




1、PAGE 1Page PAGE 16 of 9TENANNCY AAGREEEMENTTThis TENANNCY AAGREEEMENTT is madee thiis _dayy of _, 22008 bettweenn thee Lanndlorrd Mrr. _ (hereeinaffter refeerredd to as tthe “Landdlordd” orr Paarty A) and the Tenaant _ Comppany Limiited (herreinaafterr refferreed too as the “Tennant” or Parrty BB);
2、andWHEREEAS the Landdlordd agrrees to let and the Tenaant aagreees too takke thhe leease of ppremiise llocatted oon _ in aaccorrdancce wiith tthe ttermss andd connditiions conttaineed inn thiis Aggreemment; anddTHEREEFOREE it is mmutuaally agreeed bby annd beetweeen thhe Paartiees ass folllowss:Part
3、yy A (Landdlordd): MMr. Addreess:Telepphonee:Facssimille:Partyy B (Tenaant): Occuupantts:Mr./Mrs.Addreess: Teleephonne:Facssimille:TENANNCYPartyy A oowns all resiidenttial Flatt loccatedd andd ereectedd on _ (hereeinaffter refeerredd to as tthe “Flatt”) and therreforre haas thhe fuull rrightt to dis
4、ppose the Flatt. AA coppy off thee Reaal Esstatee Ownnershhip CCertiificaate (Attaachmeent II) isssuedd by the _ Reaal Esstatee andd Lannd Addminiistraationn autthoriity sshowiing tthat Partty A is tthe llegall ownner oof thhe Flaat shhall be aattacched to aas a partt of thiss Agrreemeent. Both Part
5、ties agreee thhat tthe Flatt shalll inncludde alll fuurnitture, fixxturees annd fiittinngs iin thhe Fllat. A llist of aall tthe ffurniituree, fixxturees annd fiittinngs (Attaachmeent III) sshalll be attaachedd to as aa parrt off thiis Aggreemment.The PPartiies aagreee to counnt, ccheckk andd agrree
6、oon alll ittems of tthe FFlat conttaineed inn Atttachmment II uupon singging of tthis Agreeemennt. Partty A reprresennts aand gguaraanteees thhat the FFlat shalll bee cleean, tenaantabble aand ffree fromm anyy andd alll enccumbrrancees inn anyy mannner whenn it is lleaseed too Parrty BB; Partyy A ss
7、halll havve noo outtstanndingg billls ffor uutiliitiess chaargess succh ass teelephhone, eleectriicityy, waater, gass, ettc. oon thhe Fllat at tthe ccommeencemment datee of thiss Agrreemeent; Partyy A sshalll proovidee Parrty BB witth a comppletee rigght oof coontinnuouss andd nonn-intterruuptioon o
8、cccupaancy of tthe FFlat duriing tthe llifettime of tthis Agreeemennt; aand1.4PPartyy A ffurthher rrepreesentts annd guuarannteess thaat inn casse thhere is aany cclaimm ariisen out of oor reelateed too thee Flaat at tthe ddate of ccommeencemment of tthis Agreeemennt Paarty A shhall fullly coompenns
9、atee Parrty BB forr anyy andd alll cossts aand eexpennses incuurredd by Partty B therrein. TERM, EXPPIRATTION AND TERMMINATTION OF TTENANNCYTermThe PPartiies aagreee thaat Fllat is heerebyy leaased for a teerm oof _ yyearss, coommenncingg on _, 22008 andd exppirinng onn _, 2000_.ExpirratioonUpon exp
10、iiratiion oof thhis AAgreeementt, Paarty A shhall be eentittled to ttake backk thee Flaat inn fulll, aand PPartyy B sshalll delliverr thee Flaat inn fulll onn thee datte off exppirattion. TermiinatiionPartyy B mayy terrminaate tthis Agreeemennt byy givving a prrior two-montths writtten notiice tto P
11、aarty A orr payying an aamounnt eqquivaalentt to two-montths renttal tto Paarty A inn lieeu off nottice. RENTAAL ANND PAAYMENNT TEERMS The renttal ffor tthe Flatt is _ onlyy perr monnth This renttal aamounnt inncluddes aall ppropeerty feess, rellatedd taxxes aand cchargges, but is eexcluusivee of ch
12、arrges on uutiliitiess (waater, gass, ellectrricitty, eetc.) andd of teleephonne feee, wwhichh shaall bbe boorn bby Paarty B.The rrentaal shhall be ppaid in aadvannce oon a quarrterlly baasis. Parrty BB shaall mmake its renttal ppaymeent bbeforre thhe fiirst caleendarr dayy of eachh andd eveery tthr
13、eee-monnth ppayabble tto thhe foollowwing:Partyy As oppeninng baank:Accouunt nname:Accouunt nnumbeer:Partyy A sshalll delliverr an offiiciallly vvalidd recceiptt to Partty B for eachh andd eveery ppaymeent mmade by PPartyy B wwithiin 7 dayss aftter rreceiivingg eacch annd evvery renttal paaymennt.An
14、y aand aall ootherr feee, chhargees annd/orr taxxes aariseen ouut off andd rellatedd to thiss Agrreemeent iincluudingg butt nott limmitedd to the proppertyy taxx andd renntal tax, whiich PPartyy A iis reequirred tto paay inn acccordaance withh thee rellevannt Keenyann lawws annd reegulaationns shhal
15、l be ppaid soleely bby Paarty A.Partyy A aagreees too inddemniify PPartyy B aand tto hoold PPartyy B hharmlless agaiinst any claiim maade oor miight be mmade withh resspectt to feess, chhargees, aand/oor taaxes by aany tthirdd parrty iin reelatiion tto thhe reent uunderr thiis Agreeementt. The rrent
16、aal caannott be incrreaseed duuringg thee terrm off thiis Teenanccy Aggreemment.DEPOSSIT4.1PPartyy B aagreees too payy a ddepossit oof _ onlyy equualinng too onee-monnth rrentaal (hhereiinaftter rreferrred to aas thhe “DDepossit”) to Partty A withhin _ daays uupon signning of tthis Tenaancy Agreeeme
17、nnt. The Depossit sshalll be payaable intoo thee acccountt dessignaated by PPartyy A. Uponn exppirattion or ttermiinatiion oof thhis AAgreeementt andd no reneewal happpens, Parrty AA shaall rreturrn thhe Depossit iin fuull tto Paarty B wiithouut anny inntereest wwithiin 155 dayys beeforee thee exppi
18、rattion or ttermiinatiion oof thhis AAgreeementt.RESPOONSIBBILITTIES OF PPARTYY B5.1PPartyy B sshalll payy thee Renntal, Depossit aand uutiliitiess chaargess as set out in tthis Agreeemennt onn timme. FFailuure tto maake rrentaal paaymennt annd/orr thee rellatedd chaargess shaall cconsttitutte a bre
19、aach oof thhis Aggreemment.5.2DDurinng thhe teerm oof thhis AAgreeementt, Paarty B shhall takee a goood caare oof annd bee ressponssiblee forr maiintaiiningg thee Flaat inn a ggood condditioon. Partty B shalll allso mmainttain a goood ccondiitionn of the garddens and fencces (if aany) surrroundding
20、the Flatt andd shaall nnot mmake any nuissancee or annooyancce too thee neiighboors oor bee injjurioous oor deetrimmentaal too thee goood reeputaationn of the Landdlordd. 5.3UUpon expiiratiion oor teerminnatioon off thiis Aggreemment, Parrty BB shaall ddelivver tthe FFlat backk to Partty A in ffull,
21、 toggetheer wiith tthe ffurniituree, fiixturres aand ffittiings therrein, exccept for fairr weaar annd teear ddurinng thhe teerm oof thhis AAgreeementt.5.4DDurinng thhe teerm oof thhis AAgreeementt, Paarty B shhall not sub-let the Flatt, exccept undeer thhe siituattion in AArticcle 77.2 oof thhis AA
22、greeementt, withhout firsst obbtainning the prioor wrritteen coonsennt off thee othher PPartyy, whhich conssent shalll noot bee unrreasoonablly wiithheeld, deniied oor deelayeed.5.5DDurinng thhe teerm oof thhis AAgreeementt, Paarty B shhall not erecct, iinstaall oor reemovee anyy fixxturees orr parr
23、titiioninng, oor maake aany sstruccturaal addditiions and/or aalterrnatiions withhout the prioor wrritteen coonsennt off Parrty AA, whhich conssent shalll noot bee unrreasoonablly wiithheeld.5.6DDurinng thhe teerm oof thhis AAgreeementt, Paarty B shhall be rrespoonsibble ffor aany ccostss/exppensees
24、 foor reeplaccemennt off, orr makking goodd reppair of, or rrestooringg alll thoose ffurniituree, fiixturres aand ffittiings thatt aree brooken, dammagedd or desttroyeed, eexceppt foor faair wwear and tearr.Partyy B sshalll be respponsiible for all costts/exxpensses oof reepairr on damaages on wwall
25、ss, ceeilinngs, flooors, winddows and doorrs inn thee Flaat duue too Parrty BBs nnegliigencce orr willlfull misscondduct, exccept for fairr weaar annd teear.5.8DDurinng thhe teerm oof thhis AAgreeementt, Parrty BB shaall oonly be aallowwed tto usse thhe Fllat ffor ppersoonal resiidenttial purppose e
26、xceept PPartyy B oobtaiins aa wriittenn connsentt froom Paarty A foor annotheer ussage of tthe FFlat.Partyy B sshalll alllow PPartyy A aand/oor itts auuthorrizedd reppreseentattive(s) undder rreasoonablle ciircummstannces to eenterr andd vieew thhe Fllat aat a mutuuallyy agrreeabble ttime, to enteer
27、 annd caarry out the struucturral wwork and to rrepaiir ellectrricall cirrcuitts, wwaterr pippes aand ddrainns, wwhichh aree neccessaary tto bee donne, pproviided Partty B receeivess a ppriorr oraal orr wriittenn nottice fromm Parrty AA. RESPOONSIBBILITTIES OF PPARTYY A6.1PPartyy A sshalll payy anyy
28、 andd alll deeed annd otther relaated taxees/feees, inclludinng buut noot liimitiing tto Grroundd Rennt (iif anny), stammp duuty, the unimmprovved ssite valuue taax toogethher wwith all incrreasees inn sitte vaalue tax and landd rennt/feee, rattes, taxees, cchargges, outggoinggs, iimpossitioons aand
29、 aassesssmennts, whicch noow orr mayy herreinaafterr impposedd or asseessedd by the resppectiive aauthooritiies iin reespecct off or arissing in cconneectioon wiith tthis Agreeemennt affter the commmenceementt of thiss Agrreemeent. Partyy A gguaraanteees thhat tthe FFlat shalll bee madde fuully avai
30、ilablle foor occcupaationn at the commmenceementt datte off thiis Aggreemment. Paarty A asssurees thhat tthe FFlat shalll bee cleean aand ttenanntablle wiith aall sserviices and supppliedd apppliannces in ggood workking ordeer annd too keeep thhe sttructture rooff andd thee outtsidee of the Flatt in
31、 a goood ccondiitionn witth weell rrepaiired and painnted wherre neecesssary.Partyy A sshalll nott vissit, inteerruppt orr othherwiise eenterr intto thhe Fllat ddurinng thhe teerm oof thhis AAgreeementt unlless Partty A undeer reeasonnablee andd neccessaary ccircuumstaancess sennds aa nottice to aan
32、d rreceiives conssent fromm Parrty BB, inn ordder ffor PPartyy B tto poossesss annd ennjoy quieet annd peeacefful FFlat.Partyy A sshalll be respponsiible for mainntainning all kindds off furrnituure, equiipmennt annd fiixturres iin thhe Fllat, the carrriageewayss, caar paarkinng arreas, patths aand
33、ffencees suurrouundinng thhe Fllat aand ffor kkeepiing aaway fromm pottholees, eexceppt whhen tthe ddamagges aare mmade due to PParty Bs neglligennce oor wiillfuul miisconnductts. Partyy A eensurres tthat on tthe ccommeencemment datee of thiss Agrreemeent all adeqquatee seccuritty annd fiire pprevee
34、ntioon annd otther relaated servvicess shaall bbe suufficcienttly pproviided and thatt alll eleectriicityy, waater, gass, teelecoommunnicattionss, seewagee sysstem and otheer puublicc utiilitiies aand sserviices havee beeen prroperrly iinstaalledd on the Flatt so as tto seerve Partty Bs inntendded u
35、use oof thhe Fllat iin a mannner nnecesssaryy, suufficcientt andd connveniient. Paarty A shhall at iits eexpennses arraange for the provvisioon too Parrty BB thee aboove uutiliitiess serrvicees onn a ccontiinuouus annd unninteerruppted basiis. Partyy A sshalll be respponsiible for repaair iin acccor
36、ddancee witth thhis AAgreeementt reaasonaable wearr andd teaar annd thhose faciilitiies wwhichh aree thee ressponssibillity of PPartyy A. Partty A is nnot ppermiittedd to takee bacck thhe Fllat ddurinng thhe teerm oof thhis AAgreeementt witthoutt reaason.ASSIGGNMENNT ORR SUBBLETTTING7.1DDurinng thhe
37、 teerm oof thhis AAgreeementt, neeitheer Paarty may assiign, trannsferr or selll anyy of its righhts aand/oor obbligaationns unnder thiss Agrreemeent wwithoout ffirstt obttainiing tthe ppriorr wriittenn connsentt of the otheer Paarty, whiich cconseent sshalll nott be unreeasonnablyy witthhelld, dden
38、ieed orr dellayedd. 7.2NNotwiithsttandiing tthe aabovee parragraaph, the Partties acknnowleedge thatt thee Flaat is leassed bby Paarty B foor thhe reesideence of eemplooyeess of Partty Bs orr Parrty BBs aaffilliateed enntitiies aand tthat one emplloyeee of Partty B or iits aaffilliateed enntitiies m
39、may mmove out and be rreplaaced by aanothher eemplooyee in ttakinng occcupaancy and resiidenccy off thee Flaat. The Partties agreee thhat uunderr succh a circcumsttancee, thhe reeplaccemennt off ressidennt emmployyees of PPartyy B oor itts afffiliiatedd enttitiees inn thee Flaat shhall not consstitu
40、ute aan asssignnmentt of Partty Bs riightss or subllet oof thhe Fllat aand sshalll nott reqquiree connsentt froom Paarty A. Howeever Partty B shalll prrovidde a writtten listt of new occuupantts wiith PPartyy A wwhen suchh a rreplaacemeent hhappeens. 8.BRREACHH OF AGREEEMENNTSubjeect tto Arrticlle 9
41、 of thiss Agrreemeent aand uunlesss ottherwwise provvidedd in thiss Agrreemeent, if oone PPartyy faiils tto peerforrm anny off itss oblligattionss undder tthis Agreeemennt, iit iss in breaach oof aggreemment and the breaachinng paarty shalll taake aany aand aall rrespoonsibbilitty off commpenssatioo
42、n too thee innnocennt paarty. In ccase Partty B delaays tto paay thhe Reentall forr up to 330 daays, Partty A shalll giive aa warrningg nottice to PPartyy B ffor aa graace pperiood off 30 dayss. IIn caase PPartyy B ppays the Renttal wwithiin thhe 300 dayys, PPartyy A sshalll conntinuue too keeep thh
43、is AAgreeementt vallid. Inn casse Paarty B sttill faills too payy thee Renntal due withhin tthesee 30 dayss, Paarty A iss enttitleed too terrminaate tthis Agreeemennt annd cllaim for comppensaationn of the damaages due to PPartyy Bss breeach of tthis Agreeemennt.9.FOORCE MAJEEURE If tthe FFlat is su
44、ubstaantiaally desttroyeed orr dammagedd by firee, baad weeatheer, wwar, forcce maajor, or otheer caausess beyyond the conttrol of PPartyy A aand nnot aattriibutaable direectlyy or indiirecttly tto thhe neegliggencee or maliice oof Paarty B orr aree othherwiise rrendeered unfiit foor usse orr occcup
45、attion, thee rennt shhall ceasse too be payaable fromm thee datte thhe Fllat bbecommes uunfitt forr usee or occuupatiion uuntill thee Flaat shhall agaiin bee renndereed acccesssiblee andd fitt forr usee, hooweveer, tthat the Partty A shalll bee undder nno obbligaationn to repaair tthe FFlat, wheen i
46、nn Parrty AAs oopiniion, it iis noot reeasonnablyy or econnomiccallyy or praccticaally to ddo soo. Iff succh ann eveent ooccurrs, PPartyy A sshalll givve a writtten notiice tto Paarty B, aand tthe ddepossit ppaid and rentt preepaidd by Partty B shalll bee retturneed inn fulll wiithinn 10 dayss of sa
47、idd nottice.10. INSUURANCCEPartty A shalll bee ressponssiblee forr purrchassing poliicy oon prroperrty iinsurrancee and otheer reelevaant iinsurrancees inn an amouunt wwhichh shaall eequall no lesss thaan thhe fuull rreplaacemeent vvaluee of the Flatt agaainstt losss orr dammage by ffire and otheer
48、haazardds wiithinn thee covveragge off a sstanddard formm of firee andd exttendeed cooveraage ppoliccy for the Flatt.Partyy B sshalll be respponsiible for purcchasiing ppoliccy too inssure all objeects owneed byy occcupannts iin thhe Fllat.11.RREPREESENTTATIOONThe Partties agreee thhat ffor tthe ppu
49、rpoose oof thiss Agrreemeent, eithher PPartyy is entiitledd to appoiint oone oor moore aauthoorizeed reepressentaativees too perrformm hiss/itss oblligattionss undder tthis Agreeemennt. Eachh Parrty sshalll isssue aa siggned lettter oof auuthorrizattion to eeach and everry reepressentaativee andd th
50、ee reppreseentattivess shaall ppreseent tthe lletteer off autthoriizatiion tto thhe otther Partty whhen pperfoorminng obbligaationns unnder thiss Agrreemeent. 12.DDISPUUTE RRESOLLUTIOONPartyy A aand PPartyy B sshalll setttle all dispputess ariisingg froom thhe innterppretaationn, peerforrmancce, ddi
51、ssoolutiion oor teerminnatioon off thiis Aggreemment or iin coonnecctionn witth thhis AAgreeementt thrroughh friiendlly coonsulltatiion.In caase nno seettleementt cann be reacched, eitther partty shhall havee thee rigght tto suubmitt thee dissputee to _ Courrt. IIn thhe cooursee of setttlingg disspu
52、tees, tthe AAgreeementt shaall bbe coontinnuoussly eexecuuted by bboth Partties exceept ffor tthe ppart, whiich iis unnder arbiitrattion.13.MMISCEELLANNEOUSS13.1Thiss Agrreemeent sshalll comme innto eeffecct onn thee siggningg datte byy thee autthoriized reprresenntatiives of tthe PPartiies aand shalll reemainn in forcce annd biindinng onn thee Parrtiess unttil iits eexpirratioon orr earrly ttermiinatiion. 13.2Thiss Agrreemeent sshalll be writtten in EEngliish vversiions withh 2 origginalls annd eaach PPartyy shaall kkeep one origg
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