面的句型:Do you have+?(你/你们有吗?)肯定回答:Yes, I/we do.(是的,我/我们有。)否定回答:No, I/we dont.(不,我/我们没有。)Do you have a storybook?Yes, I do./No, I dont.第十七页,共一百七十页。句型练习一、用所给内容编对话。 library playground music room art room computer roo

9、m teachers office Do you have a library? Yes, we do.二、看图回答问题。 1.Wheres the music room? 2.Wheres the teachers office?教师办公室美术教室体育馆音乐教室第十八页,共一百七十页。Read and writeDo you have a library?Yes. The library is on the second floor.Where is the teachers office?The teachers office is next to the library.Do you h

10、ave an art room?Yes. The art room is next to the gym.Where is Classroom 1?Classroom 1 is under the teachers office.第十九页,共一百七十页。Lets singThis is the way I go to school, go to school, go to school.This is the way I go to school, where I like to learn all day.This is the classroom in my school, in my s

11、chool, in my school.This is the classroom in my school, where I like to learn all day.Our school第二十页,共一百七十页。Unit TwoWhat time is it?Part A Lets learn Lets do Lets talk Lets play Lets spellPart B Lets learn Lets play Lets talk Lets play Read and write Lets sing第二十一页,共一百七十页。English classlunchmusic cla

12、ssPE classLets learndinnerbreakfast第二十二页,共一百七十页。我是书法家!第二十三页,共一百七十页。What time is it?Its 9 oclock. Its time forEnglish class. Lets go!第二十四页,共一百七十页。Its time for breakfast.Lets drink some milk.Its time for dinner.Lets eat some rice.Its time for English class.Lets read and write.Lets doIts time for lunch

13、.Lets have some chicken.Its time for PE class.Lets jump and run.Its time for music class.Lets sing and dance.第二十五页,共一百七十页。Lets talkA:Hi! School is over. Lets go to the playground.B:OK.A:What time is now?B:Its 5 oclock.C:Time to go home, kids.A:What time is it?B:Its 6 oclock. Its time for dinner.A:Oh

14、! Lets go!第二十六页,共一百七十页。句型学习 表示整点的常用句型 同学们知道如何表示整点吗?遇到整点时间时,我们常用“Its+钟点数+oclock.”来表示。oclock可以省略。口语中也可以把Its和oclock省略,直接回答钟点数。例如“九点”我们可以表示为:Its 9 oclock.Its 9:00.9:00.第二十七页,共一百七十页。Lets playWhere are you?Im in New York.In Beijing, its 8:10 p.m.What time is it there?Its 7:10 a.m. Its time to go to school

15、.第二十八页,共一百七十页。知识讲解一、非整点的时间表达 前面我们已经介绍了整点的时间表达法,那么碰到非整点的时间我们要如何表达呢?同学们只要读出整点数和分钟数就可以。例如:时间的表达有多种,在这里我们只介绍简单基本的给大家。二、a.m.和p.m. a.m.表示“上午,午前”,p.m.表示“下午,午后”。它们要放在表示钟点的阿拉伯数字后面。例如:7:00 a.m. 3:10 p.m.seven twenty第二十九页,共一百七十页。大显身手我来认时间!twelve teneleven fiveseven oclocksix oclockthree oclock第三十页,共一百七十页。大显身手我

16、会抢答!Beijing New York London Sydney8:10 p.m. 7:10 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 10:10p.m.What time is it in Beijing? Its 8:10 p.m.What time is it in New York? What time is it in London? What time is it in Sydney? 第三十一页,共一百七十页。Lets spellgirl bird nurse hamburger/ : / 发音要领:字母ir和ur在单词中发长元音/ : /。发音时嘴唇扁平,上下齿微开,舌身放平,舌中部

17、稍抬起第三十二页,共一百七十页。Lets learnget upgo homego to schoolgo to bedIts 7:30. Its timeto go to school. 第三十三页,共一百七十页。词汇练习get upgo homego to schoolgo to bed看图说短语!第三十四页,共一百七十页。Lets playWhat time is it?Its 7:20.Yes!Its time to go to school.第三十五页,共一百七十页。大显身手选词填空!to forIt s time get up.Its time breakfast.Its time

18、 go to school.Its timeEnglish class.Its timelunchIts timemusic class.Its timePE class.Its timego home.Its timego to bed.第三十六页,共一百七十页。Lets talkA:Oh! Its 6:30. Its time to get up.B:Breakfast is ready.B:Hurry up! Its time to go to school.A:OK.C:What time is it?All:Its 8 oclock. Its time for English cla

19、ss.A:Im ready.第三十七页,共一百七十页。Its time to+动词原形+其他.Its time for+名词.这两个句型都可用来表示“到做某事的时间了”。Lets playWhat time is it?Its 3 oclock. Its timefor music class.What time is it?Its 7 oclock. Its time to get up.第三十八页,共一百七十页。句型练习用所给内容编对话。例如:What time is it?Its 6:30. Its time to get up. 6:30get up7:00breakfast7:20g

20、o to school10:40English class12:00lunch2:15music class3:00PE class4:50go home9:00go to bed第三十九页,共一百七十页。Read and writeAmy! Its time to get up.C:Its 6 oclock. Its time for dinner!D:Wheres Am?A:What time is it?B:Oh! Its 10 oclock. Time for music class.A:Hurry! Lets go!C:Come on! Its 9 oclock.D:Its time

21、 for bed.B:Just a minute.第四十页,共一百七十页。Lets singDickety tackety tack. I just saw a cat.Dickety tackety toe. Its twelve oclock, you know.Dickety tackety tack. I just heard a snap.Dickety tackety toe. He caught a mouse, you know!Its twelve oclock第四十一页,共一百七十页。第四十二页,共一百七十页。Unit ThreeWeatherPart A Lets lea

22、rn Lets chant Lets talk Lets play Lets spellPart B Lets learn Lets play Lets talk Lets play Read and write Lets sing第四十三页,共一百七十页。coolcoldwarmhotLets learnGood morning. This is the weather report. Its warm in Beijing today.第四十四页,共一百七十页。我是书法家!第四十五页,共一百七十页。词汇练习选择字母补全单词aoc ldc lh tw rmaoooo第四十六页,共一百七十页。

23、Brrr, its cold.Its cold outside.Put on a hat.Cold, bye-bye!Mmm! Its warm.Its warm inside.Take off your shoes.It feels so nice.Lets chant第四十七页,共一百七十页。A:Mum, what time is it?B: Its 11:00.A:Can I go outside now?B:No, you cant. Its cold outside.B:Have some lunch, Mike.A:OK. Can I have some soup?B:Yes, y

24、ou can. Be careful! Its very hot.Lets talk第四十八页,共一百七十页。 征求别人的许可“Can i?” 征求别人许可的情况,我们可以用下面的句型:Can I+动词(短语)原形?(我可以?)肯定回答:Yes, you can.(是的,你可以。)否定回答:No, you cant.(不,你不能。)Can I open the window?Yes, you can.No, you cant.句型学习第四十九页,共一百七十页。Can I go outside?No, you cant.Its cold outside.Lets play第五十页,共一百七十页。

25、句型练习根据要求选择回答问题。Yes, you can. No, you cant.1.Can I go outside?(肯定回答) 2. Can I have some chicken? (肯定回答) 3. Can I go to bed?(否定回答) 4. Can I play football? (否定回答) 你真棒!第五十一页,共一百七十页。arm car card/ : / 发音要领: ar发长元音/ : /。发音时口腔打开,嘴张大,舌身放平,舌尖不抵下齿,下巴放低,放松发音。al发长元音/:/。发音时双唇收得小而圆,并向前突起,舌身往后缩。Lets spell/ :/ ball

26、tall wall第五十二页,共一百七十页。rainywindysnowycloudyLets learnsunny第五十三页,共一百七十页。我是书法家!第五十四页,共一百七十页。看图说单词!词汇练习rainywindysnowycloudysunny第五十五页,共一百七十页。Heres the world weather. Today its hot and sunny in Sydney.Its hot and sunny.Whats the weather like in Sydney?第五十六页,共一百七十页。看图说一说!Whats the weather like in ?Its 大

27、显身手LondonMoscowBeijingSingaporeSydney第五十七页,共一百七十页。Its cold and snowyin Kunming.No, its warm inKunming now.Lets play第五十八页,共一百七十页。A:Hi, Chen Jie! This is Mark.B:Hi, Mark! Whats the weather like in New York?A:Its rainy. How about Beijing? Is it cold?B:No, it isnt. Its 26 degrees.A:26 degrees! Thats col

28、d!B:Huh? No, its not. Its warm!Lets talk第五十九页,共一百七十页。Lets playIts cool and rainy.Whats the weather like in Beijing?第六十页,共一百七十页。询问天气 在英国,人们的谈话常以谈论天气开始,你想和朋友流利地谈论天气吗?我们可以用下面的句型:Whats the weather like today?Its +天气形容词+today.例:Whats the weather like today? Its cloudy.当谈论某个地方的天气时,可以用“Whats the weather li

29、ke in+地点.”询问。例:Whats the weather like in Beijing?句型学习第六十一页,共一百七十页。句型练习根据对话内容连线。Shanghaicool and rainyGuangdonghot and sunnyHarbincold and snowyWhats the weather like in Shanghai?Its hot and sunny.Whats the weather like in Guangdong?Its cool and rainy.Whats the weather like in Harbin?Its cold and sno

30、wy.第六十二页,共一百七十页。Read and writeHi, John! How are you? Im in Sydney now. Its great! Its hot and sunny here. The water is warm. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Beijing? Can you fly your kite?Love, Dad 第六十三页,共一百七十页。大显身手看图,选择正确的答语。 Yes, it is. No, it isnt.1.Is it snowy? 2.Is it cold?3.Is it c

31、ool? 4.Is it sunny?第六十四页,共一百七十页。There is thunder. There is thunder.Its roaring. Its roaring.Pitter, patter, rain drops.Pitter, patter, rain drops.Im all wet. Im all wet.Lets singThunder第六十五页,共一百七十页。第六十六页,共一百七十页。第六十七页,共一百七十页。第六十八页,共一百七十页。第六十九页,共一百七十页。第七十页,共一百七十页。第七十一页,共一百七十页。第七十二页,共一百七十页。ballcarnurse

32、girl第七十三页,共一百七十页。Part A Lets learn Lets chant Lets talk Lets play Lets spellPart B Lets learn Draw and say Lets talk Lets play Read and write Lets singUnit FourAt the farm第七十四页,共一百七十页。tomatoesgreen beanscarrotspotatoesLets learnYes, and the potatoes are big.Look at the green beans. They are so long!

33、第七十五页,共一百七十页。我是书法家!第七十六页,共一百七十页。tomatoesgreen beanscarrotspotatoes你发现了什么?第七十七页,共一百七十页。词汇练习看图说单词!tomatoesgreen beanscarrotspotatoes第七十八页,共一百七十页。I like tomatoes.I like potatoes.Carrots I will try.I love to eat green beans.But onions make me cry.Lets chant第七十九页,共一百七十页。A:Look at these! Are these carrots

34、?B:Yes, they are.C:Wow! Theyre so big!C:What are these?B:Theyre tomatoes.C:But theyre yellow!B:Try some! Theyre good.C:Thanks. Yum.Lets talk第八十页,共一百七十页。1.询问“这些是吗?”的句型结构:Are these+名 词复数? 这是由be动词引导的一般疑问句。因为主语是复数 形式,因此be用are 的形式。 肯定回答为:Yes, they are. 否定回答为:No, they arent. 例句:Are these tomatoes? Yes, th

35、ey are. No, they arent. 句型学习第八十一页,共一百七十页。2.询问“这些是什么?”的句型:What are these? 这是由what引导的特殊疑问句。主语的单复数形式 决定be动词用is还是are。these是代词,用来指代 复数名词,因此be动词用are。这个句 型回答为: Theyre 例句: What are these? Theyre eggs. 句型学习第八十二页,共一百七十页。句型练习看图回答。1.Are these tomatoes? 2.Are these monkeys?3.Are these apples? 4.What are these? 5

36、.What are these?第八十三页,共一百七十页。What are these?Are they tomatoes?Lets playNo.Are they apples?Yes!第八十四页,共一百七十页。horse fork/ : / 发音要领:or发长元音/ : /时,双唇收得小而圆,并向前突出,舌身往后缩。or发长元音/ : /时,嘴唇扁平,上下齿微开,舌身放平,舌中部稍抬起。Lets spellhomework world map/ : / 第八十五页,共一百七十页。cowshenssheephorseLets learnWow! Theyre so cute!These ar

37、e sheep.第八十六页,共一百七十页。我是书法家!第八十七页,共一百七十页。它们的复数怎么变?词汇练习cowhorsehensheeptomatogreen beancarrotpotatosessssses第八十八页,共一百七十页。Its so big. Are these?This is my farm.Yes, they are.Draw and say第八十九页,共一百七十页。A:Wow! You have a lot of animals! What are those?B:Theyre horses.A:Cool! How many horses do you have?B:M

38、mmSeventeen.C:What about those? Are they hens?B:No, they arent. Theyre ducks.Lets talk第九十页,共一百七十页。Lets playmeowquackwoofcluckmooneigh第九十一页,共一百七十页。Are they horses?What are those?Yes, they are.第九十二页,共一百七十页。catmeowduckquackdogwoofhencluckcowmoohorseneigh你来演我来猜第九十三页,共一百七十页。Read and writeThis is the vege

39、table garden. These are carrots and potatoes.Those are tomatoes and green beans over there.There are animals, too. What are these? They are sheep. Mr Macdonald has ten sheep on the farm.Are those sheep? No, they are goats. They love to eat carrots!Hi! This is Mr Macdonalds farm. Lets have a look!第九十

40、四页,共一百七十页。Mary has a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.Mary has a little lamb. Its fleece is white as snow.Everywhere that Mary goes, Mary goes, Mary goes.Everywhere that Mary goes, that lamb is sure to go.Lets singMary has a little lamb第九十五页,共一百七十页。大显身手连线找答语。1.What are these?A.Seven.2.Are they

41、apples?B.No, they arent.3.How many cows do you have?C.Theyre tomatoes.第九十六页,共一百七十页。第九十七页,共一百七十页。Part A Lets learn Lets do Lets talk Lets play Lets spellPart B Lets learn Lets find out Lets talk Lets find out Read and write Lets singUnit FiveMy clothes第九十八页,共一百七十页。clotheshatdressskirtLets learnMe too

42、. And I like those pants.I like that green skirt.pants第九十九页,共一百七十页。第一百页,共一百七十页。看图说单词!hatdressskirtpants词汇练习第一百零一页,共一百七十页。Put on your shirt.Lets doHung up your dress.Take off your hat.Wash your skirt.Put away your pants.第一百零二页,共一百七十页。Put on your shirt.Hang up your dress.Take off your hat.Wash your sk

43、irt.Put away your pants.巧手练一练!第一百零三页,共一百七十页。A:OK. Its four oclock. Its time to go home!A:Amy, are these yours?B:No, they arent. My shoes are green. Theyre Chen Jies.A:What about this hat? Is this Johns?B:No, it isnt. Its Mikes. Lets talk第一百零四页,共一百七十页。单词学习yoursyours意为“你的;你们的”,另外还有像mine,ours等这些表示所属关系的

44、物主代词,相当于名词,被称作为名词性物主代词。以后的学习中我们会见到这些名词性物主代词。例如:This is my book. And that is yours.=This is my book. And that is your book.在例句中,yours等于your book, 我们可以用yours来代替your book。第一百零五页,共一百七十页。1.在学习表达物品的所属关系之前,我们要先知道名 词的所有格。表示物品的所属关系,就是“某人 的”。一般在表示有生命的单数名词后加s或在以 s/es结尾的名词后加 。例如: Mikes hat my brothers car teach

45、ers office介绍所属关系时,我们可以用以下句型:Its+某人的+名词单数.(它是的。) Theyre+某人的+名词复数.(它们是的。) 例如: Its my fathers hat. They are my mothers dresses. 句型学习第一百零六页,共一百七十页。2.想问近处的事物是谁的,我们可以用以下句型: Is this+某人的+名词单数?(这是的吗?) 肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isnt. 例如:Is this Johns? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Are these+某人的+名词复数?(这些是的 吗?) 肯

46、定回答:Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they arent. 例如:Are these Amys? Yes, they are./No, they arent.第一百零七页,共一百七十页。句型练习一、汉译英。 1.我的帽子2.我的学校 3.吴亦凡的裤子4.我朋友们的书二、选词填空。 1.This is skirt. (SarahSarahs) 2.They my pens. (isare) 3.Is this your crayon? ,it is. (YesNo) 4.Are these ? (youyours)第一百零八页,共一百七十页。Yes, they are.Are

47、 these yours, Mike?Lets playIs this Johns?No, it isnt. Its Wu Yifans.第一百零九页,共一百七十页。apple people table/ l/ 发音要领:le在单词中发/l/,发音时,舌尖抵住上齿龈,舌尖轻微用力弯曲,气流从舌的旁边送出,声带振动。Lets spell第一百一十页,共一百七十页。coatsocksshirtshortsLets learnjacketsweater第一百一十一页,共一百七十页。What colour are they?White.Mum, where are my new socks?第一百一十

48、二页,共一百七十页。第一百一十三页,共一百七十页。美羊羊开服装店了,店里都有哪些衣服?词汇练习第一百一十四页,共一百七十页。I want to wear my blue pants.I want to wear my yellow dress.Lets find out第一百一十五页,共一百七十页。A:Sarah, can you help me, please?B:OK.C:Whose coat is this?A:Its mine.C:And those? Whose pants are those?A:Theyre your fathers.B:Oh, no! Sam!A:Youre f

49、unny!Lets talk第一百一十六页,共一百七十页。询问某物归属的句型:单数物品Whose+物体名称+is+this/that? 回答用“Its”复数物品 Whose+物体名称+are+these/those? 回答用“Theyre”例如:Whose sweater is that?Its mine.Whose shorts are these?Theyre yours.句型学习第一百一十七页,共一百七十页。Lets find outWhose hat is this?Its Sarahs.Whose pants are these?Theyre Mikes.第一百一十八页,共一百七十页

50、。句型练习说一说Whoseis/are this/these?Its/Theyre第一百一十九页,共一百七十页。Read and writeOh, its time to pack my clothes.This is my red T-shirt.These are my blue pants.And those are my shoes.Wait! Is this my hat?No, this is Amys.Amy! Is this yours?第一百二十页,共一百七十页。This old, this old shirt,These old jeans, and this old sk

51、irtPut them away! Its a sunny, sunny day.Its time to wear your shorts to play.Lets singThis old hat第一百二十一页,共一百七十页。大显身手他们穿的服装你都会表达吗?第一百二十二页,共一百七十页。1.这是我的。2.这是你的吗?3.它们是陈杰的。你会翻译吗?第一百二十三页,共一百七十页。第一百二十四页,共一百七十页。Unit Six ShoppingComplete and sayLets talkLet playLets spellLets learnLets playLets talkLets a

52、ctRead and writeLets singLets learn第一百二十五页,共一百七十页。umbrellascarfsunglassesLets learnThe gloves are nice. Can I try them on?Can I help you?glovesSure.第一百二十六页,共一百七十页。第一百二十七页,共一百七十页。看图说单词!词汇练习umbrellascarfsunglassesgloves第一百二十八页,共一百七十页。Complete and sayIts hot, so I puton my T-shirt.第一百二十九页,共一百七十页。A:Can

53、I help you?B:Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on? Size 6, please.A:Of course. Here you are.C:John, are they OK?B:No. Theyre too small.C:Hmm. OK. Lets try size 7.B:Theyre just right!C:Good!Lets talk第一百三十页,共一百七十页。词汇学习try on 买衣服或鞋子时,我们通常先试穿一下,然后决定要不要买。那么怎样表达试穿呢?我们要用到“try on”:Can I try it/them/

54、服饰类单词+on?(我能试穿它/它们/吗?)例如:The dress is very pretty. Can I try it on?第一百三十一页,共一百七十页。too too除了以前学过表示“也”以外,常见的意思还有“太,过于”,放在形容词和副词前面。例如:Its too hot. So I put on my T-shirt. Theyre too small. Lets try size 7.第一百三十二页,共一百七十页。有用的Can I help you? 在购物或餐饮场所,我们总能听到服务员礼貌地说“Can I help you?”这句话作为日常用语,意思是“我可以帮你吗?”“我能

55、为你做什么?”,实际意 义要根据场合而定。例如:Can I help you?你想买点什么?Yes. I want some oranges.是的。我想买些橘子。Can I help you?你想吃点什么?Yes. I want some chicken.是的。我想吃鸡肉。 句型学习第一百三十三页,共一百七十页。大显身手选词填空。1.This skirt is big. 2.These are nice. 3.The gloves are nice. Can I try them ? totooisareonintooareon第一百三十四页,共一百七十页。OK. Here you are.C

56、an I help you?Lets playYes. Can I try these on?Oh, theyre too big!第一百三十五页,共一百七十页。computer dinner girl wallhomework nurse cardlittle people worldLets spellwork sir turncircle park mallTwo little birds are sitting on a wall.One is big and the other is small.A cute little girl is playing with a ball.Be

57、 careful, little girl!Dont knock them off the wall!第一百三十六页,共一百七十页。nicecheapprettyLets learnexpensiveLook at that dress. Its pretty.Yes, it is.¥ 20¥ 150¥ 15¥ 450第一百三十七页,共一百七十页。第一百三十八页,共一百七十页。Lets play第一百三十九页,共一百七十页。A:Sarah, how do you like this skirt?B:Its very pretty.C:Can I help you?A:Yes. How much

58、 is this skirt?C:Its $89.A:Oh, thats expensive!B:I like it, Mum.A:Sorry, Sarah. Its too expensive.Lets talk第一百四十页,共一百七十页。询问价格在本单元我们学习到了“how much”,在这里,它的意思是“多少钱”,用来询问物品的价格。句型学习物品是单数或不可数名词How much is+物品?Its+数字+货币单位.问答物品是复数名词How much are+物品?Theyre+数字+货币单位.问答第一百四十一页,共一百七十页。That scarf is pretty. How much

59、 is it?Its 10 yuan.Ill take it!It will be cold soon. You have 50 yuan. Choose three things.Lets act第一百四十二页,共一百七十页。句型练习看图说话。How muchIts/Theyre¥ 120¥ 30¥ 50¥ 10¥ 15第一百四十三页,共一百七十页。Read and writeToday all sunglasses and gloves are five yuan! They are very cheap.We have many nice scarves, toored, yellow,

60、 brown and more!Umbrellas are cheap, too. We have many pretty colours for you.Come and see us today!第一百四十四页,共一百七十页。How much is that doggie in the window?The one with the waggity tail.With his tail so short and his ears so long,I do hope that doggies for sale.Lets singHow much is that doggie in the w


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