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7、LINK :/myeducs / t _blank HYPERLINK :/myeducs / t _blank 50NoYes50NoNo50YesNo 1.1 HYPERLINK :/myeducs / t _blank 1.2 HYPERLINK :/myeducs / t _blank HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/index.html t _blank No50YesNo50No50No50No50No50No50 1.2 1.3 HYPERLINK :/myeducs / t _blank 50NoYes50No50No50No50No50No/50No
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11、PERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/VBbiyesheji/index.htm t _blank VB+access HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql As StringIf Trim(Text1.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Else HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /cha
12、xun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql = select * from where = & Text1.Text & rs_login.Open HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimisticQQ, HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /mianfeilunwen/ t _blank Unload Me Else MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, End If End IfEnd Ifcnt
13、 = cnt + 1If cnt = 3 ThenMsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Unload MeEnd IfExit SubEnd Sub(2) HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank Commamd1.3 HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank HYPERLINK :/myeducs /sh
14、ejixiazai/ t _blank (3) HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/index.html t _blank 1.4 1.5 HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/index.html t _blank HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/VBbiyesheji/index.htm t _blank VB+access HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank HYPERLINK :/ m
15、yeducs /chaxun/index.html t _blank HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/index.html t _blank HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/index.html t _blank 1.7 HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/index.html t _blank HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/index.html t _blank HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/index.html t _blank HYPERLINK :/ mye
16、ducs /chaxun/index.html t _blank Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql As StringIf Trim(Text1.Text) Then Else HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql = HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql & and like% & Trim(Text2.T
17、ext & ) & % End IfEnd IfIf Trim(Text3.Text) Then If Trim( HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql) = Then HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql = like % & Trim(Text3.Text & ) & % Else HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql = HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /ch
18、axun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql & and like % & Trim(Text3.Text & ) & % End IfQQ, HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /mianfeilunwen/ t _blank End IfIf Trim(Text3.Text) Then If Trim( HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql) = Then HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql = like % & Tr
19、im(Text4.Text & ) & % Else HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql = HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql & and like % & Trim(Text4.Text & ) & % End IfEnd IfIf Trim( HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql) = Then MsgBox HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun
20、/index.html t _blank , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd If HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql = select * from where & HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sqlrs_findlab.CursorLocation = adUseClientrs_findlab.Open HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _
21、blank sql, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimisticDataGrid1.AllowAddNew = FalseDataGrid1.AllowDelete = FalseDataGrid1.AllowUpdate = FalseSet DataGrid1.DataSource = rs_findlabEnd Sub 1.8 DataEnvironment1DataReport1Command1Command1 DatasourceDataEnvironment1DataMemberCommand1 1.9 1.10 Private Sub cun_ch
22、axun_Click()Unload MeEnd Sub HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/VBbiyesheji/index.htm t _blank VB+access HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank Private Sub Command1_Click(), )QQ, HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /mianfeilunwen/ t _blank If answer = vbYes Then DataGrid1.AllowDelete = True MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbInf
23、ormation, DataGrid1.AllowDelete = FalseElse Exit SubEnd Ifdelerror:If Err.Number 0 Then scriptionEnd IfEnd Sub(4) HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /cha
24、xun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql As StringIf Trim(Text1.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit Sub Else HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql = select * from rs_add.Open HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic While
25、 (rs_add.EOF = False) If Trim(rs_add.Fields(0) = Trim(Text1.Text) Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Text1.Text = Text2.Text = Text3.Text = Exit Sub Text3.Text = Exit Sub Else MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Text1.Text = Text2.Text = Text3.Text = End IfEnd IfEnd Sub 1.11 Private Sub Command1
26、_Click()Dim HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql As StringIf Trim(Text1.Text) Trim(Text2.Text) Or Text1.Text = Or Text2.Text = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Text1.Text = Text2.Text = Else HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql = select * from where = & u
27、serID & rs_chang.Open HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/VBbiyesheji/index.htm t _blank VB+access HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank Text1.Text = Text2.Text = End IfEnd
28、 Sub 1.12 (1)Combo1OptionFrameCommonDialog(2)Private Sub huabi_Click()flag = 0If Button = 1 ThenLine -(X, Y), pcolorEnd IfEnd SubCommonDialogCommonDialog1 HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/VBbiyesheji/index.htm t _blank VB HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/VBbiyesheji/index.htm t _blank VBPrivate Sub yanse_Cl
29、ick()CommonDialog1.Action = 3End SubPrivate Sub xiangpi_Click()flag = 1xiangpi.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Option1_Click()QQ, HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /mianfeilunwen/ t _blank ,Private Sub Option2_Click()Circle (100 * Val(Text3.Text), 100 * Val(Text4.Text), 300 * Val(Text2.Text), pcolorEnd SubPriva
30、te Sub Option3_Click()Line Step(100 * Val(Text3.Text), 100 * Val(Text4.Text)-Step(100 * Val(Text1.Text), 100 * Val(Text1.Text), pcolor, BEnd Sub 2.1 5 HYPERLINK :/wljy8 / t _blank HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/VBbiyesheji/index.htm t _blank VB1Recordset.Open ActiveConnection Connection ConnectionStri
31、ng ConnectionString DSN=pubs;uid=sa;pwd=;database=pubs uid pwd Connection UserID Password 2 HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/index.html t _blank Recordset SELECT * from authors HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/index.html t _blank pubs authors 3 Connection.Execute Connection Command.Execute ActiveConnection
32、Connection Recordset.Open Connection ActiveConnection Connection HYPERLINK :/wljy8 /wljs/oa/index.htm t _blank HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /edu/web/Register/Login.asp t _blank , HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank , HYPERLINK :/wljy8 / t _blank HYPERLINK :/
33、myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank HYPERLINK :/wljy8 / t _blank 6 ,M.:2004.3 20-25 , , . Visual basic HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /mianfeilunwen/More.html t _blank M.:2003.8 159-203 , . Visual Basic 6.0 HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank M.:2004.4 241-256 HYPE
34、RLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/VBbiyesheji/index.htm t _blank VB+access HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank 7. HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank Private Sub Command2_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Dim connectionstring As Stringconnectionstring = provider=Microsoft.Jet.oledb.
35、4.0; & _ data source=data.mdbconn.Open connectionstringcnt = 0End SubPrivate Sub add_admin_Click()End SubPrivate Sub chang_Click()End SubPrivate Sub del_Click()End SubPrivate Sub edit_password_Click()End SubPrivate Sub exit_Click()EndEnd SubPrivate Sub g_report_Click()End SubPrivate Sub LAB_INDJ_Cli
36、ck()End SubPrivate Sub lab_man1_Click()End SubPrivate Sub LAB_OUTDJ_Click()End SubPrivate Sub lab_report_Click()End SubPrivate Sub LABINYL_Click()End SubPrivate Sub lan_outyl_Click()End SubPrivate Sub pro_info_delete_Click()End SubPrivate Sub pro_info_input_Click()End SubPrivate Sub pro_info_query_C
37、lick()End SubPrivate Sub pro_info_update_Click()End SubPrivate Sub rs_report_Click()End SubPrivate Sub updata_Click()End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()End SubPrivate Sub Command4_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As
38、Integer) If MsgBox( HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank , vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, ) = vbNo Then Cancel = 1 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub chu_dengji_Click()Unload MeEnd SubQQ HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /mianfeilunwen/ t _blank End IfIf Trim(Text2.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclam
39、ation, Exit SubEnd IfIf Trim(Text3.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd IfIf Trim(Text4.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd IfIf Trim(Text5.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd IfText6.Text = sumpriceIf Not IsDate(DTPicker1.Value)
40、 Then MsgBox yyyy-mm-dd , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd IfIf Trim(Text8.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd If HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql = select * from where = & Text1.Text & rs_addlab.Open HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _b
41、lank sql, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimisticIf rs_addlab.EOF Then rs_addlab.Fields(0) = Trim(Text1.Text) rs_addlab.Fields(1) = Trim(Text2.Text) rs_addlab.Fields(2) = Trim(Text3.Text) rs_addlab.Fields(3) = Trim(Text4.Text) rs_addlab.Fields(4) = Trim(Text5.Text) rs_addlab.Fields(5) = Trim(Text6.Tex
42、t) rs_addlab.Fields(6) = Trim(DTPicker1.Value) rs_addlab.Fields(7) = Trim(Text8.Text) Else Text1.Text = End IfDim HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql1 As String HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql1 = select * from where = & Text1.Text & rs_addlab1.Open HYPERLI
43、NK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql1, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimisticIf rs_addlab1.EOF Then rs_addlab1.Fields(0) = Trim(Text1.Text) rs_addlab1.Fields(1) = Trim(Text2.Text) rs_addlab1.Fields(2) = Trim(Text3.Text) rs_addlab1.Fields(3) = Trim(Text4.Text) rs_addlab1.Fields(4) = Trim(T
44、ext5.Text) rs_addlab1.Fields(5) = Trim(Text6.Text) rs_addlab1.Fields(6) = Trim(Text8.Text) MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbInformation, HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/VBbiyesheji/index.htm t _blank VB+access HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank Text1.Text = Text2.Text = Text3.Text = Text4.Text = Text5.Tex
45、t = Text6.Text = Text8.Text = Else MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Text1.Text = Exit SubEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub cun_chaxun_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub cun_gengxin_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub cun_shanchu_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub
46、Form_Load()End SubPrivate Sub kucun_baobiao_Click()End SubPrivate Sub ru_dengji_Click()End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql As StringDim sumprice As StringIf Trim(Text1.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd IfIf Trim(Tex
47、t2.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd IfIf Trim(Text3.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd IfIf Trim(Text4.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd IfIf Trim(Text5.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd IfText6.T
48、ext = sumpriceIf Not IsDate(Text7.Text) Then MsgBox yyyy-mm-dd , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd IfIf Trim(Text8.Text) = Then MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Exit SubEnd If HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql = select * from where = & Text1.Text & rs_addlab.Open HYPERLIN
49、K :/ myeducs /chaxun/SQL/index.htm t _blank sql, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimisticIf rs_addlab.EOF Then rs_addlab.Fields(0) = Trim(Text1.Text) rs_addlab.Fields(1) = Trim(Text2.Text) rs_addlab.Fields(2) = Trim(Text3.Text) rs_addlab.Fields(3) = Trim(Text4.Text) rs_addlab.Fields(4) = Trim(Text5.Tex
50、t) rs_addlab.Fields(5) = Trim(Text6.Text) rs_addlab.Fields(6) = Trim(Text7.Text) rs_addlab.Fields(7) = Trim(Text8.Text) MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbInformation, Else MsgBox , vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, Text1.Text = Exit SubEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub cun_chaxun_Clic
51、k()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub cun_gengxin_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub cun_shanchu_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()End SubPrivate Sub ru_dengji_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub chu_dengji_Click()End Subrivate Sub cun_chaxun_Click()QQ HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /mianfeilunwen/ t _bla
52、nk Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub Label5_Click()End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()End SubPrivate Sub ru_dengji_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub chu_dengji_Click()Unload MeEnd Sub HYPERLINK :/ myeducs /chaxun/VBbiyesheji/index.htm t _blank VB+access HYPERLINK :/myeducs /shejixiazai/ t _blank Private Sub C
53、ommand1_Click()MsgBox ()End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub cun_chaxun_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub cun_gengxin_Click()End SubPrivate Sub cun_shanchu_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()End SubPrivate Sub ru_dengji_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub chu_dengji_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()End SubPrivate Sub mima_Click()End SubPrivate Sub tianjiaming_Click()Unload MeEnd Su
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