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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业Chapter 3: Thatched Cottage of Du Fu (Brief introduction) The chinese people were very proud of their country in the Tang Dynasty. The Tang dynasty was the peak time of ancient China. China was believed to be the biggest, richest and str

2、ongest country of the world during that period.It is said: After people have enough wealth, they start to pursue spiritual satisfaction. In this case, wealth means not just money, but enough food and shelter, and peace. So the Tang dynasty achieved not only a strong economy but a great culture also.

3、 During that time, 2,000 famous poets lived and worked, and 40,000 excellent poems were composed. From their poems we can follow the rise and fall of Tang. If you want to know more about the Tang Dynasty, and its culture, Du Fu is the poet who can lead the way. Du Fu is one of the most famous poets

4、of Tang Dynasty. He is as famous to the Chinese people as Shakespeare is to you. His most well known realistic masterpieces are “Three Conscription Officers” and “Three Laments of Parting”. Du Fu was born in Henan province in 712AD, in family of government officials. His talent for literature starte

5、d showing in his childhood. Before the age of 20, he spent all his time in traveling. He met many people, made many friends, but never tried to be an official. His father died, and soon after, Du Fu ran into economic difficulty. He then went for his imperial examination. Unfortunately, his talent wa

6、s envied by the prime minister. He could only get a very low position, working as a “mini censor”. He stayed in the capital Changan, and lead a peaceful life for 10 years. In the late Tang Dynasty, around 755AD, a rebellion broke out, led by An Lushan and Shi Siming. It was called “An Shi Revolt” in

7、 Chinese history. The King and many officials fled from the capital Changan. Du Fu fled to Chengdu in the year 759AD. With the help of his friend Gao Shi, he built a humble cottage at the riverbank of Huanhua Brook (Flower Bathing Brook). During his stay in Chengdu for about four years, Du Fu compos

8、ed more than 400 poems, among them 240 pieces have been passed down. His poems are called “ Historical Poems”, which reflect upon the misery of the people. He is also respected as the “The Sage of Poetry”. In 763AD, his friend Gao Shi died of disease. Without his friends economic support, Du Fu had

9、to leave Chengdu, sailing down along the Yangzi River, to seek aid from another friend. In 770AD, Du Fu died on the Xiang Jiang River in his boat. In 1962, the World Peace Council conferred him upon Du Fu the title “World Cultural Giant”. (In front of Dufu s Thatched Cottage ) At the front gate stan

10、d two antique wooden screens, one bears a brief account of Du Fus life, and the other, a traditional Chinese drawing of Dufus cottage. These two tree roots were excavated from the courtyard. Follow me to the left side path. Here is a washroom; we may have a short stop for those who need to relax. (W

11、alking in a bamboo covered path to Da Xie The Garden Lobby) To commemorate Du Fu, in the Song Dynasties, the people built a cottage on the original site. Reconstructions were made in the following dynasties. How could they be so sure about the site location after so many years? Because Du Fu recorde

12、d his address in his poem: “A residence to the west of Wanli Bridge, a hamlet to the north of Baihua Brook.” (In front of the Garden Lobby) This is the front Gate of the Park, and that building is the main entrance of the Du Fus cottage. It is called “Da Xie” - the Garden Lobby, which means the offi

13、ce of government officials. Who ever came to visit Du Fu, must get off their horse here, and tidy their clothes. Now make sure your shoelaces are tied nicely. Haw Haw! Just a joke to make you bow to our great poet!. This copper statue was made by the Chinese sculptor Qian Shaowu. We see Du Fu kneeli

14、ng down at the head of the boat, holding his book, facing the sky. It must be the true picture of Du Fu on the Xiang Jiang River (which you call the Yangtze River) before he passed away. Look at his hands, they are shining brightly! Because Du Fu was such a talented poet, people hope that by touchin

15、g his hands his inspiration will “rub off” on them!. ( In front of Shi Shi Tang History in Verse Hall ) The 2nd hall is “Shi Shi Tang” - History in Verse Hall. The half-length copper statue is the work of Liu Kai Qu. Since this statue has no hands, where could people get inspiration? Yes, the beard.

16、 Because the poet always holding his beard while composing poems. You see the statues on either side: one is Du Fu the other is Libai. Who is Libai? Libai is the other great poet of the Tang Dynasty. He is also referred to “Libo” in the western countries. They are the most outstanding poets in Tang

17、Dynasty of ancient China. Did they have any relationship? Yes! They were very close friends. Libai was born in Jiangyou Sichuan. He was 10 years older than Du Fu. He lived in the peak time of the Tang Dynasty. He used to travel with Du Fu, composing poems with Du Fu, and some times they even slept t

18、ogether, just like brothers. Libai never worried about money. Life was a joy to him. So, his poems are characterized as romanticism. And he has been respected as “the Immortal of Poetry”. Misfortunes always followed Du Fu. The decline of the Tang Dynasty affected Du FU deeply. Seeing the people suff

19、ering, but not able to do anything, cause him to live in a deep gray sorrow. What he could do is to use his poetry to reflect reality. Because his poems truly reflected the conflicts of the different classes at that time, so his poems are regarded as “historical poems”. Guo Moruo, the contemporary l

20、iterate, wrote this couplet: “世上疮痍诗中圣哲, 民间疾苦笔底波澜” Wound of the world in the philosophy of the poem, suffering of the people waving under the pen of the poet. This couplet vividly described the character of Du Fus poems. If Du Fu inspires your imagination and your own poetic creativity, here are two

21、tables for you to write it down your poem. Across the little brook is the water bar and fence gate. The original one was very simple. Here we have one more excellent couplet The 1st line was written by He Yudu in the Ming Dynasty, and the 2nd line was written by Cheng Yungao. “万丈光芒, 信有文章惊海内. 千年艳慕, 犹

22、劳车马驻江干.” “To have excellent works astonishing the world, can make people get off their carriage at the river bank with admiration.” This couplet was a play on Du Fus poem “Guest Comes” “宾至” “岂有文章惊海内,漫劳车马驻江干”. “Not having world famous excellent works, do not trouble dear people to got get off at the

23、riverbank”. Across through the fence door is the memorial hall of Du Fu, “Gong Bu Ci”. “Gong Bu” is the official title of Du Fu. The couplet hanging here is the work of He Shao Ji, the famous calligrapher of Qing Dynasty. “锦水春风公占却, 草堂人日我归来.” “Spring breeze, rippling water of brocade river, you enjoy

24、 alone; On peoples day to the thatched cottage, here back I come.” This couplet comes from a beautiful story of Du Fu and his best friend Gaoshi. When they were young, they used to accompany each other while touring around. During Du Fus stay in Chengdu, Gaoshi was an official here. He supported Du

25、Fu economically. On the 7th day of the Spring Festival, Gaoshi sent Du Fu a letter, a poem telling him that he missed his best friend. Years later, when Du Fu was boating on the Xiangjiang River, he happened to find this letter. Thinking about his best friend who had passed away, with great sadness

26、and loneness, Du Fu wrote a poem to mourn Gaoshi. So, it has become a custom that on the 7th day of the New Year, local scholarly people would gather here to honor Du Fu, and discuss his works with each other accompanied by dance and music. The Du Fus Thatched Cottage is still functional right now.

27、The government even established an Institute to study Du Fu poems and the culture of Tang Dynasty. Inside the Shrine of Gong Bu are 3 statues put up in the Qing Dynasty. The one in the middle is Du Fu, wearing in his official uniform. To his left is Luyou; to his right is Huang Tingjian. They were b

28、oth poets of Song Dynasty. Why put the 3 together? It is said there are three reasons: 1st, Luyou and Huang Tingjian followed Du Fu s poetic style, and advanced it. We can say their relationship is that of teacher and students. 2nd, they are all not native to Sichuan, but they took a refuge in Sichu

29、an, and wrote many poems to compliment the beautiful scenery of this land, and the local people respect them a lot. 3rd, they put them together so that they could chat with each other, and none would feel lonely. So far weve seen and heard so many couplets, but they were all works of later literati.

30、 Where can we see Du Fus poems? Follow me to the Du Fus poem hall. Here we can see Du Fus poems. Some of the books are ancient edition and are very precious. You want me to recite one Du Fus poem to you? “春雨: 好雨知时节, 当春乃发生. 随风潜入夜, 润物细无声. 野径云俱黑, 江船火独明. 晓看红湿处, 花重锦官城.” This poem is talking about one nig

31、hts spring rain in Chengdu. “Spring Rain: Good rain knows its season, comes when spring is here. Follow the wind into the night, moist water things very quietly. Heavy clouds over country path, lonely boat with shining lights. See the reddish wetness in the morning, heavy blooming in the city of bro

32、cade. Du Fus poem had been translated into 16 versions. If you are interested, you may find its English version here. The thatched pavilion is specially built to protect this piece of stele. On this stele is the inscription of infant Guo Qing Wang, the 17th son of Emperor Kang Xi in Qing dynasty. It

33、 is written “少陵草堂” “Shaoling Cottage”. “Shaoling”! Does it ring a bell? “Shaolin Temple, Shaoling monk and Shaoling Gongfu.” Those are well known to the world. You may know this from an American television series from the 1970s “Kung Fu.” I have never watched this, but my American friends told me ab

34、out it! This “Shaolin” is different. Du Fus homeland was near “shao lin”, the mausoleum of a Queen in of the Han dynasty. Du Fu called himself “Shao Lin Ye Lao”, “a wild old man in Shao Lin.” Weve already seen so many places, but which one is Du Fus former residence? I will tell you, “deep in the re

35、d flower and green willow, is the little bridge, running water and farmers house.” Follow me across the wooden bridge, right behind the thick willow, have you found Du Fus cottage? Yes, there it is. Described in Du Fus poem, there were 4 pine and 5 peach trees in front of the house. The 1st one who

36、rebuilt Du Fus cottage was Wei Zhuang, the Prime Minister in the 5 Dynasties Period. Later, it was expanded in to a memorial shrine in the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The cottage was made of wood and clay, and used cogon grass as its roof. It truly reflects the image of Du Fus cottage during his

37、life-time. And this is the typical style of an ancient farm house in Sichuan. Before the 1970s, there were still lots of farmers living in this kind of houses. But right now, you can hardly see one, even in the countryside. After the Reform and Opening, peoples living conditions have improved greatl

38、y in China. Come in, we can see some ancient furniture inside. See the small table? This is where Du Fu would write his poem. During the Tang dynasty, people were use to sitting on the floor. Deeply affected by the culture of Tang Dynasty, Japanese people still keep the custom of sitting on the floo

39、r.Let me show you the kitchen. This kind of stove is still in use at in the remote parts of Sichuan. A big pot is put on the top of the stove, covered with a lid. It could be used for frying, boiling, etc. Firewood was put below the pot. From this kind of stove comes one specialty of Sichuan, “老腊肉”

40、Old Preserved Pork. A piece of fresh pork, soaked with salt and spices, would hang above the stove. After one months scorching by the fire, it turns dry and is covered with black smoke. Sausage and preserved pork is one of the must-have dishes for the New Years eve dinner. It tastes fatty but not gr

41、easy. It also could be fried with garlic stalk. This is one of the dishes most favored by Sichuan people. Yum, Just talking about it makes my mouth water! Since you are in Chengdu now, you might have the chance to taste it. In 761, a storm destroyed Du Fus cottage, which led him to write one of his

42、masterpieces “茅屋为秋风所破歌” “The song of the autumn wind destroying my cottage”. In the last few lines, Du Fu expressed his desire for shelter for all the poor. We can see that even while Du Fu was living in such a bad conditions, he was still worrying about the people. Let me share one more of Du Fus p

43、oems with you: “绝句: 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳, 一行白鹭上青天. 窗含西岭千秋雪, 门泊东吴万里船”. “Two yellow birds singing in the green willow, one row of white egret flying on the blue sky. Years snow of the Xiling Mt. showing through the window, thousands of boats from Dong Wu anchoring in front of the door”. From this poem we can see t

44、hat Du Fus life in Chengdu was poor but peaceful and calm. An artist can always see the most beautiful side of an ordinary thing. Breathing the air here, have you felt the thick poetic atmosphere? Maybe one of you would like to recite an English poem for us? Are you feeling inspired? Better write it

45、 down right now. There is a table for you to write. I know that growing up in a different cultural background, we might not appreciate the same style of poetry. Chinese poems emphasize the _expression of the poets emotions and feelings through descriptions of the scenery, and are characterized by sy

46、mmetrical couplets. What is are the characteristics or requirements of an English poem? (at Huan Hua Ci) Now please guess who is this lady is? Du Fus wife? No! She was a neighbor of Du Fu. She was a pure country girl, whose surname was Ren. After Du Fu left Chengdu at in 765, Miss. Ren stayed here f

47、rom 766 to 779. Miss Ren was famous for her kindness. Once a Buddhist monk Taylor: Im not sure what you mean here?! heard people said that Miss. Ren was such a warm-hearted girl. He decided to test her. One day, when Miss. Ren was washing clothes with many girls at the riverbank, an ugly monk passed by. He stopped, and asked: “Could any one of you kindly wash my clothes for me?” Seeing the monk covered with festers all over his body and the smelly torn clothing soaked with blood and pus, all the other girls ran away with fear. Only Miss. Ren stayed and said: “Jus


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