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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、How amazing! Scientists took a photo of_black hole in _space last month.Athe ; aBa; /Cthe; anDa; a2、Wheres your brother?Oh, he _ the l

2、ibrary and _.Ahas been to; so Lucy isBhas gone to; so Lucy hasChas gone to; so has LucyDhas been in; so has Lucy3、Frank asked his father _ a new bike for him and his father said OK.Abuy Bto buy Cbuying Dbought4、Its reported that AlphaGo two master Go players so far.AbeatBbeatsChas beaten5、 What else

3、 do you want?- _ else. I think I have got everything ready.ASomethingBNothingCAnythingDEverything6、 Sam, have you heard of Ehang 184? Sure, it to help us escape from the citys terrible traffic jams.AinventedBis inventingCis invented7、China Dream is a great way to gather people together and _ the fas

4、t development of our country.Atry out forBfit forCpush forDcheer for8、Animals as our good friends because they help us a lot.Atreat Bare treated Ctreated Dwere treated9、Did you do well in _English exam last week? Yes, I got_ “A”.Aan; the Bthe; an Ca; Dthe; a10、Its so cold outside. Remember to close

5、the door you when you leave.AbesideBbeforeCwithDbehind. 完形填空11、词语填空A long time ago, in the great ocean, there lived a fish. Because the water was clear and the fish always 1 got to anywhere he wanted, he didnt know he was in the ocean. The fish thought to himself: “I am the greatest animal without d

6、oubt, 2 I can move wherever I like.”At that moment he looked down and saw the deep ocean, he was 3 that he would drop. Then he thought: “If I could catch my tail(尾巴) in my mouth, I could hold myself up.” 4 , he missed getting his tail. As he continued to try to catch hold of it, the ocean below beca

7、me more and more terrible, and he was brought to a scary 5 .The fish was about to give up, when the ocean, who had been watching with 6 feelings of pity and amusement, said, “What are you doing?” “Im trying to catch hold of my tail in my mouth to hold myself up.” replied the fish. So the ocean said,

8、 “Well, youve been trying that for a long time now, and still you havent fallen down. Why?” “I have no idea,” said the fish. Well,” the ocean 7 . “I am the Great Ocean, in which you live and move. I have given all myself to you and I 8 you all the time when you swim. Instead of finding out how long,

9、 deep and big I am, you are wasting your time catching your own 9 .”From then on, the fish put his tail behind him and 10 everywhere in the ocean.1AprivatelyBconvenientlyCintelligently2AsinceBbutCthough3ArelaxedBexcitedCworried4AUnluckilyBGraduallyCSilently5AblockBpositionCfield6AmixedBsameCsimilar7

10、AdoubledBexaminedCexplained8AsuggestBsupposeCsupport9AleadBendCshoulder10AappearedBbehavedClanded. 语法填空12、This is Tammela School, a primary school in Finland. The students are having a math class with their robot teacher.The “teacher” is1small, blue machine about 25cm high, Reuters reported.Whenever

11、 students have problems, it helps them very2(patient) and never gets bored.“The robot can make students3(active) in class than usual. I see Eliasas one of the 4 (tool) to get different kinds of practice and activities into the classroom,” a teacher told Reuters.So far the school5(introduce) four rob

12、ot teachers, one of whom is a language teacher that can speak 23 languages and dance to music. 6is necessary to encourage kids to come up7new ways to make use of technology in school life, the head of the school 8(add) in the interview.The robot teachers are used9(help) improve learning. This doesnt

13、 mean that human teachers will lose their jobs. The robots can teach well,10they are not able to keep class in order. The school still needs human teachers. 阅读理解A13、1. Posted by: Monica, CanadaApril 24 10.41Black bread with honey A friend of mine stayed in a hotel in India and the manager gave this

14、to her for stomachache. It really works. Just take a piece of bread and toast it until its black. Then put honey on the bread and eat it. It doesnt look good, but it can really help. So if you get stomachache, try this remedy (治疗法).2. Posted by: Norma, USA April 249.25An onionIf you get a high tempe

15、rature, use an onion. It sounds strange but it helps. Cut one large onion in half and tie the half an onion to the bottom of each of your feet. You shouldnt wear socks of course! I use this on my kids and it works every time. The remedy came from a relative from down south.3. Posted by: Hell, Austra

16、liaApril 2318.03A wet teabagHere is my tip for toothache. You should put a wet teabag on the sore tooth. I always have a wet teabag in the fridge so its there when I need it.4. Posted by: Lameed, EnglandApril 23 16. 15Salt waterWhen I was a child, I got a lot of headaches and my grandmother always d

17、id this for me. Put a few drops of warm salt water in your ears. Dont use really hot water. Do this three or four times for both ears. Then lie down and close your eyes for about ten minutes.1The topic of the postings (帖子) is _.Aschool problemsBhome remediesCfood and drinkDoutdoor sports2_ gave a ti

18、p for toothache.AHellfromAustraliaBNorma s kidsCA friend of MonicasDLameeds grandmother3Which of the followings is TRUE according to the postings?ABlack bread with honey is good for ones eyes.BAn onion can low ones temperature.CA wet teabag isnt good for ones toothache.DSalt water is bad for ones he

19、adache.4According to the postings, you can _ if you have a headache.Atie half an onion to your feetBput a wet teabag on your headCeat a piece of bread with honeyDdrop warm salt water in your earsB14、Learning vocabulary doesnt have to be boringMany students have problems with vocabulary when preparin

20、g for tests like the SATs. Last week, TEENS offered advice on how to memorize new words. If youre now familiar with those methods, why not try moving on to the next stage by using the following tips to build up your English vocabulary.Repeated encounters (反复遇见)The usual way of “memorizing” new mater

21、ial is through repeating it while its still in your mind. However, simply repeating a word seems to have little long-term effect.But one kind of repetition is effective: repetition of encounters with a word. Words stand a good chance of being remembered if theyve been met at least seven times in you

22、r reading, at intervals (相隔一段时间). So, read English magazines, newspapers, and websites regularly.Spacing and reviewIts better to distribute (分配) memory work over a period of time rather than do it in a single session (一段时间). This is known as the “principle of distributed practice”, where new vocabul

23、ary introduced in one lesson is reviewed in the next, and then in later lessons.Use it or lose itPutting words to use in interesting ways helps add them to your long-term memory. In a study of vocabulary learning, students who made up their own sentences with new words and read them aloud remembered

24、 them better than those who learned the words separately and silently. Best of all, students were given the task of silently imagining a picture in their minds to go with a new word. So it might help if learners link words with a mental image.Mix it upLets face it learning words can be really boring

25、, but it doesnt have to be. Thanks to the Internet, there are more interesting ways to get the job done. Try watching videos from English-speaking social media celebrities and copying the way they speak. You could even upload your own videos and try becoming a star yourself.1According to the passage

26、, a good way of memorizing new words is _.Asimply repeating themBlearning the words silentlyCreviewing them in one lessonDreading English magazines regularly2To make learning words more interesting, we can _.Atry to become a famous starBread new words on websitesCmake and upload our own English vide

27、osDdraw a picture on the paper with a new word3What does the passage mainly talk about?AWhere to use new words. BHow to memorize new words.CWhen to learn new words. DWhat to write with new words.C15、I have a neighbor we call “Happy”. I have never seen her angry at anything and never heard her say a

28、harsh (苛刻) word to anyone or about anyone.Happy and her husband Ben, 70, have a huge garden. They spent many happy hours together working on it. Most of the neighbors watched interestingly as Ben doubled the size of their garden. As the cost of food climbed faster than Bens beans, we all wished we a

29、lso had such a large garden. As the rest of us spent our dollars at the market, Happy could be seen picking beans in her back yard.Last month, Happy and Ben invited most of the neighborhood over for an “all-day food fest”. We were told to bring gloves and arrive very early in the morning. We didnt k

30、now what was about to take place.By 9:00 am, there were nine of us in the garden picking tomatoes, beans, okra, and squash. By 10:00 am, there was lots of laughter. We shared a lot of stories. By five oclock, everyone was a little drunk from the wine and beer. After dinner, we played games. As we we

31、re leaving, Happy and Ben handed each of us a shopping bag filled with the bounty(收成)of the day, already packaged and frozen. What a delightful gift!Well, the point wasnt so much about the food. The true gift was a day of friends enjoying one anothers company. None of it would have happened if it ha

32、d been for Happy and Bens garden. Now they have a blog about gardening in case we decided to plant a garden. And I am so proud of my tomato plants!1According to paragraph 2, people wish they also had a garden so that_.A they didnt have to spend so much money on foodB they could grow vegetables and s

33、ell at the marketC they could invite their neighbors and hold parties in itD they could spend happy times together with their family in it2For what purpose did Happy and Ben invite the neighbors to their garden?A To ask them to attend a birthday party.B To help them get to know each other.C To let t

34、hem enjoy what they grew in the garden.D To ask them to share some interesting stories.3What did the writer most probably think of the time he spent in the garden?A It was too long. B It was wonderful.C It was not as good as he thought. D It was too terrible.D16、MicrosoftBill Gates and Paul Allen se

35、t up Microsoft in 1975. It started off small and is now one of the biggest companies in the world. They are famous for their “Window” operating system. Other popular Microsoft creations include MSN messenger, Microsoft Word and the X box. Some people complain that Microsoft has a monopoly(垄断) in the

36、 computer industry.LenovoLenovo Group Ltd was set up in 1984 by 11 engineers with the support from the Institute of Computing Technology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences(中科院). In 2004, Lenovo bought the personal computer business of IBM and became the worlds largest PC manufacturer(制造商) with it

37、s computer sales rising to the top of the world in 2013.GoogleGoogle was built by two students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were still at university. They made a website which helped people find things they wanted on the Internet. This type of website is called a search engine(引擎).Now they

38、 create new products such as Google Earth and make money from advertisingHUAWEIRen Zhengfei started Huawei in 1987 in Shenzhen with RMB 21, 000 he raised. It has 21 Research and Development(R&D)institutes(研究所) around the world and invested (投资)$13.8 billion in R&D in 2017, up from $5 billion in 2013

39、. Huawei has provided its products and services in more than 170 countries and its networks have reached one third of the worlds population1If you want to find information on the Internet, the product of _ will be the most helpful?AMicrosoftBLenovoCGoogleDHuawei2Which of the following is NOT true ac

40、cording to the table(表格)?AGoogle was a website started by two university students.BLenovo completely bought IBM to increase its computer sales.CThe X box is one of the popular products among Microsoft usersDHUAWEI has developed international markets for its products.3According to the company profile

41、s, _ play(s) a very important role in Huawei.AR&DBsales servicesCworld populationDThe InternetE17、Black is the color of power. It has the meaning of submission(服从). It is popular in fashion because it makes people look thinner.White is the color for brides(新娘). White is considered a summer color. Wh

42、ite is popular in fashion because it is light and goes with everything.Red is a hot and strong color. It can make the heart beat faster. It is also the color of love. Red clothes can make people look heavier. And red things get noticed more than things that are another color.The color of the sky and

43、 the ocean, blue, is one of the most popular colors. It is often used in bedrooms. Blue can also be cold and make people feel sad.Green means nature. It is the most comfortable color on the eyes and can improve vision(视力). It is a calming color. Hospitals often use green because it can make patients

44、 relax.Yellow is the most difficult color for the eyes to take in. Yellow is the color of sunshine. It is a warm color like red. On the one hand, it is the color of happiness and joy. On the other hand, it means fear and dishonest behavior.1Black is a color often used in fashion because it can make

45、people look _.Apowerful Brelaxed Cthinner Dheavier2Red is the color of _ according to the passage.Afear Blove Cjoy Dsadness3The best color to make an excited person calm down is _.Awhite Bblue Cgreen Dyellow4In the sentence “He is too yellow to stand up and fight”, “yellow”most probably means “_”.As

46、ad Bhappy Cbrave DafraidF18、Rome, Paris and New York are the worlds top fashion cities, all of which have produced some of the top trends, form high-low skirts to the hottest new shoes. However, have you ever wondered the negative(消极的)ideas that theyve broughtIn April 2016, the Advertising Standard

47、Authority(ASA) in Britain stopped an ad from Gucci that has models dancing around and having fun, because the models in the ad were all quite thin. (Gucci, a famous brand(品牌)in the fashion industry and the company in question, said, It was a personal idea as to whether a model looked unhealthily thi

48、n. It isnt new to us. The ASA stopped an ad in the year 2015 for the same reason. In France, it has been ruled that models are to provide a doctors note which could prove that they are at a healthy weight.This brings up the question of weight, a hot topic for some people. What is the healthy weight

49、for models? While I couldnt find an exact number, I did find this. According to ABC News, Twenty years ago, the average(平均)fashion model weighed 8 percent less than the average woman. Today, she weighs 23 percent less. This is worrying. When has it ever been okay for anyone, models included, to weig

50、h less than the average?People may think that being at an unhealthy weight will help him have the advantages that the models do. This provides a standard of beauty, and therefore people who want to achieve those things may try to do this through unhealthy ways. People may also think that they are ov

51、erweight, compared to the images(形象)of models thin bodies. They see something wrong with their bodies, whether they are overweight or not. This may make people feel bad, unconfident about their bodies. Sometimes people may have eating problems.Im not blaming(指责)the fashion industry. Its not their fa

52、ult(错误)that many people look up to the models and expect to live a life like their. I am glad that the ASA is raising its voices when discussing the growing problem of body image in the fashion industry. By stopping the photos and videos, speaking out against them and pushing for doctors notes from

53、the videos, its pushing for the idea that the traditional fashion industrys body image standard should be changed and something more needy to be questioned.1What does Gucci mean by what it says?AGucci has the right to choose models they like.BGucci has lost a lot of money.CGucci feels sorry for not choosing the right models.DGucci shouldnt be blamed as therere no exact weight standards.2The numbers mentioned in Paragraph 3 show that .Apeople dont know why models weigh lessBmany women are eating less to become thinnerCweight problems of the m


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