已阅读5页,还剩25页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第一讲一轮复习思路&高分作文的五个一轮复习思路:提高成绩需要同时加强“基础知识”和“解题能力”。【基础知识】单词/语法:日积月累关注空间英语【解题能力】阅读/写作:系统培养阅读:先预习,每天一篇,共 74 篇写作:从造句练习开始!(1)卷面(2)内容 (3)分段(4)过渡词(5)遣词造句第二讲轻松英语造句(上)Level 1. 最基本的英语句式五大基本结构:主谓主谓宾 主谓宾宾主谓宾补I come.I love you.I give you a car.He died.I like English.He bought me a gift.You make me happy.English ma

2、kes my life colorful.主系表I am a teacher.It looks beautiful.“是”The food tastes good.句式的本质在于谓语动词的含义和用法!因此,有必要掌握每个大纲动词的含义和用法。最基本的句子结构:主语+动词+人/物/主语的性质eg:我得考个试。I will take part (in an exam).这桌子坏了。 This desk is broken.这是一桌子。 This is a desk.【必须学会】有时要先把想要表达的中文整理成这种标准形式后,才能翻译。【例】断肠人在天涯。一个伤心的人离家很远。 A sad man i

3、s far away from home.【必须】有时,会“觉得”好像表达清写出的英文句子,往楚了,但其实没有!往并没有表达出想要表达的那个含义!最基本的句子结构:主语+动词+人/物/主语的性质造句困境 1:中文句子没主语造句困境 2:中文句子动词太多(一定要学会处理多余的动词,如:并列/非谓)【例】举头望明月。我抬头 and 看到了明亮的月亮。I raise my head and see the bright moon.我往上看 and 看到了明亮的月亮。I look up and see the bright moon.【例】低头思故乡。I look down and miss my h

4、ometownI look down ande homesick.注意:当你造出一个句子之后,一定要这个句子是否真的能表达出来想表达的那个意思!如何造出一个正确的小句子?Step1:先把中文整理成“标准形式”要把中文意思完全直白地表达出来加主语;处理“多动词”问题Step2:将“标准形式”的中文翻译成英语。(1)注意动词的用法(2)造完之后一定要“”黄四娘家花满蹊,千朵万朵压枝低。Level 2. 对句子进行修饰、补充天早上在户外大声朗读英语。English l loudlyhe openir every morning.Iread主语+动词+人/物/主语的性质+方式+地点+时间花儿覆盖了路面

5、(在黄四娘家)。Flowers cover the path in Huangsiniangs home.There are a lot of flowers (on the path)home).(inHuangsiniangs当空照。照当空。The sun is shining花儿对我笑。he sky.花儿笑对我。 The flowers are smiling to me.留连戏蝶时时舞。调皮的蝴蝶不时地跳舞。 Some naughty butterf自在娇莺恰恰啼。s are always dancing. Some free birds are happily singing.只有一

6、个动词的英语句子应该长成这个样子:方式+地点+时间+主语+动词+人/物/主语的性质+方式+地点+时间Level 3. 构造复杂的句子(主从句)当需要把以上公式中的任何一个位置用一个从句代替时,就构造了复杂的句子。I read English every day.Who teaches you English read English every day.I read what Americans speak every day.I read English when I get up every morning.从句的本质是一件“事儿”。千朵万朵压枝低Therearethousandsoffl

7、owers,whichbentthebranches.大学之道,在明明德。The meaning of great knowledge is to manifestbright virtue.the中文:意合语言英语:形合语言中文的造句方式:意象+意象+意象=意境举头|望|明月。(意会)英语的造句方式:单词 X 语法=句子I look up and see the moon. (言传)如何造出一个正确的句子?Step1:先把中文整理成“标准形式”要把中文意思完全直白地表达出来加主语;处理“多动词”问题Step2:将“标准形式”的中文翻译成英语。(1)注意动词的用法(2)造完之后一定要“”注:中

8、文多用“无主句”,英文多用“句”。公共场合吸烟。整理成标准形式:吸烟被在公共场合。翻译:Smoking is forbidden in public pla.【造句练习】1、欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 如果你想看得远,你需要站在楼的上一层。 If you want to look further, stand on an upperfloor.【你总能够通过把中文变简单而让翻译更轻松!】2、锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。wi中午,农夫在农场工作,满头大汗。At noon, the farmer is still working on the farmlot of sweat on his head.3

9、、人生自古谁无死,so 留取丹心照汗青。没有人能逃避。No one can escdeath,.都会死。All of us will die, 是为每个人准备的。Death is for everyone,.没有人不会死。No can will not die,我要留下忠诚在史书上。 I will leave my loyalty on the history books.No one can escthe history books.death, so I wl ave my loyalty on4、臣本布衣,躬耕于南阳,苟全性命于乱世,不求闻达于诸侯。我曾经是一个普通人,在南阳的一片农场打

10、工。我唯一的梦想就是 I once was a ordinary在这个乱世,而不是出名。, working on a farm inNan.Myonlydreamwastosurviveinthischaotic world instead of making a name for myself.5、先帝创业未半而中道崩殂。今天下三分,益州疲弊。此诚存亡之秋也。然侍卫之臣不懈于内,忠志之士忘身于外者,盖追先帝之殊遇,欲报之于也。你死了在他实现梦想之前。Yourfatherdiedhalfwaybeforeherealizedhisdreams.今天,世界被分成三个国家,在其中是最弱的。Toda

11、y,theworldhasbeendividedothreecountries, in which ours is the weakest.这真的是很。This is really dangerous.但是,都努力工作,因为你对好,所以都想回报你。However,weallworkhard,becauseyourfathertreated us well; as a result, we want to repay you.【通知】从今天开始,每天晚上除了一个语法小专题,我会在空间更新一个“英语造句练习”,请本班同学务必参与!如何造出一个正确的句子?Step1:先把中文整理成“标准形式”的句子

12、要把中文意思完全直白地表达出来加主语;处理“多动词”问题Step2:将“标准形式”的中文翻译成英语。(1)注意动词的用法(2)造完之后一定要“”第三讲五步造句法:轻松英语造句(下)找要点句子化简单化翻译升级(不重不漏)【例题】(主谓齐全)(完全直白) (套句型/)假设你是新华中学的学生,你得知 Global Mirror 杂志创刊五之际征集读者意见,请按以下要点给杂志写信:1、说明你是忠实读者,并表达祝贺2、报纸优点:国内外(1)(2)介绍名人成功故事3、提出建议:刊登指导英语学习文章。注意:所有英语作文的出题老师都有一个特异功能,那就是给你一些支离破碎的、非完整的中文词或短语,让你用完整的英

13、语句子表达出来,以此【第一段】你的英语造句能力。我是新华中学的学生。I am LiHua, a student from Xinhua middle school.我得知贵报创刊五。我得知报纸要过五岁生日了。I learnedt your newspr is going to enjoy its fifth birthday.我得知报纸马上就要五岁大了。 I learnedt your ne spr is going to be five years old.万能动词:enjoy打:enjoy poker;晒:enjoy the sunshine上网:enjoy theernet过年:enjo

14、y the spring festival我是贵报忠实读者。我非常喜欢的报纸。I enjoy your newspr.I am crazy about your newspr. / I am grey fond of your newspr.我写信表达衷心祝贺。I am writing to express my sincere congratulations.只要翻译不出来,一定是中文造得太难了!【第二段】贵报有两大优点。我喜欢报纸有两个理由。There are two main reasons why I enjoy your newspr.第一,贵报国内外。报纸了来自国内外的.Your

15、newspr covers news from home and abroad.报纸上有关于中国和其他国家。There is news (in your newspr) (about not only China but other countries as well).第二,名人成功故事被介绍在报纸上。关于名人通往成功的经历的故事被介绍在报纸上。Stories (about famous peoples experience) (towardsucs)areroduced(inyournewspr).【第三段】我有一个建议。I have a suggestion for you.应该刊登指导

16、英语学习文章。 Why not publish some articles on English study?Dear Sir or Madam,How are young? I am LiHua, a studentfrom Xinhua middleschool.Recently, I learnedt your newspr is going to enjoy its fifth birthday.Needless to say, I am crazy about your newspr. So, I am writing to expressmy sincere congratulat

17、ions.ally, there are two main reasons why I enjoy your newspr. Forone thing, your newspr covers news from home and abroad, which is notonly meaningful but also entertaining. For another, stories (about famouspeoples experience) (toward sucs) areroduced (in your newspr),which can cultivate ourerests,

18、 broaden our horizons and enrich ourafterschool life.I have a suggestion for you. Why not publish some articles on Englishstudy? Hopefully, my suggestion would be taken by you. I have the confidencet more and more readers will fall in love with yournewspr.nks forreading my letter in such a hot summe

19、r.Best wishes.Yours truly,LiHua书信结尾四大客套话:1、我希望 Hopefully, sb would do sth.2、我相信 I have the confidencet sb will do sth.3、感谢你nks for reading my letter in such a hot summer.4、请回信 I am sincerely looking forward to your reply.八步作文法:(形成一篇分英语作文的八个分解动作)找要点分段句子化简单化翻译升级加过渡加细节【模拟】假设你是,你的英国笔友 Bill 来信询问你家乡是否有天气(

20、smog),情况如何。请按下列要点写一封电子邮件:感谢他的关心。介绍情况:去冬以来已发生数次天气;人们已认识到天气的危害,正采取各种举措减少其发生;你自已为此做了什么或打算做什么。【第一段】你在上中询问我是否家乡有天气。你因为关心【第二段】。现在,我给你介绍一些细节关于这里的天气。事实上,很多次天气已经发生了,自从去年冬天。幸运的是,人们已经天气的危害;因此,人们正在采取措施去减少它,比如少开车,多乘坐车。【第三段】ally, 我努力少出门,因为对我身心健康有印象。Dear Bill,How are young? You asked me in your last letter whether

21、 there is smog in myhometown.nks for caring about us. Now I willl you some details about the smoghere.In fact, alot of smog has taken place here since last wer, whicdoubtedly hasnegative influence on our physical and mental health. Fortunay, itis obvioustpeople have realized the harm of this bad wea

22、ther; as a result, we areng whatever wecan to reduce it. For exle, we are driving less private cars and taking more publictransporion, such as busses and subways.As far as I am concerned, I try to go out less, for the smog often leads to a bad cold.Hopefully, there would be less smoghe future. I hav

23、e the confidencet we will enjoyclean air and blue sky before long.Best wishes!Your,LiHua【必要训练】用 12 个小时真正尽全力写出一篇作文!(严格执行八个步骤)SOP:standard operation procedure 标准操作程序【升级方法】黄金圣衣句型:前面添一添很明显“清”It is cleart很明显“明”It is obvioust“疑”There is no doubtt不容否认“否”No one can deny不用说“不用”Needless to say,不用说“走”It goes w

24、ithout sayingt白银裤衩句型:后面补一补“因为以防所以为了如果只要这件事”, for ,hat, consideringt, in casefor feart; therefore; as a result,; consequently, in order to do sth., so as to do sth., in ordert.,sot,if, as long as, which.八步作文法:(形成一篇分英语作文的八个分解动作)找要点分段句子化简单化第五讲:表达之句式升级策略【黄金圣衣句型】【前面添一添】翻译升级加过渡加细节凑字“+加强语气疑否不用走”很明显很明显It is

25、 clearIt is obviousttThere is no doubtNo one can deny Needless to say,.t不容否认不用说,.t不用说It goes without sayingThere is no doubt t we teenagers are supedto do whatever we can to protect the environment.【白银裤衩句型】【后面补一补】注意:一定要“补”完整的句子!“因为、以防、所以、为了、如果、只要、这件事”常见错误一:语言错误要学好英语,因为高考要考英语。要学好英语,因为有必要。要学好英语,所以才能上大

26、学。常见错误二:逻辑错误要学好英语,因为要学好英语,所以可以自己出国玩。应该每天背单词。正确拓展方法:(句子无缺+逻辑无误)(想到简单、正确的句子并把它翻译出来)要学好英语,因为英语很重要。要学好英语,以防未来要用到它。 要学好英语,所以应该每天背单词。要学好英语,为了能够在高获得成功。要学好英语,如果想要成功。要学好英语,只要想要成功。要学好英语,这件事都知道。【白银裤衩句型】1、, for因为3、, considering2、,hat因为t考虑到4、, in case以防6、; as a result,所以5、, for feart以防7、; therefore,所以8、; consequ

27、ently,.所以9、, sot为了10、, in ordert为了11、so as to do sth.为了做某事12、 in order to do sth.为了做某事13、, if如果15、, which这件事14、, as long as只要不容否认中学生应该学好英语,这门世界语言,这件事很重要。No one can deny we middle school students aresuped to do whatever we can to master English,theernational language, which we all know.假设你的笔友 David 正

28、学习中文,写信向你寻求意见,请给他写一1、多看中文书刊电视2、多听中文歌3、参加中文培训4、交中国朋友议信,:It is cleart, if I wereyou,I would makesomeChifriends, for practice makes perfect.【书信作文基本结构】开头段:问候+自我介绍+写信背景+写信目的中间段:具体问题+具体分析(总分结构) 结尾段:补充说明+客套话真正的英语作文绝杀大招:避免重复!Dear David,How are young? Recently, you said in yourlast lettert you were learning

29、Chi. So, I amwriting to give you some suggestions.In fact, there are a lot of things you can do to realize your dream. To begin with, there is no doubtt you are suped to read some local books andmagazines as well as watch some CCTV programs, sot you will know more about our culture. Besides,needless

30、 to say, it is also benefito some songs, like Above thel for you to listenMoon, consideringttheycanimproveyourpronuntionandlistening skills. Whats more, no one can deny, it ishightimet youtookpartinsoelanguagecourses, which can provide you withwords and grammar. Finally, it is clearsome usefult, if

31、I wereyou, I would make some friendspractice makes perfect.from China, forHopefully, my suggestions would be benefilforyou.Ihavetheconfidencetyouwillmaster this beautiful language before long. I amlooking forward to your good news.Best wishes.Yours,LiHua第六讲:提纲作文写法(上)2014江西卷假定你是星光中学的高中毕业生,母校将为高一新生举办为

32、“What to learn in seniorhigh school?”的英语活动,特邀请你结合自身经历谈谈自己的体会。请根据以下提示准备一份英语发言稿。1.2.3.学会学习:方法、等;学会做人:、友善等;其他方面:考生自拟。注意:1. 词数 120 左右;2. 发言稿开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.nk you!注意:但凡需要自拟的地方,要尽可能想得“简单

33、”!【“亮点提纲”法】方法:脑子里想着要写的内容,提纲中列出能用的“语言亮点”。作用:(1)内容能写全(2)结构很清晰(3)语言不重复1、It is high timet sb would do sth.【虚拟语气】真的到了该做某事的时候了Mastering effective learning method 【动名词作主语】掌握高效的学习方法It is essential for you to 【形式主语结构】这件事对你是有必要的,什么事儿呢2、You are sup(1)It is honesty正是诚实ed to do sth. 【高级单词】t 【强调句】(2)Being friendl

34、y, you will【非谓语动词结构】保持友善,你将3、If I were you, I would 【虚拟语气】4、【我希望】Hopefully, sb would do sth. 【虚拟语气】【我相信】I have the confidencet【同位语从句】Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with youmy opinions on what to learn in senior high school.and foremost, it is high timet you learnt to stud

35、y. For one thing,mastering some effective learning method will be benefil for you. Forexle, I have learned to take notesy high school, which has helpedme save a lot of time. For another, there is no doubtt it is essential foryou to cultivate good learning habits, sot you will fall in love with study

36、.Additionally, you are suped to learn to be a good. To beginwith, it is honestyt plays an important role in your communication withothers.Only in this way can you make more and more friends. Whatsmore, being friendly, you will get more love and support from people around you.Last but not least, if I

37、 were you, I would take part in some after schoolactivities. Hopefully, my suggestions would be helpful for you. I have theconfidencet you will enjoy yourselveshe coming three years.2014福建卷如何理解“成功”,不同的人有不同的看法。请认真阅读下面的引语(quo“Sucion),按要求用英语写一篇短文。s is the ability(to go)(from one failure)(to another)(wi

38、th no loss) (of enthusiasm).” Sir Winston Churchill内容要求:你对该引语的理解;你的相关经历;恰当的结尾。This quo【亮点提纲】ion from Winston Churchillls ust 1、It is enthusiasmt【强调句】As for the reasons, for one thing, enthusiasm canFor another, without enthusiasm, we cant2、Take my own experience for ext, Now,le. Three years ago, The

39、n, After3、Hopefully, I would always remember . I have the confidencetThis quoion from Winston Churchillls ust it is enthusiasmt helps us achieve every sucs. As for the reasons, for one thing, there isno doubtt enthusiasm can give us a lot of energy in whatever we do. Foranother, needless to say, wit

40、hout enthusiasm, we teenagers cantmany difficulties.e soTake my own experience for exle. Three years ago, I made up mymind to master spoken English. Then, I started to find foreigners (to talkwith), for I beve practice makes perfect. However, my English was so poorthent they couldnt understand me, w

41、hiade me very upset. But, myenthusiasm made me work on. Now, I can speak English fluently.Hopefully, I would always ken mind the importance of enthusiasm. Ihave the confidencet I will achieve greater sucshe future.注意:记叙性段落一般不能用黄金圣衣来升级,但是可以用白银裤衩升级。2014卷你接受了一项写作任务,要为当地英语晚报写一篇写作内容。请根据以下信息写一篇英文,内容包括:人物:

42、英国人理查德阿维斯(Richard Avis)出生日期:1974 年 12 月 1 日事件:2011 年开始在世界各地寻找同年同月同日出生的人目的:理解不同文化中成功人生的含义相关信息:借助当地寻找迄今找到 32 名,其中17 名,女性 15 名,来自 13 个国家职业包括、运动员、教师、艺术家等计划 40 岁生日前找到 40 位同年同月同日出生的人打算根据此经历写一本书*同年同月同日出生的人:time twin写作要求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。【解题关键】在一个句子里面写入尽可能多的信息【操作方法】灵活使用介短、从句、非谓语三大造句工具

43、进行扯蛋!(Born on December 1st, 1974), an Englishman Richard Avis startedto look (for people) (born) (on the same day) (with him) (from all overthe world) (with the help) (of local media). His aim is (to understand themeaning) (of a sucsful life) (in different cultures). Up to now, he hasfound 32 people

44、 (from 13 countries), (in which) there are 17 male and15 female. Their jobs includeernment offils, athletes, drivers,teachers and artists. His plan is (to find 40 people) (born) (on the sameday) (with him) and write a book (based on this experience).作业:列出亮点提纲+写出完整作文2014湖南卷Directions: Write an Englis

45、h comition according to the instructions given below.学校正在组织科技创新大赛,你想为日常生活中某件物品(如钢笔、书包、鞋子)设计添加新功能来参赛。请以“My内容:说明设计理由;介绍新功能。注意:词数不少于 120;不能使用真实”为题写一篇英语短文,介绍你的创意。和学校名称。2014新课标卷一家英语报社向中学生征文,家庭;工作;是“十年后的我”。请根据下列要点和你的畅想完成短文。3. 业余生活。注意:1.2.3.词数 100 左右;可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;开头语已为你写好。I often imagine what my life wi

46、ll be likehe future.救命讲解:阅读理解大招之“靠每天精读一篇文章,精读方法:1、【词】查单词:认识单词2、【句】画括号:读懂句子做题”3、【段】原理:秒杀选项靠做题!阅读理解中,每一题都在考你有没有读懂文章;而读懂文章,最根本的,就是读懂文章的!方法只有“靠”的选项,才有可能是正确选项;“不靠”的选项,再有道理,都是错误选项。【2014 山东 E】The kids (his village) wear dirty, ragged clothes.They sleep(beside cows and sheep) (in huts) (made) (of sticks and

47、 mud). They have no school. Yet they all can chant the English alphabet, and somecan make words. 孩子穷,但英语学得好Thekey(totheirsucs):20tabletcomputers( 平板电脑)(dropped off) (heir Ethiopian village) (in February) (by a US group)(called One Laptop Per Child). 秘诀就是平板电脑The goal is (to find out) (whether kids) (

48、using todays newtechnology) can teach themselves (to read) (in pla) (where noschools or teachers exist). The Massachusetts Institute of Technologyresearchersyzing the project data say theyre already amazed.“(What I think has already happened) is (t the kids have alreadylearnedmore)(ntheywouldhave)(i

49、noneyear)(ofkindergarten),” said Matt Keller, who runs the Ethiopia program.The fastest learner and theto turn on one of thetabletsis8-year-oldKelbesa Negusse.The devicamera wasdisabled to save memory, yet withinks Kelbesa had figured out itsworkings and made the camera work. He called himself a lio

50、n, a markerofplishment in Ethiopia.With his tablet, Kelbesa rearranged the letters HSROEo oneof the many English animal names he knows. Then he spelled words onhis own. “Seven months ago he didnt know any English.tsunbevable,” said Keller.The project aims (to get kids to a stage) (called “deep readi

51、ng”),(where they can read) (to learn). It wont be in Amharic, Ethiopiaslanguage, but in English, which is widely seen as the ticket tohighaying jobs.:用平板电脑教孩子们。“靠做题”he village?62How does the Ethiopia program benefit the kidsIt trains teachers for them.It contributes to their selfstudy.It helps raise

52、 their living standards.It provides funds for building schools.63What can we infer from Kellers words in Paragraph 3?AThey need more time toyze data.More children are needed for the research.He is confident about the future of the project.The research should be carried out in kindergartens.64It amaz

53、ed Kellert with the tablet Kelbesa could _.learn English words quicklydraw pictures of animalsCwrietters to researchersDmake phone calls to his friends65What is the aim of the project?ATo offer Ethiopians highaying jobs.BTo make Amharic widely usedhe world.CTo help Ethiopiids read to learn in Englis

54、h.DTo assist Ethiopians in learning theirlanguage.【2014 浙江 A】Wealth starts (with a goal) and (saving a dollar)(at a time).Call it thggy bstrategy(策略)There are lessons (inttime-honored coin-saving container).Any huge task seems easier (when reduced) (to baby steps). Ifyou wished to climb a 12,000-foo

55、t mountain,and couldt a day at atime,you would only have to climb 33 feet daily to reach the top in ayear. If you want to take a really nice trip in 10 years for a spelocca,to collect the $15,000 cost,you have to save $3.93 a day. Ifyou dropto a piggy band then once a year put $1,434 in asavings acc

56、ounmoney.1%erest rate aftertax,you will have your trip(When I was a child),my parents gave me a piggy b(to teachmeassot),(if I wanted something),I should save money to buy it. Wetggy bs with children,butany countries,the littlecontainers are also popular widults. Europeans see a piggy bas asign of good fortune and wealth. Around the world,many beve a giftof a piggy bon New Years Day brings good luck and finanlsucs. Ah,yes,but you have to put something in it.Why is a pig used as a symbol of saving?Why not an elephantb,which is bigger and hold


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