1、最新国家开放大学电大汽车实用英语教学考一体化网考形考作业试题及答案100%通过20XX年秋期电大把汽车实用英语纳入到“教学考一体化”平台进行网考,针对这个平台,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的题库,内容包含了单选题、判断题,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。一 单选题1.The power of the engine is transmitted to _ through the clutch,
2、 gearbox and transmission shaft.(2.00分)A. DamperB. Steering nodeC. Driving wheels2.The white car of this type are out of stock. 句子中,白色车款是什么样的现状?(2.00分)A. 在仓库中B. 已脱销,已不在贮存中C. 停产3.What is the most common problem associated with clutches?(2.00分)A. The friction material on the disk makes a whining noise
3、.B. The friction material on the disk lasts too long.C. The friction material on the disk wears out.4.戴姆勒发明了世界上第一辆 ?(2.00分)A. 三轮汽车B. 货车C. 火车5.The gear lever designed to control _ is used to change the speed, torque and direction of a vehicle.(2.00分)A. The gearB. The clutchC. The brake6.The drive sha
4、ft connects to .(2.00分)A. the cylinder; the clutchB. the transmission output; the differential pinion shaftC. the transmission input; the differential pinion shaft7.A motor vehicle mainly comprises four parts: engine, chassis, body and _.(2.00分)A. CompartmentB. Drivers cabC. Electric equipmentD. Cha
5、ssis8.When you turn the key to a car, the starter motor will .(2.00分)A. send electricity to the spark plugs, then start the ignition system.B. send electricity to the fuel pump, then force the car to start.C. spin the engine a few revolutions, then start the combustion process.9. 在Why not go to the
6、showroom? Ill show you around. We have many models displayed.句子中,陈列、展览是哪一个单词?(2.00分)A. showB. showroomC. display10.The main role of the engine lubrication system is _.(2.00分)A. CleaningB. SealingC. CoolingD. Lubrication11.What does APR stand for?(2.00分)A. Annual primary rate.B. Annual percentage rat
7、e.C. Average principle rate.12.A car uses a four-stroke engine. The four strokes are .(2.00分)A. intake, compression, ignition and exhaustB. injection, rotation, ignition and exhaustC. injection, carburetion, rotation and exhaust13.The speedometer comprises two parts: speed meter and mileage meter. T
8、he speed meter indicates _.(2.00分)A. The rotation speed of the engineB. The acceleration timeC. The driving speed14.What are the two main types of steering systems that cars use?(2.00分)A. Rack-and-pinion and power-assisted.B. Recirculating-ball and rack-and-pinion.C. Recirculating-ball and power-ass
9、isted.15.A motor vehicle mainly comprises four parts: engine, chassis, body and _.(2.00分)A. CompartmentB. Electric equipmentC. Drivers cabD. Chassis16.The pressure indicated by the engine oil pressure meter represents the engine oil pressure of the _ of the engine.(2.00分)A. Crankshaft boxB. Engine o
10、il pumpC. Main oil routeD. Fuel inlet pipe of the engine oil pump17.Which statement about the Lubrication oil is fault?(2.00分)A. The oil washes off dirt away from the engine parts through its chemistry.B. The oil absorbs and carries the heat away from the engine components.C. The oil forms a film on
11、 the metal surface and prevents a metal to metal contact.18.What causes a car to burn and lose oil?(2.00分)A. Radiator troubleB. An old engine with piston rings that no longer seal the cylinder and piston properly.C. Lack of gas19.Before driving a vehicle out, the driver should check whether the stee
12、ring, lighting and _ work well.(2.00分)A. AudioB. Rear seatsC. In-vehicle toolsD. Braking20.所有汽车的总称用以下那个单词表示?(2.00分)A. busB. automobileC. vehicle21.城市休闲车的英文词组是?(2.00分)A. Multi-purpose vehicle(MPV)B. sports utility vehicle(SUV)C. city recreation vehicle(CRV)D. new concept vehicle(NCV)22.The power of t
13、he engine is transmitted to _ through the clutch, gearbox and transmission shaft.(2.00分)A. Driven wheelsB. DamperC. Driving wheelsD. Steering node23.The brake pedal designed to control _ is used to reduce speed or stop a vehicle.(2.00分)A. The gearB. The clutchC. The handbrakeD. The foot brake24.When
14、 the engine coolant is unable to circulate, the engine will _.(2.00分)A. Be too hotB. Consume less fuelC. Consume same amount of fuelD. Be too cool25.When the engine coolant is unable to circulate, the engine will _.(2.00分)A. Be too coolB. Consume less fuelC. Be too hotD. Consume same amount of fuel2
15、6. is a computer-controlled brake system that helps prevent wheel lockup during braking.(2.00分)A. ITSB. ABSC. GPS27.If the braking device works only on one of the front wheels when braking is applied, it will cause _ to the motor vehicle and can very easily cause an accident.(2.00分)A. vibrationB. sl
16、ipC. A side skidD. A side pulling28.When the “” light on the dashboard is on or blinks while a vehicle is on the road, it indicates _.(2.00分)A. The braking system is abnormalB. The lubrication oil is insufficientC. The tires are too hotD. The oil way may be in trouble29.When a vehicle equipped with
17、safety bags is on the road, the passenger in the front seat _.(2.00分)A. Do not necessarily buckled upB. Should buckled upC. Should use the hand to hold the safety beltD. May or may not buckled up30.What does MSRP stand for ?(2.00分)A. Manufacturer suggested ranking place.B. Manufacturer suggested rat
18、e plan.C. Manufacturer suggested retail price.31.When “” light on the dashboard is on while a vehicle is on the road, it indicates _.(2.00分)A. The engine temperature is too high or the coolant is insufficientB. The fuel temperature is too highC. The engine temperature is too lowD. The temperature in
19、 the vehicle is too high32.What is the core of a cars engine?(2.00分)A. Windshield-washer fluidB. The cylinderC. The spark plug33.When the driver adjusts his seat, he should adjust it _.(2.00分)A. So that the tips of his straightened hands can reach the top of the steering wheelB. So that the writs of
20、 his straightened hands can reach beyond the top of the steering wheelC. So that he can easily depress the clutch and brake pedals to the floorD. So that he can easily depress the accelerator pedal to the floor34.The converts the rotation motion of the steering wheel into the straight-line motion.(2
21、.00分)A. drag linkB. tie rodC. Steering gear35.When checking the engine oil, it is necessary to put the vehicle on a level place and do it _.(2.00分)A. Immediately after the engine is turned offB. When the engine runs idlyC. Before the cool engine is started up or 30 minutes after the engine is turned
22、 off.D. When the engine runs fast36.Which statement about cylinder head is fault?(2.00分)A. The cylinder head is cast into one piece from iron only.B. The cylinder head forms the upper portion of the combustion chamber.C. The cylinder head is bolted to a very flat surface above the cylinder portion o
23、f the block.37.新概念轿车的英文词组是?(2.00分)A. sports utility vehicle(SUV)B. city recreation vehicle(CRV)C. new concept vehicle(NCV)D. Multi-purpose vehicle(MPV)38.an automobile includes the following major categories: the body, the engine, and the electrical system.(2.00分)A. power sourceB. chassisC. steering
24、 system39.A manual transmission is connected to the engine through the .(2.00分)A. differentialB. beltC. clutch40.What do almost all cars use to convert gasoline into motion?(2.00分)A. four-stroke combustion cycleB. two-stroke combustion cycleC. one-stroke combustion cycleD. three-stroke combustion cy
25、cle41.What is the cooling agent in the liquid cooling system?(2.00分)A. LubricationB. AirC. Coolant42.小型休闲车的英文词组是?(2.00分)A. city recreation vehicle(CRV)B. small recreation vehicle(SRV)C. sports utility vehicle(SUV)D. Multi-purpose vehicle(MPV)43.这个交通标志选择正确的意义是?(2.00分)A. 禁止停车B. 禁止掉头C. 禁止进入44.A car eng
26、ines job is to .(2.00分)A. convert fuel into motionB. convert fuel into exhaustC. convert fuel into heart45.What is it apparatus that cools the motor?(2.00分)A. RadiatorB. ThermostatC. Coolant46.What is the function of a backing plate?(2.00分)A. To hold the braking system together.B. To control the flo
27、w of brake fluid.C. To control the brake pads.47.When the “” light on the dashboard is always on, it indicates that the driver and the passengers _.(2.00分)A. The driving posture is incorrectB. Have not buckled upC. Have already buckled upD. The safety belts are too loose48.运动型多功能用车的词组是什么?(2.00分)A. M
28、ulti-purpose vehicle(MPV)B. new concept vehicle(NCV)C. city recreation vehicle(CRV)D. sports utility vehicle(SUV)49.多功能用车的英文词组是?(2.00分)A. city recreation vehicle(CRV)B. Multi-purpose vehicle(MPV)C. sports utility vehicle(SUV)D. new concept vehicle(NCV)50.The amount of force the clutch can hold depen
29、ds on the between the clutch plate and the flywheel , and how much force the spring puts on the pressure plate.(2.00分)A. distanceB. relationshipC. friction二判断题1.判断该缩写翻译是否正确: ALT-alternator交流发电机(2.00分)错误正确2.判断该词组翻译是否正确:蜗轮 worm gear(2.00分)错误正确3.判断该缩写翻译是否正确: CVT-continuously variable transmission 无极变速器
30、(2.00分)错误正确4.4s店是一种以“四位一体”为核心的汽车特许经营模式,包括整车销售(sale)、零配件销售(spare parts)、售后服务(service)、信息反馈(survey)等。(2.00分)错误正确5.判断该缩写翻译是否正确:DC-direct current直流电(2.00分)错误正确6.判断该词组翻译是否正确:离合器主缸 master cylinder(2.00分)错误正确7.判断该词组翻译是否正确:特许经销商 permit specially a dealer(2.00分)错误正确8.判断该词组翻译是否正确:机械能 mechanical energy(2.00分)错
31、误正确9.判断该缩写翻译是否正确: EFI-electronic fuel injection 电子燃油喷射(2.00分)错误正确10.判断该词组是否翻译正确:wheel 车轮(2.00分)错误正确11.判断该词组翻译是否正确:液压 hydraulic pressure(2.00分)错误正确12.判断该缩写翻译是否正确: RPM-revolutions per minute 每分钟转数(2.00分)错误正确13.判断该词组翻译是否正确:压缩比 compression ratio(2.00分)错误正确14.判断该缩写翻译是否正确: AT-automatic transmission 自动变速器(
32、2.00分)错误正确15.判断该缩写翻译是否正确: TDC-top dead center 上止点(2.00分)错误正确16.判断该缩写翻译是否正确: MT -manual transmission 手动变速器(2.00分)错误正确17.判断该词组翻译是否正确:空挡安全开关 neutral safety switch(2.00分)错误正确18.判断该缩写翻译是否正确: CVJ-constant velocity joint 等速万向节(2.00分)错误正确19.判断该缩写翻译是否正确: SUV-sports utility vehicle 运动型多功能用车(2.00分)错误正确20.梅赛德斯的
33、寓意是优雅的。(2.00分)错误正确21.判断该缩写翻译是否正确: ACL -air cleaner 空气滤清器(2.00分)错误正确22.判断该缩写翻译是否正确: ECU-electronic control unit 电控单元(2.00分)错误正确23.判断该词组翻译是否正确:售后服务 after-sales service(2.00分)错误正确24.判断该词组翻译是否正确:预付定金 down payment(2.00分)错误正确25.判断该词组翻译是否正确:转向盘 steering wheel(2.00分)错误正确26.判断该词组翻译是否正确:传动系统 drive line(2.00分)错误正确27.判断该缩写翻译是否正确: FAW-first automotive works 第一汽车制造厂(2.00分)错误正确28.判断该词组翻译是否正确:电动
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