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1、牛津初中英语8Aunit2 School life导学案Period 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit设计人:xxx 审核人:xxx一、学习目标:To introduce vocabulary used in British English and American English.To distinguish between British and American usageTo sort out vocabulary二、学习指导:Some words in British and American EnglishSome important word

2、s:单词 词性 词形变化相关考点和短语British adj.BritainBritish English and American English hall n. corridorThe dining halldifferent adj.difference(n.)Use different words, tell the differencesadvertise v.Advertisement(n.)Few advertisements, 缩写= ad.Some useful phrases: Why dont you Whats . like ?(like的不同用法)Few与little

3、的用法区别 Tell sb(not)to do sth Write to三、学习过程:课前学习:Preview comic strip and welcome to the unit。写出下列单词在英国英语和美国英语中的对应单词,并进行记忆。ChineseBritish English American English 秋天 autumn 足球 football 假期 holiday 数学 maths 橡皮 eraser 中学 Secondary school 邮件 mail 电影 电梯 elevator回答问题:Whats your school like?_.课堂学习Homework ch

4、ecking.Listen to the tape and find out the answer to the question and write it down:What does Eddie think school is like?_.II. Eddie和Hobo心中的学校是什么样的?根据你对他们的了解,请填空: Hobo wants to know _ dogs dont go to _ while people must go. Eddie thinks dogs are _ than people and they _ go to school. But Hobo still

5、wonders _ a school is like. Eddie thinks its just _ _ TV. But there are _ _ in it. Do you think so?Read the conversation , then ask and answer:Is school fun? _Is school like watching TV? _When you are watching TV, what do you like more, the programme you watch or the advertisements?_What do you like

6、 most about school, the assembly, the classes, lunchtime or the after-school activities?_.Some important sentences: a).Why dont you +动词原形(Why dont dogs go to school) b). 比较级+than (Were smarter than people) 介词 “像”“Whats your father like”-你父亲长什么样?是怎样的一个人?c).Like . unlike “不像” 动词 “喜欢” “What does your f

7、ather like?”-你父亲喜欢什么? dislike “不喜欢” 例句:介词+名词或动名词Its like watching TV.You must do it like this.He can climb trees like a monkey动词+名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词。He likes ice-cream/ swimming/ to swim/ her.I like shopping, but I dont like to shop now.回答问题:1)Whats your cousin like?_.2) What does your cousin like?_.d).

8、few-fewer-fewest. “少”+可数名词 little-less-least “少”+不可数名词 few、little表示“几乎没有” a few、a little表示有一些,但不多。 Its like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements. Im new here, so I have few friends. Dont worry, theres a little time left. Hurry up! Theres little time left.用few和little的适当形式填空:1)He made _mist

9、akes than you (do).2) He has _ friends than she.3)I have _ strength than he has.4) I have _ money than you. 5.Read the conversation and act it out in front of the class. 6. Show the class the British flat .What language do people speak in the two countries? Are there any differences between them? Ca

10、n you give us some examples? 7.Do Part A on Page 23 and read it out. 8.Look at the pictures and flags in Part B. Write down both the British and American words. 9.Read and remember them. Period 2 Reading (1)设计人:xxx 审核人:xxx学习目标:To guess general meaning from pictures and keywords.To understand feeling

11、s and opinionsTo identify specific information about school life学习指导: a.重点单词:(important words)单 词 词性 词形变化相关考点和短语myself pron.ourselvesteach oneself tasty adj.taste(v.)tastelesshealthy and tasty meals twice adv.two, secondtwice a week practice n./vi./vtpractise(v.) practice doing sth hero n.Heroes(pl)

12、tomato,potato,hero +es close adj.closed关闭的close friends=best friends admire vt.admire sb very much重点短语:(important phrases)1一所男女混合学校 a mixed school13下象棋play chess2.家政课Home Economics14.花许多时间练习spend lots of time practicing3.学会怎样做菜和缝纫 learn how to cook and sew15.在好友俱乐部at the buddy club4.独立做事do things fo

13、r oneself16.十二年级的高中生a senior in 12 th grade5.做健康美味的饭菜 cook healthy and tasty meals17.全面了解learn all about 6.有一个阅读周 have a reading week18.互相谈的高兴have a great time talking to each other7.带进家里的书和杂志 bring in books and magazines from home19.一种球类运动 a kind of ball game8.在每堂课即将结束时 near/ at the end of each cla

14、ss20.一个密友a close friend9.也as well = too21.关于烹饪的学科a subject about cooking10.上驾驶课 have driving lessons22.看美国女孩写的文章 read an article by a girl from the USA 11.开车送我去上学drive me to school23.你非常羡慕的人someone you admire very much 12.打垒球/棒球/乒乓/网球play softball/ baseball / table tennis/ tennis24.在十六岁at the age of

15、 16/ at age 16/ at 16 years学习过程:课前学习:1).Look for some information about schools around the world on the Internet, especially the life in a British school and the life in an American school._2).To learn what you think our Chinese school is like. Try to answer the following questions: (1).How many les

16、sons do you have every day?_ (2).What subjects do you learn?_ (3).How often do you have a class meeting?_ (4).What after-school activities do you have?_ (5).Do you join any kinds of clubs in school?_ (6).A hero is someone that you respect or admire. Do you have a hero?_课堂学习Check last periods after-c

17、lass work.Introduce some information about school life in Britain and in America.What do you think British/American school would be like?Listen to the first part over the recorder and answer the questions: a).Who wrote the first passage?_ b).What activity does the school have every year? _ 4.“T”or“F

18、”exercises:P26 Exercise C1. (1).John is in Year 9 at Woodland School, a mixed school. ( ) (2).John likes Home Economics best of all. ( ) (3).He knew how to cook healthy and tasty meals before coming to this school. ( ) (4).There is a Reading Week in his school every year. ( ) (5). The students can r

19、ead any books from the school library, but they cant bring in books from home. ( ) (6).They think a Reading Week is too short because they want to read more books. ( ) 5. Skim the second passage: Life in an American school. (1) Who wrote the second passage?_ (2) Who else are metioned in the passage?

20、_ 6. Scan for details, ask and answer: (1) What did Jim do in school last year?_ (2) How does Nancy go to school every day? What does she think of it? _ (3) Why does Nancy say Julie is her hero?_ (4) What do American students do during lunchtime?_ (5) What do the students do in the buddy Club? _ (6)

21、What do the students sometimes do after school? _ 7. Read the whole text and do the exercise C1 on Page26. 8. Read the whole passage after the tape. 9.You are divided into two groups and complete the table below: WhoJohnNancyWhereWhatWhenWhy 10. Do Part B1 on Page25 11. If time permits, do Part C2.C

22、. 课后学习:一、分门别类。阅读完课文,请把下列谈及的内容给John 和Nancy归类。1. a mixed school 2. go to school in a car 3. cook healthy and tasty meals4. talk to each other 5. Home Economics 6. play softball7. go to a bubby club 8. a reading week 9. go to shopping malls10. talk to friends about booksJohn_ _Nancy_ _二、经过本节课的学习, 你能介绍一

23、下 John 和 Nancy 所在的学校吗? (A) Johns school: John lives in _. He is a _ _ student in a school called _School. It is a _ school. Boys and girls have lessons _. John and his friends have many _ at school. Johns favorite one is Home Economics because he can learn how to _ and _. He knew _ about this _ he c

24、ame to this school. He even didnt know how to _ _ himself. But now you see he can cook _ and _ meals. Johns school has a _ _ every year. They _it very much. They read books from the school _ or from their _. They must tell their _ what they are reading. Near the _ of each class, they _ about the boo

25、ks of their friends with their friends. They all think the reading class is too _ because they want to read _ the books of their friends _ _. (B) Nancys school: Nancy is an _ girl. She is in _ _ at Rocky Mountain _ _ in the city of _. She has a _ _ Jim. Jim is 17 _ old. He had _ lessons in school la

26、st year. Now, he can drive on his _. He _ Nancy _ school every day. Nancy thinks it is _ because it is _ than _ the bus. Nancy likes _ very much. She _ it after school _a week. She _ lots of time _. When _ comes, she always goes to a “buddy _”. _ students tell new students about school _ there. Nanc

27、y _ it a lot. Her _ is Julie. Julie is also Nancys _ because she helps her with _ and often listens to her _. _ lunchtime, Nancy _ her friends and they always have a great time _ to each other. Sometimes, they go to _ _ after school.Period 3 Reading (2)设计人:xxx 审核人:xxx学习目标:To identify specific inform

28、ation about school lives from the articleTo master some language pointsTo understand the writers feelings and opinionsTo be able to express your ideas about your school lives学习指导:1mix(v.)mixed(adj.)2. 疑问代词+动词不定式。3反身代词myself, yourself, himself, herself, themselves, itself用法。4. bring与 take的区别。5As well

29、的用法。6Spend, cost, take, pay用法区别。7Practise-practice用法.8. learnabout用法9Have a great time用法10Chat-chatted-chatting11. must的用法三、学习过程:a. 课前学习: 1. Finish B2 on Page 25 and C2 on Page26 2. Try to talk about Johns school and Nancys school with your own idea.b.课堂学习: 1Check the last periods after-class work.

30、2. Some students talk about Johns and Nancys school lives according to the table. 3. Find out some useful expressions and what you cant understand by yourselves.The teacher will help you with these problems. 4.Teachers can explain the following language points:1)mix(v.)mixed(adj.) Fire and water do

31、not _.(水火不相容) In a _ school, boys and girls have lessons together.2). 疑问代词+动词不定式: 疑问代词who,what,which 和疑问副词when, where, how, why等后+to do,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语等成分。 How to start is still a problem.(作_) I dont know when to leave. (作_) My problem is how to deal with the broken bike. (作_)3)反身代词myself,yourself, hi

32、mself, herself, themselves,itself用法。 第一、二人称的反身代词由“形容词性物主代词”+-self或-selves构成;第三人称的反身代词由“人称代词的宾格” +-self或-selves构成。人称数第一人称第二人称第三人称单数myselfyourselfHimself, herself, itself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves 用法: (1)作宾语,动作的发出者和接受者都是一个人。(主语把动作反射到本人) He taught _ English.(he) She is too young to look after _.(s

33、he) (2) 作同位语,加强名词或代词的语气。“由自己,亲自、本人”。 He _(本身,本人) was a teacher. He worked out ther problem _.(自己) (3)常见的反身代词固定短语:亲自For oneself心里想Say to oneself自动Of oneself自言自语Talk/speak to oneself独自By oneself随便吃(用)help oneself to自学Teach oneself致力于Devote oneself to自己穿衣服Dress oneself玩得开心Enjoy onelf Please help _ to t

34、he fish, Lily and Lucy! You can decide for _.4). bring与 take的区别。 “bring”“拿来,带来”由远而近;“take” “带走”由近而远。 “carry”“搬运,运输,携带” Please _ your friend to the party. (bring) Please _ an umbrella with you ,its going to rain. He always _(carry)water for his Grandma.5)as well的用法:一般用在句末,肯定句中,常与“and” 连用,相当于“too”。“al

35、so”用在句中。 I can do it myself as well. Im going to London and my sisters coming as well. He is also a hero.否定句中用“either”表示 “也(不)”。I dont like apples, and my brother doesnt like them, either.6)Spend,cost,take,pay用法区别。 +on +sth人+spend+时间或金钱 +(in) +doing +sth人+pay+钱.for + 物.花钱买. 物+cost +sb+时间或金钱(+to do s

36、th)It + takes + sb +时间或金钱+ to do sth.(it是形式主语,指代后面的to do sth) Hes spent much of his life writing that book. That coat cost him too much. It took me three days to finish reading the novel. I paid $50,000 for the car.7)practise-practice用法. Practice 可作不可数名词或动词,作动词时=practise, 后加名词或动名词。practice doing sth

37、 She practices the piano every day. You need a lot of practice. They are practising _(speak) French. (speaking)8). learnabout用法: Learn nothing about 对一无所知 learn little about对了解很少Learn much about 对了解很多 learn a little/something about对了解一些Learn everything about对了如指掌 learn most about对了解得最多Learn more/les

38、s about 对了解更多/少 She helps me learn all about my new school. 9)Have a great time用法 have good/great/wonderful/ difficult/hard time doing sth We had a wonderful time _(travel) in France. He had a hard time _(finish) his task.10)Chat-chatted-chatting They _ at that time yesterday afternoon. They met at

39、the street and _ for a long time.11). must的用法:情态动词,表示“必须”“一定”“得”,主观上认为需要做某事。否定回答用“neednt”或“dont have to”,不用“mustnt”, “mustnt”表示“不允许”。Must we finish the exercise today?Yes, you must. (No, you dont have to/ you neednt)用于肯定句中,表示推测,“一定”“准是”等。否定的猜测用“cant be”You must be hungry, have something to eat.This

40、pair of glasses cant be Lilys, It must be Lucys , Its bigger. 5. CheckB2 on Page 25. 6.Make dialogues according to P25 B2. To talk about your school lives by asking and answering questions each other. Model:A: Where do you study, John? B: I A:What is your favourite lesson at school? B: Oh, my favour

41、ite lesson is . I like learning because. A: Do you have special activities at school? B: Yes. We have. Every year. We can. A:.c.课后学习:翻译:他想学会如何烧饭。 He _to learn_ _ _ _.他们总能在相互交谈中度过美好时光。 They always have a good time _ _ _ _.朱莉住在一幢高楼的地面层。 Millie lives _ _ _ floor of a tall building.这家餐馆的菜味道很好,我们经常来这里。 T

42、he dishes in this _ _ _. We often come here.这个令人兴奋的消息使我们很开心。 The _ news made us _ _.Period 4 Vocabulary设计人:xxx 审核人:xxx一、学习目标:To recognize and use nouns and noun phrases to indentify school subjects.To relate words and pictures to develop learning by association.To introduce new adjectives and revise

43、 adjectives to express opinionsTo use adjectives to form opposites.学习指导: a.重点单词:(important words)单 词 词性 词形变化相关考点和短语geography n. language n.Foreign languages science n.Scientist科学家 useful adj.uselessless后缀,表示否定 unimporatant adj. importantun前缀,表示否定 unpopular adj.popularun前缀,表示否定学习过程:课前学习: Try to retel

44、l the articlesTry to talk about your own school lifeCollect the words about school subjects and think about what you do in these classes._ _课堂学习Check the last periods after-class work.Ask one or two students to retell the text.Ask some students to say something about their school lives.One student d

45、escribes a subject and the students guess what they are.(P33 on Teachers Book) eg.You can draw or paint pictures.Art.List the new words on the blackboard and read and learn the words. Then finish Part A on Page 27 and check the answers.Use adjectives to talk about different school subjects:.is easy/

46、 important/interesting/useful.isnt easy/important/interesting/useful.It meansis difficult/unimportant/boring/useless.Finish Part B on Page23 and check the answers.Think of other examples, eg.unhappy, unhealthy, careless.(Explain that they will be able to increase their vocabulary by learning prefixe

47、s and suffixes.)Use these adjectives to make sentences.Talk about your favourite subjects:Whats your favorite subject and why?(Please talk about the subjects you are weak at as well and discuss how to improve them.)_课后学习:.将下列单词归类.Art, softball, PE, senior, Maths, rubber, Science, football, Computer

48、studies, paper, high school, ballpen, boatingSchool subjects: _ sports: _Schools and students: _ stationery: _.根据句意及首字母填空:Some students think that Geography is u _, but I dont think so. I think its very i_, because I want to learn more about it to help me travel around the world when I grow up.Its v

49、ery u_ for the boys to learn Home Economics(经济). Boys always think its not very important ,and that girls should learn it.Tommy likes learning foreign languages very much. He can speak French very well, but I think its b_ to spend so much time learning a foreign language.Science is sometimes d_ for

50、me, but I think its very u _and I should learn it. III:选择:( )1.He always _ a bottle of wine with him when he comes to dinner. A. take B. bring C. takes D. brings ( ) 2.You _ play games in this busy street A. mustnt B. neednt C. wont D. shall not ( )3.Must we clean the classroom now?No, you _. A. mus

51、t B. mustnt C. neednt D. arent ( )4. He has a good sense of humour. He often makes people _. A. to cry B. laugh C. crying D. laughing ( )5. The students of Class One will spend their summer holiday in Nanjing, but they cant decide _. A. what to do B. how to go C. where to go D. which to choose ( )6.

52、I beg your pardon? _. A. What? B. Dont say that C. You should listen to me carefully. D.I told you to put away your book. ( )7.Tom! Dont play with your toy alone. You must learn to _. A. have fun B. play C. share D. enjoy yourself ( )8.Students always have a good time _ each other. A. talk with B. t

53、alking to C. to talk D. talkingPeriod 5 Grammar(1)设计人:xxx 审核人:xxx一、学习目标:1)To review comparatives and superlatives.2) To compare amounts using “morethan”, “fewerthan”and “lessthan”3) To compare more than two things using “the most”for the largest amount or number and the fewest/ the least for the sma

54、llest amount.二、学习指导: 1).more/fewer/less.than的用法2)the most/the fewest/ the least的用法三、学习过程:课前学习: Review the comparatives and superlatives and finish the exercises below:Our school is much _(big) than yours.My classroom is _(bright) in our school.I found it _(easy) to learn Language than to learn Scien

55、ce.Computer Studies is _(popular) than Art among us.Which would you like of these dresses? This one. Its _(cheap)and _(nice)History is _(unpleasant) of all subjects.I like Home Economics better because it is _(interesting)than Languages.She found Geography _(boring) than Science.Write down the compa

56、ratives and superlatives of the given words.many _ _ much _ _ little _ _ few _ _课堂学习1Check the after-class work of the fourth period.2. Study the sample sentences at the top of the page.earn the idea of “morethan” “fewerthan”and “lessthan”. Look at the table and compare any two students. Make more s

57、entence about each picture. the most/the fewest/ the least的用于两者之间数量的比较: “more +可数名词复数或不可数名词+than”表示“比(数量)更多” “fewer +可数名词复数+than”表示“比(数量)少”“less +不可数名词than”表示“比(数量)少” e.g. Amy has _ flowers than Millie. Kitty has _ CDs than Daniel. Sandy has _orange Juice than Simon.3Elicit about six or seven counta

58、ble and uncountable nouns to illustrate the difference.use “more”, “less”, “fewer” to form the phrases: More friends fewer friends less water less time More hours more time fewer flowersRead and complete “work out the rule!” according to the phrases above.Students study the table in part A1 carefull

59、y. Complete sentences comparing two of the students.Do Part A3 Page 29.Learn Part B on Page29.Ask students to do Part B1 in pairs and then compare their answers with another pair.Ask students to study the pictures of the three meals in Part B2 carefully. Then encourage some students talk more about

60、them.课后学习一、选择:( )1.Your jacket is _ my jacket. A. like B. likes C. look like D liking ( ) 2.My shoes _ different from _. A. is, your B. are, yours C. are , you D. is, yours ( ) 3. Who has _ bread, Jim, Kate or Lucy? A. more B most C. the fewest D. the least ( ) 4. If you want to be healthier, you ha


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