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1、ng洪山区南望山小学 王顺平 Animals A story -The clever pig ng洪山区南望山小学 王顺平 AnimalListen and guessA gameListen and guessA gameThe-clever-pig-教学课件(省一等奖)What do you think of pigs?What do you think of pigs?Question: Which one do you like best?Lets listen a story about them !Question: Which one do you liThe-clever-pi

2、g-教学课件(省一等奖)Question: Which one do you like best?Question: Which one do you liis _is _are _Part 1terriblesadangrykind-heartedscaredis _is _are _PaThe-clever-pig-教学课件(省一等奖)is _is _are _Part 1terriblesadangrykind-heartedscaredis _is _are _Pais _terriblescaredkind-heartedangrysadWhat a lovely fat pig.i

3、s _terriblescaredkind-heterriblescaredkind-heartedangrysadterriblescaredkind-heartedangrkindheartedkindheartedChance It is too late to grieve when the chance is past.机不可失,时不再来Chance It is too late to griev?The-clever-pig-教学课件(省一等奖)nHow to read? Do you know other days of the week?How to read? Do you

4、know otherguessing game!What day is it today?guessing game!What day is it 星期一 Sunday星期三 Thursday星期五 Monday星期日 Saturday星期二 Tuesday星期四 Wednesday星期六 Friday 星期一 SundMonday practiseTuesday practiseWednesday.ThursdayFriday practise.Saturday is better.Thats much better.Thank you ,pig. Thank you ,pig.Lets c

5、hantMonday practiseLets chantLets learn more about prctise!Lets learn more about prctisePractise makes perfect!熟能生巧练习完美Practise makes perfect!熟能生巧练习完How are they feelings?How are they feelings?The-clever-pig-教学课件(省一等奖)A knowledge classA knowledge classListen and filling the blanksListen and filling

6、the blanksis _.are _. They are so poor!Part 3terriblescaredkind-heartedtrickyis _.are _. They aAct this part with the rhythm ! Act this part with the rhythm Who can save them?Who can save them?The-clever-pig-教学课件(省一等奖)Who save them?Who save them?one more more more _.dri

7、nkone more _.drinkone more _.orangeone more _.orangeis .is .is .is .is .terriblescaredkind-heartedangryhappytrickyCan you say?is .is .is .is .is . Act the storyTips:1.Quickly! 共同合作,动作迅速 2.Loudly! 声音洪亮,大方得体 3.Orderly! 有秩序的,形式多样Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4 Act the storyTips:1.Quickly! Part 1Part 1Part 2Part 2Part 3Part 3Part 4Part 4kindheartedDont judge a man by his looks !人不可貌相kindheartedDont judge a The-clever-pig-教学课件(省一等奖)Everyone is Greatness!每个人都是伟大的,独一无二的Everyone is Greatness!homework Retell the story and send the


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