已阅读5页,还剩48页未读 继续免费阅读




1、教学目标 : Lesson 1:Skirt and Pants 学问 : 1 把握本课的新词汇 : skirt blouse pants shirts weater 2 懂得句型 : What is heshe wearing. HeShe is wearing . 才能 : 教会同学正确地用英语描述人们的穿着;情感:让同学在课堂教学中体会学习的欢乐,敢于用英语表达自己想说的内容,开展学生综合语言运用的才能;教学重、难点:重点:把握本课所学的新词汇:skirt blouse pants shirts weater 难点:懂得并运用句型 What is heshe wearing. HeShe

2、is wearing . 教具、学具:老师词汇卡片、录音机、教学磁带;教学过程:一、开头上课和复习 1、师生互致问候 2、唱歌: Stand up Sit down 3、操练:老师板书What is heshe doing. HeShe is .带着全班进行问答练习;T:指一名同学 Stand up please. Ss:HeShe is standing. 指站起来的同学 What is heshe doing. 提示同学 _ing 意思是此时此刻正在做某事;如:We are_ing. 我们正在干或正在做 某事;比较 : Li Ming gose to school everyday. Li

3、 Ming is going to school now. 4、操练:用问答的形式复习颜色名称 What color is it? Is it _. Is it _or_. 二、新授 1、skirt blouse pants shirts weater 1示范:老师出示各种衣服的卡片或指同学穿的衣服来介绍skirt blouse pants shirts weater 并与同学一起重复读几遍上述单词2播放录音 No.1 What is it. 让同学看书跟读;3讲解 pants 这个词在英语中是一个好玩的词,指一件东西却是复数形式;这和以前我 们曾经接触过的单词 scissors 剪刀是一样的

4、;4操练:老师指着班上所穿的衣服带着同学做如下问答练习 Is this a _. YesNo. What is this. It s a _. Is this a _or a_. Its a _.当同学很有把握的答复这些问题后 , 在句型中参与表示颜色的词 . 如让同学看书中的图画 , 带着他们做下面的练习 T: What are they. 指 pants Ss:They are pants. T: What color are they. Ss:They are blue. T: Yes.They are blue pants.Blue pants. 用其他衣服联系单数形式T: What

5、is it.指衬衣 Ss:Its a shirt.T: What color is it. Ss:Its white and yellow.叫几名同学到前面,带着同学连续操练T: 指同学穿的衬衣 What is it. Ss: Its a shirt.T: What color is it. Ss: Its a _.T:Oh yes. Its a_shirt.2、What is heshe doing. 1示范:用汉语说明wear 的意思为“ 穿或“ 戴;板书wear,用手指着这个单词领同学读假设干遍; wearing 表示“ 正穿着,再指某个同学所穿的衣服做对话练习;T:指一同学穿的衣服 W

6、hat is heshe wearing. HeShe is wearing a 供学习参考_. 领同学读此句 Ss: HeShe is wearing a _. T: 指另一同学 What is heshe wearing. Ss: HeShe is wearing a _. T: 再指一同学 What are you wearing. S:I m wearing a _.T: 指自己的衣服 What am I wearing. S:You are wearing a _. . . 2 播放录音 No.2 Whats he wearing. What s shewearing 让同学先静听两

7、遍然后再看书跟读2-3 遍后让同学自己将句子译成汉语3 练习: 把同学分成假设干小组 , 让他们依据所穿的衣服用以下句型进行轮番问答What is heshe wearing. HeShe is wearing a . What are you wearing. Im wearing a _.4 表演: 请几组同学向全班表演他们所练习的对话 三、检查懂得情形 四、终止课堂教学:1、做 .活动手册 . 2、布置课外作业 3、Say“ Goodbye! to the students. 板书 : Lesson1 Skirt and Pants skirt blouse pants shirts w

8、eater wearwearing What is heshe wearing. HeShe is wearing . 课后反思:Lesson 2:New and old 一、教学目标:1、学问目标:使同学能够正确地听、读、写、用以下词汇:new , old;使同学能够用 I like表达情感;2、才能目标:通过嬉戏、表演等活动,培育同学语言运用才能,通过学习语言学问,培 养同学对学问的迁移才能和发散思维才能;3、情感目标:让同学体会英语学习中的乐趣,敢于表达自己的情感;二、教学重点、难点:1、新单词: new old 2、句型: I like your_.Its nice 三、教具、学具:师

9、:新旧衣服、文具及其它用品;标有新旧物品的单词卡片;生:新旧衣物及其它用品;四、教学过程:一、以情激趣,复习旧知;Li Ming 和 Jenny 的图片;衣服模型纸剪的 ;一套1、师生问候: T:Good morning , my boys and girls. S:Good morning , teacher. T:Are you happy. S:Yes. 2、唱英文歌曲“If Youre Happy and You Know It 师生一边唱,一边做相应的动作;供学习参考设计意图:师生共同边唱边舞,既亲切活泼,又激发了同学的学习爱好,吸引了同学的留意力,让同学在轻松的气氛中进入学习英语的

10、意境;3、用“ 穿衣服的嬉戏复习衣服名称和句型“Whats he /she wearing.老师把 Li Ming, Jenny T:Whats this . What colour is it . 的画像贴到黑板上,出示纸剪衣服模型;S: It is a skirt. Its blue. 提问六到八名同学 老师把衣服模型搭配到以上人物身上:T: What is he wearing . S:He is wearing a green sweater. 全班分成两组抢答,答对最多组为胜;设计意图:竞赛型嬉戏,既让同学稳固了学问,又使他们集中留意力,兴奋精神;二、整体输入,感受新知;1、用新旧不

11、同的物品如衣服、文具等相比照引出新词 new, old. T: This is a new blouse, that is an old blouse. This is a new ruler, that is an old ruler. 同学猜出 new, old 的意思;出示新旧物品比照照片,让同学试着描述;2、老师走到同学中间,指着一名同学的裙子:I like your skirt. Its nice. Is it new. 分别问穿新旧不同衣服的同学假设干; 引导同学用 thanks 来答复;板书并领读; 三、完成任务,稳固新知;1、听第一局部录音,同学跟读;、玩“ 呼相同词嬉戏;规那

12、么 : 老师预备一套新旧物品词汇卡片,每个单词有两张,打乱次序,同学人手一张,老师说 Go!全部同学开头在教室里来回走动,一遍遍的说他们手中词汇卡上的单词;发觉同他说一样单词的同学后,两人站到一起,都找到伙伴后,师提问每一组:Whats this.两人一起答复 :New sweater / Old chair /、“ 我观察了某物嬉戏;规那么:一名自愿的同学面对大家,老师从他身后举起一张新、旧衣服卡片,全体同学 一起拍手说: I see something new /old. I see something new / old. 这名同学试着猜,猜中为止;在换其他同学猜;设计意图:充分发挥同学

13、视觉、听觉、动觉的协同作用,做到了全员参与,锤炼了全 体同学运用语言的才能; 2、听其次局部录音,跟读;“ 开火车嬉戏,操练其次局部所学句型:“I like your Is it new./ Are they new.嬉戏方式如下:S1:I like your S2:Thanks. Its nice.S1:Is it new . / Are they new. S2:Yes./ No. I like your Its nice.S3:Thanks. S2:Is it new . / Are they new. S3:Yes. / No. 以此类推,为保证嬉戏成效,老师先与一个同学做示范;设计意

14、图:有意操练旨在培育同学对学问的迁移才能,并为交际活动做铺垫;四、设置情境、活用交际;同学利用从家带来的新旧衣物或其它物品,任意创设情境编对话;设计意图:使同学在活动中提升对新学问的感悟和懂得,培育同学的发散思维才能;五、活动总结,赐予勉励;供学习参考评判同学在本节课活动情形,夸奖每一名同学,并适当发小红星赐予勉励,勉励每个学生更加努力;设计意图:激发同学成就感,引导他们对英语产生长久、稳固的爱好;六、布置作业、适时反响;1、录音:让同学把自己认为读的最出色的一段录下来;设计意图:稳固本课所学学问,调动同学课下学习英语的爱好;五、板书设计: Lesson 2:New and Old new A

15、 old B A六、练习检测: B:I like your Its nice.:Thank you . :Is it new . /Are they new . :Yes ./ No . 七、课后反思:Lesson 3 Coat and Scarf 教学目标 : 学问: 1四会把握单词 coat 、hat 2口头运用单词 scarf 、gloves 和 boots 3初步学会使用句型 Whose is this?Is this your ?才能:正确的用英语来描述人们的穿着;情感:进一步培育同学学习英语的积极性形成长久的学习爱好;教学重、难点:重点:把握和运用 new、old 这对反义词,口头

16、运用单词 scarf 、gloves 和 boots 难点:学会使用本课句型 Whose is this?Is this your ?教具、学具:各种衣服的课件、老师词卡、录音机和教学磁带;教学过程:一、开头上课和复习 1、师生互致问候2、唱歌,让同学选择一首他们宠爱唱的英文歌曲3、操练,用 Whats this./What are they. Its a_./They are_ _. 句型来复习有关衣服、颜色的词汇;告知同学答复时应当说出衣服的颜色和名称;练习一段时间后变换一下方式,用 Whats he/she wearing. He/She is wearing a_ _. 二、新授1、c

17、oat hat scarf gloves boots 1示范:老师出示上述衣物的词汇卡片,在和同学反复说出这些衣服名称时举起相应的卡片并将单词写在黑板上,然后老师指着这些单词与同学反复朗读; 2 播放录音,同学看书跟读3老师让一名穿着比较新的衣服的同学到前面做角色表演T: 指这名同学的衣服 I like your_. S:Thanks. T:Is it new.Is it old. S:Yes its new./No its old.T:It s nice. S:Thanks.让同学两人一组到前面仿照老师与这名同学所做的对话,任选衣服用他们所把握的词句相互赞扬对方的衣服;4做 .活动手册 .

18、2 、Whose_is this. Is this your_. 1老师从同学桌子上拿起一件物品装作不知道这个物品是谁的,向全班提问T:Is this your_. S1:No. T:Is this your_. S2:No. T:Is this your_. 领读 Ss:Is this your_. T:指物主 Is this your_. S3:Yesits my_. 2老师拿起同学的另一物品装作找它的主人 T:Is this your_. S1:No. T:装作很困惑 Whose_is this. 领读 Ss: Whose_is this. T:Very good. 指物主 Whose_

19、is this. Is this your_. 供学习参考S2:Yesit s my_.3播放录音,在播放录音之前先让同学推测在Miss Zhang 和 Danny之间的对话中发生了什么事,老师留意提示同学,提问问题时语调要用升调;播放录音,让同学看书跟读;4练习:同学自由结伴大声朗读书上 然后轮换;三、检查懂得情形Miss Zhang和 Danny的对话,每个同学扮演一个角色,1、老师提问: Is this Dannys hat. Are these Dannys gloves. Why do you know. 2、让几对同学朗读 Miss Zhang 和 Danny的对话四、终止课堂教学

20、 1、布置课外作业 2、Say“ Goodbye! to the students. 板书:Lesson3 Coat and Scarf coat hat scarf gloves boots Whose_is this. Is this your_. Is this Dannys hat.Are these Danny s gloves.Why do you know. 课后反思:Lesson 4:Shoes and Socks 教学目标:学问目标 1识记生词 shoes, socks, dress, shorts 等; 2懂得背诵娴熟运用句子:Are they his shorts. Is

21、 this her dress.技能目标:能娴熟应用所学单词和句子进行对话;情感态度价值观:给同学的友好合作制造良好的气氛;教学方法 :讲解法,嬉戏练习法;教学重难点: 1识记生词 shoes, socks, dress, shorts 等; 2懂得背诵娴熟运用句子:教学用具:卡片,图片,录音机教学过程:1师生相互问候;学唱英文歌曲 唱 DO THE HOKEY POKEY.借以复习 his 和 her 播放录音,与同学一起跟着录音边 唱边做动作;然后快速复习唱歌时做的动作;老师:对单个同学 Stand, please. Wave your arm. 对全班 Whats he /she doi

22、ng. 全班: He/Shes waving his /her arm. 老师:对另一名同学 Stand, please. Shake your leg. 全班: He/She s shaking his / her leg. 用图片打扮,把讲桌设计为一服饰店;老师扮演导购员 , 对商品进行说明并提问 . 例如:老师:This is a clothes shop. The name of the shop is PREETY BABY. Here we have many beautiful clothes. Look. 指着一件蓝色的裙子 What is it. 同学: Skirt. 老师:

23、 What colour is it. 同学: Blue. 2教授新单词 -Shoes,socks,dress,shorts. 老师连续扮演导购员,对大家进行新品介绍;介绍新单词老师: Here are new brand on sale. 新品上市 How nice. Look !What is it. Its a dress. Dress. Dress. Class, say it ,please. 同学: Dress, dress. 老师: Very good. Its a dress. 用同样方法介绍 shoes,socks,dress,shorts. 播放录音,让同学看书跟读;3做嬉

24、戏 用问答方式复习 :Whose is this. Is this your_. 老师:拿起已带到班上的衣服Whose is this. 全班: I dont know. 老师: Is this your _. 全班: No. Whose is 老师:像一位同学要一条围巾或一件毛衣,拿着它问这位同学供学习参考this. Is this your_. 同学: Yes. 老师:问一位不是物主的同学Is this your_. 同学甲: No. 老师:指着物主 Is this his .her _. 同学甲: Yes. 老师: Yes, its his /her _. Say it , please

25、, class. 全班: Yes, its his /her_. 老师: Whose _is it. Whose _is it . 全班: Its his /her_. 老师: Very good. 4播放录音,让同学看书跟读;课堂练习:让同学画线连接单词和图画;Is this his / her _. Are these his / her_. 板书: Lesson 4: Shoes and Socks shoes, socks, dress, shorts Is this his / her . Are these his / her . 布置作业:完成 .活动手册 .中的习题;课后反思:

26、Lesson5 Days of the week 教学目标:学问与技能:正确地说、读、写,用星期名称单词;过程与方法:能够观看出有关星期单词的特点,在合作学习中把握有关星期的单词;情感态度、价值观:明白东西方文化差异,连续产生并保持对英语的爱好;教学重点: 1、同学能说、读、写、用星期名称单词 2、学唱 .Hes Wearing Red Pants. 的歌 曲 教学难点: 1、区分 Tuesday 和 Thursday2、学唱 .Hes Wearing Red Pants. 的歌曲教 具:单词卡片 录音机教学课时:一课时教学过程:一、Greeting. 二、新授: 1、T:There are

27、seven days of the week ,the first day is . Ss: Sunday. Show them seven pictures about days of the week. Ss: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday. T: Now lets sing a song .Days of the week.,and pass the pictures one by one.音乐停止,手拿图片的同学到前面来唱到谁,谁来,全班再唱一遍,把图片贴在黑板上;2、Read these days b

28、y the ways they like a. 按次序读; b. 倒读; c. 挑自己宠爱的读;3. What day is it today.Its通过各种拍手的节奏来练习句子;4. 听录音;5. 跟读课文录音;6. 教授歌曲 .Hes Wearing Red Pants. ;a. 指读单词; b. 学唱;三、练习;a. 传纸球;预备七张写有一周七天的纸,把他们揉成一个纸球,一边唱歌一边传,停到 哪里那个同学把纸球翻开看一下,全班问:“What day is it today.那个同学答复:“ It s b. 每人手里一张卡片,一人问一人猜,猜对了可以赢得这张卡片,最终看谁赢得最多;四、作业

29、;设计一份自己宠爱的课程表:把日期填好,然后设计自己宠爱的课程;五、板书设计: Lesson5: Days of the Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday What day is it . Thursday Friday Saturday Its 课后反思:供学习参考Lesson7 Betty s Clothes 教学目标 : 学问目标:熟识会读单词wear favourite soft;会用句型What shall I wear .I will wear 才能目标:能听说读写本课所学单词;能运用本课所学句型描述该穿戴何种衣服;情感目标 : 培育参与集体

30、活动的积极乐观态度;教学重点、难点:能运用本课句型;培育同学积极参与集体活动的信心与士气教学预备:文中衣服的头饰;教学过程:1. 师生问候 2. 复习上一节课的学问3. 介绍本课生词: party today soft wait wear favourite 同学指读字母发音特点,尝试读单词,老师指正;领读,同学跟读;小组读,个人读;4. 以小组为单位,读课文,相互纠音,尝试翻译;小组内争论,相互朗读课文;小组展现争论成果,优秀的小组赐予加分嘉奖;5. 听录音,纠音,及句子的语气重音;老师领读,同学跟读课文;6. 讲解句子, What shall I wear .I will wear 7.

31、小组争论答复 Talk and act 中问题,小组展现答复;8. 勉励同学积极参与,八个同学一组,分角色演出这个故事;对表现好的小组和同学赐予勉励;课堂练习及作业: .活动手册 .第7课板书: Lesson7 Bettys Clothes party today What shall I wear . soft wait I will wear wear favourite 课后反思:Again, please . 一、教学目标:1、 学问方面:使同学能说、读、写、用词汇 skirt , blouse , pants , shirt , sweater ,coat , hat , shoes

32、 ,dress , socks ; too big , too small ; new ,old ; Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday 2、才能方面:1能把所学单词运用到日常口语沟通当中,在适当的情境中能敏捷运用;7天的名称;2能用英文描述人们的衣着、一周 3、情感态度、价值观:通过嬉戏激发同学学习爱好,通过创设情境角色表演调动同学积极参与性,通过勉励树立同学学习英语的信心;二、教学重点、教学难点:1教学重点:使同学能说、读、写、用词汇 skirt , blouse , pants , sh

33、irt , sweater ,coat , hat , shoes ,dress , socks ; too big , too small ; new ,old ; Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday 2教学难点:a. 能把所学单词运用到日常口语沟通当中,在适当的情境中能敏捷运用;b. 英文描述人 们的衣着、一周 7天的名称;三、教具、学具:单词卡片、衣服实物、多媒体课件;四、教学过程:1、师生问候: T:Good morning , my boys and girls. 供学习参考S:Go

34、od morning , teacher. 1Sing a song :“ Hes wearing red pants .2、复习旧知1、老师拿出单词卡片共做 Whats missing 嬉戏;设计思路:通过 Whats missing 的嬉戏复习本单元所学单词,使同学在消遣中稳固所学学问;2、将第一局部单词分类;老师在黑板上画两个大圈,其中一个写上“a pair of,令外一个写上“a同学把卡片帖到对应的位置; 设计思路:同学不仅动口说,动脑想,并且仍动手做,调动多种感官,有效地调动了同学的积极性,同时,仍对“a和“a pair of 进行了区分;3、用“ 穿衣服的嬉戏复习衣服名称和句型“W

35、hats he /she wearing.将全班分成两组进行抢答竞赛,答对最多组为胜组;T: What is he wearing. S: He is wearing a green sweater, but it is too big. 4、Dialogue. 课本 P16以此类推,为保证嬉戏成效,老师先与一个同学做示范,并在课间上出现,以降低难度;设计意图:有意操练旨在培育锤炼同学口语交际才能;5、设置情境、活用交际;同学利用身上穿的新旧衣物或其它物品,任意创设情境编对话;设计意图:培育同学对学问的迁移才能使同学在活动中提升对学问的感悟和懂得,培养同学的发散思维才能;3、class clo

36、sing .N ow, Let s chant.一个星期有七天 , 大家都来数数看 , 星期一 , 是 Monday,背着书包去学习 , 星期二 , 是 Tuesday, 小伙伴们齐努力 , 星期三 , 是 Wednesday, 学好本事为自己 , 星期四 , 是 Thursday, 每天取得好成果 , 星期五 , 是 Friday, Saturday 我们做嬉戏 , 星期日 , 是 Sunday, 早把作业做完哩;4、Homework: 1 连续编排情境表演,下节课展现五、板书设计: Lesson 8 Again,Please. a pair of: pants 、 socks 、a : s

37、kirt , blouse , shirt ,sweater ,coat, hat , shoes、 gloves dress , 六、 Exercises 1, 补全单词Sun Tues day Fri M day Thurs 2, 写出以下单词c_ _t sh_ _s dr_ _ _ gl_ _ _s sc_ _f h_t s_ _ks 课后反思:Lesson7:Homework 一、教学目标:1、 学问方面:能在听说读写方面把握和运用四个词组:a story /draw a picture;do my homework /read a book/write 2、 才能方面:能够在日常生活

38、中敏捷运用所学的词汇和句型;3、 情感态度,价值观:运用大量嬉戏激发同学学习英语的爱好,小组、同桌合作学习培育 同学合作精神;二、 教学重难点: do my homework /read a book /write a story /draw a picture 三、教具学具:短语卡片、磁带、录音机、教科书及故事书四、教学过程:一 Class opening Greeting Hello , boys and girls . How are you today . Hows the weather . Sing a song This is the way we walk to school

39、/write with pencils/draw with markers 供学习参考. Review Guess ,guess, guess 嬉戏规那么:老师预备一小纸盒,里面放一些纸条,内容为: write with pencil / draw with marker / walk to school / do my homework / cut with scissors / open the door二 New Concept Presentation. read a bookPlay a game : 做“ 击鼓传花的嬉戏,问同学:“What do you do in the eve

40、ning. 花传到谁手里,就答:“In the evening ,I - .最终,特意支配传到老师的手里,说: “ In the evening ,I read a book. 同时做出动作 ;强调“read的读法与“red的不同,与“meat tea 读音的相同点;Drill: Say it and do the action. Say it in pairs . write a story.Take out a story book:This is a story book. 举出几种故事名称; .白雪公主 .is a story , .拇指姑娘 .is a story 让同学说说自己最宠

41、爱的故事:My favourite story is 通过同学猜老师先告知一个同学,其做动作展现 it . draw a picture.Write A story . Let the students say Take out a story book. Point to some pictures ,let the students find out some pictures from the English book. 师耳语,生动作 show : draw a picture Let the students say with the actions . Play a game :

42、whats missing .嬉戏规那么:把本课学的短语卡片贴在黑板上,所有同学闭眼,老师趁机摘下一个,再让同学睁眼,让同学猜缺了哪个词;listen to the tape and repeat . 第一遍,先让同学听;其次遍,跟读;并在此解 释“ for 的意思; Play a game :一个同学说自己晚上做什么,其他同学都跟着做动作;. Practice Play a game: 木头人嬉戏规那么:找 35名同学到前面随便做动作,其余同学一起喊:onetwothree 木头人作;Play a game :go-stop 五、课堂练习;,前面的同学快速停住动作,然后其他人猜他们做的是什么

43、动 当喊到 stop 时 ,相互谈论 In the evening , I _ . 1英汉互译; Read a book 做作业 dry the clothes 画一幅画 fold the clothes 在晚上 Wash the clothes write a story 2单项选择题;1I draw a picture_my story. A. for B. to 2. We wash the clothes _a Sunday morning. A. at B. on 3. I do_ homework in the evening. A. your B. my 4. We sit_re

44、st on a Saturday morning. A. and B. with 六、作业支配 1Remember new words and sentences ;2Recite the text. 七、板书设计: Lesson10:Homework read a book do my homework write a story draw a picture 八、教学反思:供学习参考Lesson 8 :TV and Telephone 一、教学目标:1. 学问方面:通过本课的学习, 同学应把握说、熟识和口头运用 以下词汇: TV telephone computer radio; 要求同学

45、练习并能熟识以下词汇:on the computer listen to the radio watch TV talk on the telephone play 2. 才能方面: 1 能把所学单词运用到日常口语沟通当中, 在适当的情境中能敏捷运用;如:在家看电视、打等等;2 培育良好的生活习惯,不能过晚睡觉,要养成早睡早起的良好习惯;3情感、态度、价值观:通过创设情形开掘同学学习爱好,通过角色扮演来调动同学的积极 参与性;二、教学重难点:把握及运用TV telephone computer radio 三、教具学具:教具:单词卡片录音带 CAI 课件学具:英语课本 活动手册四、教学过程:

46、一Class Opening and Review Greeting T: Hello, everyone. S: Hello, Miss Lian. T: How are you, today. S: I m fine, thanks. And you.T: I m very well, Thank you. 二 、Key Concepts TV,telephone, computer, radio a. 教科书 .老师分别出示 TV,telephone, computer, radio 的卡片;问同学: What is it. 带着同学一起学习这四个单词;假如同学已经知道 TV这个单词,

47、老师就可以告知他们这个单 词的全称 television;向同学说明加拿大人常把 telephone 这个单词缩称为 phone;让同学翻开 .教科书 .,再次大气朗读这些单词;仍可以向同学提出诸如此类的问题:Do you have a TV at home. Do you like TV. What else do you recognize in the photographs. b. 学习 Chant: What is it. What is it. What is- it. TV,TV,T-V. What is it. What is it. What is- it. Computer

48、, computer, computer. What is it. What is it. What is- it. Radio, radio, ra-dio. What is it. What is it. What is it. What is-it. Telephone, telephone, tele-phone. c. 播放录音,让同学看书跟读;d. 操练开展一个小竞赛,让同学在教科书上的照片中快速地指出读到的每件物品,激发同学 的学习爱好;e. 活动手册 .: 第一题:让同学画线连接图片和单词;2Watch TV, talk on the telephone, play on th

49、e computer, listen to the radio. a. 示范 问同学: Whats Li Ming doing. 打 Whats Li Ming doing.看电视Whats Li Ming doing.打电脑 Whats Li Ming doing.听收音机教授这些短语,并伴以相应的动作;老师要指出,当一个人拿起 拨号时,他就是 calling someone;当人们通过 谈话时,他们就是 talk on the telephone;选出一幅黑板上的图画, 然后表演规定的动作;b. 操练 让一名自告奋勇的同学站到前面,带着同学做问答练习:T: 指着自告奋勇的同学选择的黑板上的

50、图画Whats this.C: A . 或 It s a . 供学习参考T: Good, He/she is ingon the /to the .say it, please,class. C: He/she s ingon the/to the . T: Very good. 对自告奋勇的同学说 What are you doing. S: I m ingon the /to the . T: Very good. Do you like ingon the/ to the . S: Yes, I like ingon the/to the . 或 No,I like ingon the/

51、 to the . 假如需要,可以用答案提示同学;出示 CAI 课件,争论 Jenny 的图画,向同学提问:When does Jenny leave school. What Jenny will do the first when she gets home. What Jenny will do after supper. What Jenny will do when she goes to bed. 同学试着答复;再次看课件,让同学跟着朗读;(三) Class Closing. 活动手册 . 五、板书: Lesson11:TV and Telephone talk on the te

52、lephoneWalk home watch TVtelevisionphoneplay on the computer listen to the radio 课后反思:Lesson 9 :In the Bedroom 教学目标 : 学问:学会表达方位的单词 才能:初步会形容物体的方位above below beside across from 情感:养成良好摆放生活物品的习惯教学重难点 : 方位词及数字 教学课型准时数 : 新授 , 一课时 教学设计过程 : 开头上课及复习与同学一起拍手唱服装秀的歌曲Hes wearing -on a Monday让同学展现自己喜爱的服饰 , 以此来激发同

53、学学习爱好,播放录音歌曲 I love you 到 Family 同学自然想到家里有与同学一起唱并做动作,制造一个轻松开心的课堂气氛,唱 Bedroom,从而卧房里的物品大家会回忆一下,为复习卧房里的物品做预备m happy, are 问候: Good morning ,girls and boys. How are you. Nice meet you. Iyou happy.Sit down, please. 复习卧房里物品的单词卡片 :bed dresser slippers TV picture 等为新课做预备;用铅笔及书复习介词 on, in, under 新授 :1 运用 tedd

54、y bear on the bed 来引出新词 above, 并运用铅笔及书演示方位词 above与 on 的不同,说明 on 是物体接触而 above 是上方,让同学跟着老师的指令用书练习这两个方位词 例如:师: Put your book on your head, put your book above your head ,put your book on the desk, put your book above the desk, 用同样的方法教授并练习 below ,说明 below 与 under 的不同,用铅笔与书表达 beside 并加以练习,例如: Miss Liu is

55、 beside Yan Xin. Yan Xin is beside Wu Hao. 等,以此方法教授 across from , 并把这些词写在黑板上事先画好的简笔画的相对位置上 . 播放录音同学跟读 , 然后两人或小组练习,老师进行巡察 并检查练习情形供学习参考操练:老师放置物体,让同学练习方位词above below beside between across from on under 小组活动:找出课本中第三局部两幅图的区分,并表达出来不同物体所处的位置;板书: Lesson 12:In the Bedroom on under Whats in your bedroom?above

56、 below There is/are beside between across from 教学反思:Lesson 10 :Brush and wash 教学目标 : 学问目标: 把握单词和词组: Comb, brush, soap, toothbrush ,brush teeth, comb hair ,wash face, take a shower, put on clothes. 才能目标: 1. 把握并运用词组 .2. 培育同学养成讲究卫生的良好习惯;情感目标: learn to sing the song.This is the way we brush our hair. 来提

57、高同学学习英语的爱好;教学难点分析:正确把握并运用重点词组;教学课时 : 一课时 教学过程:1、复习练唱,让同学回忆一下上次学的歌曲,引起同学的爱好 2、带着同学进行问答训练,谈一谈让同学感性却的话题;拿卧房中的物品卡片,T: what is this in the bedroom. Ss: Its a_.3、出示浴室大图片,让同学争论,T: What can you see. Ss: I see_.引出本课重点单词: brush, comb, soap and toothbrush 读音及用法;4、嬉戏:听听,说说,做做, 并运用实物交给同学单词的老师手拿实物演示动词词组,eg:brush

58、my hair,brush my teeth, comb my hair, wash my hands, wash ,my face, take a shower ,然后同学小组进行练习5、学唱其次局部歌曲:第一,边做动作边讲解歌曲内容;其次,跟音乐学唱歌曲由于同学对这首歌的旋律已经熟识,所以歌曲应当很简洁接受最终,邀请个别同学到前面边做动作边唱歌;6、作业 : 依据歌曲旋律创编歌曲 板书设计:lesson 13 :Brush and Comb Brush brush teeth Comb comb hair Soap wash face Toothbrush put on clothes 课

59、后练习:课后反思:Lesson 11 :Toys 供学习参考教学目标 :1 、学问目标:要求同学学会单词:Ball doll kite skipping rope;要求同学娴熟把握本课短语 :play with a ball play with a doll.fly a kite skip with a skipping rope并能在实际情形中运用;2、才能目标:通过本课学习,让同学在丰富多彩的嬉戏活动中娴熟运用本课学问,增强学习 爱好,提高英语的交际才能;3、情感目标:通过本课学习,让同学能听懂所接触的指示语,并提高同学合作学习的才能;教学难点分析 : 要求同学娴熟把握本课短语 skip

60、with a skipping rope 并能在实际情形中运用;教学课时 : 一课时:play with a ball play with a doll 、fly a kite 教学过程 I.Class opening 1. Greeting2. Play a game II. New concepts 1. 出示洋娃娃,用问答的形式教授单词doll,并教授短语 play with a doll, 让同学边玩洋娃娃边说短语;2用问答的形式揭示单词 ball ,并用拍球和传接球的动作教授短语 play with a ball 和 play catch with a ball;让同学结组做传接球嬉


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