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1、九年级英语复习教案(八年级上1 6 单元)(5 periods )The First Period 复习课题:八年级上1 6 单元1 6 单元的重点短语复习目标:八年级上1 6 单元的重点词汇;八年级上复习重点:重点词汇与短语 复习难点:重点词汇与短语及相关语法学问;复习方法: Pairwork, Groupwork 复习过程:Step 1: Review the key words. Let the Ss choose the key words from Units 16 and write them down on the Bb. Read the words and try to ma

2、ke sentences by themselves. Teacher corrects any mistakes they probably make through the procedure. Step 2: Talk about the following phrases: Step 3:Talk about the following words: The Second Period 复习课题:八年级上1 6 单元1 6 单元的口语交际;复习目标:八年级上1 6 单元的重点词汇短语;八年级上复习重点:八年级上1 6 单元的口语交际复习难点:口语交际及相关语法学问;复习方法: Pair

3、work, Groupwork 复习过程:Step 1: Review the key words and the key phrases. Translate some phrases. Do exercises about words and phrases. Step 2: Review the key sentences. Ss work in groups to collect the key sentences. Write down on the Bb. Step 3: Talk about the sentences. The Third Period 复习课题:八年级上 1

4、6 单元 复习目标:八年级上 1 6 单元的重点词汇短语;八年级上 复习重点:八年级上 1 6 单元的语法 复习难点:情态动词 复习方法: Pairwork, Groupwork 复习过程:1 6 单元的语法;Step 1: Review the key words and the key phrases. Translate some phrases. Do exercises about words and phrases. Step 2: Review the key sentences. Ss work in groups to collect the key sentences. W

5、rite down on the Bb. Step 3: Grammar. 情态动词1、情态动词的特点情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为“ 可能、应当、必要” 等等,但本身意义不完全,不能单独作谓语,必需和其他动词一起构成谓语;除 ought, used, have 后跟不定式外,其他情态动词一律跟动词原形;情态动词主要有: can/could, may/might, must, ought to, used to, need, dare, shall/should, will/would, have to 等;2、情态动词的变化形式(1)没有人称和数的变化;I can /we c

6、an/ you can he can/she can/they can/it can Johnny, you mustn play with the knife, you may hurt yourself.约翰,你不能玩刀,那可能会伤着你;行李寄A left luggage office is a place where bags can be left for a short time, especially at a railway station. 存处特殊是在火车站短时间存放包的地方;He ought to know her address.他该知道她的地址;(2)大部分情态动词有过

7、去式:can-could may-might need-needed dare-dared shall-should will-would Is John coming by train. 约翰坐火车来吗? He should, but he may not. He likes driving his car. 应当是,他有可能不乘坐火车;他喜爱开车;- Are you coming to Jeffs party. 你来参与 Jeff 的聚会吗? - Im not sure. I might go to the concert instead. 我不敢确定,我可能去参与音乐会;(3)少部分情态

8、动词没过去式或者说过去式与原形相同,used to 只有过去式形式;must-musthad to ought to -ought to I used to go there. 我 以前 常到那里去;You must be tired after your long journey. 你走了这么远的路,肯定很累;(4)大多数情态动词后面仍可跟动词的进行时、完成时和被动式形式:can/may/must+ be doing/have done/be done should/would/might+be doing/have done/be done He must have earned a la

9、rge sum of money. 他肯定是挣了一笔巨款;You mustn t always be talking so much. 你不能总是说起来没完没了;3、否定式和疑问式情态动词的否定式和疑问式同助动词;否定式是在情态动词后加 前面;not;疑问式是将情态动词提前到主语的情态动词否定式简略式,我兄弟要来看我;can may can not may not cant maynt must could might must not could not might not mustnt couldnt mightnt need dare shall need not dare not sh

10、all not neednt darent shant will should would will not should not would not wont shouldnt wouldnt ought ought not oughtnt to used used not usent to -Will you stay for lunch. 你留下来吃午饭好吗?-Sorry, I cant. My brother is coming to see me.对不起,我不能(留下来吃午饭)May I ask you a question.我可以问你一个问题吗?I was really anxio

11、us about you. You shouldnt have left home without a word. 你真急死我了; 你不该一句话也不说就离开家;留意: have to 的疑问和否定是借助于do 来构成;Do you have to go out today. 今日你得出去吗?He doesn t have to go.他没必要去;四、情态动词的基本用法1、 can 和 could (1)表才能意为 “能够会 ” ,表示体力或脑力等方面的才能Some of us can use the computer now , but we couldnt ten years ago. 现在

12、我们一些人能用运算机了,但十年前我们不能;Can you ride a bike. 你能骑自行车吗?What can I do for you. 我能为你做点什么?I could run faster then. 我那时能跑得更快一些;当 can 和 could 表示才能时,有时可以用 be able to 替换, could 表过去, can 表现在,有时也可表将来,但不能与 will, shall 等助动词连用;be able to 可以用于将来、完成等时态;She hasnt been able to come to school for three days.她已经三天没能来上学了;W

13、ith his help, we shall be able to build the house. 当我们要强调过去的确使用了某种才能时,在他的帮忙下,我们将能够建造房屋了;要用 was( were)able to ,而不用 could;was able to 表示 “ 设法干成某事 ” ,即 succeed in doing sth. 或 manage to do sth. 而 could 只表示 “ 具备某种才能 ” ;He is such a good swimmer that he was able to save the two boys from drowning the oth

14、er day. 他是一位游泳健将,因此前些日子他救上了两名溺水男孩;The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out. 虽然大火扩散很快,使旅社烧起来,但大家仍是逃了出来;(2)表可能性I thought the story could not be true 我认为这个故事不行能是真的;Anybody can make mistakes. 人都会犯错误;(3)表许可(常用于口语中);Can/Could I go now. 我可以走了吗?He said I could use the

15、computer. 他说我可以用运算机;Father said we could go to the concert. 父亲说我们可以去参与音乐会;-Could I borrow your dictionary. 你把字典借给我可以吗?-Yes, of course you can. 当然可以;(4)表惊奇怀疑、不信任等态度主要用于否定句、疑问句和感叹句中,表惊奇怀疑、不信任等态度;Where can/could they be now. 他们现在能在哪儿呢?What can he mean. 他会是什么意思?假如跟完成时,就表示对过去发生的事的怀疑和不愿定;Can he have left

16、already. 他会是走了吗?Could she have forgotten my address. 她会把我的地址忘了?It couldnt have been Xiao Wang. He has gone to the factory.could 比 can 更加不愿定;那不行能是小王,他去了工厂;-There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. 车上原来已经有五人,但他们仍是设法把我也带上 . -It couldnt have been a comfortable journ

17、ey. 那次旅行不行能舒适;留意: 当说话的人对一件事表示确定的判定时用情态动词 must,当说话的人对一件事持否定的态度,这种判定用情态动词 cant或 couldn t;The man with glasses must be Toms father. They look alike. 来很像;戴眼镜的那个人确定是汤姆的父亲;他们看起Jack cant be in the classroom. I saw him on the playground just a moment ago. 才观察他在操场上;杰克不行能在教室里;我刚“ could+完成时 ”,有时表示 “ 过去本能够完成的事而没完成” ;You could have done the work better. You could have caught the early train.你原来能做得更好些; (事实并非如此)你原来能赶上早班火车; (事实上没有)-I stayed at a hotel while in New York. 我在纽约住在一家旅社;co


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