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1、教师英语口语训练(第三版) Unit One Beginning a Class (开始上课) Unit Two Setting Assignments (布置作业) Unit Three Checking Homework (检查作业) Unit Four Commenting (评价) Unit Five Encouraging (鼓励) Unit Six Discipline( 纪律) Unit Seven Dismissing a Class (下课)Part 1 Teaching Routine(教学常规)Unit 1 Beginning a ClassPart A Classroo

2、m English1.Are you ready for class?2.There goes the bell.3.Class begins.4.Its time for class.5.Lets begin our class.6.Im going to call the roll.7.Let me do the roll-calling first.8.Is everybody here?9.Whos absent?10.Do you know why he is absent?.Expressions(表达方式) Teacher: Good morning, boys and girl

3、s. Students: Good morning, Ms. Teacher: Oh, my name is Zhang. Students: Good morning, Ms. Zhang. Teacher: Is everybody here? Students: Yes, were all here. Teacher: Good. Lets begin our class. First, Id like to introduce myself. As you know now, my last name is Zhang. And my first name is Lan. Ive al

4、so got an English name, Lana. This term Im going to teach youmaths. I hope we can work together, and become good friends.Dialogues(对话) Teacher: Good morning, class. Students: Good morning, Ms. Zhang. Teacher: First, Id like to introduce to you a new pupil, Linda Lee. Shes from Australia with her fat

5、her and mother. Students: Hi, Linda. Linda: Hi. Teacher: Linda, you can sit with Jack. He is in charge of ourmaths studies. Jack: Nice to meet you. Linda: Nice seeing you, too. Teacher: Now, we can start ourmaths lesson.Dialogues(对话) Teacher: Good morning, everybody. Students: Good morning, Ms. Zhan

6、g. Teacher: Are you all here? Jack: No. Lily is absent. Teacher: Do you know why she is absent? Jack:She is ill. Teacher: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. I hope shell get well soon.Dialogues(对话)Part B Oral PracticeGreetings How do you do? (Its)nice to meet you. Hello. (Its)nice meeting you. Hi. (Im)glad

7、to meet you. How are you? (Im)pleased to meet you. Good morning. (Im)happy to meet you. Good afternoon. How have you been? Good evening. How are you doing? How are things? Howseverythinggoing?.Communicative Functions(交际功能)Responding to greetings Very well, thank you. And you? Fine, thanks. Not bad.

8、Just so so. Okay.Communicative Functions(交际功能)Introductions My name is. Im. Id like to introduce you to. Let me introduce you to. Id like you to meet. This is.Communicative Functions(交际功能)Tell the classsomething about yourself, your former class, your former school or your family.Do you know anyone

9、in the class? Introduce him or her to the whole class. Try to include some detailed information about the person you introduce so that the other students can remember him or her more easily.Find as many similarities as possible amongthemembers in your group, such as where you live, what your hobbies

10、 are and what your favourite subjects are. Then report them to the whole class and see which group can find the most similarities.Oral Presentation(口语表达)Part C Relevant InformationAn English name usually has two parts, the first name and the last name. The first name is also called given name or Chr

11、istian name. The last name is also called surname or family name.Some English names have a third part, the middle name, which is also a given name.English NamesMr., Mrs., Miss, and Ms. are only used with full names or last names. Mr. is used for men, whether married or not. Mrs. is for married women

12、. Miss is for unmarried women. Ms. is for women, both married and single.TitlesIn English-speaking countries,when you meet a person for the first time, there are certain questions you can safely ask, such as whether you like the weather, where you live, where you work, and what your hobbies are.But

13、there are also some questions which are inappropriate to ask when you first meet someone, for example, how old you are, how much you own, how much you have paid for a particular item and what your religious, political, or ethical beliefs are.Culture NotesPart D Tips for StudentsEffective oral presen

14、tations are a mixture of a variety of elements. The success of most presentations is generally judged on how the audience responds.When your audience is satisfied, it does not matter if your delivery was not absolute perfect.How to become a good presenterUnit 2 Setting AssignmentsPart A Classroom En

15、glish1. Write down what you should do today.2. For todays homework, finish the project in small groups.3. Practise reading aloud.4. Try to retell the story in your own words.5. Learn the text by heart.6. Do Exercises 3 and 4 on page 54.Expressions(表达方式)7. Copy each new word four times.8. Write in yo

16、ur exercise-books, please.9. Start a new page.10. Dont forget to leave a margin.11.Next time were going to have a quiz. Please get ready.12.Youd better do some revision.Expressions(表达方式) Teacher: For todays homework, do the translation exercise on page 82. Student A: Shall we do it orally or write i

17、t in our exercise-books? Teacher: As for the English to Chinese translation, you can do it orally. But the Chinese to English translation is a written work. Student B: Shall we copy the Chinese sentences? Teacher: This is optional. Student C: I beg your pardon. I didnt catch your last sentence. Teac

18、her: I mean its not required. But if you want to copy the Chinese sentences, just go ahead. Any more questions? Students: No. We are clear now.Dialogues(对话)Teacher: Todays homework is to write a letter of application and a resume. Student A: Itll take a lot of time. Teacher: I know. I wont ask you t

19、o hand them in until next Thursday. So youll have a weeks time. Is that enough? Student B: Thats plenty of time. I think we can manage. Teacher: Good. If you have any questions, you can come to my office. Ill be available during lunch time.Dialogues(对话)Teacher: Weve talked about important decisions

20、we made in the past. Have you ever thought about your future plan? In other words, what are you going to do after graduation? Student A: Oh, I havent thought about it yet. Teacher: Think about it. Continue to study or go to work? Next time when we meet, share your thoughts with your classmates.Dialo

21、gues(对话)Part B Oral PracticeExpressing intentions and plans Ill apply to business school. Im going to join the army. Id like to play tennis this afternoon. I want to work on my car. I plan to visit my grandparents this weekend. We are ready to go swimming. I intend to buy a house. Im thinking of sta

22、rting my own business.Communicative Functions(交际功能)Expressing intentions and plans Ive decided to do it. Ive thought about it for a long time. Ive given it serious consideration. Ive decided its time to do it. I wont do it again. Im not going to invite Sam. I dont want to bother you. I havent made u

23、p my mind yet.Communicative Functions(交际功能)Asking for repetition Excuse me? I didnt get that. Pardon me? I missed that. Pardon? I forgot the last part. I beg your pardon. Im lost. What was that? Im not following you. Huh? What did you say? Sorry. I didnt hear you. Would you say that again? I didnt q

24、uite catch that. Would you mind repeating that?.Communicative Functions(交际功能)Think of some noisy places. For example, construction sites, textile mills, airports where planes are frequently taking off and landing. Discuss with your classmates the negative effects caused by loud noise and ways to hel

25、p reduce noise pollution.What are you going to do after graduation from the university? Think about it and share your thoughts with your classmates.Oral Presentation(口语表达)Part C Relevant InformationThe human ear is a highly specialized organ for collecting sounds and transmitting information about t

26、he acoustic environment to the brain. It is able to detect minute pressure variation caused by a sound traveling through air and to convert them to mechanical vibrations of the eardrum, a thin membrane of skin. .The Human EarNoise may be defined as any sound which cause annoyance.It damages the hear

27、ing and causes deafness.It causes inflammation of the lining of the stomach and the brain.It makes small blood vessels constrict.It cuts down the blood supply to the heart.It dilates the retina of the eye, causing colour blindness and inaccurate vision.It causes stress and deafness.Noise and Its Eff

28、ectsPart D Tips for StudentsHow to prepare an oral presentation01Purpose sentence02Pattern of organization03OutliningUnit 3 Checking HomeworkPart A Classroom English.Expressions(表达方式)1. Im going to check your homework.2. Have you finished your posters?3. Hand in your exercise-books, please.4. Pass o

29、n from the back.5. Who hasnt handed in his homework?6. You shouldnt have forgotten your homework.7. You really ought to havebroughtyour homework.8. Dont forget to bring your homework next time.9. If you dont know how to do it, you can ask your classmates for help.10. You should make it up.11. Please

30、 correct the mistakes in your written work.Teacher: Now Im going to collect your homework. Hand in your workbooks, please. Sandy: Uh-oh! Ive forgotten to bring my workbook. Miss Zhang, I left my workbook at home. Im really sorry about it, but can I give it to you tomorrow? Teacher: Okay. But dont fo

31、rget to bring your homework next time. Sandy: No, I wont.Dialogues(对话)Teacher: Tony, wheres your workbook? Tony: Im sorry. I completely forgot to do my maths work. Teacher: You shouldnt have forgotten your maths work. Make a point to write down the assignment. Tick it up when you have finished it. I

32、n this way you wont forget it. Tony: Thank you, Miss Zhang. Ill take your advice. And I promise I wont forget it again.Dialogues(对话)Teacher: Yesterday I asked you to do Exercise Three on page thirty-six. Have you done it? Students: Yes, we have. Teacher: Good. Lets check the answer. Question one: wh

33、at is twice a half of five and a half? Sam. Sam: Five and a half. Teacher: Is he right? Students: Yes, he is. .Dialogues(对话)Teacher: Very good. Question two: if five times a certain number is half of eighty, what is the number? Rose. Rose: Two hundred. Students: No. She is wrong. Teacher: Mike, you

34、try. Mike: Eight. Teacher: Yes, eight. Youve got the right answer.Dialogues(对话)Part B Oral PracticeRemembering and forgetting Dont you remember? You didnt remember to turn off the lights, did you? Did you remember to buy the newspaper on the way home? I completely forgot. I forgot all about it. It c

35、ompletely slipped my mind.Communicative Functions(交际功能)Giving advice Be sure to arrive early. Make it a point to brush your teeth after every meal. Youd better go on a low-fat diet. You need to see a therapist. You ought to drink a lot of fluids. You must install a burglar alarm in your car. .Commun

36、icative Functions(交际功能)Giving advice You should definitely take him to court. If I were you, Id get a loan from the bank. I urge you to sell all your shares. I strongly advise you to buy an English-English dictionary. I recommend taking two aspirins every four hours. I recommend that you wear a tie

37、and jacket to the interview. .Communicative Functions(交际功能)Apologies Im sorry. Im sorry for being late. Im really sorry about it. Excuse me. I beg your pardon. Id like to apologize. Ive got to apologize. I want to apologize for falling asleep in class. I apologize that I gave you the wrong answer to

38、 the maths problems. Please accept my apology.Communicative Functions(交际功能)Granting forgiveness Thats OK. Never mind. Forget it. No problem. Its all right. Its nothing. It doesnt matter. Its not your fault. Dont worry about it. These things happen. We all make mistakes. Youre only human. I understan

39、d.Communicative Functions(交际功能)Do you have problems in language learning? If you do, tell them to the class and seek your classmatesadvice. They might help you solve your problems.Some people are forgetful. They often forget to do things. Are you a forgetful person? What do you usually forget? What

40、are the things in the past you still remember clearly now? Share your stories about remembering and forgetting with the class.Oral Presentation(口语表达)Part C Relevant InformationLanguage Notes01Uh-oh!02Make it a point todo something/ofdoing something03If you want to apologize, in BritishEnglishyou say

41、“Im sorry”Part D Tips for StudentsHow to write the introduction of a presentation01Making a startling statement02Asking a rhetorical question03Making a humorous remark04Citing a quotation05Telling a story06Sharing personal experience07Giving an example08Referring to occasion, audience, or topicUnit

42、4 CommentingPart A Classroom English.Expressions(表达方式)1.Well prepared.2.Thats neat.3.That was nicely done.4.Youve done a good job.5.Im afraid you are wrong.6.You didnt try hard with that.7.You should have spoken louder.8.Youve mispronounced the word.9.This sentence is idiomatically wrong.10.Pay atte

43、ntion to your handwriting. Its untidy.11.Thats not the idiomatic way of saying the sentence.Teacher: What do you think of Toms presentation? Student A: I think it was nicely done. Student B: He is well prepared. Student C: His pronunciation is good. Student D: His voice is loud. Student E: He made a

44、 good point in his speech. Student F: He made some grammatical mistakes, but still we can understand him. Teacher:I agree with you. Whats more, he had good eye contact with us, and used variety of pitch, pace and tone to convey his message. Thank you, Tom. Youve done an excellent job.Dialogues(对话)Te

45、acher: Michael, this essay is very well written. Michael: Really? Im glad to hear that. Teacher: Structurally you used a clear organizational pattern with an opening and closing and provided good and sufficient support and clarification. Michael: Did I make any grammatical mistakes? Teacher: Very fe

46、w. You demonstrated clear command of sentence patterns and chose appropriate vocabulary. So the language created desired effect. Im going to read it to the whole class today. Michael: Thank you for your encouragement, Miss Liu. Now Im more confident. Im sure Ill do better next time.Dialogues(对话)Sall

47、y: Did you want to see me, Mr. Shu? Teacher: Yes. Come in, Sally. I have to talk to you about your examination results. Your marks are not very good, are they? Sally: Im afraid not, Mr. Shu. Teacher: Did you find the work very difficult? Sally: No, I dont think so. Teacher: You work in the evenings,

48、 dont you?.Dialogues(对话)Sally: Yes, I do. But not every evening. I was too busy on the internet. Teacher: That wont do, Sally. You mustnt spend too much time on the internet. You ought to have worked at least two hours every evening on your work. Sally: Yes, Mr. Shu. Teacher: Well, thats all. Try an

49、d do better, wont you? Sally: Yes, I will. .Dialogues(对话)Part B Oral PracticeExpressing dissatisfaction Its too flashy. Im tired of it. It was a little disappointing. Im sick of it. Im annoyed with it. Im upset with it. Im angry at it. Im mad at it. Im furious with it. I really hoped it would be bet

50、ter. I was a little disappointed. I wasnt very pleased with it. I really expected it to be better. I really thought it would be better. It wasnt as good as I thought it would be.Communicative Functions(交际功能)Offering suggestions Lets go for a walk. Shall we play squash? Why not form a carpool? What i

51、f we went bowling? It might be a good idea to have a light meal. I suggest that you buy a fuel-efficient compact car. How about going shopping? What about an out-of-the-way vacation spot? Why dont you switch to another department?.Communicative Functions(交际功能)Responding to suggestions That sounds gr

52、eat. Thats a good idea. Thats a good suggestion. That hadnt occurred to me. That never entered my mind. I hadnt thought of that.Communicative Functions(交际功能)Are you satisfied with your life and work in the school? Do you have any complaints to make? Tell about the things that are bothering you most,

53、 and ask your classmates to help you solve the problems.2.Have you ever tried to return anything to a store? If you have, why did you want to return it? Did the store take the item back and give you a refund or did it refuse? Tell the class about your experience.Oral Presentation(口语表达)Part C Relevan

54、t Information.Language NotesFlashy means very bright colour, often with a wild pattern.It is not unusual to return something you have purchased or you have received as a gift. Most department stores have a Refund Counter. A store will usually return your money or allow you to change the item for ano

55、ther and pay any difference in cost. Some stores wont give refunds or exchanges. If they dont, there are usually signs in the store telling a customer the store policy.RefundPart D Tips for StudentsHow to write the body of a presentationThe body of your presentation should include all the talking po

56、ints from your outline. Its organization depends on the topic and any expectations of your profession. Check with your teacher to find out whether there is a required format. If you have written an article on your subject, do not assume that the oral presentation should be organized in the same mann

57、er since people do not process a speech in the same way they process printed material. How to write the body of a presentationTry to use language that is accurate, clear, appropriate, and original. A chronological structure works well if there is a clear sequence of events. Scientific presentations

58、often use a methods, results and discussion structure. If the usual structure seems awkward, consider using an idea structure beginning with the idea that is most relevant to the topic. How to write the body of a presentationUse verbal cues such as “first of all, secondly, lastly” to let your audien

59、ce know when you are listing ideas; “for example, such as” citing examples; “because, as” explaining causes; “therefore, as a result” presenting effects; “the first step, then” indicating procedures; “however, on the other hand”, switching topics or ideas, or whatever feels natural. Think about your

60、 audience. What words or ideas will they respond favorably to? Avoid using too many different ideas, which can confuse your audience. Stick to two to three main points and find different ways to talk about them.Unit 5 EncouragingPart A Classroom English.Expressions(表达方式)1.Wholl try? 2.Any volunteers


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