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1、Safety Care For The Client With Senile Dementia老年病人的安全护理皖南医学院第二附属医院朱广萍随着人口老龄化的加速,老年痴呆病人的发病率有上升趋势。据预测到2030年,全球患老年痴呆的人数将达到6000万,仅我国就将有1200万。 Recently,it is advocated that nursing for senile dementia should be people-oriented.We should take measures to prevent possible mental and physical obsessions to

2、 avoid all kinds of accidents effectively. 近年来,对老年痴呆的护理提倡“以人为本”,防止病人可能产生的一切心理和生理的困扰,有效避免各种意外的发生。 The clients are prone to get falls,scald, asphyxia etc.for physical and mental causes.It is of great importance to maintain their safety ,thus slow down the process of disease and improve quality of life

3、. 老年痴呆病人由于心理、生理方面的原因,易发生跌倒、烫伤、窒息等。保证老年痴呆病人的安全,延缓疾病的发展,改善病人的生活质量,具有非常重要的意义。4 注意非语言交流:微笑、点头、抚摩等。Be aware of nonverbal language:smile,nod head, gently touch the person,etc.5 鼓励家属和朋友来医院看望。Encourage family members and friends to visit. 防止跌倒Prevent Falls A comprehensive assessment is necessary after admis

4、sion. For the person with history of fall,we must strengthen daily care. A striking sign above the bed is needed. 老年痴呆病人入院后应进行全面评估。对有“跌倒”病史的病人应加强生活护理。在病人床头贴一醒目标志。 The ward should be simple furnitured and rational distributed. 病室内的家具要尽量简单,布局合理。 Wear suitable and safe clothing.Avoid flowing sleeves or

5、 floppy slippers. 穿合适、安全的衣服。不要穿长袖、松软的拖鞋。Bathrooms can be equipped with anti-slip surfaces,hand bars,and rails. 卫生间里可配防滑地面,扶手和护栏。Help the client to stand up slowly to avoid postural hypotension or dizziness.帮助病人缓慢地站起身以避免体位性低血压或眩晕。饮食护理Nursing Of DietThe clients are not well aware of hungry and full, o

6、r may have difficulty in ingesting,so the diet should be soft but digestible,containing enough nutrition. 病人不能自知饮食饥饱,或有摄食困难者,食物应软而易消化,保证足够的营养。防窒息Prevent AsphyxiaWarm water can go with dry food. 吃干食物易发噎时应准备温开水。The sleeping position should be better on right to help empty the stomach.夜间睡眠以右侧卧位为好,以帮助胃排

7、空。 危险物品需去除,如:火柴、香烟、玻璃器皿等。病区内禁止吸烟。 We should get rid of these hazardous materials, such as matches, cigarettes, glassware,etc.It is prohibited to smoke in the ward . 安全给药 Safety Medication Administration Administer medications according to the doctors order. Implement the principles strictly.Check ca

8、refully and master the effects,dosage and side effects. 要根据医嘱给药,严格执行用药原则,认真做好药物核对工作,掌握作用、剂量及不良反应等。 It is necessary to watch the client to swallow the pills and observe for the reaction. 指导病人用药,不能让病人自己服药,必须送药到口,看其入肚,观察用药后的反应。预防压疮Prevent Pressure UlcerUse air cushion for the bedfasted clients. Change

9、position every 1 to 2 hours.对长期卧床病人应用气垫,1-2h翻身1次,预防压疮的发生。Keep the bed unit dry and clean,keep the skin of perineumand perianal area dry. 保持床单位干燥、清洁,保持病人会阴部、肛周皮肤干燥。Braden评分表 12分属高危患者 躯体症状的护理Nursing of Physical SymptomsFor the client with hypertension:Monitor the blood pressure.Prevent cerebral infarc

10、tion .Stabilize the clients mood.老年痴呆病人伴有高血压者,应注意病人血压的监测,预防脑梗塞,并且注意稳定病人的情绪。For the client with diabetes:Be aware of the blood sugar.Pay attention to the diet.Prevent Hypoglycemia.伴有糖尿病者,应注意血糖的检测,同时应注意饮食,严防低血糖的发生。户外活动Outdoor Activities It is beneficial for the demented client to take suitable outdoor activities. 对老年痴呆病人来说,适当的户外活动是有益的。 The


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