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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Mary nearly missed

2、 the flight doing too much shopping.Ain need ofBon top ofCin front ofDas a result of2It is widely acknowledged in foreign companies that employees should be _ in terms of innovation capability.Aexamined BevolvedCevaluated Dencouraged3We should organize useful activities, which will _ the relationshi

3、p of the students.AappointBemployCpromoteDcommit4The two birds _ each other in shape and color. In other words, they _ each other in shape and color.Adiffer, are different fromBdiffer from, are different toCresemble, are similar toDresemble, are similar with5This house is almost _ to the one where I

4、 lived as a child.AidenticalBmanualCchillyDenthusiastic6No driving after drinking is a rule that every driver _ obey in our country.AwillBshallCmayDcan7- I prefer a computer made in your company, but I may need some more information about the product.- _.AThank youBIts a pleasureCYou are welcomeDAt

5、your service8A study suggests reducing energy demand in the future may _ urban areas.Thats true. Cities need more energy than small towns or other rural areas.Acatch on Bact onChang on Dcenter on9I spend two weeks in Beijing last year.Then you must have visited the Great Wall during your stay, _ you

6、?AmustntBdidntChaventDhadnt10Children who are not active or_ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.AwhatBwhoseCwhichDthat11Some tourists visiting Tian anmen Square during the holiday left a _ of litter everywhere they went.AtrailBdotCchainDtrack12The farmer used wood to build a house _ to sto

7、re grain.A. thatB. in whichC. whichD. what13As _ healthier lifestyle is being promoted, the bicycle has also become a tool that keeps people on _ go.Athe; aBa; aCa; theDa; /14People crowd into _ cherry trees are blooming, appreciating the fresh spring sight.AwhatBwhenCwhichDwhere15Every four years A

8、mericans _ the transfer of power.Acarry over Bcarry offCcarry on Dcarry out16Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it _ and is beyond our control.ApassedBwill passChas passedDhad passed17As is known to all, _ opening ceremony of the 16th Asian Games held on November 12th in Guangzhou was

9、 _ great success. A/; a Bthe; a Cthe; / Da; /18It is really cold and the ground is wet; it _ have rained last night.AmightBmustCcanDshould19Is this your cell phone, Tony? I _ it when I was cleaning the classroom.Acame acrossBdealt withClooked afterDheld on to20Zhang Xuan, _ university student from S

10、hanghai, learns _ art in her spare time.Aan; /Ba; theCa; /Dan; the第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)XXX: The Return of Xander CageRelease date: January 20,2017Starring: Vin Diesel, Ruby Rose, Nina Dobrev, Donnie Yen, Kris WuRating: Plot: Xander Cage (Vin Diesel)is left for death

11、 after an incident, and then he secretly returns to action for a tough assignment designed for him.Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons(妖魔) IIRelease date: January 28,2017Starring: Kris Wu, Kenny Lin, Yao Chen, Jelly LinRating: Plot: The film is a sequel (续集)to the 2013 film, Journey to the We

12、st: Conquering the Demons, which was directed by Stephen Chow. Tang Sanzang (Kris Wu), along with his three disciples, sets out on the Journey to the West. Although they appear to be harmonious, in reality, they are plotting against each other. After a series of adventures where they capture demons,

13、 they start to understand one anothers pains and heart, and finally solve their internal conflicts, working together to become the most united demon-killing team.Live by NightRelease date: January 13,2017Starring: Ben Affleck, Scott Eastwood, Zoe Saldana, Elle FaningRating: Plot: In the Prohibition

14、Era, Joe Coughlin, the prodigal son of a Boston police captain, becomes a bootlegger and later, a notorious gangster(恶棍).The Village of No ReturnRelease date: January 28,2017Starring: Hsu chi, Wang Qianyuan, Hsiao-chuan Chang, Eric TsangRating: Plot: In a beautiful and quiet village, an uninvited gu

15、est and mysterious treasure appear, making a series of funny stories happen.1、Which film can you see if youre free on Jan. 13,2017?ALive by Night BJourney to the WestCThe Return of Xander Cage DThe Village of No Return2、Who stars two films among the four mentioned?AScott Eastwood BKris WuCRuby Rose

16、DHsu chi3、Why can the demon-killing group finally become the most harmonious one?AThey are facing risks to explore everythingBThey can avoid their internal argumentsCThey can fully know about each otherDThey are fighting against each other4、How is The Village of No Return different from the other fi

17、lms?AIt is rated more stars than the other threeBIt is a follow-up film to the 2013 oneCIt is not released in the same monthDIt can make audience laugh a lot22(8分)Today we think of Abraham Lincoln as a great leader. What most of us dont know is that he was a well-known humorist and storyteller in hi

18、s day.Lincoln learned to tell jokes and stories from his father. When Lincoln became a lawyer, he used his jokes and stories to gain the good will of the jury (陪审团), and more than once his opposing lawyer would complain to the judge that Lincolns stories were irrelevant and distracting (转移、分心) to th

19、e jury. The trouble for them was that Judge David Davis loved Lincolns jokes more than anyone else in the court room.As a politician, Lincoln made excellent use of his humorous stories. His long time political opponent Stephen ADouglas complained that “Nothing else not any of his arguments or any of

20、 his replies to my questions disturbs me. But when he begins to tell a story, I feel that I am to be overmatched.” More than once Douglas and other political opponents of Lincolns saw their well presented arguments forgotten by the audience after Lincoln followed up their speeches with a homely stor

21、y.As the responsibilities of the office of President became greater and heavier, Lincoln used humor to find relief. He wanted to reduce the stresses in himself and those around him. One of Lincolns neighbors told that one day, he saw Lincoln walking past with two young shouting boys. “Whats the matt

22、er, Mr. Lincoln?” the neighbor asked. “The same thing thats the matter with the whole world,” Lincoln answered. “I have three walnuts, and each one of them wants two of them.”One cannot truly appreciate Lincoln without understanding his humorous side. He used his jokes and stories both for the purpo

23、se of winning over his audience and relieving the pressure he experienced as President during the terrible Civil War.1、When Lincoln was a lawyer, what was his purpose of telling jokes and stories?AHe wanted to satisfy the judges desire for jokes.BHe wanted to distract his opposing lawyer.CHe wanted

24、to relieve his pressure.DHe wanted to impress the jury.2、What might be Douglas attitude towards Lincolns humorous stories?AAppreciative. BAnnoyed.CConcerned. DSurprised.3、Whats the purpose of the text?ATo educate. BTo inform.CTo persuade. DTo entertain.23(8分)Fantastic Fall Festivals You Wont Want to

25、 MissSeymour Apple FestivalAdmission to the Seymour Apple Festival is free and so is the entertainment! More than 15,000 people from all over the region come out to take part in the activities, ranging from drawings, vendor booths, food, apple contests, bike-decorating contests, and more.Marionville

26、 Apple FestivalThe popular Marionville Apple Festival is home to countless activities and events. The carnival, pony rides, and games will keep the kids busy, while adults will enjoy watching the pie-eating contest and browsing dozens of craft vendor booths.Humansville Fall FestivalThe Humansville F

27、all Festival may be hosted by a small town, but that doesnt mean its lacking big fun. Perfect for all ages, this fall festival is celebrating its 70th year and will provide three full days of fun. This years festival will feature live music from fantastic local musicians, which will definitely make

28、it different from the ones in other years. Youll also find fun carnival rides, talented artisans selling their goods, and an amazing parade to wrap up the event on Saturday.Southside Fall FestivalThe Southside Fall Festival is perfect for family celebrations, with an alcohol-free environment and fre

29、e admission. Enjoy a colorful parade and float contest, delicious food vendors, live music, karaoke, and more.Fall Into Arts FestivalMake sure to bring the kids along for this festival that celebrates all things creative. The Fall Into Arts Festival features a host of kid-friendly activities like a

30、lego build, sand art, bubble stations, chalk the sidewalk, a jump house, and more. Parents will have plenty to do as well, with an excellent variety of artists, festival food, a mini film festival, and much more.,1、Which festivals are free of charge?ASouthside Fall Festival and Fall Into Arts Festiv

31、alBSeymour Apple Festival and Southside Fall Festival,CHumansville Fall Festival and Fall Into Arts FestivalDSeymour Apple Festival and Marionville Apple Festival.2、What makes Humansville Fall Festival special this year?AFun activities on Saturday.BThe duration of the festival.CThe area of the hosti

32、ng town.DMusicians live performance.3、Fall Into Arts Festival is specially welcomed by .Amovie loversBmodern artistsCvisitors of all agesDfamilies with kids24(8分)All Katherine Bates Jones wanted for her 90th birthday was to own her childhood home. Her daughter, Emily Sims, wasnt so keen on the idea;

33、 it seemed unwise for an old woman to enter the real estate market. And, as the old saying goes, you can never really go home again. But the mom and daughter often drove from their current town of Greenville, South Carolina, to Katherines beloved old home in nearby Gaffney. While admiring the charmi

34、ng one-story dwelling she was born in, Katherine would say, “Id like to have that house back.”One day, as Emily went down the dollhouse of her local store, inspiration struck: Her mother could have her house back in replica(复制品). Emilys friend Thomas McAbee connected her with Ray Meyers, a local ret

35、ired dentist with a talent for woodworking. Ray paid multiple visits to the original home, taking precise measurements and collected details with the help of the current homeowners.The replica home and the amazing story behind it deserved an impressive display. Emily arranged a surprise party at whi

36、ch the miniature (微小模型)and Katherine would be honored. But keeping the big secret about the little house was a tough task. Ray would ask me questions a- bout the house,” Emily says of the planning process, “The last time I was inside was when I was a teenager, so I couldnt remember everything. I wou

37、ld visit with mom and start a conversation where I would say, Oh, by the way, do you remember and ask her something about the house. She would give details from her memory about the color and the layout. She would tell me exactly what something looked like or where it was in the house.”On August 28,

38、 2017, Emily gathered 40 friends and family members at her house. The party- goers waited while Emilys daughter-in-law, Christie, took Katherine out to lunch. After the special birthday meal, Christie brought Katherine to Emilys house. “When we went inside, there was a house full of people singing H

39、appy Birthday to me,” Katherine says. “I cant believe my eyes.” For Katherine, it turns out that it is possible to go home again while seeing the gift.1、Why did Katherine and Emily drive to Gaffney?AThe old house was very charming.BEmily was keen on the real estate market.CThey wanted to celebrate t

40、he birthday there.DKatherine wanted to have her childhood home back.2、How was the house back?AThe current homeowners helped a lot.BEmily made a replica on her own.CThomas McAbee helped to make the replica.DRay paid multiple visits and made one replica.3、How did Katherine feel at the special party?AM

41、oved. BPleased.CAstonished. DExcited.4、Whats the best title of the passage?AA Special Gift BGood Old DaysCA Dream of an Old Woman DAn Old Womans House25(10分)Ninety percent of Americans drive to work every day although working from home is on the rise. If youre lacking for topics of conversation at a

42、 party, chatting about your commute is a pretty safe bet.According to a recent study, driving for more than two hours each day can steadily decrease the IQ of middle aged drivers. The Sunday Times of London detailed the study, which looked into the lifestyle choices of over 500,000 Britons between t

43、he ages of 37 and 73.When looking at the data of the 93,000 participants who drove more than two to three hours per day, the study found a noticeable dropoff in brainpower, measured by intelligence and memory tests. The study found similar results with participants who took part in several hours sim

44、ilarly sedentary (久坐的) activity, like television watching.As it turns out, stimulating activity stimulates your brain, while non-stimulating activity, well, doesnt stimulate your brain.“Cognitive (认知的) decline is measurable over five years because it can happen fast in middle-aged and older people.

45、This is associated with lifestyle factors such as smoking and bad diet and now with time spent driving,” Kishran Bakrania, a medical epidemiologist at the University of Leicester told the Times.Fortunately for most Americans, the average commute time was recorded at approximately 26.5 minutes accord

46、ing to the 2015 United States Census.And if you think that the way to pump up your IQ is through brain games, think again. Just try and avoid those long hours on the road if possible, and if you happen to have free time on your commute, be sure to use it wisely.1、According to the passage, which of t

47、he following may be of help to our brainpower?AWatching TV. BHaving sports.CDriving long time. DSleeping.2、Why does the writer mention “results with people participating in similarly sedentary activities” in para 3?ATo make a contrast. BTo give an example.CTo make a description. DTo give more eviden

48、ce.3、We can infer from the passage that _.Along time drive may decrease the drivers IQBsmoking and bad diet can cause cognitive declineCpeople should participate in more stimulating activitiesDan increasing number of Americans drive to work every day第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的

49、A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)阅读下面两篇短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I remember the exact moment I learned the principle of preparing for luck.I was on the wrestling team. Now, if theres one thing I can tell you about any sport, it is that wrestling is probably the sport tha

50、t has the least 1 .There are only two people out on the mat, so you cannot 2 it on your teammates or your coach. And guess what? There is no 3 because we do the whole thing indoors, so you cant say, “It was raining” or “It was snowing.” It makes 4 to say wrestling is the sport with the least luck.On

51、 our team were two world champions; one of them had been a world champion five times. We 5 had five people who were national champions. One of them was a guy 6 the name of John.John had never been 7 he was a national champion. There was nobody locally who could touch him.One day, we39 a match with o

52、ur biggest opponent(对手). John went out on the mat, and about a minute and 30 seconds into the match he tried to make a particular 8 He rolled over, and his opponent 9 him halfway through his roll. He waspinned(压住) 10 !The match was over.I remember on the way home, one of our teammates tried to 11 Jo

53、hn by saying, “Oh, he just got lucky.” John said, “Thats so stupid. The 12 presented itself, and he just took advantage of it.”We used to have this big 13 ”Johns opponent was prepared to make use of this opportunity. The possibility of beating John was not 14 and he knew it. But he waited for the 15

54、 opportunity to present itself, and he defeated and pinned a five-time national champion.In other words, the real 16 is “Be prepared!” Its not just finding the opportunity; you have to be prepared to 17 it.1、.AluckBriskCdifficultyDopportunity2、.AaccuseBblameCdoubtDkeep3、.AstressBinjuryCchangeDweathe

55、r4、.AreasonBsureCsafeDsense5、. .AalsoBevenCtooDonce6、.AunderBforCinDby7、.AhurtBmetCtrainedDdefeated8、.AalthoughBasCyetDuntil9、.Awent forBwaited forCfought forDplayed for10、.AactBstepCtaskDmove11、.AfixedBthrewCcaughtDcarried12、.AaccidentallyBfortunatelyCunfairlyDimmediately13、.AcontrolBcomfortCconvin

56、ceDforgive14、.AsuccessBmomentCopportunityDsituation15、.AwarningBsignCsentenceDnote16、.AoccasionBchallengeCtimeDpreparation17、.AobviousBstrongClittleDslight18、.AequalBexactCrestDright19、.AmessageBthemeCkeyDsuggestion20、. .AreceiveBfollowCseizeDsave第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(

57、15分)It 1debate) for years: Are eggs good or bad for you? People who eat an added three or four eggs a week or 300 milligrams of dietary cholesterol (胆固醇) per day, have a higher risk of both heart disease and early death compared with those who eat 2 (few) eggs, new research finds.“Eggs, 3 (special)

58、the yolk, are a major source of dietary cholesterol,” wrote Victor Zhong. In 4 study published Friday in the medical journal JAMA 5 there are many unexpected reports, he and his colleagues noted that a single large egg contains about 186 milligrams of cholesterol. Over the follow-up period, a total

59、of 5400 cardiovascular (心血管的) 6 (event) occurred, including 102 fatal and nonfatal strokes, 1, 897 incidents of fatal and nonfatal heart 7 (fail) and 113 other heart disease deaths. An additional 6132 participants died of other causes. 8 (consume) an additional 300 milligrams of dietary cholesterol

60、per day was associated 9 a 3.2% higher risk of heart disease and a 4.4% higher risk of early death, Zhongs analysis of the data showed.“Eggs are a nutritious food. While this study focuses on the amount were eating, its just as important 10 (pay) attention to how the eggs are cooked and to the trimm


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