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1、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业专心专注专业精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业英语词根词缀说明:* 表示重要;在重音模式标注中,一个“-”代表一个音节。*a- Latin 1) see ab- Greek 2) not, without an- before a vowel: amoral, anarchy, acentric, asocial, apolitical, anarchismEnglish 3) at, on, in, intensive: aback, afloat, abed, ablaze, aloud, asleep, abreast*ab-

2、 away a- before m, p, v; abs- before c, t: abdicate, abduct, abjure, abominable, avert, abstract, absorb, abnormal, abuse, abaxial*ability n. of adj. ending in able: stability, changeability, adaptability(重音ability)*able often -ible after t, s1) that can : perishable, changeable, adaptable 2) that c

3、an be ed: provable, expendable, readable, irresistible 3) full of : knowledgeable 4) added to stems: capable, probable(通常不影响重音,但reconcileirreconcilable)*-ably adv. of adj. ending in able: peaceably, comfortably, suitably (通常不影响重音)*ac- see ad-*ac 1) characteristic of: elegiac, demoniac 2) of, relatin

4、g to: cardiac 3) affected by, having: maniac (both adj. and n.) (重音- - ac)acal =-ac adj. maniacal (重音- acal)acantho- thorn acanth- before a vowel: acanthoidacea用于动物纲名、目名: Crustacea(重音acea)acean 1) adj. of words ending in acea or acea (=aceous) 2) a member of the stated category: Crustacean(重音acean)a

5、ceae 用于植物科名: Pinaceae (重音aceae)aceous 1) adj. of words ending in acea or acea: Crustaceous 2) adj. added to stems: curvaceous, herbaceous (重音aceous)acerb- bitter, violent: acerbic, acerbity, exacerbateaceto- 醋酸 acet- before a vowel: acetic, acetate*acious adj. characterized by, inclined to, full of:

6、 tenacious, fallacious, rapacious, sagacious, veracious (重音acious)*acity n. of words ending in acious: tenacity, sagacity, rapacity, veracity (重音acity) *acle n. thing: spectacle, obstacle, manacle, tentacle, pentacle (不影响重音)acou- listen: acoustic, acouophoneacri- sour, sharp: acrimonious, acrimony*a

7、cro- 1) pointed: acrocephaly 2) topmost: acronym, acrobat, acrophobiaactino- of rays: actinotherapy, actinogramacu-, acut- sharp: acute, acupuncture, acumen*acy n. esp. of adj. ending in ate quality, position, condition: accuracy, obstinacy, determinacy, privacy, intimacy (不影响重音)*ad- motion towards,

8、 addition to, nearness to, intensiveab- before b: abbreviateac- before c, k, qu: acquit, accept, accustom, account, accredit, accompanyaf- before f: afforest, affright, affix, affirmag- before g: aggravate, aggression, aggrandize al- before l: alleviate, alludean- before n: annotate, annex, announce

9、ap- before p: appoint, appropriate, appraise, appeasear- before r: arrest, arrive, arrange, arrearas- before s: assess, assault, assimilate, assure, associateat-before t: attire, attest, attune, attracta- before sc, sp, st: ascend, aspire, astringentad- before h, j, m, v admonish, adhere, adjacent,

10、advertise, adjust, admixture, adventuread Greek 1) the name of certain collective numerals: dyad, monad 2) the title of any of certain poems: Iliad 3) any of certain plants: cycad Latin 4) adv. towards, in the direction of: caudad (不影响重音)*ade 1) the act of ing: blockade 2) result or product: arcade

11、3) participants in an action: brigade 4) drink made from: lemonade (重音: ade)adeno- gland or glands aden- before a vowel: adenoma, adenoidadip- fat: adipose*aer-, aeri-, aero- air: aerate, aerogram, aerospace, aerosphere, airy, aerial, aerodrome, aerolith, aerial, aerify, aerology*af- see ad-*Afro- A

12、frican: Afro-American*after- coming behind or later: aftertaste, aftermath, aftercare, afterlife*ag- see ad-*ag-, -ig-, -agit- (frequentative), -act- do, drive, make: agent, agenda, activate, agitate, enact, actual, activism, activity, counteract, exact, exacting, inactive, inaction, interact, react

13、, transact, agency, agile, agility, litigate, navigate*age n. 1) action, condition, or result of: marriage, cleavage, usage, shrinkage 2) amount or number of: acreage, mileage, percentage 3) cost of: postage, freightage, wharfage 4) place of: steerage, village, anchorage 5) collection of: peerage, p

14、ackage, wrappage 6) home of: hermitage, orphanage 7) loan words from French: savage, voyage (不影响重音)agog-, -agogue 1) leader: demagogue 2) a substance that induces the secretion of: galactagogue (重音- agogue)agon- contend agony, agonize, antagonist, protagonist*agri-, agro- agr- before a vowel field:

15、agriculture, agrarian, agrology, agricorporation, agronomy, agrobiology, agro-town, agrestic, agrochemicalsain n. 1) person: villain, captain, chieftain 2) thing: quatrain (不影响重音)*aire n. 1) person: millionaire, doctrinaire 2) thing: questionnaire (重音aire)*al- Arabic 1) used in words of Arabic origi

16、n: algebra, alchemy Latin 2) see ad-*al 1) adj. of, like, or suitable for: hysterical, theatrical, personal, national, natural, exceptional 2) n. the act or process of: arrival, rehearsal, recital, appraisal, overthrowal 3) 醛: furfural 4) 巴比土酸盐: barbital (重音:一般不影响重音,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为 al; 另外,若前

17、面为ic,则重音为 - ical)alacri- quick: alacrityalb- white: albino, album, albumenalgia pain: odontalgia, nostalgia, neuralgia (重音algia)ali- another, other: alias, alibi, alien*ality: n. of adj. ending in al: mentality, morality, logicality, formality, technicality (重音ality)*ally adv. of adj. ending in al:

18、actually, politically, climaticaaly, heroicaaly, conditionally*-alter- the other: adultery, adulterate, alternate, alternative*alt- high: altitude, exalt, alto, altar, altimeter, altimetry, altocumulus*am-, -amor-, -amat- love: amity, amorous, amatory, amour, paramour, amateur, amateurish*ambi- both

19、, around: ambidextrous, ambience*ambul- walk: ambulance, preamble, somnambulism, ambulant, perambulate, ambulate, noctambulantamen- as one wishes: amenity, amenableamic- friend: amicableamphi- two: amphibian, amphitheaterampl- large: ample, amplify, amplifieramylo- 淀粉: amyloid*an- 1) see a- 2) see a

20、d-*an n. and adj. 1) (one) belonging to or having some relation to: diocesan 2) (one) born in or living in: Mexican, African, European 3) (one) believing in or following: Lutheran, Mohammedan (通常不影响重音,但ean )*ana- 1) up, upward: anadromous 2) back, backward: anagram 3) again: Anabaptist 4) throughout

21、: analysis 5) according to, similar to: analogy*ana sayings, writings, anecdotes, facts, or objects of: Americana, Victoriana (重音ana)*ance n. 1) the act or process of: discontinuance, resistance, attendance, guidance 2) the quality or state of being: forbearance, vigilance 3) a thing that s: hindran

22、ce 4): a thing that is ed: utterance (通常重音 - - ance,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为- ance)ancill- maidservant: ancillary*ancy =ance but different words may take different endings: buoyancy, expectancy, occupancy, conservancy, elegancy, militancy (通常重音 - - ancy,但如果原词末尾发音是双辅音或双元音,重音则为- ancy)and see -end*andr-

23、 male, man: polyandry, androgynous, androidandrous having the stated number of stamens: monandrousane 1) 饱和烃: methane, ethane 2) 某些环状化合物: cyclohexane*aneity n. of adj. ending in aneous: spontaneity, spontaneity, contemporaneity (重音eity)*aneous adj. of a certain quality: extraneous, spontaneous, inst

24、antaneous, miscellaneous (重音aneous)angio- blood vessel: angiomatosis*Anglo- Britain: anglophile, Anglophobia, Anglo-American*anim- 1) spirit, breath, life, mind: animal, animate, inanimate, animism, unanimous, magnanimous, longanimity, exanimate, reanimate, animated 2) hostility: animosity*ann-, -en

25、n- year: annual, annuity, biannual (twice a year), annals, anniversary, annalist, annuity, annuitant, superannuate, biennial (once very two years), perennial, millennium*-ant adj. or n. of n. ending in ance or ancy 1) adj. that has, shows or does: defiant, radiant, vigilant, determinant, assistant,

26、repentant 2) n. a person or thing that: occupant, accountant, insurant, informant, coolant, stimulant (通常重音 - - ant,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为- ant)*ante- before, in front of: anteroom, antecedent, antenatalanth- flower: anthology, chrysanthemum*-anthrop- humankind: anthropology, philanthropist, paleoa

27、nthropology, anthropoid, misanthropy, anthropotomy*anti- ant- before a vowel against, the opposite: Antarctica, antibiotic, antihero, antiwarapi- bee: apiaryapo- ap- before a vowel or h away from: apogee, apology, apostasy, aphelionapt- fit, suitable: aptitude, adapt*aqua-, -aque- water: aquarium, a

28、queous, aquatic, aqualung, aqueduct, aquiferousaquil- eagle: aquiline*ar 1) adj. of, relating to, like, of the nature of: singular, polar,similar, insular, nuclear 2) n. the agent of a particular action =-er: registrar, scholar, beggar, liar, pedlar (不影响重音)arbitr- judge: arbitrate, arbitraryarc- arc

29、h: arcade*arch- chief: archenemy, archbishop*arch- rule, ruler: monarch, monarchy, anarchy, autarchy, gynarchy, oligarchy, patriarchy, matriarch, plutarchyarchaeo-, archeo- ancient: archeology, archeologist-ard-, -ars- burn: ardent, ardor, arson*ard, -art person or thing often derog.: braggart, tank

30、ard, drunkard, laggard, Spaniard, coward, wizard (不影响重音)*arian n. or adj.1) (one) characterized by or having: octogenarian, centenarian 2) (one) believing in: Unitarian, utilitarian, vegetarian 3) (one) associated with: antiquarian, agrairian(重音arian)*arium place or container: aquarium, planetarium,

31、 sanitarium, ovarium (重音arium)*-arm- arms: armament, armistice*-art- art, skill: artifice, artifact, artisanarteri- of artery: arteriosclerosisarthr- of joints: arthritisarticul- joint: articulate, articulation*ary: 1) adj. relating to, connected with: ordinary, contemporary, military, urinary, imag

32、inary, elementary 2) n. a person or thing connected with: adversary, dictionary, secretary, notary, missionary, dignitary (通常重音British: - - ary, American: - - ary, 但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为 - ary)ase enzyme: amylase asper- rough: asperity, exasperateast person (corresponding to words ending in -asm):

33、enthusiast, gymnast(重音- - ast)*aster-, -astr- star: asteroid, disaster, astronomer, astrology, astrodog, astronaut, astrophysics, astral, asterisk, asteroidaster person of the stated kind (derog.): poetaster, medicaster, philosophaster*ate v. 1) to become: evaporate, maturate 2) to cause to become:

34、invalidate, rejuvenate, differentiate 3) to form or produce: ulcerate 4) to provide or treat with: vaccinate, hypenate 5) to out in the form of, or form by means of: delineate 6) to arrange for: orchestrate 7) to combine, infuse or treat with: oxygenate (通常重音- - ate /)*ate adj. 1) of or characterist

35、ic of: collegiate, corporate, roseate 2) having or filed with: passionate, proportionate, affectionate 3) roughly corresponding to p.p ending in ed animate, determinate (通常重音- - ate /)*-ate n. an office, function, agent, official or group of officials: potentate, directorate, advocate, candidate 2)

36、the land, territory, or dominion of: priorate, sultanate 3) a person or thing that is the object of: legate, mandate 4) in chemistry slat made from any of certain acides with names ending in ic: nitrate, carbonate, borate 5) in chemistry a result of some process: distillate (通常重音- - ate /)athlon an

37、sports event or activity for collecting money: decathlon, talkathlon*atic adj. of n. ending in ate, -cy, -m or after a root: climatic, ecstatic, aquatic, systematic (重音atic)*ation n. of v. ending in ate or te action, condition or result: animation, invitation, variation, quotation, examination (重音at

38、ion)*ative adj. of n. ending in ation: speculative, illustrative (重音与原动词同,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为 - ative)*ator doer: educator, instigator (重音与原动词同)*-atory 1) adj. of some n. ending in ation: explanatory, derogatory, preparatory 2) n. place: conservatory, laboratory, lavatory (通常重音英音 - atory,美音 ator

39、y;英音laboratory,美音laboratory )atmo- air: atmosphere-atroc- cruel: atrocity, atrociousatropho- atrophy: atrophodermaaudac- bold: audacity, audacious*audi-, -audit-, audio- listen: audio, audit, audition, auditorium, audible, inaudible, auditor, audiometer, audiology, audiovisuals*aug-, -auct- increase

40、: augment, auction, auctioneer*augur- sign, herald: augury, inaugurate, augural, inaugurationaur- ear: auricle, auricular*Austro- Austrian: Austro-Hungarian*author- right, author: authoritative, authorship, authority, authorize, unauthorized*auto- aut- before a vowel self: autism, autograph, autobio

41、graphy, autarchyauxili- help: auxiliaryavi- bird, flight: aviation, aviator, avian, aviary, avicultureavuncul- uncle: avuncular*back- backward: backslide, backfire, backpedal, backdatebacteri- bacteria: bactericide-barbar- savage: barbarous, barbarism, barbaricbaro- pressure: barometer, barometric,

42、baroscope, isobarbas- low: abase, basement, debasebasi-, baso- of the base, of alkalis: basophilia*bat- beat, strike: battle, combatant, noncombatant, combat, battlebathy- deep, sea: bathysphere*be- 1) treat in the stated way added to n. and adj.: befriend, belittle, becalm, befool 2) around: besieg

43、e, beset 3) furnish with, cover with: besprinkle, becloud, bedew 4) wearing: bespectacled, bewhiskered 5) completely, thoroughly: bedeck, besmear 6) away: bereave, betake, behead 7) about added to other verbs, making them into vt.: bethink, bemoan, befallbeat- happy: beatific, beatitude*bel-, -bell-

44、 war, fight: rebel, rebellious, bellicose, belligerent*bene- well, good: benediction, benefactor, benefit, benevolentbenzo- 苯: benzene*bi- two: bicycle, binary, bilingual, biweekly*bi-, -bio- life: biology, biography, amphibian, autobiography, biotic, antibiotic, biosphere, biochemistry, bioclean, b

45、ioelectricitybili- of bile: bilirubin*biblio- book: bibliography, bibliophile, bibliomania, Bibleblasto- 胚,芽: blastoderm*-bon- positive good; -melior- comparative better; -optim- superlative best: bonus, ameliorate, optimist, optimize*bound: 1) kept in the stated condition: snowbound 2) moving in th

46、e stated direction: westbound (不影响重音)brachy- short: brachydontbrad-, -bras- scrape: abrade, abrasivebrady- slow: bradycardiabrev- short: brief, abbreviate, brevity, debrief, breviarybronch- 气管: bronchitis*by- of less importance: byproduct, bypass, byroad, byname*caco- bad, ugly: cacophony*cad-, -cid

47、-, -cas- fall: cadence, occasion, accident, incident, decadence, coincide, casual, casualty, occident, incidental, coincidence, deciduouscalci- calcium: calcify, calcinecalcul- calculate: calculationcalor- heat: calorie, calorify, calorific, calorimetercan- dog: canine*cant-, -cent- song, sing: cant

48、o, incantation, decant, accentcap-, -capac- contain: capable, capacity*capt-, -cept-, -ceive-, -ceipt-, -ceit-, -cip-, -cipi- take: captive, accept, deceive, deception, recipient, anticipate, conceivable, incipient, receipt, deceit, conceit, interception, incept*capit- head: capital, decapitate, cap

49、italizecarcer- prison: incarceration*card-, cardio-, -cardia heart: cardiotonics, carditis, tachycardia, carditis, cardiac, electrocardiogram, tachycardia, epicardium, endocardium*carn- flesh: carnal, carnivore, incarnatecarpo- fruit: carpophagous, carpology*cata- cat- before a vowel1) down, downwar

50、d: catabolism 2) away, completely: catalysis 3) against: catapult 4) throughout: cataphresis 5) backward: cataplasia-caten- chain: concatenatecaus- burn: causalgiacaut- careful: cautious, precaution*ced-, -ceed-, -cess- 1) yield: cede, concede, concession 2) go: proceed, precede, exceed, excessive,

51、supersede, precedent, unprecedented, procedure, process, procession, success, succeed, intercessioncel- sky: celestialcele swelling: hydrocelecelebr- : celebrity, celebrateceler- fast: accelerate, decelerate, celerity, accelerometer, decelerometer, accelerationcelio- abdomen: celiotomycell- cell: ce

52、llular, celluase, cellue, celluate*cent- 100: century*centi 1/100: centimetercentesis 穿刺术: cardiocentesis (重音centesis)*centri- center: centrifugal, concentric, eccentriccephal- head: cephalalgiacerato- horn or horny: ceratoid-cerebr- brain: cerebration, cerebritiscern-, -cret- see: discern, secretce

53、ro- cer- before a vowel wax: ceraceous, cerate*cert- certain: certify, certificate, ascertain, certitude, certifiable, certification, incertitudechem-, chemo- chemistry: alchemy, chemophysiologychiro- hand: chirospasmchloro- 绿色,氯气: chlorosischolo- bile: cholochromechondr- 软骨: chrondritis*chrom-, -ch

54、romat- color: chromosome, chromatic, monochrome, polychrome, photochrome, homochromous, panchromous*chron- time: chronology, chronicle, anachronism, chronic, synchronal, synchronize, synchronoscope, chronometer, isochronismchrys- yellow: chrysanthemum*cid-, -cis- kill, cut: incisive, decide, excisio

55、n, suicide, decision, concise, precise, incision, incisor, excision, circumcise, insecticidecinct- gird, surround: cincturecine- of films or the film industry: cinecamara*circum- around: circumlocution, circumspect, circumference, circumfluence, circumaviate*circ- circle: circular, circus, circulate

56、, encircle, circuitouscirri- cirr- before a vowel tendril: cirrose, cirruscis- on this side of: cisatlantic, cisalpinecitr- lemon or orange: citrate, citrus*civ- citizen: civil, civility, uncivilcivil- of citizens: civilize, civilian, civilization*clam-, -claim cry, shout: exclaim, exclamation, decl

57、aim, reclaim, proclaim, declamatory, clamor, clamorous,acclaim*clar- clear: clarify, declare, clarityclim- zone, region: climate, climatic, acclimatize*clin-, -cliv- slant: acclivity, declivity, recline, decline, inclined, inclination, declension, disincline, isoclinal*clud-, -clus-, -clos- close v:

58、 conclude, disclose, seclusion, recluse, occlude, preclusion, exclusive, include*co- see con-cocci-, cocco- 小球状,浆果: coccuscoct- cook, make: decoction*cogn-, -cogit- cogitate, cognitive, recognize, recognition, cognize, incognizable, precognition*col- see con-col neck: collar, accoladecolon- farmer:

59、colonial, colonize*com- see con-*con- together, intensive:co- before a vowel co-ed, cooperationcol- before l collaborate, collocatecom- before b, m, p compose, combine, communicate, commiseratecor- before r correct, corrupt, correlation, corrugateotherwise con- contend, consign, concentric, contempo

60、raryconcil- reconcile, conciliatory*contra-, counter- against: contraception, contradiction, counteract, counterbalance, counterattackcopi- abundance: copiouscopro- garbage: coprology, coprolitecopul- link: copulate, copula, copulative*cord- heart: cordial, accord, concord, discordant, recordcoron-


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