



1、合同的标的至货物的交付商品的名称 name of commodity 凭买方样品买卖 sale by sellers sample 凭买方样品买卖 sale by buyers sample 代表性样品 representative sample=原样 original sample 二标准样品type sample 复样 duplicate sample 二留样 keep sample 对等样品 counter sample=回样 return sample 色彩样品color sample 花样款式样品 pattern sample 参考样品 reference sample 免费样品 f

2、ree sample 推销样品 selling sample 装运样品 shipping sample,shipment sample 到货样品 outturn sample 检验用样品sample for test 凭文字说明买卖sale by description 凭规格买卖 sale by specification 凭等级买卖sale by grade 凭标准买卖 sale by standard良好平均品质 Fair Average Quality 或 F.A.Q 凭产地名称或凭地理标志买卖sale by name of origin , or sale by geographic

3、al indication 凭说明书和图样买卖 sale by description and illustrationQuality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller 仅供参考 For Reference Only 质量公差 quality tolerance 毛重 gross weight 以毛作净 gross for net 净重 net weight 按实际皮重real tare , or actual tare 按平均皮重averag

4、e tare 按习惯皮重customary tare 按约定皮重computed tare 按公量计重 conditioned weight 按理论重量计重 theoretical weight 法定重量 legal weight 净净重 net net weight 溢短装条款 more or less clause 散装货物 bulk cargo , cargo in bulktransport packing运输包装.大包装,外包装outer packing板条箱crate瓦楞纸箱 corrugated carton纸箱carton漏孔箱 skeleton case桶 drum, cas

5、k包 bundle , bale运输标志,唛头shipping mark指示性标志indicative mark警告性标志warning mark商品条码 bar code for commodities中性包装 neutral packing贸易术语 trade termsLoad the goods on board the vessel关键点 critical points风险划分点 point for division of risk 二交货点 point of delivery装运合同 shipment contract到货合同 arrival contract空仓费 dead fr

6、eight滞期费demurrage单据买卖 a sale of documents象征性交货 symbolic delivery单价 unit price外汇保值条款exchange clause佣金 commission经纪人 middleman; broker代理人agent折扣 discount销售佣金 selling commission累计佣金 accumulative commission数量折扣 quantity discount特别折扣 special discount含佣价 price including commission净价 net price交货 delivery装运

7、 shipment收妥待运 accepted for carriage邮局收据日期date of post receipt收货日期 date of pick-up接受监管 taking in charge迅速装运 prompt shipment立即装运 immediate shipment尽快装运 shipment as soon as possible以获取舱位为准 subject to shipping space available subject to approval of export license获得出口许可证为准.分批装运 shipment by installments转运

8、 transshipment班轮运输 liner transport租船运输 charter transport定程租船 voyage charter ; trip charter定期租船time charter光船租船 bare boat charter单程航次租船single trip charter来回程航次租船return trip charter连续航次租船consecutive voyages航次期租 time charter on trip basis , TCT重量吨weight ton尺码吨 measurement ton从价运费A.V. or ad val.按货物重量或尺码

9、从高征收W/M临时议定运价open rate燃油附加费 bunker adjustment factor , BAF货币贬值附加费 currency adjustment factor CAF超重附加费 heavy lift additional超长附加费 long length additional直航附加费 direct additional转航附加费 transshipment surcharge港口附加费 port surcharge港口拥挤附加费 port congestion surcharge选择港附加费optional surcharge变更卸货港附加费alteration s

10、urcharge整船包价 slump-sum fright班轮条件 gross terms; liner terms; berth terms船方管装不管卸free out , F.O.船方管卸不管装free in, F.I.工作日 working days按晴天工作日 weather working days货物所有权凭证document of title货物收据 receipt for the goods运输合同的证明 evidence of the contract of carriage已装船提单 on board B/L; shipped B/L备运提单 received for s

11、hipment B/L记名提单straight B/L不记名提单bearer B/L指示提单order B/L直达提单direct B/L转船提单 transshipment B/L联运提单through B/L班轮提单liner B/Loriginal B/L正本提单.副本提单copy B/L过期提单stale B/L甲板提单on deck B/L整箱货 full container load, FCL拼箱货 less than container load, LCL集装箱堆场 container yard, CY集装箱货运站 container freight station, CFS被保

12、险人the insured二投保人applicant保险人 insurer 二承保人 underwriter保险标的 subject matter insured保险利益 insurable interest最大诚信 utmost good faith保证 warranty补偿原贝。principle of indemnity近因原贝。principle of proximate cause海上风险perils of the sea自然灾害 natural calamity意外事故 fortuitous accidents外来风险 extraneous risks推定全损 constructi

13、ve total loss共同海损 general average单独海损 particular average施救费用 sue and labor expenses救助费用 salvage charges平安险 free from particular average, FPA水渍险 with average, with particular average WA, WPA一切险 all risks仓至仓条款 warehouse to warehouse clause , W/W Clause一般附加险 general additional risk砰损、破碎险 clash and brea

14、kage串味险 taint of odor淡水雨淋险 fresh water and/or rain damage偷窃,提货不着险 theft, pilferage and non-delivery ,TNPD短量险shortage渗漏险leakage混杂、玷污险 intermixture and contamination钩损险 hook damage受潮受热险sweet and heating锈损险rust包装破裂险 breakage of packing特殊附加险 special additional risk战争险war risks罢工险 strike risks黄曲霉素险aflatoxinfailure to delivery交货不到险.舱面险 on de


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